
After appeasing his companions, Shizama Yumei got up and ran towards the previously agreed upon location.

Meanwhile, on the other side….

"Let me go, Carmilla, let me go out and fight with Trigga again!"

The battle between Telijana and Chimaila also fell into the eyes of the awakened dark trio. Dagon looked at Telijana's unusually ugly appearance for the dark giant, and he immediately wanted to fight. Man wanted to rush out and fight with Triga, but was held down by Carmilla.

"Don't worry, there will be a time when you fight."

Carmilla is still the same as she was 30 million years ago, and her appearance has not changed at all. She looked at Dagon, who was bound by a whip, and said softly:

"Thirty million years ago, we have already suffered losses. This time, we cannot fall twice in the same place. When our plan succeeds, no matter how cunning and cunning that woman Youshalei is, it will not help. Now, Dagon, stay calm."

While Carmilla and Dagon were talking, Yuan Subaru also appeared on the broken battlefield. Looking at the ruins around him, he quickly came to the broken shop on the left. When he looked inside, he saw the difficulty of getting up. This young man is wearing the same organizational uniform as Shizama Yui. Looking at him, it seems that the injuries he suffered when fighting the monster Chimaila in the form of the Giant of Light have also been faithfully fed back to the human body.


It's not appropriate to say that.

After all, this young man is Telika, and there is no distinction between the real body and the human body.

"Phew...it hurts..."

At this time, the young man covered his arms and groaned softly. He reached out and gently touched the bruises on his face, showing a look of pain.


Seeing this scene, Yuan Subaru opened his mouth and shouted, and then the young man inside subconsciously said, ‘Huh? ’ responded, and then Yuan Subaru saw the young man’s face change suddenly, his eyes wandering everywhere, and he became visibly panicked, and he shouted very deliberately:

"Ultraman? Where where? Where is Ultraman?"

"Has anyone ever told you that your acting skills are terrible?"

Yuan Subaru walked in with his hands behind his back, looked at the young man in front of him, circled around him, and said:

"And, do you think I'm a fool? Because of your random shouting, you doubt whether I just saw it wrong? Ultraman Trigga, what do you think?"

"Ah... Arnold... this, this, this..."

This young man had no idea that something like this would happen. Without any mental preparation, he quickly thought about how to deal with it. He nervously wiped his hands on his uniform. Then, he simply clasped his hands together and said in a humble tone. He begged and said:

"Please don't tell anyone. It's better not to expose my identity now. This is for everyone's good."

"Why can't you say it? Why can't you say it? Is there some shameful thing going on?"

Yuan Subaru still looked the same, with his hands behind his back, he walked around in a circle and said:

"Is the so-called Giant of Light, Ultraman Trigga, actually a creation of the Earth Defense Force? Was it some terrible biochemical experiment? Could it be that in secret, you sacrificed many innocent people to achieve this goal? Human? This is too scary. I didn’t expect your organization to be so dark. No, I have to make it public immediately so that everyone can take a good look at the face of your Earth Defense Force."

"No, that's not the case. Don't talk nonsense like this."

Listening to Yuan Subaru's words, the sweat on the young man's forehead became more and more, and his speechless expression became more tense. After seeing Yuan Subaru turning around and leaving, he rushed forward and stopped Yuan Subaru. He barely maintained a smile and said:

"Please calm down. What you just said are just your conjectures. This is not the case. I am Ultraman Trigga, which is good, but I will become Trigga. This has nothing to do with the Earth Peace Alliance. It’s related.”

"What do you say, do I have to believe it?"

However, Yuan Subaru was still bothering him. He shook off the young man's hand and said in a wary tone:

"I didn't expect that you are actually Teliga. I have recorded what you just said. Humans... can actually become that huge. How many heretics like you exist around the world? , is it true that as long as we humans don't obey your orders for a moment, you giants will wipe us out? It's terrible. This is really terrible. The so-called giants of light and those monsters are just the same thing. Everyone has been deceived, and I want to tell the whole world the truth!”

Yuan Subaru speaks very fast, and after being trained by TLT-J, he still has some experience in how to provoke people's emotions. What he just said made him feel that his blood pressure was beginning to rise. When he came down, he wanted to see how this human-looking Teliga would react.

Oh, yes, I made a mistake just now. I made a mistake in describing the statement that light particle aggregates have no blood pressure.

Just when Yuan Subaru was teasing himself in his mind, the young man's face had completely froze. What happened in just a few minutes was beyond his imagination. Where did this person come from? , why don’t you listen to what others say at all?

But looking at Yuan Subaru who was about to run away, the young man could only drag his aching body and quickly catch up, panting and saying:

"Please calm down, please believe me, please, please believe me."

The young man didn't expect Yuan Subaru to run so fast. He almost couldn't catch up. He took a breath, looked at Yuan Subaru with an extremely sincere face, and said in a tone that was almost pleading:

"Things are really not what you think. Teliga is by no means an enemy of mankind. Look, didn't I kill a monster just now..."

"The monster is attracted to you!"

Yuan Subaru interrupted Triga's words, looked at him with very disgusted eyes and said:

"Before this, there were no monsters on the earth at all. It was only after you appeared that monsters appeared so frequently. Without you, there would be no monsters. You are the culprit."

Hearing this, the young man raised his head, his eyes full of astonishment. Just now, his knowledge was refreshed again. He never expected to get such an answer. He met Yuan Subaru's eyes. The eyes full of hostility and hatred made the young man feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

At the same time, Yuan Subaru was also prepared. If fluctuations of dark energy appeared on the body of Triga, he was ready to send him away. For this person who almost killed super ancient humans 30 million years ago, A clean dark giant, he felt that his attitude was normal. After all, now that he was here, he could bring out another Nexus to replace Triga and protect the earth.

"Don't... don't have such a scary expression."

Yuan Subaru watched the young man's throat tremble up and down, then forced a smile on his stiff face and said softly:

"Smailusmailu (smile, smile), the atmosphere seems to be too tense. Well... can you tell me why you have such a prejudice? Can you explain the reason? Tell me, if I did something wrong, I can apologize to you, right?"

"What did you do wrong? Apologize? Then apologize with your life!"

Yuan Subaru's expression suddenly became fierce. A 'sharp blade' appeared in his hand and stabbed the young man's chest viciously. The terrifying murderous aura immediately enveloped the young man, and the terrifying killing It was like a bucket of ice water being poured from his head, making him feel the approach of death.

He subconsciously dodged, but he found that his speed was too slow in comparison, and he couldn't dodge at all. He could only watch the sharp blade pierce his body.

Am I... going to die?

I...well! ?

The moment the sharp blade pierced his heart, the young man subconsciously started his life's revolving door. From childhood, to school, and then to graduation, on the ever-expanding Mars, he, Manaka Kengo, became a botanist. The family leads a peaceful life.

Then he was attacked by the dark monster Gorba, and he accidentally came to the deepest part of the super-ancient ruins of Mars. He discovered the stone statue of Ultraman Teliga, and then merged with the stone statue to fight the enemy. Under the arrangement of my husband, I came to Earth and joined the "GUTS-SELECT (Elite Victory Team)" as a new member, and began the battle to protect mankind and fight against the forces of darkness...

And then....

Manaka Kengo noticed something was wrong. He did not feel the pain from the sharp blade. On the contrary, a warm flow of heat spread from his chest to his limbs. This warmth made the man who had just been injured in the battle feel I feel extremely comfortable.

So, Manaka Kengo opened his eyes, looked down in surprise, and saw that the sharp blade on his chest turned into extremely pure light energy, and supplied it to his body. Although he didn't know what was happening on his face, but on his arms, All the injuries have been healed.

"Who...are you?"

Seeing this scene, Manaka Kengo also reacted. The tall man in front of him with the boy's face was acting just now. Although he didn't know what his purpose was and what kind of reaction he got from himself, there was no doubt that Fortunately, I passed his test, and this sharp blade was the final test question, and it was also the reward and compensation given to me.

"Me? I'm just a passing Ultraman."

Yuan Subaru looked at the young man in front of him who seemed to be starting to get silly, and said casually:

"You don't need to remember me. You won't see me like this again. Come on, Teliga. You don't seem to be ready yet. How to face the malice of the thing you protect."

After saying that, Yuan Subaru disappeared in front of Manaka Kengo. Everything that had just happened, Yuan Subaru had already imprinted it with his telekinesis. Then he only needed to show it to Yusale to trust his friend. There will be answers.


The way I looked just now was so disgusting.

Yuan Subaru couldn't help but rub his face. Although it was just to force Teliga to see if he was pretending, this reason still made the child feel uncomfortable and felt a little uncomfortable. It was a pity that he couldn't be here. The planet stays forever, otherwise, it would not be tested by such annoying means.

Gu, I feel like this is going to become my dark history.

Gu, let’s just do it, don’t think too much. Anyway, after all the emotions are gone, no matter how much dark history is put in front of you, you won’t react in your heart. As long as you don’t feel embarrassed, then others will be the ones who are embarrassed!

Just like that, Yuan Subaru was thinking wildly while flying towards Yusalei... to be precise, the location where Shizama became famous. If Yusalei couldn't come out conveniently, then he would circle the earth twice. Circle and see if you can find any clues about the dark giant...

256 Little Golden Man: Surrounding the Kingdom of Light!

Yuan Subaru quickly found the place where Shizuma Yumi was. At this time, the little girl was looking for the whereabouts of Manaka Kengo with her teammates. Yuan Subaru waited for a while and saw that Yusale didn't react, so he knew that today I'm afraid I won't have to wait until Jingjian Yumei falls asleep before we can continue to communicate.

Taking advantage of this time, Yuan Subaru began to understand the current defensive universe on this earth. After using his mind to control the abandoned computer and connect it to the network here, he began to search for relevant information.

First of all, regarding the 'Earth Peace Alliance', it was established around the world by Mitsukuni Shizuma, the president of the world-class consortium "Shizuma Foundation", while continuing to expand the universe, and with the support of governments of various countries. Terrestrial Peaceable Union "TPU" (TerrestrialPeaceableUnion).

"TPU" is headquartered in Japan and has branches in many regions around the world, including North America, Paris, and Sydney. The Japanese headquarters has also established an elite organization "GUTS-SELECT" that specializes in fighting monster disasters, that is, Shizuma Yumei and Manaka Kengo's team.

Then the next message required further network intrusion. Yuan Subaru did not continue.

Next, just wait.

Yuan Subaru watched the activities of the people below in boredom, waiting quietly for dark.

On the other side, Tartarus couldn't help but frown. He looked at his hands and fell into deep thought. His Narak space could serve as a transfer station for jumping between parallel time and space. Intervene into the parallel world, recruit suitable members, and participate in your next actions.

But before, because there was a large amount of green energy in 'time and space', Tartarus did not dare to risk traveling, so this ability to attract people was temporarily put on hold. But now, although the mysterious green energy has faded, but But a new threat has emerged——

Just now, Tartarus traveled to a parallel world and recruited Zeuda to increase his speech power. The recruitment process was very successful. After all, the grievances between Zeuda and the Kingdom of Light are easy to find. .

But just when he was about to pull Zeuda from this parallel world to the Narak space and start traveling through time and space, the majestic tide of chaos surged out. It was a terrifying power that reduced everything to disorder. Even 'time and space', Under such a large-scale erosion, there was not much resistance, and it instantly turned into an ominous gray.

Tartarus was very decisive and did not hesitate to abandon Zeuda in the parallel world and escaped with full power. But even so, Tartarus still felt that his power of time and space seemed to be affected, and his hands Unable to stop shaking slightly.

"Tartarus, everything is ready."

The Titan on the side reminded him in a low voice that both the Titan and Diavolo knew about what happened to Tartarus just now, but the matter had already reached this point, and it was obvious that the plan could not be postponed just because no one had been recruited. .

"It's okay, Tartarus."

Diavolo also patted his chest and said in an unusually confident tone:

"Even without the help of others, the three of us are enough for the Kingdom of Light. Hmm, let them see the power of my fierce bull punch!"

"Diavolo, you guy understands the seriousness of the situation."

Titan frowned slightly, looked at Diavolo and said:

"Our focus this time is to seek justice for Subaru, not to invade. If you get hit in the head and Subaru happens to meet you, huh..."

Regarding Yuan Subaru's elusiveness, the Little Golden Man, the Little Golden Sword, and the Little Golden Bull have all experienced it, so Diavolo couldn't help but rub his palms in embarrassment. If Yuan Subaru saw him when he was tying his head, according to that child With his temper, I'm afraid he wants to knock both sides down, completely stop the fight, and then have a calm chat about what's going on.


Why is that kid Subaru so good at fighting? It feels like my life has been in vain all these years because I can fight.

"Let's stop chatting here."

At this time, Tartarus stood up, clenched his fists, and said in a solemn voice:

"Diavolo is right. The soldiers from the parallel world are just adding to the mix. This does not prevent us from asking for an explanation from Subaru and giving the order for the entire army to attack and follow the established plan to surround the Kingdom of Light!"

As Tartarus's order was issued, the soldiers of the kingdom immediately reacted and started to operate. Regarding the purpose of this operation, they were also quite clear. The heroes of the kingdom were actually seriously injured by the despicable people from the Kingdom of Light. This kind of thing ...Even if they really want to go to war and fight to the death, they are still willing to embrace that glory. The Kingdom Star has been silent for so many years, and it is time for the people in the universe to re-understand the power of the 'Kingdom'!

As a large number of teleportation devices were activated, golden doors appeared on the planets outside the Kingdom of Light. At this time, Jack and Leo, who had just finished their mission, noticed this abnormal situation and immediately changed their flight direction and landed on different planets, intending to ask these soldiers about their purpose.

But at this time, Jack noticed something, and the Ultra Bracelet on his wrist flashed, turned into a stream of light and fell into his hand, turning into an Ultra Javelin, blocking the swift slash. The golden blade pressed down on the Ultra Javelin desperately. Titan, who walked out of the teleportation gate, sneered, and regardless of Jack's questioning, he swung out a series of amazing slashing waves.

At this moment, after seeing these Ultra Warriors, Titan suddenly felt that some of Diablo's words seemed to be right. These guys were so irritating to look at, and if they didn't let go of their anger, they couldn't communicate at all!

At the same time, Diablo and Leo were also fighting fiercely. Although Diablo's Bull Fist was created not long ago, after the tempering of the battle with Dark Lucifer, this set of boxing has also been fully developed. In addition, Diablo himself is an expert in fighting, and he did not lose in the battle with Leo.

In addition, beside Titan and Diablo, there are elite soldiers of the kingdom. With them on the side, Jack and Leo are under great pressure.

However, the places where these two battles broke out are too close to the Kingdom of Light. Even if there is no instrument alarm, relying on the excellent perception ability of the Ultra Warriors, the Ultra Brothers also noticed something unusual, and quickly put down their work and went to the battlefield to support, but they were all intercepted by an extremely violent energy storm.

In the golden thunder that flashed all over the sky, Tartarus stepped out calmly, looked at the Ultra Brothers in front of him, and said softly with elegant manners:

"Everyone in the Kingdom of Light, I have heard of you for a long time. It's our first meeting. If I am rude, please accept it, hehe..."

257 Exploding Canopus·Second Degree

"Who are you?"

Zoffy looked at Tartarus who was blocking him and said puzzledly:

"Is the one fighting with Ace and Leo your companion? Please stop. Although I don't know what happened, I don't feel any killing intent in you. If there is any misunderstanding, we can talk slowly."

"Talk slowly?"

Tartarus's eyes swept across Zoffy, Seven, Ultraman, Taro, and Ace, and his tone was still steady:

"Good advice, but before that, you have to accompany me for a few moves!"

After speaking, Tartarus waved his hands, and the golden energy lightning storm condensed behind him roared towards the Ultra Brothers.

The Ultra Brothers were always prepared for this charged attack and immediately continued to dodge, but at this moment, Tartarus clenched his hands and released a golden translucent energy wave from his palms, attacking all the Ultra Warriors in the dungarees. The power of [Absolute Restriction], after hitting, will restrict the opponent's actions in a chain-like form.

This golden energy wave was particularly hidden under the cover of the lightning storm, but the Ultra Brothers with rich combat experience still keenly noticed this sneak attack, but except for Seven, the other Ultra Brothers did not care, Seven's whistling head dart accurately knocked it all away.

Tartarus did not care either. This was originally a probing attack. He looked at the scattered Ultra Brothers, snorted coldly, and the energy in his body was activated again. The violent lightning storm was injected with new energy by him, and extended new changes, turning into a series of lightning beams, locking the position of the Ultra Brothers, and attacking like a human venomous snake.

Facing such a swift attack, Zoffy and the first generation nimbly avoided it. The power of the lightning beam that passed by made them feel a burst of tingling and numbness on their skin, but that was all. After avoiding the attack, the two immediately formed a cross with their hands, and two Specium rays immediately rushed towards Tartarus.

In response, Tartarus had no intention of dodging. He released energy with both hands to form a circular wall of light and took the attack. The impact from the wall of light made Tartarus bend his arms slightly, and Tartarus couldn't help but snort unexpectedly. The Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light seemed to be more powerful than the intelligence said.

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