

Yuan Subaru turned to look at Hikari with some confusion, pointed at himself and said:

"How do you know my name....Wow!!!"

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Subaru saw the Blue Ultra Warrior in front of him jumping high on the spot. He felt like he wanted to jump up and throw down his arms, but for some reason he didn't and just fell straight down. Go down.

"Well, it's normal that you don't know me, but I do know you."

Indeed, although the lightsaber and the Ark bracelet are related to Hikali, Yuan Subaru has never met Hikali. He doesn't even know that Hikali is from the Kingdom of Light, so naturally Hikali won't care. This, he just felt like he was dreaming at this time.

In his impression, if you want to find Yuan Subaru, you have to go through five levels and kill six generals. The Kingdom of Light works together to overcome the difficulties. After going through hundreds of difficulties and going through countless hardships, everyone is dying of torture. , maybe it would have to be in a catastrophic situation where they met one second and several people died the next second before I could recognize Yuan Subaru.

Then what.

What now.

Hey, he just appeared so quietly, as naturally as Ace grabbing Taro into the training ground.

"Um, how did you get here?"

Of course, Hikali still maintains his sanity. The anger and grievance over the destruction of the experimental equipment has long since disappeared. If this is the price for getting Yuan Subaru to come to his door, the things in the underground warehouse will also explode, and Hikali will not It will hurt.

"This is the one who called me here."

Yuan Subaru casually took out something similar to a speaker, and the child reached out and patted it a few times. The speaker suddenly emitted a burst of harsh electronic sounds, and then played intermittently:

‘Zi~~~Subaru, Zizi—help me, Zizizi, please help…”

Okay, this co-writing thing works now!

Seeing the familiar horn, Hikali suddenly felt moved that "all your hard work pays off". If it weren't for the fact that it was done in front of the child, he would have cried twice.

"Speaking of which, is Ultra's father back?"

Looking at the blue Ultra warrior in front of him who had to pause for a few words, Yuan Subaru felt a little uncomfortable with the rhythm of this kind of conversation, so he took the initiative to take over the conversation, looked at Hikari and said:

"I met him outside before, who was eroded by the green energy. He said there was a misunderstanding between me and your Kingdom of Light. I want to come for a visit. Now that I'm here, has he come back?"

"I'm back. I'm going to call the captain right now."

I didn't expect that the father of Ultra would make such a great contribution during his trip. As long as he was not the captain, the Ultra brothers would have formed a group to issue medals to him one by one.

Hikari thought this in his heart and continued speaking quickly:

"You wait here for me to get off, and I'll be right back."

"Wait for me...."

‘Whoosh~! ! ! ’


Yuan Subaru was about to say, 'Don't bother, just take me there.' But before he finished speaking, Hikari disappeared. Looking at the circles of sonic boom clouds, Yuan Subaru pressed down a black line with his telekinesis. After reading the report that was almost blown away, I picked up a few pictures out of boredom to look at.

Then, after seeing the signature, Yuan Subaru realized that the person he had just helped seemed to be the well-known technology tycoon Hikali whom he had never met before. The child carefully looked around and found that no one was there, and immediately took out the Ark. The bracelet began to connect to Hikari's experimental terminal, and he planned to find something useful and pack it back for TLT.

Just when Yuan Subaru started his 'espionage' behavior, Hikari had already been in a 'car accident'. Severn was caught off guard and was hit by the blue N-speed speed, and he fell to the ground and flew out. For a long time, there is a saying that the invasion of the fake Ampera and Beria did not hurt him at all, but this time he almost... No, almost, he just had to go to the Silver Crusade...

Seven held his chest and calmed down for a long time before his eyes stopped going black... No, it wasn't that his eyes were black, his head was stuck in the ground, and then others helped to pull it out.


Looking at the person who pulled himself out, Severn whispered speechlessly, "How should I put it? It's okay for you, a blue tribe, to hit a red tribe like me like this. Why do you look like you are fine in your current state?" Yes, aren't our races reversed? Or maybe your blue skin was acquired.

Hikari didn't have time to taste the resentment in Seven's tone. He pulled out the life-support device with a 'pop' and pressed it on Seven's chest. His tone revealed indescribable happiness:

"Subaru has come to the Kingdom of Light. He's in my laboratory. Please calm down when you go there and don't scare people away. I'll call the others."

After saying that, Hikali pulled out the life-support device and took it to the next person.

As for Severn, after Hikali left, the Ultra warrior beside him noticed something was wrong and gently poked the Ultra brother, and then saw his body tilted and he was about to fall down. The people around him hurriedly reached out to pick it up, and then saw Severn tilting his body and flying out into the air...

Well, as expected of the Ultra Brothers, this is really a unique skill!

186 Subaru: Seven-senpai, calm down.

When Severn flew towards the ruins of the laboratory, Zoffie also caught Hikali, who was crashing towards him at low altitude, and couldn't help but whisper:

"Xikali, you're fine. As the saying goes, the old won't go and the new won't come. You have to be strong!"

"Don't say it like I'm crazy."

Hikari put the life support device on Zoffy's chest and said in a serious tone:

"Subaru is here, in my lab now, Seven has gone there, Zoffy, if you don't have anything to do, why don't you go over and take a look?"

"Okay, I got it..."

"Hikari, what did you say?"

Zoffy agreed subconsciously, still thinking about how to trick Hikari to the Silver Crusaders, and at this time, Jack popped up from the left and asked uncertainly.

"I... I shouldn't have heard it wrong just now."

Taro also fell from the sky, and asked again with some doubts about his hearing.

"We can't all have heard it wrong, but Hikari, can you say it again?"

Ace also used his skills to teleport over, and Mebius, who ran quickly from a distance, didn't finish his words, but just looked at his friend eagerly, waiting to hear it again.

At this time, Zoffy also said 'Hmm? ', he reacted with a sound, looked at the brothers around him who suddenly became stunned for some reason, and shook his head helplessly. He shot an Ultra Signature towards the sky, then took off directly and flew towards the ruins of Hikari's laboratory. Others also reacted and followed Zoffy's footsteps with various skills.

So, in almost a few seconds, they came to where Gen Subaru was. Looking at the familiar figure, the life support device pressed on Zoffy's chest worked. How should I put it? Finally, there is a chance to communicate peacefully with this child, but...

Why is the atmosphere here so weird? Seven, what's wrong with you?

Going back a little bit in time, just when Gen Subaru was quickly selecting technology for TLT on Hikari's operating table, he suddenly felt a gust of evil wind behind him. He looked back in surprise and saw Seven appearing above the laboratory in a rather weird and crooked posture. A rather solemn gaze immediately fell on him.

It's bad, I was caught in the act.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Subaru was shocked for a moment, pretending that nothing happened, quietly putting away his things, and then sitting aside honestly, waiting for Seven's next move, so that he could counter it, but he didn't know what Seven was thinking, and he really didn't have the next step in the sky.

This made Yuan Subaru's mind active. Could it be that this is the interrogation method indicated in the TLT interrogation manual of "giving pressure to the enemy, destroying the psychological construction, letting the enemy confess voluntarily, using this as a breakthrough to achieve greater results"?

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru began to think about countermeasures frantically. Then, before he could figure out what to do next, a group of Ultra Brothers appeared in front of the child, which surprised Yuan Subaru a little, and then realized that he might have thought a little wrong, but it was better to be careful.

However, if they really came to catch me to steal secrets, I would be at a loss. I couldn't understand the technologies on the Hikari terminal, and I didn't have time to find the technology that could be used for TLT!

At this time, Zoffy also realized what was going on with Seven. This guy probably wanted to say too much, and it was stuck. Realizing this, Zoffy raised his hand and wanted to slap Seven's head hard. I gave you a chance, but you didn't use it!

But considering that this was in front of Subaru, Zoffy just straightened Seven's crooked body a little, and there was no follow-up action. He coughed, slowly fell down, stretched out his hand to Subaru, and said softly:

"I'm Zoffy, I believe you should know me. We have met so many times, but this is the first time we have a formal conversation like this. Subaru, welcome back to the Kingdom of Light."

"Senior Zoffy, I'm sorry, I didn't know that your consciousness also exists in the projection of the deep blue space before, which caused you a lot of pain. Let me formally introduce myself. I am Nexus from Earth, Subaru from TLT. I'm very happy to meet you seniors."

"Not from Earth..."

Huh? !

Subaru frowned slightly, as if he had just heard something unpleasant.

Forget it, let's put this aside for now.

Subaru continued to talk to Zoffy, repeating what he had said to Hikari. Zoffy nodded, and just followed up on this topic, shifting the conversation to Subaru, and Subaru was curious to hear what Ultra Father's words were based on, so he said that to him.

"Well, last time Hong Kai and Gagula came to the Kingdom of Light, and brought your blood with them, so we analyzed it for you."

To be honest, this topic was originally supposed to be talked about by Seven, but in this situation, Zoffy couldn't expect his younger brother to talk calmly now.

"Half of my genes should come from Belia, who is the other half?"

Although the hero worship of his father in his childhood has faded a lot, Subaru is still curious about his life experience.

"Ahem, it's Zero."

? ? ?

The Ultra Brothers clearly felt the confusion in the child's heart. His amazing Ultra Telekinesis spread out in shock, allowing everyone to feel his emotions, which surprised the Ultra Brothers, but Seven couldn't help but smile.

After a long silence, Gensuba took a breath, touched his head and said:

"Cero...is it a woman?"

"No, no, no, Zero is a boy."

Zuo Fei quickly waved his hand and proved his eldest nephew’s true identity. After hearing this, Yuan Subaru’s hand froze and he said in confusion:

"Is it the unique reproductive system of your Kingdom of Light or the superb skills of the biochemical experimenter? It's really amazing that these two male genes can come together."

"Ahem, this... we haven't found any relevant information yet."

Unexpectedly, Yuan Subaru expressed his thoughts in such a calm tone. Zuo Fei also couldn't keep up with the rhythm for a while, and said awkwardly:

"But the Silver Crusaders have already sorted out a treatment method for your situation. Subaru, if possible, I hope you'd better ask the main body to come over as soon as possible."

"Original body?"

Hearing this, Yuan Subaru didn't react for a moment, but then he thought of something, said "Oh", stood up and said:

"You seem to have misunderstood something. What I stand here now is my true body. I have given up that physical body. As a photoion polymer, it is much easier."


Unexpectedly, they would get such an answer. All the Ultra brothers screamed in surprise. At the same time, with a 'whoosh' sound, Seven jumped out, looked at Yuan Subaru nervously, and said urgently:

"Then are you okay? Come on, let's go to the Silver Crusaders headquarters to check on your health..."

"Senior Seven, calm down. I feel better than ever right now."

While comforting Severn, Yuan Subaru pulled out his arm. After all, this was the person brought out by Ultra's father. This person likes to grab the same position.

"Um...then what..."

At this time, since he had stood up, Severn felt that he should explain something. His old face turned red and he stuttered nervously and said:

"Zero...is my son..."

"Oh, yes, that seems to be the case."

Yuan Subaru reacted belatedly, then looked at Seven, thought about it, waved his hand a little embarrassed and said:

"I'm sorry, Senior Seven, I have no emotional basis. I really can't pronounce that elder's honorific. Besides, I am an experimental creation, not the true love crystal of Senior Cerro. The body that carries the blood is also It has been destroyed, you don’t have to love Wujiwu and involve too many emotions on me.”

"Um...no, this...I..."

Unexpectedly, he would get such an answer. Seven was stunned in place, and Aba and Aba couldn't find the words to answer.

"Ahem, Subaru, why don't we log in your identity data first?"

Although Yuan Subaru's words are indeed a bit difficult to accept for Seven, from the perspective of this child, it is not unreasonable. Therefore, with the simultaneous efforts of the first generation and Ace, Zoffie, who was pushed out, could only Changing the topic he said:

"After landing, it will be easier for you to travel in the Kingdom of Light in the future."

Hearing this, Severn's eyes lit up slightly.

That's right, log in as your identity. After logging in, Subaru will be a member of the Kingdom of Light. When the time comes... he won't have any feelings. Can't feelings be cultivated?

"First of all, let me state that I am not targeting you, nor do I have any other intentions..."

On the other side, listening to Zuo Fei's words, Yuan Subaru whispered with a headache. He had already imagined this situation happening, but he didn't expect that he would not be as [Son of Beria], but as [Son of Beria], but as [Son of Beria]. Belia Cerro's mixed bloodline creation] returned to the Kingdom of Light, so this series of events made it seem like he had to cut off from others.


Yuan Subaru believes that it is better to say some things clearly early on.

"I have learned about the legal situation in your Kingdom of Light."

Yuan Subaru said calmly:

"How should I put it? It is a very complete system, but my behavior... Unfortunately, I am an outlaw in this system. In order to avoid the situation where you have to send people to arrest me in the future, naturalization This matter... forget it, I just want to get rid of the matter quickly, and then return to the earth where TLT is located, and continue to perform my duties. For other things, don't bother, just treat me as a side warrior. "

"Subaru, this..."

Hearing this, Membius wanted to come over and persuade him. He felt that Yuan Subaru might be a little too extreme. Just like cats on earth, they are always full of vigilance when they come to a new home and adapt to it. It took a while, but Yuan Subaru could guess what the Ultra warrior was going to say and waved his hand directly.

Yuan Subaru knew that these Ultra Warriors regarded him as a child... Well, he was indeed a child, but to put it bluntly, the number and quality of the enemies he had destroyed in the past three months were not as good as in the Light. In the country, some Ultra warriors who have lived for thousands of years may not be as good as me.

Moreover, if Sister Shiori uses human years to calculate the age of cats and dogs, she, who has already spent two-thirds of her life, is not considered young.

Besides, I didn't come to the Kingdom of Light to deal with such messy private matters. This topic has strayed too far from the theme I originally intended.

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