There is no other way, let me help you.

Although those aliens are not from Earth, there are quite a lot of them. Now he has nothing else to do, and they have not disgusted him yet. Therefore, based on the teachings of Grandma Sakura, Gen Subaru did not hesitate for too long and activated the remaining power of [unity], allowing the posture of [eternal original] to release the brilliant dark gold light again.

At that moment, all the escaping aliens saw a ray of light rushing from outside the galaxy to the energy source on the verge of explosion. As his light spread, a dark gold energy shield gently wrapped the dangerous energy source and guided it to other places.


"It's too late."

A wise man among the aliens looked at the readings on the spacecraft instrument, closed his eyes, and made a desperate voice. Then, even in the entire galaxy, it was an extremely rare violent explosion caused by that energy source, and the surrounding galaxies were razed to nothingness.

Most of the cosmic people who escaped also died in this horrible explosion. Only those who escaped quickly and were already on the edge of the explosion survived with great difficulty after enduring the huge explosion.

This... unexpectedly....

The surviving cosmic people looked at the scene behind them and fell into a sluggish state for a while. They did not expect that the light that once gave them hope would one day become a "killer" that destroyed their homes and killed their people!

After surviving this catastrophe and waking up from the horror of death, the surviving cosmic people could not help but cry, celebrating their survival and mourning their family and friends who had left forever.

"Wait, look outside!"

At this moment, I don't know who made the first sound, and the cosmic people looked out in unison and saw the dreamlike bubbles appearing outside their escape spaceship, which made these cosmic people who were already frightened birds start to stir in fear.

But soon, the bubble burst, and a familiar model of escape ship appeared in front of them. Although not all of them, there is no doubt that a large number of their people survived, and the one who created this miracle was the dark golden giant figure floating behind the escape ship.


Seeing this scene, the cosmic person who had the right to speak among this group of cosmic people stood up, using the device on the escape ship to first launch the medium outward, and then turned on the loudspeaker, trying to communicate with the dark golden giant:

"We are An... Eh? Wait, where are the people? Um... hello?"

As a result, before the words were finished, these cosmic people saw that the dark golden giant turned into light particles and disappeared, leaving them looking at each other in bewilderment.

On the other hand, Yuan Subaru had indeed reached his limit. After all this tossing and turning, he really couldn't stand it anymore. The energy consumption was too amazing. Moreover, he had guessed that he was acting in the "past" time. Therefore, after leaving a little energy to bear the punishment of "time", Yuan Subaru exhausted all his strength, ended this long business trip, and returned to the earth.

Moreover, when he just returned to the ranger's hut in the forest, Yuan Subaru was strong and energetic. He quickly opened the space used to store stone statues before, and began to absorb the energy in it frantically, sweeping away those energy-supplying stone statues. Yuan Subaru barely survived the aftermath of [energy exhaustion] and the [time punishment] that came from it.

Yuan Subaru lay on his back on the small wooden bed, looking at the familiar ceiling, listening to the "clattering" sound of the trees swaying outside, exhaled a long breath, then closed his eyes, began to recover his depleted telekinesis, and then slowly entered a state similar to human sleep.

After Yuan Subaru's condition improved, it was two days later. All his energy returned to the lowest operating level, so Yuan Subaru jumped off the bed and walked outside.

Looking at the vibrant forest, Yuan Subaru reached out to catch the squirrel that jumped down from the tree, gently rubbed its fluffy tail a few times, and the squirrel also flexibly ran up along Yuan Subaru's arm, like a scarf, and circled Yuan Subaru's neck a few times, then left Yuan Subaru and ran into the woods, and no one knew where it went.

Yuan Subaru didn't follow him out of curiosity. He put his hand on his chest and calculated his remaining time according to the precise biological clock -

one year and seven months.

This business trip consumed almost a month of his life, most of which was spent on chasing Noah's clone.

But for TLT Earth, only three days have passed. This rather subtle comparison of the speed of time made Yuan Subaru somewhat amused and confused. He began to understand why Mr. Tartarus wrote on the first page of the time textbook that "time is a very complex and mysterious concept".


Next, what should I do?

Yuan Subaru tilted his head. He wanted to give himself a little vacation now. He had to thank the [Eternal Core]. If it hadn't helped him understand the essential issues of [unification] and [galaxy] and promoted the process of improving various details, Yuan Subaru would still have to continue to study this and that.

Ah, of course, that doesn’t mean that the research work will end here. When this short vacation is over, we will discuss the development of [Eternal Original] power and skills, as well as the problem of the green crystal in our own universe, plus our own body. The engine it has become, these are projects that require a lot of effort to advance.

As the saying goes, there is no end to learning and you will never be idle.

Yuan Subaru stretched his body and slowly walked out of the forest sea. Then he went around the various branches of TLT to see if there were any problems that he could help solve quietly, and to see if there was anything near the solar system. It can be killed in advance.

After finishing all these things, Gen Subaru found a wooden board by the lake in Sangami Town and wrote the name of 'Yusalei' on it. Although they didn't get along for a long time, they were still friends. Although he was... The past has affected her destiny, but that is already a thing of the past.

Although I didn't calculate carefully at that time how long ago it was, but looking back now, such a rough estimate must have been at least tens of thousands of years. Even if there is my own light, as a human ghost, Shalei can't live that long either.

Therefore, Gen Subaru here pays a little tribute to this friend who died in the 'past'. Gen Subaru remembers Granny Sakura once said that human death is divided into three stages:

The first level refers to the absence of heartbeat and breathing, and the doctor declares death. This is the death of the body. What we usually call death generally refers to this level.

The second level is when the relatives and friends of the deceased gather together to say goodbye to the deceased. This refers to the death of social relationships. The saying "a person dies and the debt is ruined" usually also has this meaning, which is the social relationships before life. With the death of a person, everything is written off and disappears into thin air.

The third level means that when the last person in the world who still remembers you dies, it means that this person is completely dead.

For tens of thousands of years, in that parallel world on Earth, no one should have remembered Yousha Lei and her companions from the Earth Star Defense Force. This is the ruthlessness of 'time', although I will soon I'm going to die, but at least for a year and seven months, I can still mourn for you.

After completing the silent ceremony, Yuan Subaru stood up, patted the dust on his body, moved his body, and looked at the setting sun on the lake. The water was like undulating crystals. He picked up a flat stone. , controlled the force, and threw it out. Looking at the floating water, the child smiled knowingly, then took the wooden board and returned to the forest guard's hut.

Okay, the vacation is over, now let’s analyze carefully, what can you save in the [Eternal·Native] state, yes, that’s right, I’m talking about you, Zhili, you, a big energy consumer, Can't you give me a discount when releasing skills? ! What? cannot! Come, let me help you figure out how to save...

Wait, did I forget something...

Forget it, let's wait until I remember it. Oops, why do I feel like my memory is getting worse and worse now...

Just when Yuan Subaru returned to TLT Earth and started a new development plan, Jonias looked at the Ultra King who was still busy on the other side of the cosmic rift that first exploded. He hesitated and couldn't help but Said softly:

"King of Ultraman, if you can't figure it out, why not go to someone else to help. Ultraman Noah's ability in space and time is obvious to everyone, so..."

"....Subaru should still be safe."

Hearing this, the King of Ultra held his forehead and fell into a long silence. It seemed as if he refused to give up, but after a while, he still said softly:

"Although I haven't found his whereabouts yet, there is no doubt that he has now escaped the impact of space-time turbulence and the associated radiation zone. Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to find the child. I'm sorry. , I didn’t expect that such a thing would happen. Joanias, please explain the ins and outs of this matter to the Kingdom of Light. I’ll find other people to help, preferably Noah! matter."

231 12W word update notice

Chapter name of this chapter: "Belia: Disgust"

When the King of Ultra left, on the other side, Beria also returned to his base, put away the ultimate combat device, and then looked at his subordinates' plans to rule the universe. Start busy.

To be honest, Beria is surprisingly free now. After all, everything that should be arranged has been arranged. There is nothing more to say. He sat on the exclusive throne and didn't know what to do for a while. After thinking for a while, He took out something that looked like crystal from a box next to him.

That was the soul fragment of Fushii Izuku. When the Strum star swore allegiance to him, he asked himself to tear his soul apart, as if it were a proton, leaving this piece of soul here. As long as he thought about it, it would be a simple matter to kill him from the air with this soul fragment.

But now, Beria obviously doesn't want to kill Izuku. This Strum star is still very useful. It would be too wasteful to let him die now. He needs to be drained. .

Beria looked at the soul fragment and poured a little of his own power into it. At that moment, on the earth, Izuku Fushii, who had a piece of cloth with the words "Fight Hard" on his head, was thinking about what he should do. When he came up with a new invention and let Beria's eyes fall on him, he suddenly lay down on the spot as if he was shaking, twitching his body crazily.

In this regard, Izuku Fushii felt quite confused and didn't understand what was going on. This kind of uncontrollable action from the soul shouldn't...

Wait, soul? soul! ! Is the fragment of my soul in Lord Beria's hands? OMG! Is this a blessing that I can enjoy! Wow! ! ! Lord Beria! ! ! !

Now Izuku Fushii's body was twitching even more violently, not because Beria had poured power into the soul fragment again, but simply because the Strum star himself was starting to go crazy.

"Silicone comes out of a well."

At this time, Beria's voice rang in Fushii Izumi's mind. The still-mad Strum star immediately got up from the ground, knelt on the ground, and said in a pious and excited tone:

"Lord Beria, I'm here!"

"Send me all the data on Ged, and that Nike... Forget it, just Ged. From now on, when you report to me, you don't have to go through that device, just call it directly in your mind. My name will do."

After saying that, Beria's voice disappeared from the mind of the Strum star, but Izuku Fushii continued to kneel there. At this time, Izuku Fushii felt like he was in a dream. Not only was he surrounded by the great and supreme The invincible and mighty Lord Beria took the initiative to contact him, and was rewarded with the power to contact Beria directly...

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! ! ! !

My brain is trembling! ! ! !

This Star Strum man held his head, excited and shocked, as if his eyes were about to bulge out, and his head banged against the wall. Fortunately, he made a lot of money by writing books, so he bought It's a pretty good house, and the other side of the wall is still his own house. Otherwise, if he bumped into him like this in the middle of the night, even if his neighbors were smiling when they saw him tomorrow, they would definitely be scolding him now.


After being hit for a while, Izuki Fushii, who began to ooze blood from his forehead, finally calmed down. To be precise, he didn't calm down because of the pain. It was mainly because he remembered that at this moment, The great Lord Beria is still waiting for him to upload the latest data.

If it delays Sir Beria's time to look at the data, then I will have to chop off my head! ! !

While thinking this, Izuku Fushii quickly sorted out all the data. He packed the things quickly and sent them to Beria at a speed that was too fast for him to finish the manuscript. Then this Stella The Lum star continued to roll on the ground, making a sound of uncontrollable pleasure like "hum hum ah ah ah ah ah".

Humph, this guy Izuku Fushii is really moving slower and slower.

On the other side, just when Beria was irritated and wanted to use Fushii Izuki's soul fragments to give him an electric shock to make him move faster, Fushii Izumi's data was sent over, and Beria was dissatisfied and casually sent Izuku Fushii threw the soul fragment aside, then sat on the throne and began to look at the data seriously.

I have to say that this Strum star is quite good at conducting experiments. Geed's biochemical data are remarkable, and there is nothing wrong with it. After all, his family knows about his family affairs and his Beria's inheritance. Beria is very aware of how 'irritable' genes can be.

After reading these data, Beria reached out and tapped on the chair. He was silent for a while, as if he had made up his mind. With a flash of purple-black energy, Beria's figure disappeared from the base. among.

Then, a tall and burly man with long spiky hair and a sinewy face appeared on the earth. There was no doubt that this was the incarnation of Beria. He glanced coldly at the humans around him. Those who were originally interested in The curious pedestrians who felt his presence immediately looked away.

Beria resisted the idea of ​​​​pressing these humans to death and walked forward unhurriedly. Soon, Beria came to a grocery store. The owner of this store did not know where he had gone. , leaving only a young man looking at the shop.

And the young man did not perform his duties well. He hid in the store, sat in front of the TV, and watched...

Beria stretched his neck slightly, avoiding the products that blocked his view, and saw "The Flash" being played on the TV. It was a human being wearing a leather suit, playing the role of a righteous partner, defeating the evil cliché. drama.


Beria couldn't help but clicked his tongue and was very dissatisfied with this, but he didn't say much. He glanced sideways and realized that there was a Pegesa star in this grocery store. The technology of the Pegesa star It is developed and has super powerful computing power. Its biggest feature is that it can create a different space called the "Dark Realm" for the purpose of hiding or protecting.

But now, this Pegesa star is hiding in the shadows, lurking next to the young man.

Huh, even though they are just my genetic heirs, that is not something that you Pegasus people can get your hands on. Those blind things are wandering around in my territory. Don’t you know how to write the word “death”!

Thinking of this, a dangerous red light flashed in Belia's eyes, and murderous intent began to spread. The deadly energy was moving closer to the shadow domain of the Pegasa star little by little.

"Xiao Lu, Xiao Lu, Xiao Lu!!!!"

"What's wrong, Pejia?"

Just when Belia had the intention to kill, the Pegasa star suddenly came out of the shadow in fear and got into his arms like a big dog. The boy was also stunned for a moment. He didn't care about "Blast Chronicle Flashman" on TV, and hugged the Pegasa star, puzzled and nervously said:

"What happened?"

"Just now... I don't know why... It's so scary!!!"

The Pegasa star was obviously frightened by Belia's murderous aura. He was still trembling in the boy's arms and couldn't even speak clearly. The boy looked confused and didn't know what was going on. He could only pat the Pegasa star's body and comfort him.

Ah, a pet.

Seeing this, Belia, who had raised his hand and thought that this Pegasa was going to attack his gene inheritor, snorted inexplicably, and then nodded with some satisfaction.

Okay, worthy of being my gene inheritor, although raising a Pegasa is a bit embarrassing, at least raising a somewhat useful alien, it is qualified.

By the way...'Xiao Lu'? His Earth name, Fushigi Izumi, seems to be mentioned in the report.

Belia touched his chin and didn't know how to call him. The name 'Zed' was when this gene inheritor became an Ultra Warrior, and the setting in the genes would make him naturally choose this name as his code name when he was in giant form.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to call him ‘Jed’ now, so…

“Pejia Pejia, there are people!!”

At this time, Asakura Lu, who was looking around nervously, saw Belia Humanoid standing outside the grocery store, and patted the Pegasa star nervously. The store manager always thought that Asakura Lu was just living alone in the room inside the grocery store. If someone told him that he was staying with an alien, it would definitely cause a big commotion!

After hearing Asakura Lu’s words, the Pegasa star went directly into the shadow next to him, as if he had never existed before.

“Arnold, hello, what do you want to buy?”

Looking at the genetic inheritor who came to greet him, Belia could see that the boy rubbed his hands tightly together nervously, feeling that the skin on his palms was about to be rubbed off, and his eyes were even more guilty, wandering around, but not falling on his ‘guest’.

Moreover, this guy seemed to have remembered something now, and turned his head to look at the TV, as if to see where "Burst Chronicle Flash Man" had been put.

How to say... This guy, so childish, can't see my domineering at all.

Belia frowned slightly, looking at Asakura Riku's stupid appearance, he couldn't help but think of the unparalleled country of light, the golden figure pouring down arrows...

"I want that."

Belia tilted his neck and motioned Asakura Riku to take the thing on the top of the shelf. Money? Of course, Belia didn't have money. Even if he had it, he wouldn't pay. He just wanted to see, facing himself, who came here to cause trouble, this gene inheritor would...


"Ah! It hurts, it hurts..."

Just when Belia was thinking about the follow-up, he saw the boy jump up directly on the spot and reach out to grab the product, but because he didn't control the strength well, his head hit the ceiling directly, and the whole person fell to the floor and said "ouch".


Can this gene inheritor be returned?

Although it is reasonable to be able to jump so high, but this stupid look...

Beria turned around and left, teleporting directly back to his base. He shouldn't have had too much hope for this gene inheritor.

Huh? !

Just when Belia returned to the base, he saw a report submitted to him, which said that a strong space-time energy fluctuation was detected, and asked for his approval to let the relevant departments take action to see if they could get something good.

For this request, Belia waved his hand and approved it directly. After several attacks, the rebuilt base now lacks everything. As the saying goes, wealth and honor are sought in danger. As long as there is a chance, it is always right to go over and take a look. Anyway, the only thing that is not lacking in his base is cannon fodder.

While Belia continued his plan to conquer the universe, Gen Subaru was already packing up and preparing to leave TLT Earth. He was not going on a business trip again, he was just looking for clues about the [Original Crystal].

After all, this thing, at present, seems to be a specialty of my universe. When I see this one, it may be everywhere outside.

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