"....no problem."

Originally, the gatekeeper was thinking of persuading Yuan Subaru to go directly to Kingdom Star for training. Anyway, in terms of his strength level, no matter how big the universe is, if he rests for two days, he can go anywhere without blinking an eye. Catch up with friends.

But then the gatekeeper thought about it, what happened to this baby... Judging from the past experiences of people like 'Hong Kai' and 'Gauss', it seems that there is something evil about it, God knows. Does this doll have other unspeakable secrets?

Therefore, the gatekeeper took back his words, nodded sharply, and said softly:

"Then get ready, I'm about to take action."

"All right."

Yuan Subaru nodded quickly, then scratched the back of his head, and continued embarrassedly:

"This is really too troublesome for you, senior. I even feel..."

"If you are really embarrassed, then don't let me come to you or you come to me because of 'time' related issues in the future. Really, at such a young age, why do you always get into trouble like this? "

The gatekeeper grabbed Yuan Subaru's shoulders tiredly. As soon as he finished speaking, the figures of the two people disappeared into the time waterfall. But in the next second, the gatekeeper's body returned here. Obviously, his The outgoing escort mission has been completed, which is called an efficient speed.

But the gatekeeper who came back couldn't help but fell silent. He now understood why Yuan Subaru didn't go to other planets to rest. Wanting to break through that fatal seal was indeed not something that could be accomplished by resting outside for two days. That seal, he I feel a headache just looking at it.


If I read it correctly, the seal was left by Ultraman Noah, right? Didn’t Gen Subaru’s doll inherit the light of Nexus? !

No, what's going on with Ultraman Noah? Why would you deal such a deadly blow to your successor?

I don't understand, I really don't understand.

The gatekeeper looked at the 'time' above his head. It was true that his CPU was overloaded. Unfortunately, his opportunity to go out had been used up and he could not attack again. Otherwise, he really wanted to take a look. Where is Ultraman Noah now? What to do.

That’s all, let me see if I can find anything related to ‘chaos’ in ‘time’. Ouch, where did this evil thing come from?

Just when the gatekeeper started to work overtime, a loud shout suddenly sounded in the interlayer of the cosmic plane:


Um? !

The clone of Noah, who had just said goodbye to the King of Ultra and was fighting against the original creation, heard a familiar voice and looked distractedly, seeing a colorful light coming from the end of his field of vision like an aurora.

It's Saka!

While this legendary warrior was wandering through the layers of the universe, he finally captured Noah's traces and pursued him all the way.

"Saijia, you came just in time, hold it down for me... huh?!"

Noah's clone hurriedly greeted Sega happily. Because the previous Ultra King's breath was unstable, he didn't dare to join the Ultra King to form a team to kill this creature. Unexpectedly, he just put down the 'Steamed Bun' , the 'big bun' arrived in a blink of an eye, which was really an unexpected surprise.

You must know that this creation of the original substance is a "specialized type of pollution". If you let it go, it will lead to very bad results. Maybe even when the [original substance] is about to be killed in the future, that bastard will Can be reincarnated because of the tainted residue of this creation.

Therefore, the moment Noah's clone saw Saka appear, dozens of cooperation plans with Saka flashed through his mind in order to completely destroy this original creation.

However, before he finished saying hello, Noah's clone sensed something was wrong. Saga seemed to be coming towards him, and there was definite anger in his energy fluctuations. What was going on? Is there something going on that I don't know about? Um....

Regarding the battle to annihilate the original creation, Noah's clone had to be cautious. With a slight movement of his mind, other clones in the surrounding space and time immediately began to move towards this side.

At the same time, Saka also rushed in front of Noah's clone, and hit the face of Noah's clone with a heavy punch. Noah's clone would naturally not be hit, and relied on his more superb space-time power to avoid it. After resisting Saka's attack, he continued to suppress the original creation while speaking in a solemn voice:

"Saiga, are you crazy! I am Noah!"

"I know it's you! If it wasn't you, I wouldn't fight!"

Saka moved his wrist, stared at Noah and said:

"You guy, you actually dragged a child under four years old into the battlefield. Do you really have no conscience?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Hearing this, Noah's clone was also stunned for a moment. It was true that he was short of manpower, but it wasn't to that point. But immediately, Noah's clone thought of something. What the Ultra King said made him He instantly thought of something. The 'Light of Nexus' that shouldn't exist seems to be more tolerable than he imagined.

"Saiga, I know what's going on. You were deceived. It was the conspiracy of the Prime. That Nexus is not my successor. I will explain it clearly to you later. Now, help me get it first. Get this original creation!”

Noah's clone shouted loudly towards Saka, and after hearing this, Saka raised his fist, hesitated, and finally focused on the original creation. During this journey, he also knew The trouble with this thing, the separation of him and Reggio was also to solve the green disaster seen along the way.

But just to calm down and let go, Saka was still a little aggrieved and said casually:

"Let me beat you first, and then I'll help you."

Actually... Sega thinks Noah should be able to understand what he means. They have often made jokes like this before. It is said to be a beating, but in fact it is just a light thump on the other person's shoulder. After all, If a fighter of their level really had to fight, how long would it take? Besides, they were still friends.

But what Saka didn't expect was that as his words fell, he felt as if he had touched some sensitive words, and the surrounding space was suddenly filled with hostility...

248 Noah: Saka, you don’t need to thank me

The hostility came and went quickly. If it were someone else, I'm afraid it wouldn't be noticed. Saka looked around vigilantly, wanting to see if there were any enemies hidden around him. He reminded Noah, Noah's clone. He nodded, said a soft 'hmm', and continued to focus on the battle in front of him.

And Saka felt that with Noah, a master of space and time power, here, if he didn't feel any problem, he would be safe around him.

Under the joint attack of Saka and Noah, this 'specialized' primitive creation was quickly and completely taken down. Looking at the enemies disappearing into thin air, Saka breathed out and thought that these ghosts are really difficult. Kill, then looked at Noah, ready to have a good talk with him about Yuan Subaru.

Then, before Saka opened his mouth, he saw Noah's clone raise his hands, and Noah's wings began to flash, sealing off the entire battlefield, and then began to appear to Saka, who thought it was too much.

If you compare the current behavior of Noah's clone to the earth, it would basically kill you first, then travel to the past and directly rub your ancestors into ashes. Each ashes must be separated and sealed in different places in the universe, and then Use the seal and the ashes to carry out a more terrifying and devastating blow.

"I said, Noah, if you want to delay time..."

After waiting for a while, Saka couldn't help but feel a little irritated. He felt that Noah was deliberately using this method to avoid communicating with him. But as soon as he opened his mouth to say something, he felt that Noah was using this method to avoid communicating with him. The eyes that came over him were quite terrifying, as if he was committing some heinous crime. Saka couldn't finish his words for a while. He could only look at Noah's clone in silence and explain this somewhat unreasonable thing. Action to the end.

"Okay, it's clean this time."


Looking at Noah's clone who had withdrawn his hands with satisfaction, and then looking at the time and space that had been completely destroyed, Saka was silent for a moment and said softly:

"Noah, you can't do this. You shouldn't be ignorant of the consequences of such a devastating blow. This will destroy the balance between this star field, which may attract dangerous things, such as the chaos of the old era."

"It does not matter."

Noah's clone waved his hand casually and said:

"Time and space have the ability to self-heal. Such damage is not worth mentioning to the entire universe. As for chaos and the like, it is indeed a trouble, but it is only a trouble. Compared with what [Plasma] brings For a disaster, that kind of trouble is nothing to worry about.”

"...Do you know how many lives will die when Chaos reappears?!"

Saka couldn't help but widen his eyes slightly, looked at Noah's clone in disbelief and said:

"How many civilizations will be destroyed in one day, and darkness and light will no longer exist. How can you say "nothing to care about" so easily. Noah, there is something wrong with you. Come with me, I will find someone. Check it carefully for you, the Noah I know cannot say such cruel things!"

As Saka spoke, he was about to pull the Noah clone away from here, but the Noah clone avoided Saka's grasp and said in an unusually calm tone:

"I have no problem. I am more awake than ever. Yes, the resurgence of chaos will bring a devastating blow to life and civilization in this universe, but... it is just a blow. This universe is still Existence is like reincarnation, new light and darkness will be reborn in chaos, a new era of civilization will sprout again, and the universe will return to order from disorder little by little. "

Noah's clone floated in front of Saka, speaking quickly about the possible future, and then changed the topic and said excitedly:

"But no matter what, this big universe still exists. As long as it still exists, there will be new hope. But if [primordial matter] is allowed to spread, there will be no hope for this big universe! Saka, I once went Beyond the big universe, I see other universes that have been completely distorted. It is a cruel scene that cannot be compared with the word doomsday. That is the real despair, the real cutting off of the future! "

After saying this, the excited Noah clone suddenly calmed down. This contrast made Saga more and more uncomfortable, but the Noah clone would not care about this, and he said in a calm tone:

"But we still have hope. Even if we can't completely destroy [Plasma], as long as we hold on, hold on! Time will be on our side, and we are not the only ones fighting against [Plasma Energy]."

Having said this, Noah's clone couldn't help but raise his head, looked at the starry sky above his head, and said softly:

"Beyond the big universe, there are comrades from other worlds who have never met and are fighting. As long as one party wins, they can support others. In this way, they can continue to win, and finally defeat the damn [Source of Prime] , So, Saka, you can’t let go now, you have to hold on!”


Seeing the appearance of Noah's clone, Saka couldn't help but feel a little worried, and he spoke out with concern to comfort him. He felt that Noah seemed to be pushing himself too hard, so much so that he was mentally stunned.

But Noah's clone had no intention of answering Saka's words. He seemed to be immersed in his own ideas and said to himself:

"We are the most capable fighters in this universe, so we can't cause trouble... No, to be precise, I can't make trouble. The [Engine] is still in my hands... Saka, Come, let's discuss, if something happens to me, how can we safely transfer the [Engine] to your hands? The [Engine] can't have an accident. If something happens, how should we deal with this [Plasma]? There's nothing we can do about it. Ah, I know this [Essence] too well, if I let him know that the [Engine] was destroyed..."


Looking at Noah's clone who started to think about it, Saiga yelled and pulled his thoughts back. He took a good look and felt that there seemed to be no unnecessary relationship between Noah and Yuan Subaru, it was just a simple relationship. Light inheritance.

But this also made Sai Jia couldn't help complaining in his heart. At that moment, he really felt that Noah and Yuan Subaru had some special connection. The look of Yao Mo stunned was a bit similar, so, this What are the criteria for selecting qualified candidates for Light of Nexus? Do you want to see if they have demonic potential? !

However, complaints are complaints, and the business has to continue. After Saka saw the eyes of Noah's clone fall on him again, he decided to change the topic, and by the way, he solved the purpose of coming to see Noah this time:

"Noah, about your capable person named 'Yuan Subaru'..."

"It's him decisively, Saka. You, like Piqué, have been fooled by this original creation!"

Before Saka could finish his words, Noah's clone interrupted him without politeness and said in a solemn voice:

"Saka, please be clear-headed and don't be deceived by the enemy's rhetoric and deliberate performances. They are all false. That 'Yuan Pleia' is a creation of the original substance for one day and will be a creation of the original substance for the rest of his life. There is no relationship between him and us. There is no possibility of coexistence, and everything related to [Plasma] is the mortal enemy of our universe! Do you understand?"

"You're too extreme, Noah!"

Hearing someone say this about Yuan Subaru, Saka couldn't help but get angry and said coldly:

"I'm not a child, and I'm not an immature idiot. Can't I tell the difference between true and false?! I..."

"You can't tell the difference!"

The Noah clone interrupted Sega again, and said in a murderous and somewhat regretful tone:

"Because I couldn't tell the difference. At that time, I already knew the danger of [Plasma], but I still couldn't understand it clearly. Saka, when dealing with this enemy, we can't have any personal emotions in it. We What we have to do is to annihilate! Annihilate all [primordial energy] at all costs, this is the attitude we should have in the face of this disaster!"

After saying this, Noah's clone looked at Saka coldly and said softly:

"Also, you don't have to worry about that 'Yuan Subaru' anymore. Even if he is not dead now, he probably won't live long."

"...Noah! He's just a kid!!!"

Hearing this, Saka was stunned for a moment and couldn't react for a moment. His first reaction was that Noah had seen the child's 'future', but then he realized something and yelled at Noah angrily. :

"How can you be so cruel!!"

"Cruel? Saka, you still fail to understand the dangers of [Plasma]."

Noah's clone said in a voice without a trace of emotion:

"When that 'Original Subaru' begins to show the essence of [primordial energy] and distort the planet where it is located, and even the entire star field civilization, that scene will be truly cruel! Saka, don't get excited, calm down. , this battle against [Plasma] still requires your strength. After you have fought with [Plasma] for a long time, you will naturally understand what I am doing today. When the time comes, there is no need to thank me. This is as a friend. What to do.”

"Noah! You!!!"

Saka was already angry because of Yuan Subaru's 'death'. Now when he heard Noah's clone say this, even though he knew that in terms of Noah's character, he was really speaking from the perspective of a friend. Suggestions, but rationality is one thing, anger is another, and now he just wants to give Noah a few punches.

However, just when Saka was about to take action, Saka noticed a change in the surrounding space. He turned around in surprise and saw that the surrounding space barriers were like broken glass. First, cracks appeared, and then pieces of Falling down, revealing what's behind...

Thousands of Noah clones.

It has to be said that Noah's long lifespan allows him to pull out countless so-called 'clones' from the 'past' without affecting the normal operation of the timeline. Saka often laments that this is really a good method, but it is a pity. You can't learn it yourself.

But now, when the stunt he once praised was used on himself, Saka felt more pressure than ever before, and he didn't believe that Noah would actually deal with him like this.

"Saiga, I know you are angry now."

The surrounding Noah clones spoke together, and the voices that came out in unison made the surrounding space and time begin to tremble.

"But compared to your anger, I think you need to calm down completely. You are too deeply bewitched by the original creation, even deeper than Pique. Therefore, during this period, let these clones of mine come to you. Let's have some fun with you, don't you always say that you feel unusually peaceful after every fierce battle? I hope these clones can help you reach that state."

As they spoke, those Noah clones began to take action. They completely solidified this time and space to prevent the subsequent battle from attracting the attention of [Plasma] and causing it to have any conspiracy against Saka.

"I know that the battle between us will last for a long time..."

Looking at Saka, who was clenching his fists in anger and his arms were shaking slightly, the Noah clone said in a calm tone:

"But, according to my calculations, I should still be able to hold on during this period. So, Saka, come on, pour out all your anger. Just as you understand me, I also understand you. After you finish the battle happily, let us continue to fight side by side against [Original Essence] like before!"


"Come on, Saga."

Feeling the completely closed time and space in the distance, Noah retracted his sight, holding the [Engine] and continuing to chase the [Plasma] in front of him, and the [Plasma] seemed to be very relaxed, using He said in a teasing tone:

"Senior Noah, why don't you believe me? Although I did tell some lies before, that's all in the past. We have to move on. Let me tell you, tell you, this This is the truth. In this big universe, there is a great 'I'. He is just like me, after inheriting the light of Nexus, he kills everyone, and oh And oh, he seems to have the power of [engine], which is really amazing.”

After saying this, the human-shaped Prime suddenly resembled a snake, extended its neck, poked its head towards Noah, and said with a harsh and weird laugh:

"Senior Noah, don't you really want to go and take a look? I became restless just because I sensed the existence of that 'me'. If I beat you to it, senior you will not only lose a support, but you will also let me Become more complete, senior. Don’t you still want to believe me this time? I am happy, but I am very sad, ah~~~Senior, look at you, you just destroyed a planet. , The creatures up there are so pitiful, hey~~~"

The primeval head turned 180 degrees, twisting its power to counteract Noah's attack, and said with a soft smile:

"So, senior, like me, both hands are stained with blood. Hehehehe, ah~~~ It turns out that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. No wonder I became bad."

Facing this 'talkative' [Essence], Noah said nothing and waved the [Engine] without any reaction, vowing to obliterate it at all costs!

249 Little Golden Man: I have to defeat the Kingdom of Light.jpg

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