And the strange feeling at the landing point also made Nexus choose to distance himself immediately. He could feel that the feather-like protrusion had an excellent force-removing effect, and...

Yuan Subaru looked at the mist that had begun to spread since the impact just now, stretched out his hand and rubbed it in the air, with a strange sticky feeling, and every part of his body felt strange and slight itching and tingling.

It's poison!

Yuan Subaru's face condensed. Although he didn't know what kind of poison it was, there was no doubt that the air purification device equipped by the Night Raid Team's fighter planes would be difficult to deal with this poison that could even affect Nexus's body!

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru raised his hand and fired a particle feather, but instead of attacking Dark Faust, he bombarded the dark field, where the Night Raid Team's fighter planes were breaking through the phase, and this attack could interrupt their actions.

"What's going on?"

Failed to break through the phase, the Night Raid team's fighter plane immediately turned on the stealth camouflage. After all, this place is too close to the surrounding towns. Shiori Hiraki looked at the fluctuating phase and asked in confusion. Ishihori Mitsuhiko quickly clicked on the screen and said in a concentrated voice:

"It's the vibration wave of the Particle Wing. It's Nexus who is preventing us from entering the dark realm."


Wakura Eisuke narrowed his eyes slightly, and all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant:

"Go and transfer to the Chrome Chester Delta fighter, quickly!"

"Yes!" X3

At the same time, in the dark realm, Nexus crossed his hands in front of his chest, and Ultra's telekinesis surged. After locking Dark Faust, he roared and raised his hands upwards. The majestic telekinesis immediately lifted Dark Faust away, and then his hands crossed into a cross. [Armed Nexus] took the opportunity to intersect and transfer energy, and the cross ray storm instantly formed and shot out.

This is a little trick he learned from the battle with the first generation Ultraman. He tried his best to shorten the pre-release of the skill. At the same time, he also personally felt how to control the output strength of the light from the first generation Ultraman's light skills. Just like now, the "Cross Ray Storm" that seems to be fully activated is actually just a test. If you really find a flaw, you can increase the power in an instant and kill the enemy!

However, these are secondary. What I want to learn most is still in the state of exploration. Wait, what is this?

Just when the "Cross Ray Storm" was about to hit Dark Faust, Yuan Subaru heard a sound like a bird's cry. Then, a terrifying high temperature suddenly descended, and a hot fireball shot out from the face of Dark Faust. The fireball hit the "Cross Ray Storm" all the way and killed Nexus. Yuan Subaru quickly dodged to the side, and the power of the fireball explosion shook the earth and trembled slightly.


At this time, the strange bird cry sounded again. Yuan Subaru was startled and immediately swept his leg back, but the flying enemy dodged. Only then did he see the current appearance of Dark Faust. Apart from the feather-like protrusions, soft thorns like wings grew under his arms, and a deformed bird beak grew on his mouth. His whole face seemed to be distorted and terrifying under the impact of two huge forces, and the scorching fireball just now was spit out from his bird beak.

Could it be...Did Dark Faust also absorb the corpse of the cosmic monster?

Yuan Subaru couldn't help but be alert. During this period, the visitors also made a monster illustration for him, so that he could read it more and have some impression, so as to know how to deal with it. However, with the appearance of Dark Faust, it is really hard to tell what it has merged...Wait, poison, fire, familiar...

The boy was stunned for a moment, and then a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and the knowledge he had just learned yesterday morning appeared in his mind--

Could it be...the volcanic bird Barton? !

025 I'm so ugly

Volcano Bird Barton is recorded as a very powerful monster in the monster encyclopedia of visitors. Its venom, flames, and birds just match the changes of Dark Faust now. However, the content of the monster encyclopedia is too much. He has seen several monsters with similar abilities. If he guessed wrong this time, then he guessed wrong. It's better to guess wrong. One plus one of the strong is often not as simple as two...

Guessing is guessing, unwillingness is unwillingness, and reality must be faced. At this time, Dark Faust has dived down, and the wind whistling that tore through the air reminded Subaru of the first generation Ultraman's serial flying headshot. He felt a burst of pain in his lower back when he recalled it now.

'Buzz~~! ! ’

Subaru would not suffer the same loss for the second time. Nexus' body was emitting a faint red color. He stretched out his hand to the flying Dark Faust, calculated the time, released Ultra Telekinesis, and stopped Dark Faust in the air. At the same time, Nexus' other hand turned into a hand knife and slashed it fiercely, smashing Dark Faust into the ground.

It's a pity that he hasn't learned the mist hand knife yet, otherwise he might be able to take Dark Faust away.

Subaru felt regretful in his heart, and planned to lock Dark Faust's limbs and beat him on the ground. However, at the moment when the dark giant landed, dark green poisonous gas suddenly gushed out, and Nexus, who was rushing down, was hit. The suffocating and painful torture made him deform his movements, and Dark Faust took the opportunity to get up and hit Nexus, forcing him back.

This poison... is so powerful....

Although he was knocked away, the scope of the poisonous mist was too large. Yuan Subaru felt as if his body was in scalding boiling water, and was getting cooked and peeled off. His movements and reactions were involuntarily deformed. .


Seeing the dark Faust coming towards him, Yuan Subaru swung his arm away and punched him in the chest, but it had no effect. Looking at the fireball that was almost touching his face, he couldn't help but sigh. Xexus's wrist immediately condensed to produce high-heat energy, and then all the energy was transmitted to his right hand. He kept punching and radiated a ring of light. While forcing the dark Faust away, the energy that penetrated the dark giant's body also caused Its paralysis.

Yuan Subaru took a deep breath and tried his best to keep his mind clear. He crossed his hands on his chest, increased his concentration, and then used his ultra-psychic power to detonate the energy in the enemy's body... What?

The young man clearly felt that his telepathy had been transmitted, but there was no response from Dark Faust. But now it was too late to think about why. The poison was further affecting his body and even his mind. This battle must be Decide the winner as soon as possible!


Yuan Subaru roared, activated the 'Core Final', and released a strong flash of light from the energy core on Nexus's chest, instantly releasing all his light energy and attacking Dark Faust like a meteor.

However, Dark Faust waved his arms at this time, flew into the sky, and circled with Nexus. He had no intention of fighting Nexus. It was obvious that he wanted to drag him to Nexus. Totally poisonous!

Come here!

After gathering light energy in his hands, Nexus threw a long ribbon of light towards Dark Faust, trying to restrain him. However, Dark Faust was too flexible in the air at this time, and coupled with the highly poisonous Interference, Nexus tried several times, but all ended in failure.

Feeling that his condition was getting worse, Yuan Subaru dissipated the belt of light with a livid face, and his ultra-psychic power poured out, indiscriminately covering the surrounding area where Dark Faust was. Then he pressed down, and a sudden appearance appeared on the ground. There is a palm-like depression, and on the thumb, it is the dark Faust who is struggling to get up.

Nexus immediately leaned down and concentrated all the light energy on the knife, intending to cut off Dark Faust's head, but the boy whose mind was affected by the poison forgot that Dark Faust did possess the volcano The strange bird Barton's ability, but his own ability has not dissipated.

Therefore, the blow that was supposed to be fatal was avoided by Dark Faust's teleportation. The attack fell into the air and Nexus hit the ground hard. Nexus planned to roll up and continue fighting, but his legs He softened and fell directly to the ground.


Nexus, who was trying to get up, suddenly felt something bad when he heard the chirping of birds behind him, but his body affected by the poison was really weak. Yuan Subaru thought that the poison was very powerful, but he didn't expect that the volcano monster bird Barton was fighting with the darkness. After the fusion of Faust, the poison would become so powerful that Nexus' poison resistance would have little effect.


At this time, Nexus was captured from behind by Dark Faust, and the deformed beak was inserted into the neck of the giant of light. Light energy was continuously plundered from it, and Dark Faust The soft thorns on De's arms became extremely hard under the infusion of energy. They were constantly poking at the bow-shaped energy core, as if they wanted to dig it out. Yuan Subaru reluctantly concentrated on the pain and wanted to remove it from his body. I was forced to retreat, but at this moment...

"Ultimate light, launch!!"

The beam cannon with the same origin as the 'Cross Ray Storm' hit the back of Dark Faust's head. At the same time, more than twenty missiles hit the dark giant's joints accurately, which allowed Yuan Subaru to easily Breaking free from the shackles of Dark Faust, he grabbed his head, threw it over his shoulder and threw it to the ground. The previously concentrated thought power wrapped around his hand and hit Dark Faust's head like a hammer. In an instant, this Dark Faust The giant's head was disfigured from the front and back.

it's over!

Yuan Subaru supported his body tiredly, looked at the fighter next to him, and barely gave a thumbs up, but suddenly...

"Didn't I already...ah...that's how it's really ugly..."

It's Maki Shunyi's voice! !

Gen Subaru wanted to distance himself, but his physical condition really didn't allow it. He moved so much that he almost fell on Dark Faust, and what he didn't notice was that Maki Shunyi's voice was different from before. Much clearer.

At this time, looking at Nexus standing next to him, Dark Faust stretched out his hand with difficulty, as if he wanted to convey something. However, the darkness that suddenly descended here stopped Dark Faust's movements. The dark energy vortex transferred Dark Faust to his side like a puppet.

Coming out of the vortex, the prototype giant shrouded in darkness looked at the dying Nexus, created a huge ball of dark energy and fired it into the sky. It split into several small light bombs in the sky and fell like raindrops. Enveloping Nexus and the Night Raid fighters, he wanted to personally enjoy the pleasure of torturing and killing Nexus in order to vent the anger and resentment in his heart during this period. Therefore, he did not see that in his Behind him, light is shining in Dark Faust's body...

026 Nexter and Nexus

The dark giant transformed by Mizoroki Shinya looked at Nexus, who was trying his best to hold up the barrier to block the attack, and the Night Raid fighter jets who were trying to find opportunities to rush out. He snorted with disdain, waved his backhand, and a huge The dark energy ball rose into the sky again, and a torrential rain of energy light bombs poured down. If Nexus hadn't rushed over and used his body to protect the fighter plane that had already rushed out, Wakura Eisuke and others would have been killed. Here it is.

However, as a price, the Giant of Light, who was originally poisoned, became shaky in the blink of an eye under such a dense and powerful attack, and even his body began to become illusive.

In response, Mizorogijin also let out a low chuckle of satisfaction. He shook his hand and heard the sound of a weapon being unsheathed in the black mist. He walked towards Nexus step by step. He had already thought about it. It is necessary to stab the giant of light from the back of his neck, and then break him open along the spine, so that this annoying fit man can leave this world forever!

But at this moment, Nexus, who was struggling to hold on, heard a familiar voice. It was a message from telepathy. The content was very brief, with only one sentence:

Hold on, I'm coming!


As the words fell, the whistling wind hit Mizorogi Shinya's body. The broken dark Faust lifted him high and then slammed him far away. At the same time, he straightened his hands to gather energy. , and then used both fists together to launch an electric current-shaped ray, predicting Mizoroki Shinya's trajectory and blasting him past.

But this is the realm of darkness. Shinya Mizoroki, who can create the chess piece Dark Faust, naturally has the ability to move freely in this domain. When Shinya Mizoroki is about to fall to the ground, something appears on the ground. The black vortex sucked it in, and then avoided the dark Faust's killing move.

But it didn’t matter if he didn’t hit. Dark Faust turned around, put his hand on the energy lamp on his chest, and pushed it towards Nexus. The light that had just been plundered began to slowly flow back to the giant of light. in the body.

"Faust, are you going to betray me?"

"Shut up!"

At this time, Mizolu Muzhen also rose up from the vortex on the ground not far away, opened his hand towards Nexus, and the dark energy ejected, but Dark Faust slapped it away with his palm, and after hearing Mizolu After Mu Zhenya's question, he even angrily responded with a particle feather in his backhand, stretched his posture, and said in a condensed voice:

"I am Shunichi Maki, Ultraman Next!"

" should know how to be grateful!"

Looking at Nexus who was desperately absorbing light energy to restore himself, Mizoroki smacked his lips and waved the weapon on his arm to kill him. Maki Shunichi immediately blocked his way. During the fight, Mizuroki Lu Muzhen also said in a low tone:

"If it weren't for me, you would have died a long time ago."

"I would rather die than be dominated by a villain like you!"

Maki Shunichi opened Mizurugi Maya's hand, but he was caught in the flaw and kicked in the chest. He flew backwards, but he did not fall to the ground. Nexus caught him from behind. , and behind Yuan Subaru, the Night Raid team's fighter planes had already charged up, and an ultimate beam hit Nexus, and the rapidly replenished light energy was passed between Nexus and Dark Faust.

Mizorogi Shinya frowned when he saw this, and he accumulated energy in his right hand and fired a powerful explosive light bomb. But at this moment, countless cracks opened on the surface of Dark Faust's body, and hot light shot out from it, like a broken shell. The new life that emerged set off an impact called "light" in this dark field, and the black mist that struck Mizoroki Shinya was much weaker.

Looking at the giant man next to Nexus, the silver part looked like armor and the red part felt like muscles and blood vessels, Wakura Eisuke blinked and said softly:

"This is...Ultraman·The Next (Ultraman Next)!"

"Thank you, thank you for getting me out of that ugly posture."

"Stop saying such things. If it weren't for you, I would be dead."

Gen Subaru and Maki Shun looked at each other and smiled, and then Next and Nexus put on the same fighting posture and killed Mizoroki Shinya.

"A miscellaneous fish is a miscellaneous fish, even if there are two of them!"

Mizurogi Jinya twisted his neck in annoyance, then roared, the mist around him was absorbed and turned around, and a new dark giant appeared in front of everyone——

His main body is black, red and white. There are three protrusions on his head, which look like devil's horns. His eyes are as dark as ink jade. There are protruding black shoulder armors on both sides of his shoulders. The weapon on his right wrist has hooks. Claw weapon, with the same dark energy lamp on the chest. Under the energy lamp is a white bow-shaped mark, and there are some pale white on both sides of the waist, like rib patterns.

This is Mizoroki Shinya's giant form - Dark Mephistopheles!

"Come on, if you want to die, I will make it happen!"

Dark Mephistopheles wiped his claws and attacked Nexus and Nexter fiercely. He really didn't believe that these two crippled losers still had the strength to fight him.

Suddenly, Nexus and Nexter rolled away towards the sides of Dark Mephisto's body, revealing the Chrome Chester δ that was hidden behind them. Wakura Eisuke and the others did not hesitate to move it. The firepower on this newly modified fighter plane was directed at Dark Mephisto and all the firepower was poured out. It was a pity that the reserve of the ultimate light had been exhausted, otherwise it could have taken the opportunity to give Dark Mephisto another ruthless blow.

The firepower of the Night Raid Team did not cause much damage to Dark Mephistopheles, but it did play a role in containing him. When he came to his senses, Nexter and Nexus had already formed They were attacking him with force.

Nexus still started with a particle feather. Although he was knocked away by Dark Mephisto's hook, he still managed to close the distance. Gen Subaru lowered his head to avoid Dark Mephisto's hand knife, and raised his head. on his chest, and then followed up with a shoulder thrust, destroying the enemy's body balance. However, Dark Mephisto took the opportunity to use his strength and swung his hook to kill Maki Shunyi.

Maki Shunichi waved his arms, each firing a huge crescent-shaped light blade. One hit the hook of Dark Mephistopheles, causing it to deviate from the direction, and the other took the opportunity to strike directly. The enemy's neck, but Dark Mephistopheles' hook claws released green light bullets, which canceled out all the light blades, and followed up with a powerful and explosive Dark Grenade, forcing Maki Shun back alive. .

At this moment, Yuan Subaru had already rushed in, but when he noticed that Dark Mephisto had turned around and planned to deal with him, Nexus immediately stopped attacking and instead faced the enemy's left side. By rolling, he avoided the possibility of a head-on confrontation with Dark Mephistopheles, making Mizorogi Shinya's counterattack intention in vain.

At the same time, when Dark Mephistopheles turned around to attack, Shunichi Maki also seized this opportunity and hit the enemy's back with a jumping sword. Mizuroki Shinya was in pain and fired a hook light bullet with his backhand. After repelling Shunichi Maki, Subaru had already activated the 'Cross Ray Storm', sending Mizurugi Shinya flying away. Before he could land, Shunichi Maki calculated the right moment and kicked him. Take off again.

On Yuan Subaru's side, after finishing the ray, he began to sprint forward, jumped into the air, and after somersault, fell rapidly, and accurately kicked the chest of Dark Mephistopheles who took off again, but Mephisto also fired a powerful red Mephisto shot, which hit Gen Subaru in the chest. The powerful force blew Nexus into the air, but was immediately caught by Maki Shunichi.

Damn it... Damn it! ! !

Feeling the pain all over his body, Dark Mephistopheles, clutching his chest, got up from the ground. He had miscalculated. He didn't expect the two people to cooperate so well. Is this the tacit understanding between the fittest?

But what he hadn't calculated yet was that this generation's light energy reserves were so amazing. After supporting Maki Shunichi's transformation, he could still maintain his transformation for such a long time. It was really incredible.

"Don't think you won, I just let you continue to feel the pain..."

Looking at the giants of light standing side by side in front of him, Mizorogi subconsciously wanted to move, but he noticed Nexus' hand that was ready to move. Considering the possibility of it being a trap, Dark Mephistopheles did not choose to continue fighting. Next, there is no need for him to continue fighting with these two guys. Anyway, after today, Nexter will not appear again. Therefore, Mizorogi Makoto also disappeared into the dark realm after leaving a word. .

And watching the dark field dissipate, the two giants who were sure that the enemy had left immediately retreated softly and turned into light spots all over the sky. The two fittest men fell powerlessly on the wasteland.

"Subaru! Subaru!!"

Everyone from the Night Raid Team rushed over. Seeing the young man whose face was black due to poisoning, Wakura Eisuke was about to carry him on his back and run towards the fighter plane without saying a word. However, at this time, Gen Subaru, who was still conscious, interrupted. Noticing the captain's movements, he looked at Shunyi Maki, who was dissipating little by little. He raised his hand tremblingly, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but the spread of poison had made the boy unable to make a sound.

"it does not matter."

Although he didn't say it out loud, Maki Shunichi understood what he meant and said with a smile:

"I have already died once. Now that I have the opportunity to look at the blue sky again and blow the cool wind, I am very satisfied... huh?"

Before Maki Shunyi finished speaking, he saw that Saijo Nagi seemed to understand something. He took out the communicator in his arms for the boy, clicked quickly, picked out a video from the database, and showed it to Maki Shunyi. Look, it was a school sports meeting. The protagonist of the video was a child playing football, who was also Shunyi Maki's child.


Shunichi Maki, who was becoming more and more transparent, stared at the video greedily, as if he wanted to carve the child's figure into his soul. A line of clear tears silently ran across his resolute face. The fit man choked with a smile. said:

"I have no regrets at all. Thank you, Subaru..."

As soon as the words fell, Shunichi Maki completely disappeared between heaven and earth. The deceased had rested in peace. The boy also exhaled and fell into a deep coma. He was rushed to TLT-J by everyone in the night attack team.

"Send it to the Stone Wings."

In the TLT-J Medical Department, Mizuta Ichilang looked at Gen Subaru's experience report, sighed deeply, and said helplessly:

"It takes time to analyze and make the antidote. In addition, he is still fighting fiercely despite being poisoned, and his condition has become more complicated. For now, we can only see if Stone Wings can buy us some time."

"Damn alien beast, damn Mizoroki Shinya!"

Matsunaga Kaichiro punched the table with a livid face. In less than a week, Gen Subaru was dying twice. This kind of thing... this kind of thing...

"There's no use getting angry."

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