What should I do if I confront him in the future? !

"This is impossible!!! This is impossible!!!"

While the other cosmic people were meditating, the Pedan star fell into madness. He looked at his most proud golden fortress, pressed his head with both hands, and shouted hysterically and unbearably:

"This is an illusion. This must be all an illusion. Where on earth did Ultraman come from? My golden fortress cannot be defeated. This is all an illusion created by the people on earth."

"The Pedans are causing chaos on Earth."

Yuan Subaru didn't pay attention to the cosmic man's madness. He looked down at the Pedan star and said:

"His behavior is unforgivable, and he is punished here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone saw that the golden light particles in the sky quickly gathered and turned into a vortex, constantly rotating. In the center of the vortex, a picture was slowly presented in front of everyone. The one in the center of the picture. This lonely planet made many people in the universe change their expressions, because it was the home planet of the Pedan people!

"You...what are you going to do?"

Seeing this scene, the Pedan star stopped going crazy. His arrogant words not long ago echoed in the mind of this cosmic man, and he couldn't help but feel cold all over. Although he didn't know what was going to happen next, he His heart was filled with an ominous premonition.

"The earth is sacred and inviolable!"

Yuan Subaru's eyes fell on the Pedan Star, and he clenched his fists, golden flames burning on them:

"You deserve to be severely punished!"

After saying that, Yuan Subaru punched the Pedan Star in the vortex. The flaming fist suddenly flew out and landed in the middle of the vortex. At the same moment, next to the Pedan Star in the universe, A stream of flames that was bigger than the Pedan Star and looked like a meteor suddenly appeared, and instantly bombarded the Pedan Star with a speed and force that exceeded the rules of the universe.


After the fire light dissipated, a thin, extremely compressed crystal with a partial rubbing of a fist mark was left floating in the universe at the location of the Pedan Star. It was like the tombstone of the Pedan Star. It is also like a warning sign, silently telling the cost of invading the earth!


Seeing this scene, no matter what other people's reactions were, the Pedan star fell into silence for the first time. He lowered his head and quickly tapped something on his portable terminal, but from his From the increasingly faster and more irritable movements, it can be seen that the results he obtained do not seem optimistic.

"Damn it!!!!"

In the end, the Pedan star let out a shrill scream, took out his weapon, and fired wildly at Yuan Subaru, shouting as if he was vomiting blood:

"How dare you! How dare you!! How dare you!!! I don't care what you are! The Pedan people will never let you go! Just die with this planet!!!"

"Hmph, I really can't be soft-hearted when dealing with people from this universe like you!"

When Yuan Subaru heard this, he couldn't help but smile in his heart. He didn't expect that before he even thought about annihilating the clan from the beginning, the Pedan star himself would put the 'hilt' into his hands.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru frowned, his tone instantly became extremely cold, and the light energy on his body began to become violent. He raised his hands, dark golden energy was surging, and said in a condensed voice:

"I just destroyed your planet. At least you are still alive. Not only are you not grateful for this, you even want to harm the earth. Sure enough, to deal with the people in the universe, we should eradicate them!"

After saying that, Yuan Subaru put his hands together, and the condensed energy turned into a tide, impacting in all directions. This impact spread over a huge range, and no matter what method, it could not be completely blocked.

Seeing this energy tide spreading out, some people in the universe were horrified, thinking that this was some kind of indiscriminate attack, and panicked and used various means to defend themselves. In the end, they could only watch the energy tide pass through their own bodies. Physically, some cosmonauts with poor mental endurance jumped over on the spot. It can be said that they were frightened to death from a physical level, and the surrounding cosmonauts quickly tried to save them.

But beyond their expectations, the energy tide not only did not harm them, but even brought back the vital signs of those cosmic people who had frightened them. This phenomenon made the people in the cosmos couldn't help but be shocked, but immediately they also When they realized it, this energy tide was not coming towards them. After all, the person who had just shouted at Ultraman was not of their own race.

So what is this for?

Naturally, they are the Pedan people. It can be said that this energy tide, with the assistance of the force of space and time, almost locked all the Pedan people in this plane universe, and then turned them into torches mercilessly. This scene looks like Everyone in the crowd couldn't help but feel frightened, but no one spoke. After all, the Pedan people who had the biggest objection to this had been exterminated.

And if I have to say something, some people in the universe may want to persuade Ultraman to discuss things easily and not be so extreme. Another part of the people in the universe began to miss the Kingdom of Light. If the Kingdom of Light is still there, If so, seeing their Ultra Warrior acting like this, they would have to send someone to stop him no matter what.

It would be best to capture such an extreme Ultra Warrior back to the Kingdom of Light after stopping it. This thing is really scary. Although everyone usually screams about annihilating the planet and annihilating the clan, he is serious about it! ! !

At this time, when the cosmonauts who were paying attention to Manhattan were complaining in their hearts, they noticed that the golden Ultra Warrior raised his hand again. Although they didn't know what he was going to do next, their hearts couldn't help but twitch. After getting up, Yuan Subaru released the wave of telekinesis from his hands, projecting a picture into the minds of the creatures whose eyes fell on his side.

And those pictures are evidence that the Pelorinka people are selling human flesh and blood!

This incident made the humans on earth feel nauseated, but they also couldn't help but ignite their anger. When they attacked the Pedan people before, there were still some humans who were not in Manhattan and were not threatened by the riots caused by the Pedan people. The members couldn't bear the fate of Planet Pedan and felt that Yuan Subaru was too cruel.

And now, seeing my compatriots being slaughtered in this way, and the dead who should have rested in peace being so defiled, I think of this bloody scene and the evil deeds of the Pelorinka people, and one day in the future, maybe my relatives and friends We may also encounter such misfortunes, but no human being with any conscience can calm down the anger in his heart.

The humans did not speak, but they were watching the giants, and the giants did not disappoint them. A new planet emerged from the golden vortex, and at the same time, the energy tide surged out again.

"Ouch, fuck!"

A Pelorinka star was frightened just now and was saved by the energy tide. But now, looking at the golden energy coming again, he opened his mouth with an extremely ugly face, and finally left these two last words. , and then turned into dust together with his home planet.

But Yuan Subaru's actions are not over yet. From the memories of the Pelorinka planet, he found a lot of information about buyers. These space people who like to eat people deserve to die, and the trial of these space people is justifiable. , in just half an hour, dozens of planets and their races were completely eliminated from this cosmic plane!

"Please stop, Ultraman."

At this time, just like the Pedan people hijacked communications before, an older voice came out from various earth communicators, a cosmic creature with a long head like a winter melon, and four pairs of eyes arranged vertically on the head. A human figure also appeared on the screen of the building next to him. He looked at Yuan Subaru and said seriously:

"I am the Speaker of the Star Cluster Council, Ubaraz. Nice to meet you."

Star Cluster Council.

The origin of this organization, Yuan Subaru saw in the memories of the Pelorinka planet, was formed after the giant of light Ultraman left the earth, and the civilizational planets outside the earth concluded a peace agreement, giving the universe The Alliance that brought peace has now been joined by Earth, but its existence is generally concealed.

"Ultraman, the Star Cluster Council can understand your desire and anger to protect the earth."

Speaker Ubaraz looked at Yuan Subaru, without giving Yuan Subaru a chance to answer, and continued:

"But everything must have a degree. Now that the Earth is also a member of the Star Cluster Council, let us and the people on Earth handle the next thing. You can stop. Do you really want to... Are all cosmic civilizations enemies?”

Although Speaker Ubalaz seemed to be advising and comforting him at first, in the end, it could be said that his true colors were revealed, and the threats in his words were unconcealed.

In response, Yuan Subaru calmly opened his hand. At that moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but be in a trance. They seemed to see countless stars shining, as if they were suddenly in the endless Milky Way. Then, that The shocking stars shrank rapidly, as if the entire universe was held in the hands of Ultraman. Then, as Yuan Subaru casually threw it outward, a colorful rainbow light flew out of the earth and rushed towards The depths of the universe.

At the same time, the Star Cluster Council and other cosmic people who had rapid intelligence sources immediately began to act after realizing something. The figure of Speaker Ubaraz also disappeared from the screen, and soon, the Star Cluster Council and Those cosmic beings got the news——

Although there is no conclusive data integration, there is no doubt that just now, under the attack of that rainbow energy, at least a hundred galaxies were destroyed, but there is no civilization on those galaxies. Areas to be developed.

Seeing this data, those cosmic people quickly began to order their subordinates to quickly investigate whether there is any of their own race who is doing evil on the earth. If there is, then they should 'sacredly cut' it and do not say anything to be implicated. This All species have begun to annihilate the murderous gods of the galaxy. They cannot afford to offend them at all!

267 Subaru: You can’t do this

The damage and impact caused by the attack just now spread quickly among the cosmonauts and scientific search teams. After all, such shocking news is nothing more than what was received by those whose sources were not blocked. It's just too late.

Therefore, at this moment, no one dares to look at this Ultraman with contempt anymore. There are probably not many Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light who can do that move just now.

"Ahem, what is that...丵."

Soon, a new cosmic figure appeared on the previous screen. He nervously tried to say hello to Yuan Subaru, but Yuan Subaru was keenly aware of the resentment in this new person.

Don’t get me wrong, this resentment is not directed at Yuan Subaru, but towards the person who pushed him to his current position. You can know the answer if you think about it for a moment. I think this cosmic person should have been attracted by the so-called star cluster. The council would push him out as cannon fodder.

If the next matter cannot be negotiated, and it is likely to be the kind of thing that may anger him, if necessary, the Star Cluster Council will probably send this guy to him to kill him to vent his anger.

Humph, this little idea is really ridiculous.

Yuan Subaru raised his brows slightly, and then a ball of dark gold light fell on the screen. Then, the screen on it began to switch, and the figure of Speaker Ubaraz, who had come out to negotiate before, appeared.

At this time, this cosmic being with four pairs of eyes seemed to be having a meeting. When they noticed Yuan Subaru's gaze falling here, the other cosmic beings who came to the meeting immediately realized what was going on and started to please him. With a similar smile, he exited the conference room neatly and tacitly, leaving Speaker Ubalaz with a face full of embarrassment and nervousness.

"Mr. Ultraman, I am just convening an urgent meeting on how to strengthen cooperation with the earth and prevent the recurrence of vicious events."

Under Yuan Subaru's silent gaze, Speaker Ubaraz stretched out his hand to wipe away the non-existent sweat and said bravely:

"Didn't the Cost Code Liaison Officer explain it to you? This is really a mistake on his part. Wait! Your Excellency, please wait!"

To be honest, Yuan Subaru just moved his body, but this seemed to make Speaker Ubaraz misunderstand something, and he hurriedly waved his hands and said:

"Mr. Ultraman, please don't get excited. I know what you are most concerned about at this time, but regarding the matter of space immigration, this is indeed something that cannot be solved for a while. After all, you also know that because of the matter in your hometown , the universe is not as safe as it was before.”

Regarding what Speaker Ubalaz said, it is actually widely spread among cosmic people. Almost all cosmic people of certain status know about it, but currently on earth, only a very small number of human members know this——

Ultraman, this intelligent life form known as the Giant of Light who has saved mankind countless times, comes from the M78 Nebula, the Kingdom of Light planet, three million light years away from the earth. They originally looked similar to the people on earth. Exactly the same, but they lost their light after the star exploded as a supernova 260,000 years ago.

As an alternative, they invented an artificial sun, and were affected by it, gaining special powers. Only then did the Ultraman family officially appear in the universe.

But decades ago, the artificial sun in the Kingdom of Light went wild. In the M78 nebula, there were a total of 69 million planets. This artificial sun went wild, causing 80% of the planets including the Kingdom of Light to go wild. The disappearance of the planet has caused a devastating blow to time and space.

And this devastating blow caused a huge crack in time and space. Starting from the crack, although slowly, the universe is indeed shrinking continuously. This is the [Universe Contraction Phenomenon] spread among the people in the universe. .

"This series of changes is the fundamental cause of alien immigration."

Speaker Ubalaz talked to himself and told all the people on earth the truth. At this time, the spaceman looked at Yuan Subaru and said in a sad tone:

"Mr. Ultraman, you may have been away from your hometown for too long, so you have no specific understanding of the development of things there..."

"So, you cosmic beings really don't have ears."

Yuan Subaru looked at Speaker Ubaraz who was just performing there without any reaction, and said coldly:

"I have already said that I am a giant of light born from the earth, and the earth is my hometown. Do all Ultraman in this universe have to register in the Kingdom of Light before they can appear? "

"Oh, hypocritical."

These words were not spoken by Speaker Ubaraz, but by a guy with a human face, but whose inside was controlled by space people. Yuan Subaru looked over there and saw that this guy seemed to be admired. A companion of the Dan Star people, although he looks like an Earthling, neither his outer body nor the things inside him are related to the Earth at all.

"In order to get away with it, I even cut off my hometown. It's a pity that a guy like you doesn't come to join us, you heartless thing."

It seemed that he felt that he was dead. After he thought that he had found a way to disgust Yuan Subaru, this cosmic man who didn't care about his home planet and his people said with a crazy smile:

"The earth was born again. Who are you fooling with such nonsense! If you call the earth, will it move? It's a joke! Hahaha!!!"

"Earth, answer me."

Looking at the laughing cosmic man, Yuan Subaru calmly snapped his fingers. At that moment, all the creatures on the planet noticed something strange. Although the ground did not tremble, they felt their feet shaking. .

The people on Earth had a more obvious feeling. They felt a sound like a beating heart. At that time, the heartbeat frequency of all people on Earth reached the same frequency, as if the heartbeat was made by them together, just like human beings. The whole has fallen into a warm and non-estranged realm, establishing an intimate connection with all the elements that make up this planet and becoming one.

Then, in the sky, in the earth, and under the ocean, a colorless breath of pure energy surged out, like a breeze, blowing on Yuan Subaru's body. At that time, red, blue and white were integrated into the armor module of [Eternal·Primitive]. On top of it, the lines extending out are perfectly intertwined on it, making the visual oppression of [Eternal Original] slightly lessened.

*Cosmic expletive*, is this really a response? Is this really Ultraman from Earth? ! No, what kind of geomantic treasure is this earth? This... this... makes no sense, no reason!

Seeing this scene, the people in the universe were completely confused. As for the shock... let me push back on this kind of thing for the time being. Now there is a very troublesome thing that can be called an unsolved mystery of the universe. There is no time for shock!

At this time, Yuan Subaru himself was...

ah? He really responded.

Yes, Yuan Subaru was also stunned for a moment. At the beginning, he was so confident in asking the earth to respond to him, just because the power of dreams was ready. It was not too simple to disguise the scene. These cosmic people wanted to After discovering his own methods, Yuan Subaru felt that they didn't have the ability at all.

But what Yuan Subaru didn't expect was that just as he finished speaking, the planet's [Voice of Stars] was actually triggered. This kind of miraculous thing appeared in front of him so easily. Yuan Subaru felt a little unreal for a moment. After all, he had been so desperate before, and this [Voice of the Star] didn't show up.

But it doesn’t matter. Since [Voice of the Stars] is so cooperative this time, then I should make good use of this power. After all...

The appearance of [Voice of the Stars] should resonate with his desire to deal with the cosmic beings. It seems that the earth in this cosmic plane does not like the visit of these cosmic beings.

But before starting the killing, I still have something to do. Although I can't evaluate the composition of this Star Cluster Council, and I don't know the purpose of this organization's existence, they have just given the clue to me. It would be a shame not to slap him hard with a handle.

"Speaker Ubalaz, right?"

"Just call me Ubaraz."

Yuan Subaru's voice instantly drew the attention of everyone around him. At this moment, Speaker Ubalaz's tone was particularly uncertain. In any case, the current situation was completely different from just now.

If just now we were able to use weak knives such as seducing the people of Earth to put this giant of light at a disadvantage in public opinion, now it is completely out of the question. Let’s not mention that he is a serious [Earth Incarnation]. At this time, the earthling looked at him with eyes that were so trusting that he was afraid that any soft knife would be useless.

"You said it was because the artificial sun from the Kingdom of Light went crazy, causing the cracks in time and space, right?"

Yuan Subaru stretched out his hand towards Speaker Ubaraz and said softly:

"Here, show me the relevant data."


"Ah, what? Didn't you observe the cracked space and time?"

Looking at Speaker Ubalaz who was not around for a moment on the screen, Yuan Subaru said in a very natural tone:

"The severe damage to time and space is severe and lasting, and the scope of the impact is not fixed within a certain designated range. It is no exaggeration to say that the 'past', 'present' and 'future' will all be affected by it. Not to mention that this time there will still be a huge crack that will shrink the universe."


This time, Speaker Ubaraz was really starting to sweat. He didn’t expect that this giant of light who came from a bumpkin planet like the Earth had such a deep understanding of the existence of time and space. Part of what Yuan Subaru said just now , Speaker Ubalaz himself didn’t know much about it, so he could only put his hands behind his back and signal his subordinates to confirm it for him quickly.

"Although the Earth is three million light-years away from the M78 Nebula, the so-called [distance] is completely meaningless in terms of time and space."

At this time, on Earth, Yuan Subaru was not only talking, but he also used his light power to write down a series of formulas out of thin air. This is a serious calculation process of the space-time model framework, but it is a pity that it seems that only Yuan Subaru currently has it. Knowing what he was writing, the cosmonauts who were paying attention to the movement here all shook the scientific researchers who knew the space-time theoretical system, eager to know what those formulas represented.

Looking at those formulas, Speaker Ubalaz felt that the data that had just been transmitted from his terminal was quite hot. He knew very well that the so-called [Crack Point] had no relevant observation data records in the Star Cluster Council, so When these data were presented, Ubalaz was really afraid of being exposed on the spot.

"It's a lie."

However, just when Ubalaz was debating whether to take out the data on the terminal and how to reorganize his words, Yuan Subaru's sudden words made him shake his hands in shock and almost throw away the terminal. come out.

Yuan Subaru didn't pay attention to Ubalaz's situation, but he was minding his own business. After writing '=0' at the end of the formula, he said calmly:

"No matter how I calculate, I can't get the so-called [slowly expanding space-time crack point]. Even if it is the minimum stellar energy level that meets the conditions, the space-time collapse created, oh, that is, what you call "heavy damage", the fracture points created by this will form a huge space-time black hole in a very short time, and then enter the space-time fault, creating a terrifying number of dense collapse points..."

Speaking of this, Yuan Subaru hugged his arms and said:

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