But just as Subaru put down the wood with Yusari's name engraved on it, he suddenly heard a call. There was no doubt that someone was asking for help.

So Subaru raised his hands, responded to the call, and disappeared by the lake of Mikami-cho.


Just after being teleported, Subaru heard a violent explosion. Turning his head, he saw a familiar figure——

The monster Chimaira is a blood-sucking monster from the universe. It is ferocious and has a strange power that surpasses Ultraman Eddie. It can also release high-voltage current from the sharp horns on its head. Its combat power is quite good.

After identifying the true identity of the enemy, Subaru planned to take out the Evolution Truster and transform into Nexus to fight. To deal with such an enemy, the juvenile form is enough.

And at this time....

'UltramanTrigger·MultiType (Ultraman Trigger·MultiType)'

'Drive! Zeperion! (Drive, Zeperion)'

What's going on? ! Where is the light energy reaction?

With his superhuman perception, Yuan Subaru heard some machine voice and sensed the abnormal fluctuation of light energy. He looked to the left curiously, and then in the bridge hole of the next street, he heard someone shouting:

"Build the future, the light of hope! Triga!"

Triga? !

There was a big question mark on the child's head. He was familiar with Triga. The thing that was beaten away by him at the beginning, wasn't it the dark giant? Where is the light energy reaction? Did you shout something wrong, young man?

Just when Yuan Subaru was puzzled, with the shining of light, the figure of a light giant emerged. At a glance, it looked a bit like Tiga, but if you look closely, there are still big differences. For example, the arms and chest of this light giant are embedded with text patterns similar to the image of super ancient civilization.

And the appearance of this giant can also vaguely see a bit of the appearance of super ancient Triga. From this, it can be seen that there should be some connection between the two.

Ah, it feels like something has changed since I left.

Subaru felt a headache and muttered to himself, then he clenched the Evolution Truster and prepared to transform to fight. No matter what, he had to deal with this cosmic monster first.

But at this time, there was a new change. Subaru felt the energy response from the Evolution Truster, but this energy response was not evoked by him, but from someone else, who was in another corner of the city.

‘Don’t transform, leave the battle to Triga...’

This was the message that person sent through the Evolution Truster. Although I don’t know who this person is, since he can resonate with the Evolution Truster, he must be a person who is fit for the Light of Nexus. I didn’t expect that after Mr. Jun Himeya, there would be a chance to meet other Nexus.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru looked at the battle between Triga and Chimaira. The people in the area where they were fighting had been evacuated, and there should be no more casualties. Therefore, after thinking for a while, Yuan Subaru decided to follow the message of this mysterious fit person, let go of the battle, and move to another corner of the city.

There, Yuan Subaru saw a girl wearing the uniform of an unknown organization, with smooth black hair draped over her shoulders. At the same time, Yuan Subaru also sensed something and asked softly in a somewhat puzzled voice:

"You Shalei?"

As soon as Yuan Subaru finished speaking, the girl with the same appearance as You Shalei shook violently, and then emitted a white light. Behind her, a white-haired figure in a white robe appeared. The figure opened his eyes and looked at Yuan Subaru. There seemed to be tears in the corners of his eyes. With a voice of joy and expectation, he said softly:

"Subaru, long time no see."

"You Shalei, are you... a female ghost? Uh!!!"

Unexpectedly, there was a time when he would meet an old friend again. Yuan Subaru was shocked and subconsciously blurted out his doubts. At that moment, he felt a dissatisfied look on his face, which made him suddenly stop.

After realizing what was happening, You Shalei smiled awkwardly and said softly:

"I'm sorry, the joy of reunion made me forget for a moment that I am indeed dead."

"It's nothing, it's just death."

Although Yuan Subaru didn't quite understand why she was a little disappointed because of "death" when she was with him before, he would not say anything when he should comfort her.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru smiled and pointed at himself and said:

"I will be dead in about a year and a half at most. When the time comes, you, the senior who left first, remember to teach me some experience of life after death."

"I haven't seen you for 30 million years. You seem to be lively now."

Yusa Lei was amused by Yuan Subaru's words and couldn't help but smile slightly, but she didn't take it seriously. She witnessed Yuan Subaru's strength with her own eyes. How could such a big man die just like that? But this comfort was very useful to Yousa Lei. She floated in front of Yuan Subaru, gently reached out and knocked on Yuan Subaru's head, and whispered:

"Also, don't keep talking about death. This is not good. What if you really die?"

"You are more than 30 million years old, why are you still... Hey hey hey!!!"

Listening to Yushalei's words, Yuan Subaru folded his arms helplessly, pretending to be dissatisfied, and complained about Yusalei not believing in him. But as soon as he said this complaint, Yuan Subaru felt a strong feeling. A bad look fell on her, and then someone, no, a female ghost's hand fell on Yuan Subaru's ear, causing Yousha Lei's grimace to turn slightly red.

"Subaru, after all these years I haven't seen you, you've really become a lot more lively!!!"

"No, do you women care so much about age? I can't understand it."

Yuan Subaru couldn't help complaining. Although Sister Shiori and the vice-captain had talked about this situation before in TLT, at this age, it's not enough for humans to talk about it. It has become a soul energy aggregate. Okay, what's the point of still caring about this? I don’t understand, I really don’t understand.

"You, I really don't know what to say about you, but you really haven't changed much. What you were like back then in the base is basically the same now."

Yousha Lei looked at Yuan Subaru and knew that he was really a little unhappy this time, so she quickly let go of her hand that was not strong enough, looked helplessly at the old friend in front of her, and then calmed down a little. The excitement that had not calmed down since they met, returned to his dignified appearance, and said with a smile:

"Okay, Subaru, let's talk. This time it's my turn to have many stories to tell you."

253 Teliga, you traitor!

Yuan Subaru nodded first and accepted Yusha Lei's words. He was just about to follow Yusha Lei when he noticed something was wrong. He turned to look at the unknown girl who was standing there with a faint white light all over her body and said softly:

"Did you forget your pendant?"

"Huh? Ah, this is not a pendant."

Youshalei didn't react for a moment. She subconsciously looked along Yuan Subaru's line of sight. When she saw the girl she had neglected, she let out a short exclamation and said softly:

"Her name is Yumi Shizama, and she is now a member of the Earth Defense Force."

"It's also your light energy... No, this feeling is..."

After listening to Yousalei's words, Yuan Subaru squinted his eyes slightly, sensing the existence of Shizama Yumei. He looked at his old friend beside him with a somewhat surprised tone and said softly:

"Okay, Yousha Lei, after 30 million years, your bloodline can still be passed down. The purity of this bloodline is quite high. Is this a return to your ancestors?"

"It's not all thanks to your help in the first place."

Youshalei said casually, after accepting the light given by Yuan Subaru and returning to the base, it took some time for her to know that the experiment at the base using her blood to create superpowers was actually successful. She ran over to a Look, he immediately understood what was going on. Before he knew it, Yuan Subaru discovered this place and intervened. After all, the light energy reaction of these people that had not completely dissipated was really too much in front of Yousha Lei. Too conspicuous.

"But this atavism of Jingjian's name really caught me by surprise."

Youshalei chuckled and said:

"Otherwise, with this little bit of my soul left, I don't know when I will wake up."


Yuan Subaru pointed at the Jingma knot that was stuck in place like a telegraph pole and said:

"How to deal with this? Do you want me to seal her first? And..."

Looking at Teliga who was fighting a monster in the distance, Yuan Subaru said doubtfully:

"Are you sure you don't need me to go up and kill these two now?"

"You... don't be so murderous... Really, your temper has not changed at all in thirty million years."

Yusale casually put Shizama Yumei's body on her shoulders, looked at Yuan Subaru and couldn't help complaining:

"Believe me, don't worry about Teliga for now. Let's talk about the current situation first."


Although I feel like something is wrong, and I feel that Yousha Lei has become a little more masculine compared to before, but no matter what, it is always good to meet old friends again, so there is no need to worry so much.

Yuan Subaru followed Yusalei to a small park. After placing Shizama's name on the bench, Yusalei and Yuan Subaru sat on the stone pillar next to them. The former captain tidied his white clothes. He looked at his old friend in front of him and said softly:

"Speaking of which, there is a question I have been wanting to ask. Subaru, is your true appearance now, or..."

"This is who I am."

Yuan Subaru tapped his fingers on the stone table between the two people, wondering what was painted on it, and said casually:

"Why do I feel like we have talked about this topic before?"

"Have it?"

Youshalei was stunned for a moment, and Yuan Subaru stared with big eyes. At this time, not far away from the two of them, Teliga was thrown away by the monster and hit the ground hard, causing an astonishing impact. The earthquake caused Shizuma Yumei, who was lying on the bench, to be thrown into the air, and many broken buildings smashed towards the 'Sleeping Beauty'.

But at this moment, Yusha Lei raised her hand, and the white light shield caught the gravel. Yuan Subaru pressed his small hand on the table, and Shizama Yumei was gently placed back on the bench, and he pinched her with his telekinesis. He bought an invisible pillow and cushion to make her lie more comfortable.

Such a move made Chimayla's attention fall on Yuan Subaru and Yousalei. The vampire monster's eyes suddenly became fierce, and it planned to eliminate these two 'human beings' first.

Just at this moment, Yuan Subaru and You Shalei looked at the monster together. At that moment, Chimaira felt a cold current jumping from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet, so in the next second, Chimaira's fierce eyes immediately shifted to the body of Triga who had not yet stood up, and launched an attack with a "wow wow wow".

"Your murderous aura is not much lighter than mine."

After scaring Chimaira away, Yuan Subaru looked at You Shalei and said with some surprise:

"It seems that you have suffered a lot after I left. It's really hard for you."

"... It's okay."

Obviously, she didn't feel anything during the battle, and it was obviously not painful to endure these 30 million years, but after hearing Yuan Subaru's comfort, You Shalei suddenly felt her nose sour uncontrollably, as if the grievances and sadness that had not been revealed in these years were all aroused at once, making You Shalei almost cry out in front of Yuan Subaru.

But Youshalei's good psychological quality allowed her to control the sudden loss of control of her emotions. She just replied with a hoarse voice, and muttered to herself in her heart as if she was mocking herself. After all, she was now a remnant of soul energy, so how could she lose her composure like a human.

Then she cleared her throat, looked at Yuan Subaru, and said softly:

"After you left, I relied on your power to become Nexus and the new giant of light to protect the earth. Although the dark giants were severely damaged by you, they kept controlling and instigating other monsters in the universe to attack the seal of the [Eternal Core]. Fortunately, the strength of those monsters was not very strong, and I basically killed them all."

"I'm sorry, it's me..."

Hearing this, Yuan Subaru lowered his head and whispered in shame. This was indeed what he neglected at the time. He only thought that leaving the light would allow Youshalei to resist the attack of the dark giants, and forgot about those monsters.

"Don't say that. I also saw the battle at that time. You were under no less pressure than I was. I believe that you left in such a hurry because there were more important enemies to eliminate."

Yusare interrupted Yuan Subaru's apology and continued:

"Besides, I am not fighting alone. Everyone in the base is helping me. Moreover, after waking up, the Ultraman 'Dyna' also participated in the battle to defend the earth. It's just that the Ultraman planned to find the dark giants and eliminate them. After taking the initiative to attack, his whereabouts were unknown. Until the end of the decisive battle, there was no news about him. I'm afraid..."

"Dyna...should be fine."

Yuan Subaru thought about it. Dyna's strength was still very strong. Although he was beaten badly by Noah Triga, his opponent was Noah's clone, not just a cat or dog. The dark giants were beaten like that at that time. Yuan Subaru really didn't think they had the strength to subdue Dyna.

So Gen Subaru is more inclined to believe that something went wrong with Dyna's space-time force during the active attack, and he didn't know where it was teleported to.

So, is this space-time force so difficult to control? Fortunately, the Light of Nexus is naturally highly adaptable to space-time force, which saved me a lot of torture.

Yuan Subaru sighed in his heart, then looked at Youshalei and said softly:

"I will pay attention to Dyna's affairs later, don't worry about this."


Youshalei nodded and continued:

"After Dyna took the initiative to attack, the number of monsters and aliens invading the earth did decrease a lot, but I believe that the ambitions of the dark giants for the [Eternal Core] will not be reduced, so I set up a game and began to control the situation of the battle. I added a series of injuries on my body that did not affect the battle, making me look weaker and weaker. After enduring the repeated temptations of the dark giants, I finally lured those guys out."

Speaking of this, Youshalei couldn't help but want to cry again. It was indeed a difficult period. At the end of the seduction, she really felt that she was going to be beaten to death. If the dark giants didn't show up again, she really couldn't bear it. Fortunately, the greed of the dark giants for the [Eternal Core] still let her succeed.

Since the dark giants were successfully lured out, there was nothing to say. Youshalei did not hesitate to inject all the ten or so potions in her hand into her heart. They were stimulants developed by the base specifically for this situation, but the developers did not expect Youshalei to use so many at once.

However, the excessive amount of potions also brought Youshalei amazing combat power. With the perception enhanced, the pain weakened, and various human body restrictions opened, Hitram, who rushed up first, had his arms broken and his left knee kicked, and he withdrew from the battle on the spot in just the first round of the fight.

Then Youshalei's fearless fighting style also suppressed the remaining three dark giants for a time, making them see Nexus transformed by Youshalei as the god of death in the past.

Therefore, the dark giants planned to retreat again, but since this was a trap set by Youshalei, how could they get away so easily? The barrier set up in advance and the defense members who rushed over blocked the dark giants' retreat route, making it difficult for them to leave the battlefield.

This move also made the dark giants crazy, and they launched a fierce attack on Youshalei. In such a tense battle, Youshalei knocked down Carmilla and Dagon, and launched the final decisive battle with Dark Triga.

It was just a decisive battle, but it was better to see who could hold on to the end. The light given to Youshalei by Subaru was not the incomplete light of Nexus that Subaru himself had copied, and some of Subaru's battle memories were also copied in it for Youshalei to gain experience from.

Dark Triga had not yet recovered from his previous injuries, so at the end of this battle, Youshalei and Dark Triga were basically shaking their fists at each other's faces weakly.

But this situation was also within Youshalei's expectations. The kill prepared in advance had been activated and was condensing.


Youshalei heard the words of Dark Triga. Those words were not provocative, nor did they expose Youshalei's plan, but were full of confusion. He was asking what kind of power the power of light was, and why it was so much stronger than darkness.

Obviously, after being beaten by two Nexus, Dark Triga's mentality was somewhat broken, and he even began to doubt his own power, and was full of confusion and curiosity about light.

This was beyond Youshalei's expectations, but she could feel that Dark Triga's confusion was real, so Youshalei did not waste this opportunity, sorted out her words, and began to persuade Dark Triga to abandon darkness and join light, and when she felt that the persuasion was almost done, Youshalei directly injected all the remaining light energy into Dark Triga's body-

This is not a gamble, this is also a plan that Youshalei conceived temporarily. The next killer move, even in the state of the fit, she can release it, and this light energy in Dark Triga's body, if it can really pull Dark Triga to the side of light, it will naturally be the best.

If not, the conflict between the light energy and the dark energy can also make Dark Triga slow down, buying time for her to launch the killing move.

What Youshalei didn't expect was that after the light energy and the dark energy came into contact in Dark Triga's body, some energy changes beyond the rules actually occurred, causing Dark Triga to lose its original appearance and emit a soft light.

Seeing this scene, Carmilla and Dagon immediately stood up with difficulty and rushed towards Dark Triga. They noticed that Dark Triga and Youshalei were talking, and they also saw that the light energy was transmitted into Dark Triga's body, and then their lover (comrade-in-arms) became so ugly. It must be a big problem, and they had to help and pull him back.

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