The elder of the Baltan star widened his eyes. This didn’t mean that the Chebul star was dead. According to the previous habits of getting along, this kind of information interruption usually meant that something happened on the Chebul star side, so as to prevent the Baltan planet from being involved.

“How long have we not contacted the Chebul star side?”

Thinking of this, the elder of the Baltan star thought about it in confusion, and finally asked the attendant for help helplessly.

"We probably haven't been in touch since the first wave of invasion. After all, we didn't ask the Chebuls to come and help."

"Ah... Didn't they ask us for help?"


Listening to the words of his elder, the attendant spread out his pliers and said:

"If we receive it, we have to go and take a look."

"Ah... Never mind."

The elder of the Baltan sighed and said softly:

"Anyway, the adult has gone there now. Even if there are problems, we don't have to worry about them. You came at the right time. I need an assistant here. Come on, let's finish the design of this engine today."

When the Baltans began to continue to build their mother planet in full swing, Gensuba had already come to the location of the Chebuls according to the star map obtained from Baltan.

In fact, Gen Subaru has dealt with this Chebul starman before.

In the Galaxy Ultraman universe, the Chebul starman targeted the Victorium crystal that was sleeping underground, and the Chebul starman attacked the ground from the base on the moon.

He considered the plan to take away the Victorium source crystal like a game and enjoyed it. He had a high self-esteem and a strong desire to dominate. He arranged for his subordinates to obey absolutely, and his heart was extremely twisted.

He was proud of his high IQ of 50,000 and called himself the strongest brain in the universe. He also developed something like the dark spark, sent the android OneZero and other subordinates, and demonized the spark dolls to attack the earth.

In the end, the UPG base equipped with the Victorium cannon was integrated with the dark Lugiel, and Victor Lugiel was born and easily defeated Galaxy and Victory with its powerful strength.

But in fact, Dark Lugiel was not really dead, he just used the Chebul people to revive himself. In the end, the Chebul people who lost their value were turned into spark puppets by the awakened Lugiel. Using others will eventually make you used by others.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru's first impression of this Chebul people was not very good, but the Chebul people in his universe seemed a little different, but he had to go and see it in person to know what it was like.

Yuan Subaru was very fast and it didn't take much time to get to the outside of Chebul, but the current situation of this planet did not seem to be as good as expected. Suspended in the universe, Yuan Subaru squinted slightly and looked at the Chebul over there. He found that there were acquaintances on this planet -

Magma people!

Obviously, although he didn't know what happened, the Chebul people were enslaved by the Magma people. As far as Yuan Subaru saw at present, the Chebul people were building various equipment under the supervision of the Magma people.

How to say it, the Magma people seem to be in trouble wherever they are in the universe.

Yuan Subaru floated aside and waited for a while. After seeing a Magma spaceship flying out of Chebul, he waved his hand and covered it directly with telekinesis, and then made it fall into the illusion, and told Yuan Subaru all the information he wanted.

How to say it, the Magma people are really resourceful. They first said that their spaceship had a malfunction and asked to borrow the port for repairs. Then, during the deliberately delayed repair time, they quietly carried out the infiltration operation, captured all the loved ones of the Chebul people in one fell swoop, and threatened the Chebul people to serve them and make various weapons.

However, these weapons were not prepared by the Magma people for invasion. These guys also realized the danger of the alien beast tide and wanted to spread their strength as much as possible in a short time to escape to a safer place.

It seems that the spread of the alien beast tide has not been small.

Yuan Subaru thought secretly in his heart, but he still had to focus on the present. Since the Magma people were invaders, he should just destroy them.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru dispersed the news that concealed his figure, and the Magma people immediately discovered his existence. Obviously, these Magma people were the remnants of the Gua Legion and had seen Yuan Subaru's image.

When they saw Yuan Subaru, they immediately thought that this was the killing god who came to hunt him down, and without hesitation, they used the weapons that the Chebul people had just made to launch the most fierce attack on Yuan Subaru.

Yuan Subaru opened the round shield and said nothing more. While resisting the attack, he also extended the activated telekinesis to lock the position of each Magma person, and then stimulated the telekinesis to accurately blow off their heads.

In an instant, the invasion problem of Chebul was solved. The people of Chebul were unable to react for a while, and then they cheered in shock. It should be mentioned here that the cheers of the people of Chebul were continuous and harsh sound waves, emitted by the high-speed vibration of the mouth generator.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru, who knew this, did not fly down immediately to communicate with the Chebur people. Although the harsh sound could not cause harm to Yuan Subaru, Yuan Subaru did not like that kind of noisy movement.

So after waiting for a while, he saw that the Chebul Star people were gathering, as if they were waiting for something. Yuan Subaru knew that the Chebur Star people had also noticed him, so he landed on the Chebur Planet and looked at The Chebul star in front of him, with a huge brain-shaped head and three long tentacles, said softly:

"Hello, I..."

"Emperor! Emperor! Emperor!!" XN

However, before Yuan Subaru could finish speaking, these Chebur Star people shouted loud slogans in unison. Although they could not understand the language of Chebur Star, their ability to communicate spiritually made Yuan Subaru aware of what they were saying.

"Stop, stop, I am not the so-called [Emperor], and I don't like this title."

Yuan Subaru looked at the Chebul Stars waving tentacles with a black eye, and quickly interrupted their call. These Chebur Stars looked at each other, and then seemed to have some consensus, and then they waved their tentacles and started shouting:

“Kami kami kami!!!”

"Just call me Nexus, [Emperor], [God]... I don't like these things. Now, let's get down to business. Has your beloved been rescued now?"

Yuan Subaru no longer wanted to continue on this topic, so he simply talked about the things that the Chebul Stars should be most concerned about at the moment. As for Yuan Subaru's question, one of the Chebur Stars was standing in the front row, and he was relatively tall. The guy seemed very proud and said:

"Of course, we organized people to unlock it as soon as possible. Calculating the time, it should be almost done."

As soon as the Chebul star finished speaking, Yuan Subaru heard the strange sound of mechanical rotation. He couldn't help but become vigilant, but the Chebur star all took out a very sophisticated-looking machine from their pockets. The small ball, and then, as the light lit up on the small ball, and with the unfolding of similar nanotechnology, the mechanical Chebul Star, which was smaller than the Chebur Star, extended from the mechanical ball.


"Uuuuuuuuuuah, my dear, you have been suffering during this time."

"Ah, my little baby, you are finally back, Gu Gu Gu..."

"Little sweetheart, my little sweetheart, I will definitely set the highest level for you next... No, I will design an exclusive firewall system for you right now. You will never be locked out by the hateful cosmic beings again. ”



Seeing the crowd of demons dancing in front of him, but all of them were confiding their lovesickness to their mechanical companions. Yuan Subaru couldn't get around him at once. Although he didn't know what the customs of the Chebur people were, if he didn't If you read or guess wrong, the people from Planet Chebul seem to have made their own wives or husbands.

Is the love among you cosmic beings so... creative?

Although he wanted to complain, Yuan Subaru still respected the personal habits of other civilizations, and managed his expressions and emotions very well. He quietly waited for these Cheburians to finish talking, and then said:

"Sorry to excuse you, I'm from the planet Baltan. This is the letter of introduction given to me by the elder there. Why don't you take a look?"

"This... let's wait until the chief comes."

The Chebur star who just spoke to Yuan Subaru thought for a moment and said softly:

"Although I am responsible for managing the situation in this area, diplomacy with other civilizations is not my responsibility. Please wait a moment. I believe the chief is already rushing here."

"That's right."

As soon as the Chebur star finished speaking, a mecha that was extraordinarily huge compared to the Chebur star fell from the sky, and a strange voice came from it, and then...

"Well, be careful and let me out. It would be impolite to talk to an honored guest in your body."

"Well~~~I don't~~~"

"Oh, I can't bear to leave you, but I can't let others think that our family doesn't understand etiquette. When I'm done, I'll lubricate you in the evening, okay?"

"Damn you, you say anything to others, you're so embarrassed~~~"

After all this pouring of electronic dog food, the chief of the Cheburians finally came out of the mecha, ah, no, out of his wife's body. He looked at this imprint on the huge head. Yuan Subaru smiled slightly and handed the letter of introduction from the elder of the Baltan Star to him, which was actually something like a USB flash drive.

The chief of the Chebul Stars smiled sheepishly, took the thing over, and inserted it directly into his head. As a few electric currents flashed, he nodded and said softly:

"I already know a little bit about it. No problem. We will fully support your request. Even without the introduction of the old pliers, you saved our lover. This alone is a great kindness. Our database is completely accurate for you. Open, come on, please come here, I will help you complete the next data collection."

It has to be said that the movement of the Chebur people is much faster than that of the Batan people, and the rhythm is much tighter. However, for Gen Subaru, who was studying and doing experiments with Hikari in the Kingdom of Light, In other words, this is not a troublesome matter, and it is handled quite easily.

Therefore, the chief of the Chebur planets who had his hands free conveniently sent Yuan Subaru a form. The text on it was written in the universal language of the universe, so Yuan Subaru seemed to have no difficulty.

Prefer gender... refer to race... personality preference... body type setting... yandere or not...

No, what are these?

Yuan Subaru took a general glance, and immediately felt something was wrong, and then realized that this was probably not a form used by the people from the Chebul planet to create a lover for him.

"You see, you're only here once. It's not a bad idea to take a caring person along with you. Just treat it as a special product."

The chief of the Chebul Stars said in a very normal tone:

"Sir, let me tell you, you are really happy to have someone who cares about you by your side. Especially the whole process of making this lover was put together by your own hands and witnessed with your own eyes. This is undoubtedly the most touching thing in the universe. Love union, although at the beginning, you and your lover may still need a little adjustment, but look at my wife and I, don’t we get along very well now.”


Listening to the words of the leader of the Chebur planet, Yuan Subaru felt beads of sweat begin to form on his head. This was something he had never thought of, and it was also a clear understanding of the huge gap between civilizations in the universe. Therefore, he thought about it. I wanted to go, but I was thinking quickly about how to refuse the kindness of Chief Chebur.

"Sir, let me tell you, don't have any resistance to this. Look at the cosmic people outside. It's so troublesome and takes a lot of effort to fall in love. Maybe they're all being taken advantage of. Kaizi's, even if it is successful, there may be conflicts in the future. For those of us who don't have to worry about it, we just get it right in one step. This habit of us Chebur people has been maintained for thousands of years, and we have never seen what it is. Divorce or something.”

Having said this, the chief of the Chebul Stars even winked at Yuan Subaru and said in a flattering manner:

"Let me tell you quietly, when other cosmic beings come to us to customize companions, we won't have the best technology, but you absolutely don't have to worry about this problem. If anyone dares to bring in some inferior parts, I will kill him right away. Being imprisoned will prevent him from seeing his lover for hundreds of years."

"Your Excellency, please stop preaching for now. The issue of alien beasts is the most critical issue now. If we can't eliminate this crisis, I'm afraid it will be meaningless to create a partner who is more suitable for me."

Yuan Subaru smiled and interrupted the words of the chief of the Chebul Stars in a gentle tone. He looked at the star map unfolded on the projection. This was based on the information from the Baltan Stars and the Chebur Stars themselves, plus the intelligence from their friends. , and the data on the Magma spacecraft were integrated together.

This star map is still imperfect and has many loopholes, but even so, more than ten star regions have been captured by alien beasts.

Looking at this star map, the chief of the Chebur Stars also fell silent, no longer promoting their Chebur Star lover's technology, and couldn't help but wipe the sweat on his forehead with his long tentacles, and said softly:

"Sir, is there any hope for this?"

"It's okay, but it just takes a lot of effort."

Yuan Subaru pinched his chin and thought about the worst possible situation, and realized that this was within his ability to handle it.

"Well, if we need to do something, as long as it can be put to use, we are duty-bound!"

The Chief of the Chebul Planet is afraid that Yuan Subaru will say that there is nothing he can do. After all, if his guess is correct, this is the existence that single-handedly destroyed the Gua Army. If he says that he can't handle it, then the Chief of the Chebul Planet will have to find a way. Hurry up and find a way to save your life.

After all, in this universe, alien beasts are considered a specialty. Even if each civilization has never seen it, they must have heard of this evil race. The chief of the Chebul Star people does not think that by uniting a few more civilizations, they can unite. He was pressed to death.

Therefore, the chief of the Chebul Stars really hopes that a big boss can stand up and take the lead. Now that there is a big boss, the "little brothers" like him must take care of all other small things no matter what.


Yuan Subaru thought for a moment, looked at the leader of the Chebul Stars, and said softly:

"If you want to help, I do have some things here that need your help, but there is a certain danger."

As he spoke, Yuan Subaru opened his hand, and dark golden particles appeared in his hand. At the same time, an expected plan was transmitted to the mind of the chief of the Chebul Stars through Ultra-Psychic Power:

"These energy particles have a positioning effect. With the existence of these things, no matter how far I fly, I can sense its position, and then draw out the range of the alien beast and isolate it. However, these energy particles do not It has the ability to move autonomously, so someone needs to risk it and carry it in the galaxy close to the alien beast to perform various operations.”

"That risk is nothing in comparison."

The chief of the Chebul Stars originally thought that this ability particle would need to be constantly sacrificed, or someone would carry it to carry out suicide attacks, but now he heard that it was just used to fix the coordinates.

Then this is too easy. If there are still people complaining, then just take off your clothes and feed them to the alien beasts. When is it, you still can’t tell the importance of this. You have to wait for the alien beasts to block your door. Only then do you know you regret it, right?

After complaining about this in his heart, the chief of the Chebur Stars also began to calculate the star map, and found that in such a large range, it was impossible to complete what Yuan Subaru said just by relying on the words of the Chebur Stars and Baltan Stars. of punctuation.

Therefore, he looked at Yuan Subaru and said softly:

"Sir, it's like this. How about you give me some time and I'll contact the civilizations we have good relations with to see if they can assist now and complete this targeted plan."

"Of course there is no problem. The mutated alien beast has already started to move, so there is no need to rush for a while now."

Yuan Subaru responded with a smile, then remembered something and said softly:

"If after you integrate the star map again, there are still unknown blank areas on the star map, then I will be responsible for it, eh? Mr. Chief, I have something to do here, come on, let's set the time."

After Yuan Subaru and the chief of the Chebul Stars made calculations using Earth time, they found that the Chebur Stars would need close to twelve hours to carry out the next work. Yuan Subaru nodded and continued:

"Then I'll leave first, and we'll see you then."

After saying that, the tall figure of Nexus disappeared in front of the chief of the Chebul star. Regarding this spatial teleportation, the chief of the Chebur star quietly made some calculations on his own, hoping to see the adult. Where did it go?

It turned out that based on the technological level of the Chebur Star, the relevant time and space calculations could no longer proceed until halfway through. This made the chief of the Chebur Planet people sigh with emotion at the strength of the adult, and then he continued his work honestly. .

At this moment, the assistant to the chief of the Chebul Star floated over, looked at his chief, and said softly:

"Chief Sir, this is a message from the elders of the Baltan planet. Take a look. They seem to be in a hurry over there."

"Huh? Let me take a look."

Regarding the Baltan Stars, in fact, the Chebul Stars also asked for help there at the beginning. But how can I put it, although the Gua Legion has been destroyed, their battleships are still very powerful. All outgoing communications were intercepted, and for this, nearly a hundred Cheburians paid the price with their lives and loved ones.

At the same time, the people from the Chebur planet also know that the Baltan people are currently fighting fiercely, and it is normal for them not to notice the situation on their side. Therefore, the diplomatic relations between the civilizations of the two planets are still as good as ever.

After reading the message from the Baltan elders, the chief of the Cheburians knocked on the table with dissatisfaction and said in a tone of hatred:

"That adult can reshape your old boy's home planet, why are you still thinking about the title of [Emperor]! You are such a stupid fool, you shouldn't be called [God]! Really! It’s hopeless. Forget it. The Lord’s business is important. Come on, send this. This is the first thing the Lord has assigned you. It must be done well.”

After speaking, the chief of the Chebul Stars handed a new communication to his assistant. At the same time, he also lowered his voice and said:

"Also, quietly spread the matter of [Reshaping Baltan Planet] on our planet, so that everyone can have a clearer understanding of the strength of that adult. Don't come here with a few idiots who think that The Magma people are gone, and he can do it on his own, remember!"

"Don't worry, Chief, I will take care of it. By the way, Chief, this... do you want... some?"

At this time, the assistant quietly sent an internal URL to the chief. The chief Cheburian opened it and saw that it was a handicap. He was betting on what the adult would give him if he accepted the existence of the 'mechanical lover'. What kind of partner do you want to have?

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