If Dark Lucifer was still alive at this moment, seeing this scene, he would definitely remember the shadows brought to Dark Zagi, Dark Faust, and Garuberos by [Miracle·Subaru] in the Meta Realm.

However, this attack did not achieve much results on Noah Triga. As the silver light lit up on the fusion warrior, Yuan Subaru felt the dissipation of the decomposition force.

Hmm... They all originated from Noah's light, so such a move can't break the defense?

Yuan Subaru pondered and came to a conclusion, and because of this mistake, Noah Triga seized the opportunity. With a shake of his arms, the green light was released, distorting everything around, breaking free from the influence of the energy ripples, and teleporting to Yuan Subaru's side. His hands flashed and sparks were generated instantly, transforming the energy of light particles into a light blade for containment and sweeping across.

In response, the energy core in Subaru's chest suddenly flashed, and the core impact force burst out. The violent energy instantly shattered the blade of light, but then Noah Triga attacked again, caught the backswing of Subaru's core impact, and intended to use it as a breakthrough point. The straight punch that was hidden in the supergravity fluctuation and was performed from the front hit Subaru fiercely.

Subaru calmly raised his fist, which was wrapped with golden and black lightning. Under the means of [Amplification], he blasted it back.

Then, Subaru changed his fist into a claw, and while swinging it, he emitted a cutting energy with blood-red claw marks from his claws, and whistled towards Noah Triga. Noah Triga immediately fought back, put his hands together, and his fingertips flashed with turquoise light, shot out a wedge of light blade, pierced through the claw marks, and then killed Subaru.

These wedge-shaped blades have great power and penetration, so it is not a good choice to fight against them with cutting force. Therefore, Subaru pushed his palm forward, and the energy of Nexus' head opened its mouth and swallowed all the wedge-shaped blades.

In the dreamy foam, the energy of Nexus' head instantly appeared beside Noah Triga, swallowed it into its mouth, and turned it into [Super Time and Space Ultra Bomb], causing a terrifying explosion that was enough to break the flow of time and space.

225 [Eternal Original]

[Super Time and Space Ultra Bomb] is the best choice for Subaru to deal with Noah Triga at the moment, especially since Subaru made some adjustments in this bomb, just like a dirty bomb. Even if he didn't take this fusion warrior away this time, he could further restrict Noah Triga's time and space power in the next battle.

On the other hand, this attack did hurt Noah Triga, because the means used by Gen Subaru to transfer the energy of Nexus' head to his side was not the force of time and space, but the blurred means of [Miracle·Subaru], which was similar to magic.

Therefore, when Noah Triga used the usual means to sense the changes in the force of time and space to find a new attack point, he naturally could not find the whereabouts of the energy of Nexus' head.

However, it was still too wishful to want to take down this guy with this bomb. Relying on the ability of twisted Noah's wings, he still escaped from the explosion without any danger, and at most there was some dust on his body.

And this explosion really angered this fusion warrior. The twisted Noah's wings on his body showed energy lightning flashes similar to the hair explosion, and began to withstand the energy fluctuations, the dark gold sun, and the space-time pollution of [Super Space·Ultra Bomb], and launched a fierce attack on Gen Subaru.

But as Subaru said before, we are all Noah's Light. We were injured before and in poor condition, so it's hard to fight you seriously. Now, whether it's energy, telekinesis, or even the configuration of the energy core, Subaru has been fully utilized. Subaru also had a new understanding when he just accepted the power of the [Eternal Core]. Now you still want to beat me like before, it's impossible!

Subaru didn't say much. When Noah Triga started to act, he also took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and roared.

Then, the golden [Cascade Energy], the silver [Light of Nexus], the sky blue [Miracle Subaru Power], the black [Dark Energy], and the pure white [Original Power], these five energies flashed in turn in Nexus's energy core transformed from the [Eternal Core Fragment].

Then, under the dark gold light, the blood-colored energy core began to flash rapidly. The six energies officially completed the fusion and unification. Finally, in the dazzling light, the [Eternal·Original] shrouded in dark gold glory descended here——

This is the understanding that Yuan Subaru gained from the [Eternal Core] in the sealed place. It is indeed a powerful existence that can reshape the universe. Although it may have a certain self-awareness like the [Cascade Energy Tower] or the [Plasma Spark Tower], it is precisely because of this simple concept of existence that Yuan Subaru can explore the mystery more easily.

In the process of exploration, the activated telekinesis played a great role. While protecting its own consciousness from being assimilated, it can also explore further. In addition, the energy core in the chest that was transformed from the fragments of the [Eternal Core] has this cause and effect as a link, and Yuan Subaru's understanding of the [Eternal Core] has become more profound.

This concept of the power of reorganizing the universe also opened up new ideas for Yuan Subaru. As a result, both [Galaxy] and [Unification] made new breakthroughs and reached a new level.

The current posture is the result of [unification]. After the energy in Gensuba's body is blended together, there is only one energy concept in the composition of Gensuba's light giant form.

This energy concept can be said to be any one of the six energies. The characteristics and manifestations of each energy can also be found in this [unified] energy concept.

The energy lamp of the [original] form that evolved from this is still the same as the last change at the Cascade Energy Tower. The silver-gray stripes form a complete ring around the inverted triangle energy lamp, but now the energy lamp is flashing with colorful rainbow light.

Then, the head of the [original] form, the silver splicing layer connects the protrusion of the head and extends downward and outward, forming a Saint Seiya crown, but the crystal in the middle of the crown part is shining with pure white light.

Next is the body part. The dark gold and silver-white armor layers are superimposed together, and the dark gold is attached to the top layer to form layers of armor modules. In addition, the armor modules are interwoven with each other, and the shoulder armor and arm armor are extended, making the upper body look light, flexible, and well-behaved despite wearing armor.

Armor blocks similar to combat boots also appear on the lower legs, which improves the full body gold suit of [Eternal Original], making the overall look internally free.

Now, you and I are on the same level!

Gen Subaru roared and punched Noah Triga's fist. The space around the two was suddenly torn apart, and the figures of Gen Subaru and Noah Triga disappeared from the sight of the dark giants.

This was not because the speed was too fast, but because the two had already sneaked into other phases. Carmilla and the other two could still clearly perceive that in the seemingly calm battlefield in front of them, it was actually like a lake in a rainstorm, with dense raindrops, causing countless waves.

Seeing this scene, Hitram and Dagon looked at each other in bewilderment. The scale of this battle was really beyond their expectations. Now all they could do was to pour all their energy into Carmilla. If they wanted to save Triga, they could only pin their hopes on Carmilla. This kind of intense battle, which would kill them, was something they had never thought would appear in front of them.

On the other side, accompanied by a roar, Gensuba and Noah Triga reappeared on the original battlefield from other planes. At this time, Gensuba and Noah Triga were more or less injured.

But obviously, Gensuba was in much better condition. Although the part that was hit still had green energy on it, [Unification] had the nature of pure white light, so in just a blink of an eye, Gensuba continued to fight Noah Triga without any damage.

A flash of light flashed in front of Yuan Subaru's chest, and a dreamlike energy bubble spread out in this space. This was not the energy of [Miracle Subaru], but the power of [Eternal Original], which was only displayed in this way.

Each bubble reflected the figure of [Eternal Original]. Noah Triga shook his hands, and countless energy lightning burst out from it, trying to wipe out all the bubbles.

But at this gap, the bubble broke itself first, and the diffused light particles intertwined with each other, outlining a dreamlike field. Yuan Subaru condensed a guillotine and threw it out with a whistle. Noah Triga just waved his hand horizontally, and the super-high flame condensed on it cut off the guillotine.

However, the sound and image of the guillotine had been imprinted in this intertwined field, and the rain-like guillotine appeared from it, launching an unprecedented fierce attack on Noah Triga.

However, facing such an attack, Noah Triga's hands flashed with strange and powerful light. As he clenched his hands in front of him and then tore them outward, this area was torn apart along with the time and space it was in, thus turning into nothingness.

Yuan Subaru also took the opportunity to gather the dark golden sun, turning it into a firefly in his palm and holding it in front of him. As the power of fantasy was activated, Noah Triga's senses were affected, and the range of any perception ability was concentrated around the firefly. The seemingly small light became an extremely dazzling and huge existence under this method.

Then Yuan Subaru blew a breath into his palm, and the tyranny of the dark energy and the frenzy of Cascade energy broke out in all perceptions, and the virtual and the real were switched. Noah Triga, who was far away, immediately fell into the hellfire, and every part of his body was burning.

But the twisting power of Noah Triga came into play at this time. With a flash of green light, the armor on Triga's mouth opened, and it seemed like a bottomless black hole, sucking all the flames into its mouth. Then the twisted wings of Noah gushed out strange, honeycomb-like creations, and bone-burning fireballs burst out from them continuously, like a living being, relying on the power of time and space to launch a surprise attack on Yuan Subaru.

Such an attack was not worth mentioning to Yuan Subaru. He casually wiped it with his hand, and the power of dark gold affected several consecutive phases, and the incoming fireballs were directly destroyed in the other dimension.

Yuan Subaru raised his hand high, and a starry sky vortex emerged in his palm, like a projection of the Milky Way. Then Yuan Subaru clenched his hand, put it in front of his chest, and then waved it forward.

In an instant, the surrounding scenes were replaced by new things. Although their battle was outside the earth, now, the different planets floating around them seemed to have reached the depths of the galaxy.

At this time, Yuan Subaru crossed his hands, placed the palm of his left hand on the back of his right hand, pushed forward, and the energy core lit up brightly.

Subsequently, from the depths of the Milky Way, a large number of meteorites were summoned to form a large star cluster of the cosmos rotating at high speed. The dark golden streamers flying out from behind Yuan Pleiades were actually shrunken cosmic star clusters. These streamers would It will completely destroy everything involved!

However, the power of Noah Teliga should not be underestimated. When he realized that the fatal murderous intention was coming, he no longer held back and released all his energy, triggering the reconstruction of space. The gap in time, which should have hit his cosmic star cluster long ago, tends to become infinitely still in the spreading green ripples, as if their time has been frozen forever.

At this point, there is no possibility of stopping. Yuan Subaru concentrated his power on the energy core, and [Cascade Impact] became his current killer move, and he fell the judgment on Noah Triga. ruling.

Noah Teliga calmly formed his hands into an "L" shape, igniting the space and time around him. All the energy generated was absorbed into his body and then radiated out.

These two terrifying impacts collided in this illusory galaxy in the most direct way. The power generated in the center of the collision created chaotic cosmic rifts in the blink of an eye, and then created a rift that destroyed everything around it. The terrifying suction involved.

But at this time, Yuan Subaru suddenly took action. When fighting Dark Lucifer, he had already seen the existence of this cosmic rift. Now with the growth of strength, his vision has also expanded. Although this cosmic rift has It's not a good thing, but in the early stages of its formation, I can absorb the most violent space-time force from it, and use it to guide even more violent space-time explosions!

However, Yuan Subaru was not the only one who had such an idea. Noah Triga also took action and competed with Yuan Subaru for the power. Yuan Subaru continued to pour his own energy into it without stopping. , detonating the newly formed rift in the universe, the terrifying impact instantly tore up the false galaxy. Yuan Subaru and Noah Triga flew out together, returning to the original battlefield outside the earth.

As for the aftermath of the battle in the false galaxy, Yuan Subaru used the power of time and space to throw it to a distant distant galaxy. Naturally, those energies will not be allowed to appear near the earth, otherwise the entire solar system will suffer a lot. Influence.

This Noah clone... after all, it was pulled out by Senior Noah from the timeline and belongs to his past 'self'. This is really difficult to deal with.

Yuan Subaru gasped for breath, but he still had considerable combat power. Although the [Cosmic Star Cluster] just consumed a lot of energy, thanks to the fragments and supplies he had just received from the [Eternal Core], this He can still maintain the [Eternal·Original] state for a while.

However, he had to take it easy now. The advancement of [Unification] had just been achieved. Such a fierce battle forced Yuan Subaru to concentrate on maintaining the continuation of [Unification].

Opposite Yuan Subaru, the situation on Noah Triga's side is not much better. Since the energy used by Yuan Subaru to detonate the rift in the universe contains the essence of [pure white light], therefore, the appearance of this fusion warrior A bit worse than Yuan Subaru.

But this is meaningless. The nature of green energy determines its 'life tenacity', and in the phase battle just now, Yuan Subaru noticed that the opponent could use the power of Noah to provide protection for the green energy, allowing it to avoid The unfavorable energy offset situation made it impossible for Yuan Subaru to engage in a cruel energy offset battle with Noah Triga like he had done when he helped Diavolo.

I'm afraid this battle will drag on for a long time...

Yuan Subaru's face looked a little ugly. He now understood why Senior Noah killed the host of the original substance so painfully. After the battle just now, he already had a clear understanding. If a strong man is possessed by the energy of the original substance, It was truly a nightmare-like existence. Just like now, if he hadn't gained power from the [Eternal Core], he really wouldn't know what to do.

At this moment, Yuan Subaru suddenly noticed something. During his telekinesis, familiar dark fluctuations appeared on the other side of the moon. It was Carmilla who was quietly trying to get closer to Noah Triga. Yuan Subaru' Looking at the dark spell emerging from that guy's hand, I suddenly understood something——

If he remembered correctly, this dark spell has the effect of stimulating the darkness in the opponent's heart. This Carmila should be trying to use this method to forcibly stimulate Triga's self-awareness.

However, this also has drawbacks. After all, Trigga's violence may also cause the restlessness of Noah's clone. With Carmila's current body, she is risking her life on this possibility.

but now...

Her success rate will be one thousand percent!

226 Farewell Yousalei

Yuan Subaru naturally hopes that Triga will break away from the Noah clone. Without this host, the Noah clone will be easier to fight. After all, he has been ignited by himself once before, and his resurrection depends on it. The original energy is also an energy crystal that has been neutralized by himself with demon fragments.

In the previous battle, Yuan Subaru also noticed the situation of Triga, and sensed that he was being possessed and assimilated bit by bit, but Yuan Subaru's initial idea was very simple. Anyway, these two were both troubles, so they were all killed together.

However, it seems that in order to avoid the solar system from being affected by any accidents in the next battle, it is possible to consider separating them.

Oh, this Noah clone is probably still thinking about the power of the [Eternal Core], and it can't be led away no matter how hard you try. Otherwise, it would be better to move directly to another galaxy and try to kill these two guys.

Yuan Subaru muttered in his heart, and then his hands flashed with energy, and the dark golden light suddenly shone. Under the cover of the dream power, the dark golden energy chain suddenly appeared out of thin air, locking Noah Triga tightly, and the pure white power essence began to work. Therefore, Noah Triga's actions were also successfully restrained. After all, the hedging of these two energies is still quite extreme.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Subaru rushed over and started a pure melee battle. After all, if he released his skills, given Carmilla's current state, even with the protection of the power of fantasy, she would probably be affected and half-crippled, and she would not have the strength to continue to cast the dark spell.

Carmilla was shocked when she saw herself being wrapped in the energy bubble, thinking that this was going to kill her, but now seeing that Subaru was covering for her, she came to her senses. It seems that this guy also wants her to pull Triga out of this green energy.

Now that you and I have the same goal, let's work hard together! !

Carmilla gritted her teeth and began to desperately squeeze the dark energy in her body, exerting more energy from the dark spell in her hand, and strive to pull Triga out of it in one go!

On the other side, Noah Triga seemed to be stimulated by the pure white light and went crazy. He actually broke off the twisted Noah's Wing and held it in his hand. Long lightning spikes grew on it, like thorns, and smashed it towards Yuan Subaru without any rules.

Yuan Subaru did not take out the lightsaber to fight him. This twisted Noah's Wing had a certain range of oppression. Carmilla was afraid that she could not bear it. Now she had to eliminate the energy on it as soon as possible.

So, Yuan Subaru used his arm to block the attack of the twisted Noah's Wing. The dark gold light covering his body acted as armor and blocked the electric current splashing on it.

Then, Yuan Subaru shook his hand back and transmitted the vibration wave along the twisted Noah's Wing to Noah Triga, trying to shake it out of his hand, but he failed. However, it also made this guy's movements appear a little slow.

Gen Subaru took advantage of this opportunity to grab Noah Triga's wrist and quickly pulled forward, trying to make him lose balance instantly, and then knock him down, and then use his knee to hit his wrist to disarm him.

Noah Triga's reaction was also very fast, and he immediately released a wave of energy to try to push Gen Subaru out of his side. Gen Subaru did not resist too much. After all, before being pushed away, he had already put his hands together on the twisted Noah's wing.

As he flew backwards, his hands, which strengthened the [Pure White] power characteristics, affected the weapon from beginning to end. Now this twisted Noah's wing no longer has that kind of oppressive killing effect, and within a certain period of time, the effect of this weapon will be much worse.

Of course, Noah Triga can break off the other twisted Noah's wing, so that Gen Subaru can consider killing these two things by force.

Noah Triga would not increase his weakness like this. He raised his hands and set off an extremely cold blizzard with himself as the center. With his control, the blizzard turned into a surging cold current and rushed towards Yuan Subaru.

And this is the opportunity!

Yuan Subaru did not hesitate to activate the power of fantasy again, switching the virtual and real phases, so that Carmilla appeared next to Noah Triga. Carmilla, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately thrust her hand towards the fusion warrior without hesitation.

At the same time, the energy bubble that wrapped Carmilla also emerged with pure [Pure White Light], assisting Carmilla, opening a gap on the surface of the green energy, allowing Carmilla's dark spell to be transmitted into it.

And Carmilla knew Triga best, no one else, so the dark spell she carefully prepared for Triga took effect in the blink of an eye. Under the turquoise energy, the dark energy mist that belonged to Triga began to surge out.


Damn dirty thing, let go of my Triga! ! !

Carmilla felt unprecedented resistance, she gritted her teeth, but couldn't push the energy forward any further.

At this time, Gensuba also caught Noah Triga in the stalemate caused by the internal energy riot, and released countless sharp spears, whistling and interweaving. After hitting, these light spears were connected in series to form an electric net, wrapping Noah Triga.

In order to protect the turquoise energy, Noah Triga immediately mobilized the power of time and space to fight against these light spears, but its actions were also slightly restricted.

So, on the side of Yuan Subaru, the energy core of [Eternal·Original]'s chest also began to flicker, and a curved rainbow was projected in front of Yuan Subaru. Yuan Subaru took out the lightsaber, used the reverse rainbow as a bow, and the lightsaber as an arrow, and poured the power of [unity] into it!

In an instant, with the tip of the sword as the center, the crazy spinning space-time flow was mixed with dark golden energy light. On the earth, You Shalei and other members of the Earth Star Defense Army looked up and saw the light spot that was brighter than the sun and softer than the moonlight.

And this light spot can still be clearly seen even outside several galaxies, but no matter what instrument is used to detect it, it cannot produce any readings. This terrifying energy has achieved a perfect closed loop without any leakage.

And under the influence of the power of unity, Yuan Subaru entered a state of alternating virtuality and reality, and phase superposition. This will be destined to be unable to interrupt this power accumulation process without sufficient strength.

In addition, the lightsaber of Subaru was created by [Nothingness], and its ultimate move has the characteristic of [Must Hit]. Under the current unified coordination, this characteristic has been added to [Ultimate Light Arrow Storm (OverArrow-RaySchtrom)], and the locked Noah clone has lost the opportunity to escape.

At the same time, Carmilla also realized that although this terrifying star-swirl arrow did not lock Triga's existence, if the two of them stayed around this green energy, they would also usher in the end of death.


Thinking of this, Carmilla couldn't help but call out anxiously, and Dagon on the side couldn't sit still, and rushed over, holding Carmilla's hand, and dragged Triga out.

"You guys, you are really not afraid of death!"

Hitram looked at the dangerous situation over there, his face changed, and finally stomped his feet, and rushed over with an angry tone, but he didn't go over to pull hard, he had already noticed the restraint of Subaru's dark gold energy on the green energy.

So Hitram channeled all his remaining energy and turned it into a mirror, reflecting the dark golden light from the Star Arrow onto the green energy, relieving the pressure on Carmilla from the side.

However, even so, the status of the three continued to decline. Even though Noah's clone fell into a rigid state due to the struggle of the host, the energy fluctuations it exuded made the three dark giants vomit blood. Carmilla already felt that her consciousness began to blur. Dagon and Hitram also entered a state of lying dead without reaction in this brief stalemate.

Triga! Triga! Triga!

Carmilla continued to stretch out her hand to Triga with all her strength, shouting in her heart, but in the end, she couldn't hold on, closed her eyes, and was hit by the energy of Noah's clone and retreated outward.

But at this moment, Triga's eyes suddenly lit up, and dark mist surged out of his body like a wave. Triga reached out and grabbed Carmilla's curled fingers, and Carmilla's gradually dimming eyes suddenly regained their spirits. The two dark giants reached a consensus, and then...

The deadly and beautiful Xingxuan came like a bow and arrow, and the energy-filled Yuan Subaru released the rainbow bowstring. The stars sparkled in the golden vortex. The dreamlike romantic picture seemed to fall gently, but behind this beauty, the chilling murderous intent was enough to destroy everything along the way.

As the Xingxuan arrow passed through, a golden track was drawn between the universe, but before the second stage of the skill's damage exploded, Noah's clone also threw out his desperate killing move, stimulating all the energy in his body. Under the distortion of the turquoise crystal, it actually burst out with the power of its heyday, tearing out a dimensional gap.

Although this looked like the ultimate move that sealed the plane where Yuan Subaru was originally, in fact, Yuan Subaru, who was proficient in explosives, could see that once he was caught in it, he would be greeted by a deafening explosion.

At the same time, the golden track left by Xingxuan's arrow also dissipated under the impact of this dimensional rift. Yuan Subaru made a prompt decision and tried his best to release the power of fantasy. As the illusory light spread, the entire solar system seemed to sink into other planes, like the moon in the water and the flowers in the mirror. The gravity of the dimensional rift and the space-time fluctuations caused by it did not cause any impact on this galaxy.

But the consumption of this skill is extremely terrifying... It is better to say that the skills of the fantasy power series extended from [Eternal Original] are all energy-consuming.

If Yuan Subaru's blue bar had not been further expanded after [Unification], he would not be able to use such a protective skill after releasing [Ultimate Light Arrow Storm].

However, what Subaru did not expect was that after seeing this defensive measure, Noah's clone continued to release dimensional cracks without hesitation and triggered a space-time explosion very quickly. This move was somewhat beyond the norm. According to the experience of fighting with Noah's clone during this period, its intelligence should not be to fire blanks...

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