037 A bit similar, looks familiar

Taro's arms can release regenerative healing light with life energy, which can repair the injuries of living things. It can also repair the damage of non-living objects, such as robots, and make them intact as before. This is what he inherited from his mother Ultra's mother. Ability, therefore, in the face of Yuan Subaru's serious injury, his regeneration light is undoubtedly the best at the moment.

Following Ace's instructions, Taylor fired a regeneration light at the open space over there, which happened to coincide with Yuan Subaru's rebirth. Before the boy's injury could explode, the light enveloped him. Yuan Subaru groaned and lowered his head to look at him. Not to mention the wounds on his body, even his clothes were repaired. This surprised the young man. He reached out and tried to intercept part of the regeneration light for research. If he knew how to do this, he would be able to drag the dark Mephisto to death. Guy.

"Wait, wait, don't accept it yet, I haven't...huh?"

As the treatment ended, the regeneration light naturally withdrew, and Yuan Subaru subconsciously kept it. At this time, the corner of his eyes swept to the side, looking at the five Ultraman, the young man was stunned for a moment, and suddenly returned to his dream. Different dimensional space, I can’t help but complain:

"Isn't this five-on-one a bit too much?"

‘Does this child have no memory of just now? ’

‘It seems so. ’

Zuo Fei and Shodai exchanged glances. Just when he was about to try to communicate with Yuan Subaru, he saw something was wrong with the young man's face. He was holding his face with both hands. There was a red light flashing in his eyes, and wisps of black energy came from him. overflowed from his mouth.

"The alien beast, the alien beast, the alien beast is not dead yet, I want to go back, I have to go back, ah!!"

As the erosion of darkness returned, Yuan Subaru's appearance became ferocious again, even the transparent voice turned into harsh electronic music, and the eyes he looked at the Ultra brothers became fierce, and he became a completely different person. Similar.

‘It is his body that is being taken over by darkness. We are here to eliminate the darkness and treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. ’

Jack saw what the problem was. As soon as he expressed it, he saw Ace whip out an Ultra Disc Blade. When Subaru went, Ace threw it up into the sky and cursed, "You bastard!" ’

'Ace, what are you...'

‘Nothing, just scolding a certain energy body that was floating above and had to have its shield broken to come out. ’

Ace explained calmly, then looked at Yuan Subaru who was under control again, thought for a moment and said:

‘Give him our light. Although we can’t figure out what happened now, with these five layers of light, this child should be able to deal with his enemies and eliminate the darkness. ’

'good! ’

Looking at the frantic Gen Subaru, the Ultra brothers nodded. After all, from the appearance of the young man, it was obvious that the war situation on his side was urgent and he might not have time to communicate slowly.

So, Zuo Fei used his soft force to push Yuan Subaru back, and when they pulled away, the five Ultra brothers put their hands on the energy core and waved outwards. The light shone, and the colorful brilliance condensed on Yuan Subaru's body. In front of him, the black energy was dissipated, allowing the young man to regain his consciousness again. The panting Yuan Subaru looked at the colorful light floating in front of him, and looked up at the five figures. He seemed to understand something in his confusion, and pressed hard He grabbed it and said weakly:

"I swear in the name of my father, I will never let down this power, and I will fight the darkness until the end! Henshin!"

Yuan Subaru yelled and raised the five-colored light above his head. The brilliance of the five-pointed star bloomed in the deep blue space. The dream training space immediately began to scatter under the impact. Before being returned, the Ultra brothers could vaguely see In the center of the light that was so bright that it was difficult to look directly, a figure emerged. He made a fist with one hand and raised it high, and the other hand made a fist and raised it to the side of his head, standing between the sky and the earth.

"Taylor, why did you wake up so quickly?"

Hikari, who was busy connecting the wiring to Taylor's body in the Kingdom of Light, looked at the Ultra Warrior who suddenly sat up, silently removed the wiring and said:

"Did something unexpected happen?"

"Ah, what a surprise that makes people feel mixed emotions."

Taro nodded, then roared, and the Ultra Horn released light, releasing all four of his brothers. Hikari hurriedly moved the energy replenisher prepared in advance, so that each of the five Holding one, after all, the 'Super Tyro' form consumes quite a lot of energy.

Of course, the main reason is that Hikali wanted to take the opportunity to test the light energy replenisher. It is not easy to replenish energy in the Kingdom of Light. It will be full just after walking out to bask in the sun.

"The situation of that Ultra warrior is so bad that he has been forced to ask for power from the darkness."

Jack held the energy recharger and inhaled the light energy, and said with emotion:

"Although I had expected it when I saw his desperate look before, I didn't expect..."

"That child's ideas are too easy to be extreme."

The first generation sighed, raised his head and looked at the sky and said:

"When we give him energy, we don't want him to fight monsters to the death."

"By the way, where is my father?"

Taro remembered something and looked at Hikari and asked.

"The captain said that he vaguely sensed the source of the faint message and had already chased it out." Hikali glanced at the data that had not been collected, sighed and replied, "But since you are back, I think it will The captain should be heading back as well.”

"Ace, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Jack suddenly asked:

"You haven't spoken since you came back. What are you thinking about?"

"That, doesn't it look familiar to you?" Ace pondered for a moment and then said hesitantly, "The way the child just transformed, although there is only an outline, I don't think it looks like Nexus. But I can’t put it into words, it always feels so familiar..."

"I also have this feeling."

Zuo Fei supported his chin with both hands, resting it on the light energy supplementer, and said thoughtfully:

"It feels indescribably familiar when it comes to my mouth."

"When you said this, I felt a little bit like that."

The Ultra brothers all frowned and lay on the light energy replenishers, falling into silence. Hikali was confused. As a scientist, his curiosity wanted him to join in, but they seemed unable to tell. What's the reason?

However, as a scientist, it is important to control one's self-interest. No, curiosity is a basic lesson. At this time, it is good to divert your attention. Hikali said casually while sorting out the data:

"You don't have to worry so much. When Zero comes back, with his shield, it will be convenient to trace the whereabouts of the Ultra Warrior. Then you can just take a good look at him and recognize him. There is no need to do it now. Wait... wait, why are you looking at me like this?

038 【Miracle·Pleiades】

Halfway through Hikari's words, he suddenly felt a chill on his back. He subconsciously looked back and saw that all the Ultra brothers were looking at him, with their bright, big eyes staring at Hikari. Kali couldn't help but take a half step back and whispered:

"I'm not saying I'm not anxious, but you see, it's useless to be anxious here now. It's better to go back and recharge your batteries. When there is news, you can be the first to..."

"No, no, this shouldn't be possible."

However, the Ultra brothers didn't listen to Hikari's words at all. It would be better to say that they were never on the same channel. Zoffi waved his hand and said:

"That child Zero has grown up under our noses. He has only been out alone for a long time. That Nexus is already so old. It's impossible."

So big...

Hearing this, Ace couldn't help but think of the boyish stamping of his feet, just like Taiga and Zeta when they were children. But in the end, Ace still didn't say it out loud. Just like Hikari said, some things didn't. If you have to guess, just wait until someone finds it and ask. Anyway, the Ultra signature for Zero has been sent out. As long as he comes back, just ask.

At the same time, Ace was silently glad that Brother Seven was not in the Kingdom of Light, otherwise Brother Seven might not be able to sit still.

On the other side, Dark Mephistopheles was hiding behind Garubelos and shivering, while the front of Garubelos was a bloody mess. Even if the regeneration cores in the three heads were not destroyed at the same time, Garubelos is immortal, but under the attack of the dark figure's mad dog, it doesn't have much power to fight back.

The light absorption ability from Jayton is basically useless. People don't use light at all, not to mention the hypnotic light waves. Garubelos used hypnosis on the enemy, but he was almost counter-'hypnotized'. Dark Mephistopheles Shidu felt that he almost lost control of Garubelos.

As for going on your own...

Dark Mephistopheles looked at the purple-black flames burning on the torn wound on his abdomen, and was speechless for a moment. No matter what this dark figure was, he was still very restrained in himself, and the light that hit him Part of it was offset by the entangled black smoke and flames, and part of it was absorbed by him. The rest was completely painless when hit on the body. What kind of monster is this!

And at this moment, inside the dark figure, the light that originally suppressed the darkness suddenly shone slightly. In the dark soul, colorful rays of light appeared in resonance with it. The two lights merged into one and turned into a tear. At the dawn of the long night, the evil flames were broken through, the tornado of despair was annihilated, and the flowing light illuminated everything, burning away the darkness.

But after the ravages of the violent storm, there was a soft glow, and in the watery moonlight, a silver and blue giant emerged from it. He looked like a fully armed general, with the symmetrically curved horns of his head setting off the middle It has a prismatic gem-like blue core, and there are three pairs of additional modules with water patterns on the left and right sides of the energy lamp on the chest. The armor on both arms is somewhat similar to [Armed Nexus], and the blue lines extending from the waist are worn through Through the silver skin, connected to the seemingly thin leggings, in the center of the full moon that emerged quietly, he stayed there quietly, but without anger!

There is no doubt that the pressure brought by this newly appeared giant is by no means comparable to that of Nexus in his juvenile form, but Dark Mephistopheles breathed a long sigh of relief, at least that terrifying darkness The figure is gone. As for this new giant...

Dark Mephistopheles tried silently, "Very good, the dark realm has been suppressed by this 'moonlight', then retreat!"

Mizorogi Shinya ran out without looking back. In this battle, the opponent changed three forms, each one more ruthless than the other, so the fool continued to resist here.

But Dark Mephisto wanted to leave, but Subaru refused. He waved his hand at any time, and the gauze-like moonlight suddenly turned into a thin line everywhere, trapping Dark Mephisto tightly. Garuberos roared and opened his mouth. The lava ball that had been accumulating heat through Jetton's head since the start of the battle was aimed at Subaru and sprayed out. The terrible temperature suddenly melted the earth, and even Dark Mephisto in the distance felt the burning pain on his skin. Although the lava ball did not reach one trillion degrees, its power was definitely not something that this planet could bear.

On the other side, facing such a dangerous attack, Subaru did not have any intention of dodging. He just pinched out the sword finger with both hands and pointed it at the gem core in the middle of the head armor. As the colorful light flashed in it, a dreamy halo appeared in Dark Mephisto's vision, and then... the Night Raid fighter, Garuberos, the lava ball, and himself were all put into the bubble without knowing when.

Then, Dark Mephisto saw Subaru snap his fingers, and the lava ball that was enough to destroy the planet's ecosystem after the explosion turned into a phantom as the bubble burst.


What on earth is this? I don't understand it!

Dark Mephisto screamed in fear in his heart. This is definitely not a guy he can deal with. Someone, help!

Looking at Subaru's snapping fingers, Goroki Shinya's pupils almost shrank into pinholes. He didn't know which bubble he was going to break this time, but it was precisely because of this that he felt extremely terrified. The pain of watching death fall bit by bit made Goroki Shinya feel the torture called despair.

The snap of fingers sounded, and fine cracks appeared on the bubbles of Garuberos and Dark Mephisto. This was so obvious and slow in the perception of the dark giant. Goroki Shinya felt that he was about to suffocate. He was not suppressed by Subaru's power, but was strangled by his own terror.


At this time, the dark evil thoughts rushed into the moonlight, pulling out Garuberos and Dark Mephisto. Yuan Subaru recognized him. Zagi's twisted and ugly dark fluctuations were too easy to identify. Now it seems that he has become stronger. It seems that after leaving Yamaoka's body, this guy began to absorb dark energy without scruples.

"Boy, you want..."

Zaki looked at the alien beasts and dark giants who were still injured by the bubble power even though they were pulled out by him, and prepared to start a wave of taunts. However, Yuan Subaru had no intention of talking nonsense with him. He tapped the double horns on his head with his sword finger, and then changed his hands into palms, slowly swung them down in an arc to both sides, and a crescent-shaped head dart projection was pulled out and began to rotate at high speed, like the moon's clone, and also like the messenger of death who was about to come!

039 Conspiracy

Without any extra words, the rotating head dart and the moon emitted a soft light. At the same time, beautiful epiphyllums bloomed under the interweaving of light, stunning like art.

Gorumi Masaya was immediately immersed in this stunning scene, but at this moment, Zaki suddenly made a move and dragged Gorumi Masaya forward. The former deputy captain of the night attack team frowned in dissatisfaction, but after waking up, he found that he had several wounds on his neck at some point. They were the wounds he scratched with his claws.

The cause of this result was naturally the epiphyllum, but the flower was not a sharp blade for killing. It was just a creation transformed by the moonlight. Zaki reached out and picked a piece. The petals were soft and moist, and even had a fragrance. It did not represent killing, but it would influence killing, just like Gorumi Masaya just now. The influenced people would count their sins in intoxication, and the warriors under the moonlight would give mercy to the enemy in sweet dreams.

Thinking of this, Zaki stretched out his hand and crushed the petals, his face suddenly gloomy. Mercy and judgment have always gone hand in hand, so those who are not influenced will naturally be greeted by rage like a raging wave.

The fact is just as Zaki expected. When all the epiphyllums were blown away by the cold wind, the sky was descended by deep blue thunder. Dark Mephisto raised his claws and deployed a defensive barrier, but the barrier was pierced in the blink of an eye. Garuberos began to absorb the thunder rays, but after absorbing only three, the running lightning began to travel all over its body.

This is not just light energy, but also telekinesis!

Zaki, who evaded flexibly, analyzed the results through the attacks of his two men, then sneered, raised his hands, and the dark light curtain eroded the moonlight from bottom to top. Dark Field G (Dark Field G Development) engulfed everything with a power far beyond the dark field.

In response, Yuan Subaru raised his hand and waved it horizontally, reflecting the shadow of the moon in the darkness, and began to purify the filthy breath.

But it is undeniable that the power of Miracle Moonlight was indeed affected by this, and this is exactly what Zaki wanted. He teleported in front of Subaru, and his fist with dark sparks splashed at Subaru in the form of Miracle Subaru Moon. The power of the fist made the moon behind Subaru appear like ripples.

At this time, the head dart projection that was rotating on the side suddenly appeared on the track of Zaki's fist, absorbing all the power in it. At the same time, another head dart projection moved to Zaki's back at noon, spitting out the power of the dark fist, giving Zaki a taste of his own medicine.

Zaki sneered disdainfully. This was his own power, so how could it hurt him? Zaki calmly swallowed the dark energy that attacked him, and then launched a more fierce attack.

However, more and more head dart projections surrounded him, and some mysterious links were built between them. Zaki kept increasing the intensity of the attack. They relied on this link to support each other, still swallowed the energy, and fought back. Although this energy would be swallowed again by Zaki in the blink of an eye, it was like stuffing a lot of food in one breath every time. If it happened more often, it would always have an impact on his body. Especially when he had to fight with the Ultra Warriors next, the state would undoubtedly affect the outcome of the battle.

Thinking of this, Zaki hit his fists in front of his chest, and the majestic dark aura turned into sharp arrows and shot out in all directions. The head dart projections moved immediately and blocked the attack on Yuan Subaru, but at the same time, under this indiscriminate attack, Zaki realized what the head dart projections relied on to build the link.

It is the diffuse reflection of light. The light reflects in all directions, and invisibly outlines a no-dead-angle encirclement. These head dart projections adjust their positions autonomously through the reflection loss caused by the dark energy to protect the caster. In other words, from beginning to end, the Ultra Warriors did not spend energy and light energy on this, so...

What was he doing during this time? !

Zagi suddenly realized the key to the problem, and the ominous feeling in his heart increased immediately. He roared like a beast, and [Zagi The Final] erupted, turning all the nearby light into darkness, causing all the head dart projections to drop offline. At the same time, the assimilated light turned into a torrent and blasted towards Minamoto Subaru.

It was not until this time that Minamoto Subaru took action. With a flick of his finger, the space split, and Zagi's attack was stopped a hundred meters away. Then, the giant of light crossed his hands, the energy core flashed, and his hands spread out gracefully.

In an instant, the giant and the bright moon seemed to be indistinguishable from each other. The soft moonlight spread in every corner of the space, melting all the darkness like snow. Garuberos unfolded the barrier, but the barrier was not without blind spots. It enabled the ability to absorb light, but this ability made the melting start from its inside.

Dark Mephisto frantically spread dark energy around to slow down the pace of death, but desperately found that this struggle was useless.

Zagi was okay. After all, he was a man-made man made based on Noah. He continued to use [Zaki·Final] to eliminate the light around him and feed the darkness in it back to himself, but the pervasive Ultraman's telekinesis still made him a little overwhelmed. To be honest, Zagi couldn't figure out what biological materials were used in the biochemical experiments that produced this generation of fit people. It was okay that the light energy reserve was large, but the telekinesis was also quite strong. Was he planning to create a father for himself?

But no matter how much he cursed, it was useless for the current situation. Zagi was very unwilling. If he could reach the last step of the plan, this form of the fit would never be his opponent. He had to get out, he had to get out... Damn it! If he hadn't been greedy and saved those two trash, everything would be fine!

Zagi cursed while tearing a gap in the light. Although the gap was fleeting, he successfully activated the backup plan left outside. As Zagi's dark vibration wave spread to the world, the alien beasts that had not yet awakened or grown up all roared and grew stronger, frantically attacking the nearest creatures. The alarm bells of the TLT branches rang loudly, and all the combat personnel were mobilized and rushed to the battlefield urgently. In an instant, smoke and death spread everywhere on the earth.


The successful Zaki laughed sarcastically and said with contempt:

"Look, look, humans are being hunted by alien beasts. As the patron saint of humans, do you want to continue to fight with me here? Humph, hehe, let me declare first that I can fight with you for a day, hahaha!!!"

040 Life and Death Moment

A day? Then increase the dose!

The giant in the moon retracted his hands, hugged them in front of his chest, and looked down at Zaki. The awe-inspiring power triggered the change of the fatal beam. If the gentle sunlight that melted the snow just now is now a blazing fire that burns the wilderness, the dying dark Mephisto would want to curse if he still has the strength. Do you think you are great? Still provoking at this time, and Garuberos...if it can speak, it will curse even more harshly.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't you hear the human's cry? Could it be... Ugh!!!"

Zaki's words were suppressed by the more intense light and were beyond words, but he showed a triumphant smile. He knew very well that the power of this Moonlight Kill was terrifying. As long as he didn't stop this move, he had no chance of escaping. But, even Ultra Warriors have their limits. While you are trying your best to destroy me, do you still have the energy to deal with other things?

It's coming, it's coming, it's coming, it's coming!

Zaki laughed grimly in his heart, and the source of his pride was the [Zagi Galaxy] that he had activated with his backhand before. One of the uses of this move is to use dark waves to summon meteorites from the asteroid belt. In the years of planning, he has already prepared a group of meteorites that can cause the destruction of the earth.

Now...Ultraman, choose, do you want to kill me, or destroy the meteorites, eliminate the alien beasts, and save mankind! Hahahaha!!!

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