"Don't believe it? Hum, luckily I saved a hand."

Gen Subaru calmly called up the video from the Ark bracelet and projected it. Then Tetsuji Yoshioka and Soichiro Sawai saw a beam of light hitting a planet, and then the atmosphere was ignited and everything was burned. The planet turned into a death star flashing with fire in the blink of an eye.

"I have already investigated and found that there are no other species on the home planet of the Lebxians. I think they must have been captured and used as slaves by them and exhausted."

Yuan Subaru said calmly:

"But these are all innocuous things. Look, here, here, and here."

As Yuan Subaru spoke, he played the video back, pointed out several time points, and said softly:

"There are obvious sluggishness in these places. This is a problem with my calculations, which caused the detonation process not to be so smooth. I am now rebuilding the energy model. If it is completed successfully, I will share it with you. I know You are suspicious of me, but you should be smart. Even if it is a sugar-coated bullet, you should eat the sugar-coating and throw the bullet back to me. By the way, sir, I think there should be a lot between us. We have a common topic, let’s talk more later.”

No, no, no, I'm not as extreme as you.

Tetsuji Yoshioka subconsciously wanted to refuse. The most he thought about was to earn more nuclear bombs or something. The starting point here was to destroy the planet and destroy the clan. It was really beyond his expectation, but before he could organize the words, Yuan Subaru has already left here.

"This, this, this..."

Tetsuji Yoshioka looked at Soichiro Sawai helplessly, and the director also said with a wry smile:

"This child is undoubtedly on the side of mankind, but his thoughts are not very applicable to our current situation. Okay, Yoshioka, stop arguing. We have other things to deal with next."

Just as the TPC director's office was returning to calm, in the Kingdom of Light, Zuo Fei looked at Zero who had just walked out of the Silver Crusade headquarters and said helplessly:

"Sero, I understand your feelings, but your current situation is really not suitable for you to continue going out."

Isn't that right? When he dug him out of the pit before, Seven almost thought he was going to give away the white-haired man to the black-haired man. Fortunately, the energy impact of the plasma spark saved Sero, otherwise he would still be here at this time. I had to lie down and couldn't stand up.

And this kind of injury...

There is also a bit of Subaru's personal emotions in it.

After all, you see, although there is nothing wrong with Cero hacking his father to death, it is also to maintain the peace of the universe, fairness and justice.


After all, this was the man who killed his father. Yuan Subaru’s rational dice passed, but his emotional dice failed somewhat. So, this is a rare opportunity to let go and fight with him. Why don’t you give it to him seriously? Now, this makes sense.

Then...it's normal that I didn't control the intensity of this seriousness. After all, it's my first time to fight independently in this form. So Mr. Zero, the thunder gun in my hand told me that it is ready. Yes!

Naturally, no one knew about Yuan Subaru's complicated psychological activities at that time. Zero just sighed that his son who was picked up for nothing could beat him really ridiculously, but he had to go out now. He looked at Zuo Fei and said helplessly :

"Uncle Zuo Fei, let me go out, otherwise, my father will definitely not be able to sit still. How can I put it, in comparison, if we encounter any problems, I will be older than me in running away or something." It’s much more convenient for dad.”


Listening to Zero's words, Zuo Fei fell into deep thought. Indeed, during this period, Severn was like a volcano that was accumulating. If he put it outside, he would probably get up and fall into the enemy's trap. .

While Zuofi was thinking, suddenly, there was a disturbance in the northwest direction. Zuofi and Zero immediately flew over and noticed the strange energy fluctuations. Then Zuofi looked at Eddie next to him and said softly:

"What's going on here?"

"It's a Baltan invasion."

Eddie touched his head and continued with some doubts as he spoke:

"But it's a bit strange, Zoffie, look at this. This is something specially left by the Baltans. After throwing this to me, he blew himself up. Why...why is this?"


Zoffie took the thing and took a look. The words "Father of Ultra" were clearly engraved on it, which made his heart tighten instinctively. He looked at the crater left by the self-destruction of the Baltan star, and then looked at it again. The thing in his hand finally flew to the location of Hikali. In any case, the whereabouts of Ultra's father is still the most important thing in the Kingdom of Light at the moment.

This Baltan star was naturally none other than the one who asked Beria for forgiveness. After the passage to the Kingdom of Light was established, he made full backup plans to ensure that he would not leave any clues, and would be used by the Kingdom of Light. After the country tracked down this frontier universe, they took the initiative to ask for help and came to take action.

It's just that although he has imagined many situations, it is really not easy for him to act alone in the Kingdom of Light, which is now full of vigilance. Rather, it is not easy for him to persist until he meets Eddie before being exposed. .

Of course, out of loyalty to Lord Beria, he had already sent out the intelligence he had collected. Although the self-destruction of the Baltans destroyed everything related to it, other companions would take it out at the agreed coordinates. of these.

So, soon, the information collected by the Baltans at the risk of their lives was presented to Beria. To be honest, the Baltans did not collect much. Obviously, the focus of the crayfish star's theft was the light. The existing technology in the country, but Beria sneered at those things. At first glance, these technologies were made by the blue-skinned scientist. They have no nutrition at all. If you take it seriously... Forget it, let's continue looking at other things. .

Beria threw aside the technology-related information without interest and began to look at others. First of all, as Beria thought, the Kingdom of Light encountered a powerful enemy attack, and the chaos experienced by the entire Kingdom of Light was no less than The original invasion of the Beria Empire.


Seeing this, Beria snorted coldly. When he finished growing, he would see what the hell he was, and he was worthy of being compared with himself. The black giant deleted this page of information in dissatisfaction, and then continued. Want to read on.

‘When the Kingdom of Light was invaded, a Nexus came to the Kingdom of Light and came into contact with the plasma spark in full view of the public. ’

Um! ? ! ?

Seeing this, Beria suddenly became energetic. The first thing he thought of was the Dark Nexus he had seen in the video before. Beria sat upright and began to look seriously. Listening carefully to the audio files attached to this information, after all, these audio files are the basis for the Baltan people to compile this information.

After listening to it, a little... ahem, just a little bit excited, Beria made a quick stroke:

‘Nexus fought fiercely with the warriors of the Kingdom of Light, and both the Ultra brothers and Zero were defeated by his offensive. ’


Seeing this, Beria hummed reservedly, and then he couldn't help laughing. After clicking on the audio files, the black giant laughed even more. , and finally bent down as if his abdominal muscles hurt from laughing.

Okay, okay, Fusui, you did a good job. I didn’t expect that a guy like you could actually develop such an experimental subject. Not bad, okay, hum. I have decided to make this experimental subject unique. , I will ask Fusui to deal with all the experimental subjects of the same series. After I retrieve this experimental subject, I will personally give him a name instead of calling him by a code name... I will attack the Kingdom of Light violently. ..Violently defeated the Kingdom of Light... He is promising and promising. He is worthy of being a warrior who has inherited my genes, hahaha! ! !

Beria leaned on the back of the throne and rubbed his belly with a smile on his face. His memory couldn't help but return to the past, recalling the scene when he used the ultimate combat device to kill in the Kingdom of Light.

Suddenly, he wanted to find the father of Ultra immediately. Regardless of whether he was rational or not, he would laugh at him for a while. If nothing else, could that little brat Tyro be so good at fighting? No, forget it if you don’t, and you’re still being pressed and beaten by my genetic heir. It’s so shameful. Ken, how did you educate your child? I haven’t even taken care of it yet, hahaha! ! !

Beria sat crookedly on the throne in a good mood, with one hand supporting the side of his face. He listened to the audio file of the information over and over again with satisfaction. After listening to it, he happily moved down to see Let's see what the next information is...

'Nexus burned in plasma sparks'

176 Nazi: I’m done!

"What...what's going on?"

In the Beria base, all the staff looked at the sky in horror. The purple-black thunder and lightning exploded wantonly. There is no doubt that this must be the anger of their Majesty Beria. I just don’t know which department this time. Able to complete the prescribed regulations according to His Majesty's wishes.

Beria was indeed very angry. On the previous page, he was still talking about how capable his genetic successor was, but on the next page, he told me that he was burned to death. The dark giant suddenly felt like he was being tricked. He was about to call the intelligence collector over to ask what was going on, but then he remembered that the Baltan was already dead.

"Tsk, trash."

Beria, who was unable to generate fire, put down his hand angrily, put away the thunderstorm in the sky, and then patiently clicked on the audio file below. Under this information, there were only three 'basis for speculation', not in this regard. The information is difficult to obtain, but at the end of the third audio line, you can clearly hear the Ultra Warriors yelling. There is no doubt that the Baltan star has been discovered by this time, and if Beria is right If so, that Ultra Warrior should be Ultraman Eddie.

Damn Eddie, you actually ruined my good deeds, I will remember this!

Beria patted the armrest with sharp eyes, then leaned on the chair, thinking seriously, why did he suddenly change his offensive and his genetic successor was burned to death?

Thrown in by the Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light?

It's unlikely that those guys have the conscience to do such a cruel thing.

Could it be that he was brought in by the recoil of the light clash during the battle?

That shouldn't be the case. With my successor's ability, even if he was pushed in, he would be burned at most, but he wouldn't be killed alive...


Beria's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, and he couldn't help but use a little force to crush the armrest of the throne.

Could it be that the idiot was greedy for the energy of the plasma spark, absorbed too much, and burned himself to death? !

Thinking of this, Beria couldn't sit still. He wandered back and forth in front of the throne with his hands behind his back, his face gradually becoming more and more ugly.

It's possible, this is really possible, after all, he is challenging the entire Kingdom of Light, and the Kingdom of Light now is not the Kingdom of Light back then.

Not to mention anything else, at least that bastard named Zero has become stronger with his own power along the way, plus there are other Ultra warriors who have become stronger during this time.

Even if that idiot inherited my uncle's excellent light energy reserve, it is already quite worthy of praise to be able to temporarily overwhelm them under such an offensive. It is simply impossible to maintain suppression throughout the whole process, so, it is After using up the light energy, did you attack the plasma spark in order to continue to win?

Thinking of this, Beria clenched his hands helplessly. Indeed, this should be the most likely choice. As for how powerful the plasma spark was, he had personally experienced it. Just a little exposure, I was so burned that I couldn't help but scream, this kid...

It's too reckless, it's too reckless! If you can't fight, just run away. How can I scold you when we meet you later... Oh, yes, I am in a state of 'death' in the outside world, but there is no need to carry on like this. Could it be that I feel that I will be embarrassed if I run away? face?

Beria stood there, slightly raising his head and was stunned for a moment. Then he scratched his head with numbness. How should I put it? He felt as if he had suddenly lost something huge. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something. What? In the end, he said nothing and quietly sat back on the throne.

After a moment of silence, Beria raised his hand and sent a message to Izumi Fushii, asking him to stop all biochemical experiments related to 'Nexus' and all experimental subjects. This project was considered to be stopped. , to commemorate myself as a capable and loyal genetic inheritor.

Originally, Beria wanted to give this unknown genetic heir a name, but now that he thought about it, he decided to forget it. The person was already dead, and there was no need for him to put aside his pretense. He had to remember his name in his heart. Just people.

Regarding this, Izuku Fushii, who was working on a manuscript all night on Earth, was at a loss. When did he conduct the genetic experiment of 'Nexus 'He doesn't even have the sample in hand yet.


Whatever Mr. Beria said, that’s all. I just won’t develop related experiments in the future. Oh, that’s great. In less than a month, I actually received two communications from Mr. Beria. I’m so happy! Hum! ! Hahaha! ! !

Just when Izuku Fujing was going crazy, in the Kingdom of Light, Zero was already ready to set off. Yes, Zuo Fei finally suppressed Seven's restless heart and prevented him from going out to cause trouble, while Zero Embark on a new path of exploration with his ultimate Zero Guard.

That's right, now that Zero has told his teammates everything about Yuan Subaru, the red lotus flames immediately scratched his scalp. He couldn't have imagined that the person he met before was actually his eldest nephew.

Fortunately, my dignity has been preserved, at least I am not looked down upon by my eldest nephew in terms of academic qualifications.

Leo and Astra also knew all the ins and outs, and were shocked beyond words for a moment, and then marked out the space area for Zero where they met Gen Subaru.

Justis also had the same head and two heads about this. This chaotic blood relationship made him feel that his three views were being challenged, but he also immediately handed over that unstable point in time to Zero, hoping that This would allow him to find Yuan Subaru's whereabouts as quickly as possible.

In this way, Zero and his team set off on the road with everyone's expectations, flying towards the designated star field. However, too much time had passed, and the unstable space-time node had returned to normal. It is really difficult to find Yuan Subaru's whereabouts.

At this moment, Zero suddenly looked to the left and right in surprise. He seemed to hear someone calling him. This feeling... seemed to have happened before.

So, Zero looked at the stable space-time node, listened carefully to the call, then deployed the [Palaj Shield], led his team, followed the calling voice, and opened up time and space. Passage to a new world.

Then Sero and his team members saw Asuka Shin, Takayama Kamuo and Fujimiya Hiroya. Before Sero could ask anything, Asuka Shin jumped up and shouted excitedly:

"Okay!!! I succeeded!!! I finally called the right person!!!"

177 Diga: Shake people and fight in groups!

Seeing Sero's figure, Asuka Shin cheered ecstatically, turned around, and hugged the two hard-working scientists behind him vigorously. In response, Takayama Gamu and Fujimiya Hiroshi also couldn't help but reveal themselves. The relaxed smile of "It's finally over" has no other reason. Asukaxin's space-time power is really too unstable. The space-time data model built one second may become a new one the next second. Wait for yourself to toss it again. Done, get the new matching settings ready, and hey, it changes back again.

All in all, it was a toss-up, and, to put it another way, Takayama Kamuo and Fujimiya Hiroshi didn't hold out much hope for this experiment. After all, they themselves didn't know what the success rate of this thing would be.

But Hiroshi Fujimiya frowned slightly. He felt that Asuka Shin's operation was not quite right. There might be some undiscovered accident happening.

Regarding the reactions of the following people, Sero was confused. He came down slowly and asked what happened. Asukaxin quickly recounted his experience and said with some emotion:

"Finally, I won't end up calling Subaru after calling you. By the way, Cero, regarding the fact that I always call the wrong person, I feel...it doesn't seem to be entirely my problem..."

As he spoke, Asuka Shin's eyes became strange. He looked at Sero and said in a suspicious tone:

"I don't think this matter is that simple."

"Ahem, cough, what, ah, this..."

Cero was suddenly asked, and he was a little embarrassed. He suddenly didn't know what to say. In response, Red Lotus Flame came over, patted Cero on the back, and slapped his captain He choked suddenly and coughed crazily. Then he pointed at Zero and said happily:

"It's very simple. That Subaru has Zero's blood in him!"


? ? ? ? x2

Hearing this, Asuka Shin's mind suddenly shut down and he froze on the spot. Takayama Kamuo and Fujimiya Hiraya looked at each other wordlessly, their heads full of doubts:

Pleiades? Zero's child? These father and son are completely different! ?

"Well, let me explain it."

Sero stood up a little tired and told the three Ultra Warriors about Subaru's life experience in detail. Then, Sero saw Gamu Takayama and Hiroya Fujimiya raise their eyebrows. He raised his hand and slapped Asukaxin on the back of the head. Then Asukaxin groaned and squatted down holding his head.

But it was obvious that what Asuka Shin wanted and what the two scientists wanted him to do were completely different. Hiroshi Fujimiya pulled him up and said with hatred:

"What are you waiting for? Call Yuan Subaru over quickly!"

"Oh oh oh, okay, okay, I'm going to start shouting now!"

Asukaxin also reacted at this time, nodded quickly and transformed again, then put his hands on his temples and began to call crazily in his heart:

‘Source source source source source source source source source source source source source source source source source of source source source source of source source source of source of source source of source of source of source of source of Pleiarus source source of source of source of source of Pleiarus source of source of source of Pleiarus source of source of Pleiarus source of source of Pleiarus source of source of Pleiades source of Pleiarus source of source of Pleiades source of Pleiades source of Pleiades source of source of Pleiades source of Pleiades source of source of Pleiades of source of Pleiades of source of Pleiades of source of Pleiades of source of Pleiades of source of source of Pleiades of source of Pleiades of source of source Pleiades of source of Pleiades of source of Pleiades of source…’

"Okay, okay, stop shouting."

At this moment, Zero patted Asuka Shin with a black line. No, it was Dana's shoulder, interrupting his call and saying helplessly:

"Your space-time communication is screaming in my ear."


Gamu Takayama and Hiroshi Fujimiya cuddled up to each other tiredly. Gamu Takayama couldn't hold it in anymore and patted his chest, while Nobu Asuka couldn't accept it, 'Huh? ' With a sound, he disappeared in front of Zero.

"No, what's going on?"

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