Is it similar to the phase shift of Dark Zagi?

A thought flashed through Subaru's mind. This monster's strength is probably much stronger than that of ordinary alien beasts.

In fact, this monster has a great origin. He is the assassination monster Gular, a monster synthesized and controlled by the Ultimate Evolution Emperor Manshhaite. He is a fusion of many species mutated by dark matter by Manshhaite, and has a very strong combat power.

In the world of Neos, in order to completely eliminate the Samians, Manshhaite sent Gular to track the traces of the Samians to the earth, and found the Samians' spaceship in the Japanese Alps. After killing the giant Samians' guardian with a destructive ray, Gular destroyed the Samians' spaceship, and then used teleportation to leave the scene. Others wanted to chase him but had no way.

Later, Ultraman Neos and Gular fought, but Gular's strength was superior to Neos. He immediately suppressed Neos with destructive light and strange power attacks, and almost absorbed Neos' energy. Then he attacked with stronger heat rays, forcing Neos into a desperate situation and falling to the ground.

Although in the end, Neos fought back and killed him with a series of attacks of "New Magnum Beam" and "Ultra-End Beam", Neos eventually fell because of exhaustion of energy.

And now this Gular obviously didn't know who had pieced together the body parts that were smashed by Neos, and its strength had dropped significantly, but even so, the strength of this monster is still not to be underestimated, not to mention that the mastermind behind the scenes has also made some modifications to it.

Now, on the battlefield, Gen Subaru sensed a new spatial fluctuation. There is no doubt that the Gular hiding in the phase space has completed the accumulation of power and began to jump into reality to bombard Gen Subaru.

In response, Gen Subaru calmly flashed his body, and when the young Nexus dodged to the side, several clones appeared at the same time. These clones were no different from the original in terms of perception. When the monster returned to reality, he would see how he would choose, but no matter which one he chose to attack, he would face the siege of other Nexus.

However, after Gular returned to reality, he was stunned to see so many young Nexus. He didn't know where to spit out the fireball in his mouth, but immediately, the energy of his mouth was transferred, and his head immediately poured out terrifying lightning beams around. The number and power were beyond Gen Subaru's imagination.

At this moment, Gen Subaru realized that if he didn't respond in time, these lightning beams would hit him, and he would probably suffer serious injuries. After quickly weighing the pros and cons, Gen Subaru made a prompt decision and evolved into the red youth form Nexus.

Then, Gen Subaru was wrapped in high-heat energy, rushed forward, turned into an arrow, and directly pierced through the body of the monster. Then, the high-heat energy remaining in Gular's body blew it into dust.


Really, it was really uncomfortable to fight this level of battle with a low blue bar.

Gen Subaru sighed helplessly, but no matter what, three of the four seals had been removed, and the distance from the divine beast Unikin to escape was getting closer and closer.

Thinking of this, Gen Subaru went to the last sealed place without stopping after destroying the third seal barrier.

However, this time when Gen Subaru arrived at the last time point, he found that this time point was already empty. At least Ayaka City had disappeared, and the feather light spots that could make everything disappear were floating everywhere.

Gen Subaru looked up and saw the white bird figure. It was undoubtedly the existence of the mythical beast Unikin. Although Gen Subaru has pulled out three seals, because the seal points are at different time points, it has caused a similar effect of time fault. If the seal at the time point where Unikin is located is not pulled out, the mythical beast cannot escape.

And under this mythical beast, Gen Subaru saw a very familiar figure. When he was in the Kingdom of Light, due to his interest in the "Guillotine" series, Gen Subaru took the time to read the files of Ace Ultraman, so he recognized the identity of the figure at a glance. That was the last super beast that Ace Ultraman fought on Earth -

King Qiangbo!

This Ultra Beast is formed by the souls and molecules of the Transformed Ultra Beast Brocken, the Bull God Ultra Beast Kaora, the Split Ultra Beast Unidongo, the Hell Ultra Beast Masalius, the Extra-Dimensional Man Maza, the Steel Starman, and the Extra-Dimensional Man Yabo's own soul. Since the soul and consciousness are Yabo, it has the highest IQ among Ultra Beasts and a centaur form similar to Brocken.

In the past record, King Qiangbo ignored the attack of the cell decomposition missile and resisted the flying kick performed by Ace.

When fighting with Ace in a long-range battle, King Qiangbo used light, fire and missiles to make Ace fight hard. Ace switched to horse riding tactics to fight, but was hit down by the thorns and tail on King Qiangbo's body and was then suppressed.

In the end, Ace successfully counterattacked after hearing the children's support, first hitting King Qiangbo's head with [Metalium Beam], and then cutting off his head with [Guillotine Shot (Ultimate Guillotine)] to successfully defeat him.

Although Ace's last battle on Earth ended quickly, the combat power of this ultra beast is still worth taking seriously.

At the moment, in terms of this situation, the mastermind behind the scenes undoubtedly wants to use the power of the sacred beast Unikin to revive King Qiangbo, or even merge Unikin's power into King Qiangbo's body!

As for who is the mastermind behind the scenes, there is no need to say more, of course it is...

"Ace, Ace, Ace, Ace!!!"

"Nexus, Nexus, Nexus!!!"

Wait! ?

Looking at the black gas and resentment pouring out of King Qiangbo's body, Yuan Subaru entered the battle mode as expected, but the sound coming from his ear made him utter a surprised "Huh?".

Yuan Subaru looked up and saw the resentment of the Yabo people who created the four-dimensional space with resentment alone, and the small ball in his hand. It was the small ball that was shouting "Nexus".

And if Yuan Subaru was not mistaken, this small ball seemed to be... the dark Zagi who had fought him to death.

This is indeed the case. The residual soul that Dark Zagi forcibly cut off using the space-time channel before his death underwent strange changes in the chaotic space-time flow. Its memory flowed into the hands of Dark Zagi in the parallel world, and the power he obtained from the Yabo people before his death also made his resentment fall into the hands of the Yabo people.

The Yabo people looked at this resentment body that suddenly fell from the sky. Although he was confused, he was pragmatic and didn't care what it was. He used it as material to make a super beast.

Then, the Yabo people picked up the body of the monster Elropa, which was also picked up in the turbulent space-time flow of the universe, and began to select other suitable mother bodies to conduct super beast experiments.

And this monster Elropa is not an ordinary monster. This terrible monster with unknown origin but able to travel through time can use the ability of time movement to travel between the past and the future at will, and uses an energy body that looks like a cloud of accumulation as its nest.

This monster saw the future in the timeline of the energy body of Jiluanyun, and saw that he would be killed by the suicide attack of the Falcon Team after destroying the air base of the Earth Defense Force.

So in order to change this future, this monster kept using the ability to travel through time to go to the past time points, intending to eliminate the Falcon Team first and ensure that he could survive in the future.

After that, El Robpa fought with the Falcon Team several times, but all failed, and could only temporarily return to the energy body to hide. The Falcon Team took the lead and directly entered the energy body to duel with El Robpa, but was taken to another timeline by El Robpa, intending to eliminate the Falcon Team at this time.

At this time, Gaoshan Gomu entered the energy body timeline to assist the Falcon Team. After a time-distorted encounter, he analyzed the truth and persuaded the Falcon Team to fight El Robpa together, creating a future where the Falcon Team would not have to sacrifice.

However, El Robpa's ability was too tricky to find an effective countermeasure. Gao Shan Gamu transformed into Gaia Ultraman and fought with El Robpa, but soon fell into a bitter battle.

At the same time, the Falcon team discovered the secret of the tentacles on El Robpa's head, and immediately organized an attack, destroying the tentacles on El Robpa's head that could emit the power to distort the time axis, making the monster unable to jump in time.

Gaia took the opportunity to transform into a supreme combat type, suppressing El Robpa with powerful power, and finally killed it with the "Flash Blade", and then used other methods to eliminate El Robpa who came from another time point at the same time. At this point, the time of Gaia Earth really entered a new future.

In the hands of the Yabo people's resentment, using the dark Zagi resentment and El Robpa as the main materials, a super beast that controls the power of time was born, and the Yabo people's resentment named it Super Beast Chaos.

However, this super beast has a very difficult problem for Yabo people's resentment. Due to the material of this super beast, this super beast has no interest in other targets before destroying 'Nexus' and 'Gaia'. Although Yabo people's resentment has the ability to control the four-dimensional space, it is not easy to find the precise location of these two enemies of resentment.

Therefore, Yabo people's resentment is full of dissatisfaction with the super beast Chaos that he has worked hard to create, but soon this dissatisfaction was thrown aside by him. Although this super beast Chaos does not listen to his orders at present, Yabo people's resentment can still extract part of its time power for use.


Then why do I still have to fight hard on this super beast Chaos? Wouldn't it be better to create another super beast that can control the power of time?

Thinking of this, Yabo Renyuan took action immediately and selected his new target, which was the beast Unikin. Yabo Renyuan believed that if he had the power of this beast, it would be effortless to take down Ace. As for who to place the power of the beast Unikin on...

That was naturally King Qiangbo. Yabo Renyuan had high hopes for King Qiangbo at the beginning, but the results were not ideal. This was also the reason why Yabo Renyuan had been thinking about it until now. Next, Yabo Renyuan would use the new King Qiangbo to give Ultraman Ace a big surprise.

Under the protection of the space-time power of the super beast Chaos, the body of King Qiangbo was safe and sound in the feather light of the beast Unikin, and absorbed the power little by little.

But at this moment, the appearance of Yuan Subaru made Yabo people's resentment immediately aware of the riot of the super beast Chaos. The shouts of 'Nexus' were louder than his own 'Ace', and even At the beginning, the Yabo people almost lost control of the super beast Chaos out of resentment and almost lost control of it.

However, after figuring out what was going on, the anger in Yabo's resentful heart immediately turned into joy. Although he didn't know how Nexus found him, since he came to the door, he became the super beast Ka The sacrifice of Russia should become a stepping stone for it to break free from bondage!

Thinking of this, the Yabo people laughed with resentment and threw the black ball in their hands towards Yuan Subaru. At that moment, the black ball erupted into a dark cloud of resentment that covered the entire sky, even the divine beast Unikin's The light was blocked, and the laughing Yabo people groaned in resentment, and were also overwhelmed by the fluctuations of time and space filled with hatred.

At the same time, Yuan Subaru felt the stinging killing intent. Although the strength of this enemy was not as good as Noah's clone, it was already quite close to Dark Lucifer. He realized very clearly that in terms of his own state at this time , we can only turn on the [Eternal·Original] state and fight to the death.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru did not hesitate, and was about to release his power to the limit. After seeing the power of [Eternal Original], the Yabo people who had been laughing with resentment suddenly stopped smiling.

He could see that although this power was a little weaker than the super beast Chaos due to the poor condition of the user, its essence was quite astonishing.

Such a vast and overbearing energy reaction made Yabo's resentful mind think of the light he had seen far away. It was the figure of the legendary warrior Ultraman Noah who was chasing someone unknown. That powerful figure. Even if the Yabo people become resentful beings, they cannot forget it.

So....can my super victorious?

Just when the Yabo people began to feel a little confused with their resentment, the dark golden warrior of light faced the huge sphere that was constantly expanding, from the size of a walnut at first to the current size of 444 meters. This super beast... Chaos seems to have no hands and feet, but...

It can also be said that his whole body is made up of the organs of the super beast itself!

The biggest proof is that when the sphere started to roll towards Yuan Subaru, a picture suddenly appeared in Yuan Subaru's mind. In those pictures, the final fate of [Eternal Original] was to be destroyed. The black ball was pressed to the ground, and then the body of the giant of light was torn, chewed, and crushed. All kinds of fatal injuries appeared instantly, completely defeating the [Eternal and Original] form.

And the 'Yuan Subaru' who was forced to exit the giant form of light was rolling on the ground. During the rolling process, the child's body collapsed rapidly and the light particles were scattered everywhere. This was not because of the fatal injury...

Looking at this scene, Yuan Subaru realized very clearly that it was because his short lifespan came to an end under the power of time of this black ball, ushering in the final end.

Is this...already pronouncing my future?

After those pictures flashed, Yuan Subaru immediately realized clearly that the enemy's attack had arrived. What those pictures showed was everything that would happen in the 'future', and it was also determined by this black ball using its power of time. Good things develop. Under the influence of this power, the next battle proceeds as if there is a script. The final victory is already decided when it projects the future picture onto the opponent.

This is really a terrifying ability...

Realizing this, Gen Subaru couldn't help but shed a little cold sweat. Fortunately, this guy came from the resentment of Dark Zaki, which also caused it to be like the Yabo people who stared at Ace-senpai with resentment, and would only die. It is unlikely that you will bite yourself and take the initiative to attack others.

Otherwise, in Yuan Subaru's understanding, among the Ultra warriors he has met, those who do not have the power to control time will basically be sentenced to death when facing this enemy. As for those like Zero, There may still be a possibility of fighting it, but Yuan Subaru is not optimistic about the direction of the battle.

And myself....

Anyone who has not obtained the power of [Eternal Core] and achieved the advancement of [Unity] may not even realize how he died.

But now, I don’t agree with the ‘future’ you wrote!

[Eternity·Original] He pointed his fingers together as a knife and slashed it in front of him. The magnificent power cut off the invisible cause and effect out of thin air and obliterated the unnecessary flow of time. This caused strange waves to appear on the surface of the black ball, and the waves spread. A twisted face was vaguely intertwined on the surface of the sphere, and Yuan Subaru recognized it. It was the face of Dark Zaki.

"You have to die in my hands again!"

Yuan Subaru pointed at the twisted face and said decisively:

"I told you, no one can save you!"

240 I will destroy you!

Hearing Yuan Subaru's words, the super beast Chaos suddenly became violent and began to spin wildly. Under the force of the rotation, the black sphere began to become flat, and then quickly turned into a flying disk-like existence.

At the same time, as the super beast Chaos rotates, countless 'black holes' emerge on this battlefield. Those black holes are twisted time nodes, creations extracted from the long river of time.

Their attack means are just simple movement, but ordinary forces will not be able to stop their movement. Everything on their moving track will be wiped out by the turbulent time, even space is no exception. Yuan Subaru clearly saw that the space was also shattered where these black holes passed, revealing the equally dangerous space torrents behind.

This time point... I'm afraid it was only maintained by the power of the divine beast Unikin.

Seeing the attack of the super beast Chaos, Yuan Subaru had already foreseen the direction of the world at this time point. It is better to say that when the Yabo people trapped the divine beast Unikin here with resentment and let the feather light spots seem to fall, this time point began to collapse.

According to the usual changes, the collapse of this time point will be judged as a parallel world due to the self-repair of the timeline, and then separated. The main timeline is still running, and as for this branch, it is naturally heading towards the end of overall collapse.

But now, because of the existence of the mythical beast Unikin, this time point has been fixed in a certain sense and has been preserved now, but this is not a good thing. It means that if the black ball is not stopped from running away in time, the entire main world line will be damaged, and this planet will not leave any traces from the 'past' to the 'future'.

Another tough guy.

Yuan Subaru calmly commented in his heart, and then raised his middle finger to the black ball. This can be said to be an insult that can be used basically everywhere, and it is often many times more useful than language. Just like now, this guy who resents himself and Nexus has gone crazy again, and the sound of 'Nexus' is like a spell, echoing in this gradually collapsing world.

Yuan Subaru reached out and caught the sudden black hole. This would be an untouchable evil thing for others, but in his hands it was calmly transformed into pure time power. The next battle would be a gamble. Yuan Subaru would use [Amplification] to maximize his status as much as possible and directly fight the enemy. If he won the gamble, everyone would be happy. If he lost the gamble, Yuan Subaru could only regretfully blow up this time point to preserve the existence of the main timeline.

On the other side, feeling Yuan Subaru's instantly powerful aura, the black ball seemed to have an instinctive stress reaction. Even though it could no longer remember any not-so-good memories, the shame of being overturned several times made this super beast further furious. It was spinning at high speed and triggered a terrifying time storm. The boundaries between the 'past', 'future' and 'present' were blurred, and it also erupted with terrifying power.

For this scene, the Yabo people's resentment hiding in the four-dimensional space has been completely numb. He knows the power of this super beast Chaos, and once thought that this would be his most proud work since he became conscious. He was also fortunate to have the two noble fusion materials.

But the current development of the situation has far exceeded his expectations. The origin of the resentment that fell from the sky seems to be much greater than he imagined, and it is more affinity with time than the time and space monster Elrobopa.

At this moment, the Yabo people's resentment hid in the corpse of King Qiangbo, relying on the power of the mythical beast Unikin, surviving in this dark time storm. This super beast Chaos was not a creation that he could control from the beginning, but he was very lucky that the previous oppression did not arouse the tyranny of the super beast Chaos. Otherwise, before the arrival of Yuan Subaru, his Yabo people's resentment would have led this timeline to destruction.

On the battlefield, Gen Subaru has already noticed the destructiveness of this time storm. Under the guidance of Chaos, every minute and every second of the storm is engraved with the word "end". It must be said that this move is really beautiful, extracting the moment when all things usher in death, and then combining it into such a terrifying scene.

And, just like Ultraman Noah pulled his "past self" to the present to act as his own clone, at the moment when this time storm took shape, one, two, three... Every second that passed, there would be one more such storm in Gen Subaru's vision.

To be honest, Gen Subaru could not understand this phenomenon. He could not understand how this enemy could extract time when "time" was disrupted. With such skills, I am afraid that only Senior Noah, who is good at time and space, can give him the answer.

When Chao Beast Chaos launched a full-scale attack, Yuan Subaru had already completed the process of [amplification]. He stretched out his hands, pointed his sword fingers at each other, and pressed his thumbs together, creating a diamond-shaped hole between his hands. Then he aimed this gap at the monster in the storm. At that moment, the dark golden energy slid along the tiger's mouth, completing the closed loop.

Then, the storm and the Chao Beast were trapped in the narrow space formed by the crossed hands in the blink of an eye. It seemed that at that moment, their existence was reduced by an invisible force, and the space outside Yuan Subaru's hands was a chaotic darkness for the Chao Beast Chaos and the time storm.

Seeing this scene, Yabo Ren's resentment hid himself deeper, fearing that the dark golden figure below would think of "Oh, there is another one above", and then locked himself in. At this moment, Yabo Ren's resentment could not understand how this was done. This was completely unscientific, and there was no such manifestation in the basic laws of the universe.

But since this power is named dream, it will naturally not be constrained by common sense.

At this moment, the super beast Chaos sensed the coming crisis and roared and squirmed. Countless vortices appeared on the originally smooth spherical surface at this moment. It used itself as the medium to activate the timeline. The stormy sea, if the dead Dark Zaki could see this scene, he would definitely sigh. This is the power he wants to evolve into by swallowing the light of Nexus.

In the space of the palm, under the explosion of countless whirlpools, the power of the time storm set off by the super beast Chaos was completely absorbed. The spherical super beast turned into a huge fist, and the surface of the fist was Keep shining, that is the intensified 'time' that is constantly circulating, continuously superimposing the power of this attack.

When the fist landed on the invisible barrier, there was a slight depression in the left tiger's mouth of [Eternal Original]. With the continuous time cycle of the super beast Chaos, a wave of power was transmitted to it, attracting the piece of The muscles in the tiger's mouth kept shaking and began to tear.

But as long as this closed loop is not lifted, the corresponding space-time seal will not be destroyed. Yuan Subaru ignored the wound on the tiger's mouth. He was continuing this skill. As the power of fantasy expanded, the chaos outside the seal began. Retreating, huge stars emerged one by one in the shining, as if the spiral arms of the Milky Way had descended here, and countless stars wrapped the sealed space in the middle.

Then Yuan Subaru pushed his hands forward, and the stars were shattered. The huge energy generated poured out under the guidance of the power of dreams, but this ultimate destructive power was not directed at the super beast Ka Went to Russia.

The fatal flash of countless energy concentrated bombarded the diamond-shaped closed-loop space-time, shattering this space-time and everything in it. The terrifying impact and terrifying energy reaction made the black ball-like super The beast suddenly disappeared.

After completing this attack, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but bend his body slightly. The consumption of [Star Explosion], even in the [Eternal·Primitive] state, is a big move that can clear the blue bar. The power is far superior to [Ultimate Light Arrow Storm].

The reason why he had not used it before was because Yuan Subaru's conception of this move was not perfect enough. He was afraid that during the use of it, he would drain himself dry before destroying the enemy.

But now is not the time to relax. Yuan Subaru looked at the black patches that were condensing through the 'time reversal' and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. After all, it was because of the lack of blue bars that led to the lack of power.


Yuan Subaru snapped his fingers, and a figure shimmering with starlight appeared out of thin air among the dense black patches. Although he was still unable to rely on the power of time like Senior Noah or even this monster, Pulling out so much 'past', but the use of the power of fantasy will not be much inferior to it. Please taste this [Limited Edition Ultra Bomb] made on the spot.

Facts have proved that there is still a gap between this super beast Chaos and the clone of Noah. If it were replaced by the clone of senior Noah here, even if it takes full damage from the weakened version of [Star Explosion], it would not be able to survive at this moment. As for being helpless in the face of this self-destructing clone.

But now Yuan Subaru is extremely grateful that this enemy is unable to resist, because this clone is already his last energy. After its explosion, Yuan Subaru will have to exit the form of the 'Giant of Light' and spend a long time For a period of time, transformation will no longer be possible.

Just like now...

Yuan Subaru looked at his hands and then at his body, which was already translucent. Even with his extraordinary perception ability, he could clearly count at this time how many cells were still in his body. There are multiple light particles.

To be honest, Yuan Subaru is quite satisfied with this current situation. After all, in his original vision, his condition would not be so good, so he couldn't help but praise the power of [Unification] in his heart. According to Master Lei Ting, The internal coordination and unity of the body is only a stage of practice. The 'unity of mind and body' is the true path to "Great Unification".

Although at that time, after Master Lei Ting told Yuan Subaru this, he said with some embarrassment, "This idea is just their speculation" and "If you find a better direction in the future, you can Judge for yourself' or something like that.

But now, Yuan Subaru has confirmed that the ideas of those masters are correct so far. Yuan Subaru can still maintain consciousness at this time, maintain the astral body of the fittest, and perceive the outside world, all based on the power of mind and On top of the combination of energy.

However, Yuan Subaru's new stage of practice has just begun, so...

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