Director TLT left, and as Subaru said before, he used Ultraman's telekinesis to slightly affect the old man's state, so that he would not make any misleading reactions to his existence.

Then, Subaru continued his interrupted research. The turquoise crystal and the demon fragments had similar positions. Subaru was trying to merge the two things together under the intervention of pure white light. After all, the turquoise energy was too dangerous. Subaru was worried about letting it take the lead.


If Subaru was not wrong, there should be some kind of attraction between the turquoise crystals, just like opposite-sex magnets. Although it is unknown how large the range of the "magnetic force" is, as long as they meet, the hosts possessed by them will inevitably have a tragic battle until one swallows the other.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru hopes that he can use the demon fragments to suppress such side effects. After all, he just wants a "stimulant", not to give himself a new BUFF that is not too beneficial. Yuan Subaru has already thought about it. If this "stimulant" can be made, next time when he encounters a difficult enemy, he will use this instead of "galaxy".

Yes, during this period of time, Yuan Subaru's research on "galaxy" and "unification" has advanced a lot of links. At least now the "galaxy" has been basically built. The system with [Cascade Energy] as the core is gradually following the path of "unified visualization" to affect other energies, and then achieve frequency consistency and become a whole.

After reaching this point, Yuan Subaru immediately discovered a problem that even Master Lei Ting had not thought of -

If this 'galaxy' explodes, the energy of the small universe that explodes from it may cause unexpected compression and damage to the energy in his body except for the pure white light. According to the current estimate, he may have to wait for two or three months before he can use them again.

Moreover, as a light particle aggregate, he may be in a state of dying at any time during this period. After all, [Cascade Energy] is too violent. If a violent brother encounters a self-destructing truck, hey, that's too exciting.

However, the power gained by such a price is also quite exciting. At least Yuan Subaru feels that it can compete with his own explosion in the Kingdom of Light.

So, why was that explosion so powerful?

Yuan Subaru, who still hasn't figured it out, used his current knowledge to analyze it a little, but he still feels that he can't find the answer, so he didn't continue to entangle it, but continued to conduct relevant research. In this way, Yuan Subaru spent the second month after he returned from the seal.

Gen Subaru felt that he had spent quite a lot of time during this period. To be honest, this feeling of living peacefully without the interference of enemies was quite comfortable.

However, just when Gen Subaru thought about this, the long-lost call for help still reached his ears. Gen Subaru had already prepared and responded to this call.

In another universe, Ikki Komon, wearing casual clothes, sat in the cafe he often visited this year, and an acquaintance also found him at this time.

"Komon, long time no see."

"Vice-captain, I ordered a cappuccino for you, it should be okay."

Komon Ikki smiled and waved to Nagi Nishijo, looking at the former vice-captain sitting next to him, he was a little emotional for a while. After the miracle battle, there was no Dark Zagi behind the scenes, although the problem of alien beasts still existed, the intensity of the battle was obviously reduced a lot, and everyone in the Night Raid Team also had their own development in the following time-

Like the vice-captain Nagi Nishijo in front of him, she was transferred to the TLT North American branch three months ago for relevant guidance and training. If nothing unexpected happens, she will probably serve in the North American branch next.

And Captain Wakura, although he is still in TLT-J, his life has also changed a lot. After all, he is now a qualified husband and his wife is already eight months pregnant.

Hiraki Shiori is still the same, laughing and heartless, but she is now a qualified training instructor, training one fighter after another to fight against alien beasts.

Of course, she has many suitors, but she doesn't seem to want to end her single life.

There is also Ishihori Mitsuhiko... that is, Yamaoka Ichi. He was just released from TLT-J not long ago. After the review, he continued to carry out the experimental project before being possessed by Dark Zagi. I heard that he worked overtime and his body was in a bad state due to staying up late.

As for Commander Kira, he is still the same, and because he has more free time now, Ikki Izumon feels that he is becoming more and more Buddhist.

Then there is... Mr. Jun Himeya. After the light of Nexus left his body, he picked up the camera again and was active in the war-torn areas, insisting on taking pictures of the reality of the battlefield to call people's attention to the problem. Nagi Nishijo once met Himeya at his personal exhibition in Los Angeles.

And Ikki Izumon has also seen the photos he took, which are very impressive, especially the photos of children on the battlefield. They all smiled brightly at the camera.

Then there is a young man named 'Qianshu Rei'. He is the "Son of Prometheus". However, due to the fatal flaw at the moment the Prometheus plan was born, it cannot prevent the death of cells. Death is inevitable at the age of eighteen. In order to prevent this phenomenon, Chisuki Rei needs the therapeutic drug "Raphael".

Qianshu Rei felt that instead of lying there waiting for the "angel that could never come", it would be better to spend the little time he had left alive in a meaningful way, so he quietly escaped.

Then, the light of Nexus chose him. Qianju Rei thought that there was something else he could do, so he chose to become Nexus to deal with the alien beasts that could grow to giant sizes.

But also because of the sudden arrival of Nexus, the strength of the alien beast was not so terrifying, and because of the data he left behind, the medicine that could cure Qian Shurei was also researched in advance.

Therefore, after ending the battle as Nexus, Qian Shurei worked in the amusement park and got engaged to Ruisheng, who was originally here to monitor him but has now resigned from his job at TLT. The two of them took over a family In the restaurant, every day is spent to the fullest with the happy smiles of many families.

"That's right. Speaking of marriage-"

Ikki Gumon looked at Nagi Saijo with a smile and asked him to guess who it was?

Faced with this problem, Saijo Nagi was full of questions. The people she knew were either married or staunchly single. When Gumon Ikki said this, she really couldn't guess who it was for a while.

"The answer is Chief Saya Suto of the Memory Police."

Ikki Gumon didn't hold back for too long. He took a sip of coffee and said with a smile:

"It is said that I will get married next month, but the partner is also remarried and has an adult daughter."

"That's it..."

Saijo Nagi nodded in surprise. He was about to pick up the cup and take a sip of the cappuccino that Ikki had praised. But at this moment, Saijo Nagi suddenly thought of something and his eyes widened suddenly. He looked at Gumon Ikki with a stiff neck and whispered:

"Could it be said that her marriage partner is..."

"Yes. That's Administrator Matsunaga."

"Wow wow wow...this is really incredible."

Nagi Saijo held the cup in both hands and felt that his brain was shaking. After all, the director and deputy director of the TLT intelligence investigation department could actually live together. For Nagi Saijo, who had often dealt with them before, she could not imagine it. There is no telling how these two workaholics created a spark of love.

"By the way, is Lizi okay now?"

The marriages of her former bosses made Saijo Nagi want to change her mind, so she asked about the solitary Ikki.

"Ah, Lizi is fine now. How should I put it? Thanks to the help of Mr. Yuan Subaru, when Lizi's job becomes more stable, we will start preparing to have a child."

Ikki and Riko Saita were the first couple to get married in the Night Raid Team. It can be said that wherever they go, dogs will be killed. Originally, Ikki and Riko Saita had wanted a child for a long time, but Saita Riko still couldn't let go of the past shadow in her heart, and was worried that her past experience would have a negative impact on her children, but now it seems that this mental settlement has been solved.

Saijo Nagi and Komon Ikki continued to chat, chatting about all kinds of interesting things, but while chatting, these two guys couldn't help but talk about serious matters——

At present, the existence of alien beasts has been made public, and people are continuing their daily lives while overcoming fear.

But recently, the TLT intelligence department discovered that someone was using a deactivated memory processor to illegally erase people's horrific memories. Although after this investigation, it was generally determined that the man had a background as a memory policeman, but Matsunaga Neither he nor Shuto could figure out the true identity of the prisoner.

"What is this guy's purpose?"

Saijo Nagi frowned slightly. She couldn't understand the purpose of that person deleting his memory...

"Wait, Wangchuan."

Saijo Nagi thought of something, looked at Gumon Ikki and said softly:

"Deleted memories will eventually flow into the Forgotten River. Is the enemy's purpose to attack the Forgotten River?"

"It's possible."

Ikki Gumon nodded and said with a serious expression:

"Administrator Matsunaga has thought of this problem. The three officers have also strengthened the protection of Wangchuan. The visitors are also detecting the changes in Wangchuan. I think if there is any sneaky movement, they will be noticed immediately. "

Saijo Nagi nodded, agreeing with Ikki's statement. After all, the current TLT is not the previous TLT. To put it bluntly, without the suppression of the alien beasts, she is really worried that if If human beings are in civil strife, will they be directly destroyed because of today's superb technology?

And while Saijo Nagi and Komon Ikki were discussing and speculating on the purpose and motivation of the mysterious man, a terrible invasion had already occurred on TLT-J's side, and an ominous black mist filled the base. The humans who were infected fell into unprecedented fear, fell to the ground, stared, and let out a shrill wail.

In such a terrifying mist, a figure was walking slowly and unhurriedly through the passage with flashing lights, rushing deeper into the base.

"Who are you?"

At this time, Matsunaga Kaichiro's voice came out from the loudspeaker that kept flashing electronic sounds. At the same time, each automatic defense weapon was activated, and it was difficult to lock on the unknown enemy. The man raised his head and saw Heading towards the intake not far away, at that moment, Matsunaga Kaichiro, who was relying on the medicine to remain rational, felt as if he was being targeted from a distance.

"Human beings are such fragile creatures and can never get rid of fear. It's really pitiful."

The man raised his hand towards the camera and shook it with a little force. Matsunaga Kaichiro felt that his heart seemed to be clenched. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground feebly, so he did not hear it. What the man said next:

"But it is precisely because of this that the dark giant's nourishment is inexhaustible. Hum hum... Sa, get out of the way for me!"

The man waved his hand violently, and the structure of the TLT-J base was torn apart. The power of darkness immediately eroded to the lowest level. In the dark mist pouring like a waterfall, the man slowly walked out and threw away the memory processor in his hand. down, and then crush it with his feet. Now there is no need to use it to locate Wangchuan. Things of no value can be destroyed quietly.

Looking at the huge flashing memory machine Wangchuan, looking at the white energy screen protecting Wangchuan, the man looked to the side with a grin, saw the visitors floating out, and said happily:

"No matter when I see you, I feel ridiculous. You are still as pitiful as ever when you try to escape your destiny with the help of human hands."

"Dark Zaki?"

The visitors seemed to have noticed something. The floating 'jellyfish' body began to shake violently. It seemed that they did not expect to see this 'old friend' here. However, the visitors clearly remembered that the darkness Zaki has been eliminated by Nexus in other worlds....

"Dark Zaki? It's such a nostalgic name. I haven't heard this shameful code name for a long time, but I forgive you, poor visitors. After all, you are just a group of old people."

The man chuckled and touched his face. There was no doubt that it was like possessing Yamaokaichi. His current appearance was still the result of his possession. He looked at the 'jellyfish' and spoke in a sinister tone. said:

"Now, remember my new name, my name is Dark Lucifer! This will be the name that will send you to hell!"

208 Hold on, Hongkai

Dark Lucifer!

This name set off huge waves in the hearts of the visitors, just because when they heard this name, it was like the fear deep in their souls was seduced out. In an instant, darkness spread from the bottom of their hearts and gripped them. The visitors' brains plunged them into endless confusion and fear.

Looking at the visitors who were in a state of madness, Dark Lucifer said nothing more. He just smiled coldly, and then set his sights on the River of Forgetfulness in front of him. This was the real purpose of his trip, just to obtain Only with this can you...

Um? !

Just when Dark Lucifer was about to take action against Wangchuan, he saw the light of the four-pointed star suddenly light up. This familiar light, this familiar energy fluctuation immediately made Dark Lucifer take two steps back, and his face instantly became gloomy. He stood down and whispered in a tone that sounded like gritted teeth:

"Nexus...Gen Subaru!"

"Oh? You actually recognize me?"

For Yuan Subaru's perception, such a whisper could not escape his ears. Coupled with the telekinesis that spread out, feeling the ominous energy reaction, the child's face immediately became solemn. There is no doubt that this It's just a clone, but even such a clone is a little stronger than the Dark Zaki who was hacked to death.

And the most important thing is that in this energy reaction, he also noticed some "old acquaintances".

"Dark Zaki, is this your new form? What an unkillable insect."

Yuan Subaru moved his wrist, looked at the figure in front of him, and said in a cold tone:

"I didn't expect that in that situation, you would actually..."

"Don't compare me to that poor guy."

Looking at the red figure of Nexus in front of him, the pain and torture from his memory made the dark Lucifer lose his temper for a moment, but in the blink of an eye, this loss of temper turned into anger. He stared at Yuan Subaru said in a tone full of resentment:

"That kind of weak idiot was killed by you, but it is a normal thing. If you think that can make you proud, then you are also a weak and pathetic person, Yuan Subaru, Yuan Subaru, Yuan Subaru! Enjoy now Take it easy, soon, the real fear will come to the whole universe, and you will surrender at my feet!"

After saying that, the clone chose to self-destruct without hesitation, as if he was afraid that after self-destruction, Yuan Subaru would be found along the connection between the clone and the main body.

And his move was indeed very effective. Yuan Subaru had to give up his perception of the clone, and he had to use energy to block the power of the clone's self-destruction, lest it lift the entire TLT-J base into the sky.

Then, Yuan Subaru looked at the people and visitors who were still in the fear of DEBUFF, and waved his hand casually, and his arrogant ultra-psychic power exploded directly, driving away all this ominous power.


The visitors closest to Yuan Subaru were the first to regain their consciousness. They looked at the child in front of them who had released the transformation. They didn't react at the first time. After being stunned for a while, they remembered that this was the last time they directly pressed the button. Nexus, who killed Dark Zaki, quickly surrounded him and started negotiating with Yuan Subaru.

Although it is said to be a negotiation, it is actually Yuan Subaru who is asking questions. However, neither the visitors nor everyone at TLT-J have any clue about this attack. The only thing they know so far is that 'Dark Lucifer' 'That's the name.

This is really a headache.

To be honest, Yuan Subaru has nothing to say about this old rival. Although the dark Lucifer just denied that he is the dark Zaki he is familiar with, Yuan Subaru also has reason to believe that the origin of this dark Lucifer is afraid. Yes, it has to have something to do with yourself.

However, since the TLT-J and visitors in this world cannot provide more information, Gen Subaru did not stop here. Although he really wanted to see what Ji Yajun's situation is now, but at the moment, Lucifer's affairs are more dark. Importantly, Yuan Subaru believed that that guy would definitely appear again before long.

Just when Yuan Subaru returned to this world, in the dark plane, a pair of eyes suddenly lit up, and a giant with vein-like patterns all over his body slowly emerged from the liquid-like darkness.

There is a face on his left neck, that of Dark Faust, and there is another face on his right neck, that of Dark Mephistopheles. There is a pair of long thorns on his back, which is particularly ferocious. It seems to be made of Dark Zaki's head, and just one look at the transformed head, can't help but feel fear.

And this dark giant is the true form of Dark Lucifer. Just now, he noticed the clone's self-destruction and realized that it was the appearance of Nexus Gensubaru that caused this result.

"Sure enough, you guys can come to other planes. No wonder that Dark Zaki developed alien beasts so much and is still no match for you."

Dark Lucifer did not speak, but his inner voice echoed in this dark plane, as if this space was a reflection of his mind.

"Now that you have appeared, let's start and plunge the entire universe into new fear!"

Dark Lucifer waved his hand, and countless red lights lit up behind him, which were countless 'Forgotten Rivers'. The machine used by TLT to collect fear was turned into the weapon of the dark giant. At this moment, these countless Under the control of Dark Lucifer, 'Forget River' kills outside the dark plane.

"Doctor, can you do this?"

At the same time, in the XIO team base, Da Kong was lying on the table, looking at Dr. Gehrman who was busy opposite, and said softly:

"It's been so long and I still haven't been able to figure out a way to the Source Subaru plane. Is this so difficult?"

"You guy, don't stand and talk to me without your back hurting!"

Dr. Hermann took off his goggles and said in a frantic tone:

"The plane where Yuan Subaru is is easy to get to, but the things blocking the road in the middle are very troublesome. Wasn't our base shattered last time? Are you responsible for the funds to repair the base next time?"

"Dadi, calm down, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry..."

Ax knew that his partner couldn't wait to find Yuan Subaru and tell him his life experience, but as an Ultra Warrior, he also knew very well how ferocious the attack that appeared last time was, especially when he was still there. Among them, the aura of Ultraman Noah was detected. If it weren't for the mysterious green energy everywhere now, Aix would have crossed time and space with Da Kong Daichi to go to the Kingdom of Light to ask.

Before Aikes could finish his words, the sudden abnormal fluctuation made him and Da Kong Dadi change their expressions. The terrifying energy that was so terrifying that it was unclear whether it was energy or telekinesis spread instantly. Da Kong Dadi looked at the people in front of him. Dr. Hermann let out a horrified roar, sat down on the ground, screamed and hid under the table, his whole body trembling uncontrollably, as if he had fallen into some kind of nightmare.

At the same time, Daekong Dadi and Aix also saw a wisp of smoke-like energy extending from Dr. Gehrman's body, and they didn't know where it was connected.

Seeing this scene, Da Kong Daichi endured the discomfort. With Ax's support, he moved with difficulty to the window outside the base. He saw countless red smoke energy rising in his field of vision. The cause of this phenomenon was It was obviously a huge red crystal that had been inserted into the earth at some point. The crystal flickered and disappeared, just like a heart beating.

"The earth is coming!"

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