"Ace, you're awake."

Seeing the data interruption, the first generation and Jack noticed Ace's awakening and hurriedly put him down. While untying the data cable, they explained:

"Hikali said that the signal was a bit blurry, so he tried to use a signal booster to find the direction of the Ultra Warrior faster. As you know, the low-altitude signals around the Kingdom of Light are still relatively messy."

"Let's not talk about this for now. Brother Man, Brother Jack, please help me call everyone here."

Ace said seriously:

"About that deep blue space, I have an idea that I want to try, but that requires the power of the [Fifth Light of the Universe]."

SPACE Q is Ace's most lethal skill. It was given energy by the four Ultra brothers and became the key to unlocking the "SPACEQ energy" that is exclusive to Ace and is the source of pure energy in the universe. , which combines five energy sources into one and launches a super-killing weapon. The power greatly surpasses the strongest single ultimate guillotine, and is second only to Super Tyro's "Cosmic Miracle Ray" (Zoffie, first generation, Severn , the combined skills of Jack, Ace, and Taro).

"Do you want to use this power? But Severn hasn't come back yet..."

Unexpectedly, Ace would actually use this power. The first generation was surprised and quickly added, but at this moment...

"It doesn't matter, I will take care of Severn."

The father of Ultra slowly descended from the sky, looked at the Ultra brothers in front of him and said:

"It just so happens that my affairs have come to an end, so I came to help."

"In that case, without further ado," Ace clenched his fist and said excitedly, "Let me take the opportunity to test it a few more times. If it succeeds, I believe that next time I enter the deep blue space, I should be able to influence to the action of projection.”

Just as the Kingdom of Light was making progress, Gen Subaru, who had a big bump on his forehead, was woken up by Hiragi Shiori. Amidst the continuous sound of alarms, Hiragi Shiori had no time to ask what was going on with the bag. He said hurriedly:

"Subaru, go quickly, there are already civilian casualties!"

"I see."

After hearing this, Yuan Subaru suddenly woke up, took out the Evolutionary Truster, and rushed away according to the address displayed on the communicator. By the time Yuan Subaru arrived at the scene of the incident, the town had been completely reduced to a sea of ​​flames. , those swaying and walking in the firelight are corpses. Under some kind of control, they are frantically attacking the TLT-J operational troops. Moreover, once there are casualties among the TLT-J operational personnel, their operational personnel will also Crazy, like a zombie in the game.

"Haha, Nexus, come on, today is the day you die!"

032 Space Dinosaur Jeton

"Dark Mephistopheles!"

Looking at the destroyed town, Gen Subaru couldn't help but think of the Mikami Town of the past. A ball of anger suddenly burned in his chest, roaring towards the dark vortex that emerged out of thin air.

"Be careful, the enemy is well prepared this time."

At this time, Kirazawa Yu quickly reminded Gen Subaru through the communicator of the TLT-J field operations unit, but Nexus had already expanded the meta field, including the surrounding dead bodies, suddenly slowing down the TLT-J. The stress of action forces.

Kira Zeyu looked at Jinyu disappearing on the screen, his face was extremely solemn, he looked at Matsunaga Kaichiro beside him, and said softly:

"The location where the alien beast appeared this time should be the closest to the urban area after the ancestor alien beast."

Hearing this, Matsunaga Kaichiro took off his glasses with a headache and pinched his eyebrows and said:

"What about the data on Potential Barrier?"

"No change."

Kira Zeyu raised his hand. Although it could not be seen in the projection, Matsunaga wanted Ichiro to understand that he was adjusting the data.

"The potential barrier conditions are exactly as the visitors expected."

"This is really bad."

Matsunaga Kaichiro whispered and took over:

"It seems that the fusion with the monster corpses has also caused unexpected changes in the alien beasts. Let's go find the visitors and see what countermeasures they can come up with."

While Kirazawa Yu and Matsunaga Kaichiro were discussing countermeasures, on Gensuba's side, the Meta Domain was once again eroded by the Dark Domain. Regarding this, the young man thought about it but couldn't think of a way to solve it, so he could only watch helplessly. The advantage of the battlefield is occupied by the enemy.

"Hehehe....The end of Nexus has come."

Amidst the low laughter of Dark Mephistopheles, a majestic figure walked out of the dark whirlpool. The alien beast that still retained the appearance of the three-headed hellhound did not change much from his original appearance, except for the left side of his head. Like a mouse, there is a pair of small horns with forward-edged scythes on the right side of the head. The hands have also become much larger, and the sharp claws are particularly conspicuous. The symmetrical yellow patches on the left and right sides of the chest are faintly flashing. The pressure of words came quietly.

Beside this alien beast, Dark Mephisto also walked out. He waved his hand and threw out [Mephisto's Hook], and then a dark light gathered into the air, but Nike Ses responded with the same move, neutralizing Dark Mephisto's attack, and waved his hands at the same time, but this time what flew out was not a feather of particles, but a more ferocious core pulse.

However, in the pulse explosion, Yuan Subaru only saw Dark Mephisto's dodge, but the alien beast suddenly disappeared. In an instant, a chill rushed up Yuan Subaru's spine to the back of his head, and Nexus instinctively turned around and slashed with the mist hand knife.

But he didn't expect that the alien beast that teleported behind him could actually control the size and height of its body. At the moment when Nexus counterattacked, it shortened its height and avoided the beheading blow. At the same time, the three heads stretched forward and bit Nexus's left hand, left arm and left chest tightly. While the sharp teeth penetrated the flesh, the hot flames were also brewing very quickly in their mouths. In the blink of an eye, the power was infused into Nexus' body, and then detonated, blowing Nexus away.

On the other side, Dark Mephisto, laughing, threw a dark grenade, which hit Nexus' back. The horrible explosion caused Gen Subaru to cancel his transformation immediately, but at that moment, the boy called up the light again and turned into a giant.

This alien beast... I'm afraid it is stronger than Dark Faust. What kind of monster corpse has it merged with... Ah!!!

When Gen Subaru quickly compared the appearance of this alien beast with the monster illustration, the eyes of the middle head of the alien beast suddenly glowed red. In an instant, the three wounds that were bitten before began to hurt violently, and Nexus's movements became slow. At this time, Dark Mephisto came at a high speed and used Mephisto's claws to pierce at super high speed, which was so fast that countless afterimages appeared.

This is not over yet. The eyes on the left head of the alien beast also lit up. Gensuba, who was about to fight back, suddenly realized that his brain seemed to have been hit by something. The things in front of him began to become scattered. He could not catch the attack trajectory of Dark Mephisto at all. Nexus had no choice but to put his hands together in front of his chest, and the burst of Ultraman's telekinesis blew away everything around him.

At that moment, Nexus caught the light in the eyes of the alien beast, and immediately made a cross with his hands, and lightning splashed, stimulating the "Cross Ray Storm", rushing towards the head.

But in the face of this fierce attack, the alien beast put its hands in an L-shaped posture, forming a cylindrical barrier around its body, and the "Cross Ray Storm" hit it without causing any waves.

"Nexus, you're already checkmated... huh?"

Seeing the 'Cross Ray Storm' fail, Dark Mephisto laughed triumphantly, and was about to go up with his grappling hook to fight again. However, this time, Nexus crossed his hands into an 'X' shape, and used the light energy released from his whole body to make several ring-shaped light locks, which were put on Dark Mephisto's body, restraining his movements.

Although this binding halo was about to be broken free, at this time, Nexus had already shot the 'Cross Ray Storm' at the alien beast again. When the enemy opened the barrier, Nexus jumped high, kicked the mouse head that interfered with his perception, and then condensed light energy at a very close distance within the barrier, and the ring-shaped light emitted wrapped around his arm and hit the alien beast's body along his fist.

? ? ?

Why didn't it explode?

However, the subsequent development was beyond Yuan Subaru's expectations. The light was like a stone sinking into the sea, and failed to have any killing effect. At this time, the wave-shaped super-strong wave-shaped light emitted by the hands of the alien beast was a super-destructive light released in one breath after the intersection of 60 million amperes of current and 25 million gauss of electromagnetics.

The terrifying power immediately made Nexus fly backwards, and turned back to Yuan Subaru, fell to the ground, covered his chest, and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. After experiencing this fight, the ability of this alien beast finally allowed Yuan Subaru to face a monster in the illustration book-

Its name is... Space Dinosaur Jetton!!

033 Encirclement and Killing

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru's face was a little ugly. The Space Dinosaur Jetton was a monster weapon created by the Jetton star for invasion. According to the records in the monster illustration book, his abilities mainly include teleportation, absorption of light, and the legendary one trillion degree fireball.

According to the visitors, even the early Zagi may not be able to beat this monster, not to mention that this monster now has the ability of the alien beast, and there is Dark Mephisto standing next to it.

But even so, I will not give up...

Yuan Subaru held the Evolution Truster with difficulty, activated the light in it, turned into a giant three times, and staggered to get ready.

I will fight these bastards to the end!

"Heh, fall into despair."

Dark Mephisto sneered, stretched out his hand to wipe the claws, looked at the night attack team fighter plane that suddenly attacked at this time, waved his hand, and the alien beast's eyes lit up red, and the hypnotic light wave immediately enveloped the night attack team. Then there was a fierce civil strife in the fighter plane, and with a few gunshots, both fighter planes fell.

But Gensuba turned a deaf ear to this. No, he could only pretend to turn a deaf ear to it. In such a battle, even if his mother-in-law was killed in front of him, he had to put aside his sadness and anger until the battle was over. Otherwise, if he lost his mind, the chances of winning this battle would be even slimmer.

"What a cold-blooded guy."

However, after Dark Mephisto did not see the reaction he wanted to see, he could not help but provoke Nexus. To be honest, until now, although he did not want to admit it, this generation of the fittest was indeed a formidable opponent. Fortunately, he used his intelligence advantage to suppress him from the beginning, otherwise, he would not be so relaxed now.

‘Light Ray Cluster’

Yuan Subaru took a deep breath, suppressed the blood that was flowing, and then shot out two energy balls, and then aimed at Dark Mephisto and killed him——

Just now, Yuan Subaru had noticed that the monster's head that was damaged by the meteor flying kick had healed itself. Facing such a creature that absorbs light and has a strong physical self-healing ability, it is undoubtedly unwise to fight it to death. In this case, let's switch and take down Dark Mephisto first to eliminate the current dangerous situation of being two against one.

Is it really coming for me?

As for Nexus's choice, Dark Mephisto had expected it, but the dark giant did not feel angry about being looked down upon. Rather, if it were him, he would have made this decision earlier than Nexus. After all... he also felt that the evolved Garberos was quite difficult to beat.

But he was still too young.

Dark Mephisto snapped his fingers, Garberos' eyes lit up, and Nexus's bite wound began to hurt again, but Nexus quickly adjusted after the initial movement deformation, and punched like usual.

What a lovely attack.

Dark Mephisto dodged to the side, looking at Garberos who was coming to support this side, and he had an idea in his mind. Since he had already gained an advantage, he would expand it step by step, steadily and steadily, and completely wipe out the hope of this generation of fit people!


Suddenly, Dark Mephisto, who was dodging the attack, noticed that something seemed to be wrong, but before he could react, a line of fist shadows suddenly appeared in front of him. This scene made Dark Mephisto's face change. There was no doubt that this was the dark square he had just used to attack Nexus, but in the blink of an eye, his moves were learned and used on himself.

The most hateful thing is that he couldn't dodge it this time!

Dark Mephisto was in pain and didn't know how many punches he received in an instant. He was immediately knocked out. Seeing this, Garuberos hurriedly spit out a fireball to rescue his master, but at the same time, Nexus had already left his original position and moved at super high speed to catch Dark Mephisto in the air. After the last battle, Gen Subaru would not give him another chance to perform domain teleportation to avoid his attack.

"You... huh?!"

Looking at Nexus who was hugging him, Dark Mephisto immediately planned to counter with joint skills, but Nexus didn't hug him to act like a spoiled child. After locking Dark Mephisto's body, he immediately started multiple rounds of high-speed rotation in the air, and then threw him heavily to the ground.

But this is not over yet. When Dark Mephisto fell to the ground with a bang and his body bounced up, Nexus, who was chasing him, clamped his opponent's head with his legs, rotated his whole body, and threw him away again. Then, the bow-shaped core on Nexus' chest lit up, and the core pulse was ready, which was about to light Dark Mephisto like a firework.

Garberos would not sit idly by, teleporting over and blocking the trajectory of the core pulse in advance, but at this moment, Nexus changed his tactics temporarily, his whole body was red, and the powerful Ultramania immediately fixed Garberos' body, and then the [Armed Nexus] of his arms collided and crossed, the energy intersected, and then he pushed with both hands, pushing Garberos away, and the strengthened particle feathers merged into one, slashing at Dark Mephisto.

But when the particle feathers flew out and Dark Mephisto's figure was not seen, Yuan Subaru's heart was alarmed, and his perception spread out, catching the wave attack in the darkness.

It's right in front!

"Are you underestimating me too much?"

Although the surprise attack was stopped, Dark Mephisto still looked contemptuous. Yuan Subaru raised his eyebrows, and when he heard the whistling sound behind him, he immediately pulled away, trying to avoid the boomerang-like dark energy.

However, Garuberos also teleported over at this time, seized the gap when Nexus dodged, and grabbed the giant's back with one move. At the same time, Dark Mephisto attacked from the darkness, stabbing Nexus' waist and abdomen with his claws. Although this move was blocked, Garuberos flashed and chased after him and spit out a fireball, which hit Nexus. The giant wanted to fight back, but found that Dark Mephisto and Garuberos were all hidden in the darkness. The two enemies used their ability to teleport and were wandering around like assassins who could kill with one strike.

And, in this increasingly solemn atmosphere, Yuan Subaru raised his eyebrows. He didn't know whether it was because of his injury or the surrounding environment had indeed changed. He felt that the temperature in this area seemed to be getting higher and higher, but he didn't sense the source of the heat, which made Yuan Subaru feel even more heavy.

034 M87 Rays

Just when Subaru was worried, the attack began. Dark Mephisto and Garberos appeared like ghosts. Some of them only appeared to attract Nexus's attention and then flashed away. Some of them were just feints to trick the other side into succeeding before turning into real moves and launching fierce attacks.

Gen Subaru is overwhelmed by the truth and lies. Even if he releases his ultra-psychic power and forces Dark Mephistopheles and Garubelos back, these two guys will soon be surrounded again. Even if he deliberately betrays The flaw lures the enemy to attack, but with Garubelos as a qualified human shield, the damage caused is also very...

Um? !

In the fight just now, Yuan Subaru suddenly discovered a problem. Just when he suddenly attacked and planned to die with Dark Mephistopheles, this guy still pulled Garubelos over as a shield. Although the light energy In the end, he was absorbed by this alien beast...

but! !

Yuan Subaru noticed that in the first few seconds when the light was released, the alien beast's skin still showed signs of damage. Although it healed itself in the blink of an eye, combined with the fact that the alien beast was pulled over urgently to block the knife. The situation made the young man realize something——

The skill of absorbing light is not a passive skill, but an active skill.

In other words, he can cheat and attack, and as long as he kills this supernatural beast, Dark Mephistopheles won't be that troublesome to deal with.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru quickly calculated the current situation and had an idea in the blink of an eye.

"Nexus, it's over!"

At the same time, Dark Mephistopheles was also slightly frightened. After all, he also realized that the action just now might arouse Nexus's vigilance, so he immediately decided not to delay any longer and began to make a killing move. He formed a cross with his hands, and the combination The method is exactly the opposite of Ultraman's cross combination, and then the powerful destructive light - Dark-Ray Storm (Dark-Ray Schtrom) is emitted. Its power is not the same as the stacked light storm in the red youth form of Nexus. up and down.

On the other side, Garubelos also spit out a huge fireball, attacking Dark Mephistopheles back and forth. Its hypnotic light waves also accurately interfered with Nexus, making Yuan Subaru's eyes appear like a kaleidoscope.

In this regard, Nexus did not say anything, ducked sideways, unfolded the circular shield, and prepared for a defensive counterattack, but at this time, Garubelos released its hypnotic wave to the extreme, which was no longer considered hypnosis. Instead, it was a mental shock that made Yuan Subaru feel like the world was spinning. There were stars in front of his eyes. Realizing that something was wrong, Nexus immediately focused his energy on [Armed Nexus] and used his arm blade to rotate and cut around. , to prevent enemy sneak attacks.



With a sound that penetrated the flesh, Mephisto's claws penetrated Nexus's chest from behind. Dark Mephisto hooked the neck of the giant of light with one hand and whispered:

"You can be proud of yourself after holding on until now, and then...go to hell!"


Mephistopheles suddenly pulled out his claws, and majestic light particles spurted out from the wound. The giant of light fell down weakly and turned back into his original boy. The bright red blood suddenly penetrated his blue coat. Dark Mephistopheles stared at it, his heartbeat had stopped, and his vitality was dissipating. This capable person...

So dead!


Dark Mephisto sneered with satisfaction, turned around, and looked at Garubelos. To be honest, he was still very curious about the method of fusion of alien beasts. If he could master this technique, maybe he could A lot of interesting things happen.

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