After seeing that the child had no painful reaction and even used telekinesis to prop up a protective shield for himself, Tiga assured Subaru that he didn't need to protect himself specially.

At this moment, the creation that was surrounding the two people suddenly disappeared. With the violent swaying of green sparks, a human silhouette appeared, which was a shining silver light "existence".

Although it has a human shape, its whole body is as smooth as a mirror. There are no lines and no expression. It is even impossible to tell whether it is facing Subaru and Tiga from the front or the back. It is a lifeless "existence".

With the appearance of this existence, Subaru and Tiga immediately stared at it tightly, not daring to turn their eyes away for a moment. Although they did not feel any murderous intent or danger, their instincts still could not let go of the warning in their hearts.

If other people with weaker strength saw it, they might think that the "existence" there was just a statue, but Tiga and Subaru could clearly feel that the "existence" there was definitely not an ordinary person.

For a moment, the battle stagnated, and the two sides stood still, with only time and the aftermath of the battle flowing quietly.

Here it comes! X2

Suddenly, Tiga and Subaru realized something, and they cried out in their hearts. At the same moment, "Existence" kept standing upright and rushed towards the two people at a very fast speed.

Subaru and Tiga immediately rose up and avoided the man's attack. At the same time, Tiga crossed his arms in front of him, spread them to the left and right to collect energy, and then combined them into an L shape to emit golden super-high-temperature light. Subaru also immediately strengthened this "Zaiperio Light" with pure white.

In an instant, the light exerted by the two people together hit "Existence", but the body of "Existence" was transformed into a bottomless black hole like liquid, and the light was sucked into the hole.

It was like the absorbed light was running around in the body of "Existence", flickering irregularly on the surface of "Existence", and the liquid-like body of "Existence" was also impacted by the light in the body and lost its human form.

But the "existence" that started to wriggle only wriggled for a moment before it turned back into a human form and shot out the Zaperion Ray from its body. Facing the attack that was bounced back, Gen Subaru immediately unfolded his white shield, caught it steadily, and assimilated it.

At the same time, the figure of Tiga beside Gen Subaru disappeared. It was just an afterimage used to confuse the enemy. His original body seized the gap when the "existence" stopped moving to shoot the ray, and teleported to the side of the "existence". The dark blue hand knife slashed at the head of the "existence" swiftly, but--


At the moment when the hand knife was about to touch the "existence", the silver body deformed as if to avoid the knife, and easily dodged Tiga's attack. Tiga attacked again without any ripples in his heart.

But the "existence" remained unmoved. It transformed its left arm into a huge pincer shape, grabbed Tiga's right hand and wanted to throw him away, but at this time, Tiga's figure suddenly disappeared, replaced by his clone.

This clone was filled with pure white light infused by Subaru, and then under Tiga's control, the clone exploded with a bang, and the surging pure white energy cleared the range of the green sparks.

But the smooth surface of the "existence" standing in place did not leave even a trace of injury, and still beautifully reflected the surrounding scenery.

At the same time, in that scenery, a red figure appeared, rushing forward at high speed. It was Tiga holding a pure white battle axe and rushing forward at high speed. Following the posture, the battle axe was swinging down with the momentum of being bound to cut the enemy in two, but--


This time, it was the "existence" that transformed its right arm into the same shape as the battle axe to block Tiga's attack. Tiga, who had switched to a powerful form, used all his strength to make the battle axe go further, but the "existence" was motionless like a city wall, and the intersection of the two axes burst out with energy sparks accompanied by friction sounds.


At this time, Gen Subaru keenly caught the flaw. He crushed the explosive light ball that Tiga gave him, absorbed the power, and then triggered the anti-injury mechanism, launching a violent energy beam, instantly piercing the body of the "existence" from the side.

Did it succeed... What? !

Gen Subaru widened his eyes. He saw that the "existence" twisted its body into a ring like a donut, and the light of his attack went straight through the hole in the middle.

Then, the "existence" rotated its body counterclockwise. At that moment, whether it was Tiga or Gen Subaru, they were forced back from the side of the "existence" as if time was reversed, and all the attacks that the two had just launched were returned.

Although these attacks were immediately assimilated by Gen Subaru, there is no doubt that the battle fell into a stalemate.

196 My destiny has come

Looking at the "existence" that has turned back into human form, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but whisper:

"What a weird thing, it can even bounce back my pure white light."

"It's not a rebound, it's time reversal."

Tiga said with a serious face:

"This thing has a big problem. His control of time is quite delicate, and it can be said to be a very unreasonable reaction. Although I have some research in time and space, I really can't do it to his level, and..."

Tiga seriously recalled everything that had just happened, his face was a little ugly, and he said softly:

"I can't interfere with his actions. This... is indeed a bit over the top."

To be honest, Diga does feel that he is quite almighty, but sometimes he is in an embarrassing situation where the enemy cannot kill me and I can't do anything about the enemy. It is like the rules clearance trap I encountered before. Diga can completely control it. You live in your own home, but it is extremely difficult to break out of the encirclement.

Hey, really, I hate you guys who don’t follow martial ethics.

Diga threw his arm helplessly. Although he also knew how to use time skills, he needed to prepare a forward swing. Judging from this 'existence' movement, when he cast the spell, he might have been tricked and thrown away by others. Gone to who knows where.

"I...don't have a deep relationship with time."

Listening to Tiga's words, Yuan Subaru also had a headache. Regarding the research on time, he has just begun. If he wants to interrupt the casting process of this 'existence', it feels like he should just use Nexus' space-time force directly. Bet on adaptability and be more reliable...

"By the way, senior, we seem to be thinking in the wrong direction."

At this time, Yuan Subaru remembered something, looked at the swaying green sparks, and said in a solemn voice:

"We don't need to fight him to the death. Our goal is the green spark."

"That's true, but... I think this guy might use time to reverse the flow of time to recover..."

Seeing that the 'being' had no intention of launching an attack on his side for the time being, Diga communicated with Yuan Subaru in a low voice, but before he finished speaking, Diga thought about it carefully and said softly:

"Let's try your way. I'll resist this weird guy first, and you can deal with the green sparks!"

"Okay, senior, 3, 2, 1!"

As the countdown ended, Yuan Subaru and Diga turned into two streams of light and rushed forward. The 'being' also immediately came up to them, but Diga immediately accelerated again and caught the crossbow transformed from this guy's arm. , to prevent it from attacking Yuan Subaru, while Yuan Subaru rushed forward without looking back. He believed that Senior Diga would do his best to protect him, so now only the swaying green sparks remained in his eyes.

And what he has to do next is to take out the bow and arrow he just obtained, and before the blessing of the ultra-ancient warrior's light has completely dissipated, he will give this guy another hard arrow!

Yuan Subaru accumulated power quickly. Even though no one helped him pull the bow this time, under the desperate infusion of energy, the pure white light arrow took shape again, and rushed toward Yuan Subaru's roar. Catching the swaying green sparks, and under the attack that was extremely amplified by the [Amplification] technique, the light arrow accurately hit the target, and exploded amid the terrifying energy collision.


Just as Diga expected, the time-reversal ability of "Existence" preserved the green spark, which is ridiculous. It is also a great irony that the creation that twisted the rules is immortal under the rules.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Subaru unceremoniously turned the direction of his long bow, locked the position of the 'existence', and shot another arrow with all his strength. Since you are the guardian of the green spark, then give it to me first. Go to hell!

The light arrow drew a beautiful straight line in the universe and must have hit the 'existence'. The surrounding area was swallowed up by dazzling white light, and an unprecedented explosion occurred in the center.

Diga, who had evacuated there in advance, shook his hand. Without Yuan Subaru and the buff, it would be quite difficult to fight against this 'existence'. Having said that...


Diga, who was just about to confirm whether the 'existence' had been killed, released his senses, and his face changed slightly. He looked at Yuan Subaru, who was in a state of collapse because he had just released his ultimate move, and shouted:

"There's tons of it—we're surrounded!"


Yuan Subaru was stunned for a moment. Without the help of the light of the super ancient warrior, he realized that drawing the bow not only consumes his own energy, but also consumes his own mind power. Therefore, some absent-minded children failed to notice the surrounding people at the first time. Change, he looked around and found countless fist-sized wriggling objects that had the same texture as "existence".

Can it survive even if it is broken into pieces? ?

The next moment this thought flashed through Yuan Subaru's mind, the squirming "beings" all shone with white light, releasing a chain of big explosions. Yuan Subaru had no time to dodge, and was involved in the conflict with the one he had just released. The power of the attack skill is the same size as the big explosion.

But the pain did not come to Yuan Subaru. At the same time, Diga, who teleported in front of Yuan Subaru, did not notice the pain. Diga looked up in surprise and saw a blue ring appearing. Above him, Yuan Subaru, who was controlling the ring, was twisting his body slightly.

"Time? Humph, it's not a very solid thing."

Yuan Subaru looked at the figure in front of him covering his field of vision, and the first thing he saw was himself - no, it was himself reflected in the body of the "existence" that had returned to human form.

Although the lifeless body cannot feel any thoughts as before, the "existence" still wants to kill Yuan Subaru and Diga. It unfolds its body into a cloth, trying to kill Yuan Subaru and Diga. Package included.

Diga's first thought was to pull Yuan Subaru to run away quickly, at least to distance himself from this strange enemy, but he stretched out his hand but missed it. It was Yuan Subaru who used the power of time and space to move Diga far away. at.

Yuan Subaru, on the other hand, gathered the power of [Legend of Sparks], compressed it, and made adjustments. The child's eyes were full of madness when he looked at his 'existence' reflected in it.

"Come on, go back and let me see how you can go back after 'time' is blown up..."

"Didn't you promise me not to use this trick easily?"

Before Yuan Subaru could finish what he said, a very helpless voice sounded in his ears, and a golden hole appeared on Nexus's chest. It was obvious that this time Yuan Subaru prepared [Super Dimension Ultra Bomb·High Explosive] made the gatekeeper of Time Falls aware of the risk of time rupture, and turned his attention to Yuan Subaru again.

At the same time, the gatekeeper also noticed something. He looked at the 'being' on the opposite side through the golden hole. There was a slight lag in his voice, and then he said with a guilty conscience:

"No wonder I found you so easily this time. Could you be forced to use such a dangerous bomb? Now I understand. For you who have not yet mastered the power of time and space, it is indeed difficult to deal with my body. It’s a bit difficult for you.”

"Huh? This is your body?"

Yuan Subaru never expected that the body that the senior gatekeeper mentioned casually was actually this. The gatekeeper coughed twice in embarrassment and said softly:

" body can actually be affected or even controlled by other things. This, this, is a bit magical. Then what, come on, accept my power, temporarily control the power of time, and move my body Seal it, what, if you can, please use your power to purify the core of my body..."

Listening to the words of the gatekeeper, who became less and less confident as he spoke, Yuan Subaru didn't say anything more. He just smiled helplessly, nodded, and agreed. At that moment, the golden waterfall of time fell out of thin air, allowing Yuan Subaru to bathe. Among them, Nexus then looked at the restless 'being' and opened his hand towards it.

The "being" seemed to want to fight, and started to turn again, twisting its body into a donut shape, turning clockwise and counterclockwise.

But as Yuan Subaru continued to inject power, the rotation speed of the "being" wrapped into a golden sphere by the power of the time waterfall gradually slowed down, and finally stopped moving completely.

Then, under the guidance of the gatekeeper, Yuan Subaru began to repeatedly make movements as if he were manipulating a light ball in the distance. The light ball gradually shrank with Yuan Subaru's movements, and finally became about the same size as a child's head. .

Yuan Subaru waved his hand, and the ball of light slowly flew towards his direction, finally stopping in front of Nexus. He looked at the sphere that was one size smaller than the ball of light and "existed" in the ball of light. "Yuan Subaru poured pure white light into it, purifying all the green pollution, and then returned it to the hands of the gatekeeper. Then, hesitating for a moment, he said softly:

"Senior Gatekeeper, what can I say? Once you find the right way, you seem to be easy to deal with."

"That's right, I'm an easy person to deal with."

The gatekeeper looked at his body. Although it could not be used for the time being, at least this thing was back. Looking at the child in front of him who was being tortured by his body, his tone became much softer and he said softly:

"As long as you can borrow the power of the Time Falls, as its gatekeeper, I can't help it. Well, the children over there can come over too. I'll give you...what?!"

The gatekeeper just wanted to use the power of time to restore the injuries of Yuan Subaru and Diga, but before he finished speaking, the gatekeeper noticed something and shouted back sharply, but immediately, he was forcibly expelled from this place. On the surface, it's not that his power has been crushed, but the twisted rules don't allow the time waterfall to stay there for a long time.

And because of all these changes, after the green spark lost its power of existence and collapsed, it appeared in the world and caused all the green disasters in the universe. If Noah were here, what would happen? Will call out its name, its name is "Yesterday's Talk", it is the carrier of the past written by the present essence.

Yuan Subaru and Diga didn't know the origin of this creation. They only knew that when this thing appeared, an extremely oppressive sense of crisis enveloped their hearts, but something made Diga break free from the unknown fear. Although He didn't know the love-hate relationship between green energy and pure white light, but in the battle just now, he had clearly realized that these two energies were completely incompatible.


This deadly notepad appeared, with green energy that made his scalp tingle just by looking at it. Even if Diga thought with Dallam's toes, he knew that if this thing faced Yuan Subaru, , that child's pure white light is absolutely incomparable. Yuan Subaru will be like a small boat in the sea, being overturned by a random wave and sinking to the bottom of the sea, never to see the light of day again.

Before this, Diga had never thought of avoiding a battle. He had gained a reputation for thousands of years and was able to enjoy his free time today. But now, nothing can be done in this battle. We need to take Yuan Subaru out of here as quickly as possible, as far away from this strange notebook as possible.

If he had realized before that this thing was so dangerous and had such a bad compatibility with pure white light, he would never have brought this child into such a fight! ! !

But Yuan Subaru did not follow Diga away. He used brute force to break Diga's hand away from him, looked at the shining notepad and said:

"Senior, my destiny has arrived."

Yes, fate. Back then, he survived because of the conflict between pure white light and green energy. Now, looking at this weird notebook and feeling the pure white light boiling almost uncontrollably in his body, Yuan Subaru knew very clearly. He realized that it was time for him to repay his debt for four more years of living. In front of this 'debt', he didn't even have a chance to escape. His body urged by the pure white light would not light up his back. to the enemy.

"Senior Diga, can I deliver the TLT Earth to you?"

Yuan Subaru drew the long bow again and said in a reluctant tone:

"You don't need to take care of them for too long. One hundred years is enough. Considering the long life of our predecessors, one hundred years is not a long time..."

However, Diga could no longer hear these words. When Yuan Subaru took the initiative to light up the pure white light, [Yesterday Talk] erupted into a wave of terror. Unexpectedly, Diga was caught off guard by the twisted rules and was sent to nowhere. at.

But Yuan Subaru did not stop speaking. He firmly pulled the bow string and continued to pour energy into it.

"Grandma Sakura..."

Light Ya shines again

"Mr. Matsunaga...."

The body is a little darker

"Mr. Mizuta..."

Open the bowstring one inch

"Captain Wakura..."

With the calls one after another, scenes from the past flashed through Yuan Subaru's mind. The child was immersed in the beautiful memories, and his body, his energy, and his telekinesis were all transformed into deadly arrows. .

In the end, with only a few afterimages left, Yuan Subaru came back to his senses. He looked at the light arrow, which was already as bright as a notepad. He smiled faintly, then his face straightened, his eyes revealed an unprecedented fierce light, and he relaxed. Opened the bowstring.

This is the final [Bow and Arrow Ray·Storm]!

197 Gatekeeper: You have been strengthened, come on

The pure white light arrow came out of the string, and in an instant, the entire star field was illuminated, and all the strange phenomena that appeared due to "Yesterday's Talk" were erased. Faced with such murderous intent, the notepad also began to react. .

But before the green energy in it started to act, a golden waterfall fell from the sky, and the silver faceless man walked out of it. Time also began to flow backwards, and the flying light arrow was pushed back bit by bit, and the dissipated The figure also reappeared, and the restless green energy was also suppressed by the endless river of time.

Although this thing is indeed very powerful, the power of time is not a force that can be easily shaken.

"Senior Gatekeeper?"

Yuan Subaru, who was rescued by going back in time, looked at the silver figure next to him in surprise. He thought for a moment and said softly:

"Senior, won't your action break the rules you protect?"

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