At the same time, Yuan Subaru also used this strength to do somersaults and throw Admiral Magma away with the help of the spinning force, hitting Baraba who was controlling the flying sword to assassinate him.

But Admiral Magma still looked unharmed.

There's something wrong with that armor.

At this time, Yuan Subaru realized that Admiral Magma's armor was very good, and that the armor was also exquisite. It was a replica of the Dark Armor of the Ampera Planet. Although it was not as good as the real thing, it also had extremely high defense power. Just now The force of Yuan Subaru's physical attack was all blocked by the armor and did not harm Admiral Magma's body at all.

At this time, Baraba's eyes shot a golden energy lightning beam towards Yuan Subaru. Yuan Subaru clasped his hands together, condensed the red energy, and threw it towards the lightning beam. The collision between the two immediately caused the nearby battleship to shake. Incessantly.

At this moment, the admiral's sister came quietly. She crossed her daggers and released a purple lightning attack. Then she threw the daggers in both hands, and the two weapons drew dangerous arcs in the air. In this way, she wanted to Block Yuan Subaru's dodge space as much as possible.

Of course, after she finished the attack, she had no intention of seeing whether she had achieved victory. She turned around and ran away. She had seen Yuan Subaru's teleportation, and it would have been terrible if she didn't run faster... That's weird.

The admiral sister smiled sinisterly in her heart. She had a lot of poisonous gas bombs hidden in her body. These poisonous gases could spread even in the universe and were extremely toxic. Even if she had taken the antidote in advance, she would not go back. I lay down in the medical department for a long time.

As for Yuan Subaru, he did teleport away, but his target was not the Admiral's sister. When he appeared again, his feet glowed with red fire at the same time, and he kicked Baraba's body hard. The astonishing defense of this super beast had little effect under [Leo's Double Flying Kick]. This ace super beast that Admiral Magma bought from the Yabo people at a high price was ended in this way.

But in this regard, Admiral Magma did not panic at all. Instead, he took the initiative to meet him. He believed that his armor would not cause too much damage even if the fierce flying kick just now landed on his body. , and he can take advantage of this Ultra Warrior to attack him and inflict fatal damage to him.

Facing Admiral Magma who was coming towards him, Yuan Subaru shook his head to avoid the stabs from his saber, and then punched Admiral Magma one or two times in the chest.

Huh, useless idiot, I...huh? !

Just when Admiral Magma was thinking proudly in his mind and raising his sword to pierce Yuan Subaru's chest, he suddenly felt a strange soreness and numbness, and then a severe pain came from inside his body, which made him involuntarily He screamed and stepped back.

But Yuan Subaru would not let him escape from his hands. Nexus took a step forward and cut off Admiral Magma's saber and the dagger thrown by the Admiral's sister with his sword. Then he took another step forward. .

Seeing Yuan Subaru pressing forward step by step, Admiral Magoma reluctantly turned the evil energy in his body into poison, attached it to his hand, and hit Yuan Subaru.

However, when it comes to energy transformation, Yuan Subaru has never been afraid. He grabbed Admiral Magma's poison fist, and before the poison could invade Nexus' body, the pure white light assimilated all the harmful energy, and then Yuan Subaru's other hand began to hit Admiral Magma's chest in a crazy series of blows.

Indeed, the armor's defensive power is very powerful, but it is only a strong defensive power. As long as such continuous beatings are continued, the shock and impact caused by Yuan Subaru's special skills will be transmitted along the armor to Admiral Magma's body, and His body is destroyed!

'Wow! ! ! ’

Admiral Magma suddenly raised his head and spit out a mouthful of blood. Seeing this scene, the admiral's sister screamed in grief, but the sound still could not be transmitted to her brother, and she also realized that in terms of her strength, It was no match for Yuan Subaru, so she immediately threw out all the gas bombs on her body and used them as smoke bombs to escape from the battlefield.

At the same time, the surrounding battleships also noticed that something was wrong with their admiral, and immediately locked onto Yuan Subaru, launching precise targeting attacks towards his back. The Ranger Magma people also hurried over with firearms or high-powered blades, but The soldiers of planet L77 also noticed this and began to launch a blocking defense line for Yuan Subaru.

On Yuan Subaru's side, after forty seconds of continuous beating, Admiral Magma was lifeless. If you take off his armor at this time, you will see the body of this Magma star. It has been shaken to a pulp.

However, before the soldiers of Planet L77 could burst into cheers, the Magma command ship suddenly exploded. In everyone's shocked eyes, a green vine-like mass of flesh suddenly appeared, with tentacles extending from it. The granulation involves everything around it regardless of whether it is friend or foe. Whether it is living things, alloys, or high-heat energy, they all become its nutrients.

"What exactly is this?"

Seeing this scene, Leo, who was fighting on the front line, couldn't help but murmured in shock. Yuan Subaru recognized it at a glance. He thought that these Magma people had been to the dead zone of the universe, but Yuan Subaru was surprised. Yes, they actually have a way to preserve it, which is unprecedented.

And this also sounded a new alarm for Yuan Subaru. During the next journey, he may encounter other enemies with "green creations" like this. By then, if he notices any changes in the enemy, he must be on the first step. It only takes a moment to defeat it.

But now there is a new problem....

Yuan Subaru looked at the growing behemoth, and then at the eight or nine energy-supply stone statues in his storage space. Such energy reserves seemed not enough to destroy this green monster.

ah! ! ! No matter, let’s talk about it first!

Yuan Subaru roared, switching to pure white light, spreading the soft radiance, turning the light into a sword and shield, protecting his teammates and severely injuring the enemy. The size of the vine sprouts was shrinking rapidly because of this, but Yuan Subaru saw The stone statue that had already emptied more than half of the supplies secretly complained. In this situation, I am afraid that I can only use what Senior Diga left for me... huh? what sound?

162 Voice of the Star·Heart is better than things (third update)

Just when Yuan Subaru wanted to use the backup hidden energy left by Diga, he suddenly heard a strange sound, like a lion's roar. He looked around in surprise, and in a trance, he seemed to see A lion is roaring in the universe.

Leo was also vaguely aware of this change. He also didn't know what was going on and looked at his father, Alus, the king of planet L77. Alus naturally noticed it too, and he looked into the sky. The pure white sun said softly:

"Leo, this is the voice of the stars. It is the 'voice' emitted by the Leo galaxy itself. It represents the positive desire of the Leo stars and the creatures that live here to "want to live." This desire can be transformed into powerful energy. I originally thought this was just a legend spread in the universe, but I didn't expect to see it today. Leo, look out, this is the light of the person chosen by Leo!"

As Arus's words fell, Yuan Subaru felt a powerful force pouring into his body, and then pure white light burst out, outlining the mask of a lion in the universe, accompanied by a sound that resounded through his soul. The wild roar, the violent pure white storm was suddenly set off.

The soldiers of Planet L77 instinctively wanted to defend, but the storm passed through their bodies. Not only did it not cause harm, it was healing their wounds.

When the Magma people saw this, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. What's more, they even took the initiative to open their arms to the storm, wanting to take the initiative to welcome this power. Then they were burned to ashes by the furious light.

The twisted green sprouts still wanted to resist, but in the energy-offsetting explosion, they also turned into nothing. At this point, the offensive and defensive battle on the L77 planet came to a complete end.

"Subaru, thank you for your help!"

Just when Yuan Subaru took back his power and switched from [Pure White·Native] to [Red·Nexus], Leo happily rushed over, patted his shoulder hard, and said with a laugh:

"If it weren't for you, my hometown would be in a hard war this time."

"No, no, no, this can't all be attributed to me."

Yuan Subaru quickly waved his hand and said softly:

"I just felt a powerful energy being transmitted to me. I guess it was you who took action. Without this, I really wouldn't have been able to do anything."

"No, that's not us."

Arus came over, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"It was you who risked your own life and devoted all your efforts to fight against evil. You were recognized by the Leo Galaxy and got help from the 'Voice of the Stars'. I heard Leo say, you are Nexus Yuan Subaru, right? Noah I found a great successor.”

"Hey hey hey..."

Although he was a little embarrassed, since someone was praising him, he should just be a little proud. However, after laughing, Yuan Subaru began to ask about the 'Voice of the Stars'. After all, this concept was something he had never imagined before. Never heard of it.

Leo took the place of his father and explained to Yuan Subaru. The child nodded clearly because the logic was easy to follow.

Green Granulation=Destroy the Galaxy

Leo Galaxy = Refusal to Destruction

Pure white light = compatible with all things

After these equations emerged in Yuan Subaru's mind, the little guy felt that the arrival of this aid had nothing to do with whether he worked hard or not.

The main thing is...the sound of the planet...isn't this kind of thing too idealistic...

For things that emphasize idealism, Yuan Subaru is still not willing to put his treasure on it. After all, idealism means instability. What if this thing cannot stand up and stretches the crotch when fighting the enemy to the death? Although Yuan Subaru feels that he is still somewhat spiritual in his life, he still prefers to believe in things that can lay out formulas.

Just one word, stable. After all, if you can’t do things like mathematics, you can’t. Gen Subaru still remembers that when he was in TLT, Captain Wakura felt that Brother Ishibori was working overtime too hard and asked him to take a rest. This happened between the two of them. During the quarrel, Captain Wakura slammed the table and shouted, "Ishibori, I tell you, a person can do anything if he is pushed." Then Ishibori immediately gave Captain Wakura a page of formulas and asked him to do it on the spot.


Then, after staring at the piece of paper for half an hour, Captain Wakura decisively slapped the piece of paper back, picked up Ishibori, who was somewhat delirious after working overtime, and headed to the hospital without looking back. ran to the room.


Oh, by the way, there is still business. Since I have already encountered it, I will tell Senior Leo and others about the situation of green energy.

Yuan Subaru, who was immersed in memories, suddenly reacted. In brief words, he shared the information with everyone on the L77 planet, and then declined the invitation to the celebration party sent by Leo and Arus. After saying goodbye, he returned On the D60 planet, he was having a new round of discussions and exchanges with everyone from the Cosmic Beast Fist. When he had just fought against the Magma people, he had new inspiration and wanted to verify his experience through actual combat.

Regarding this, everyone in the Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist is pained and happy. What hurts is that this child Yuan Subaru can really fight. The more they spar, the more they can feel the gap between them, which makes them doubt whether they have mastered the martial arts in these years. Where have they gone? Happiness is very simple. With such a helper, their progress can be regarded as leaps and bounds.

In this way, led by Yuan Subaru, Chen Fan and Wang Xiao also started to work overtime. When Master Lei Ting came back, they looked at the bustling scene on the training ground and felt a little dazed for a moment. It seems like it's back to when these little guys were just apprentices.

Good thing, these are all good things.

Master Lei Ting walked to the training ground with his hands in his sleeves, smiling, waved to Yuan Subaru, and said softly:

"Subaru, come here, I have something to tell you."

"Okay, Master Lei Ting, huh? Wait, Master, someone is coming."

Yuan Subaru was just about to follow Master Lei Ting to the back mountain. When he sensed something, he raised his head and took a look, and then said softly:

"It's Mr. Arus and Senior Leo who are here."

After hearing Yuan Subaru's words, Master Lei Ting glanced at the child and seemed to be more convinced of something. He touched his chin, then nodded and said softly:

"In that case, let's discuss our matters later."

After saying that, Master Lei Ting went over to greet Alus and Leo. As friendly countries, Master Lei Ting and Alus had a very good relationship. At least during the conversation, Master Lei Ting had such a calm temperament that he could express Some exaggerated laughter.

When they asked Arus and Leo why they came here, after listening to what those two people said, the successors of the Space Fantasy Beast Fist all looked at Yuan Subaru. Didn't you go out to find inspiration? Yet? Why did you come along and help destroy a fleet? This is such a big help to others, why didn't you say a word when you came back?

"It's not a strong enemy. There's nothing to show off."

Facing everyone's gaze, Yuan Subaru waved his hands indifferently. To be honest, if it weren't for the green monster that appeared at the end of the L77 planet defense battle, that battle would really not be ranked high in Yuan Subaru's career. Number.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, everyone in the Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist also understood Yuan Subaru's character and knew that this is what he thought. They were speechless for a while. If this is not enough, you have all beaten before. What a fierce battle.

"Subaru, although you don't care, we at L77 still want to express our sincere gratitude to you."

As Arus said, he took a box from Leo's hand with a Lion Medal inside, handed it to Yuan Subaru, and said softly:

"This represents the friendship of L77 stars. I hope you won't shirk it."

"Okay, then I'm welcome."

Yuan Subaru accepted the medal, waited until he was free, and then transferred it to the breastplate housing room on the Dragon God.

"By the way, Mr. Arus."

At this time, Yuan Subaru remembered something, looked at the king of L77 and said:

"It's just what you have here that can represent the characteristics of your planet L77. If possible, I hope to take some of it away."


Arus was stunned for a moment, and looked at each other with Leo. Leo nodded, and then sent a signal to the L77 planet, and the relevant palace guards would prepare relevant items and send them over.


"There's no need to be so polite about this little thing."

Arus interrupted Yuan Subaru's thank you, then smiled and patted his shoulder, saying loudly:

"You kid, you are a little too polite, hahaha!!!"

"well enough."

Yuan Subaru touched the back of his head helplessly, and then the usual exchanges continued. Arus even had a discussion with Master Lei Ting, and then sat there and lamented that he was getting old, and he could still touch Master Lei Ting before. A slap on the horns.

This 'diplomatic' activity did not last too long. After all, the L77 star had just experienced an attack and there were still many things that needed to be dealt with. They were able to escape now only because there was another prince, Astra, supporting them. Of course, Leo and Astra were supposed to come this time, but Arus was overwhelmed by all kinds of affairs, so he temporarily changed the list of personnel to let himself take a breather.

Before sending Arus and Leo away, Master Yuan Subaru and Master Lei Ting also came to the back mountain. The buffalo master looked at the dark clouds over the village in the distance and suddenly asked:

"Subaru, what do you think rain is?"


Yuan Subaru was stunned for a moment and answered casually:

"The water on the ground absorbs heat and turns into water vapor, rising to the upper layer of the steam layer in the sky. Because the temperature in the upper layer of the steam layer is low, the volume of water vapor shrinks and the specific gravity increases, so the steam falls. Since the temperature below the steam layer is high, it absorbs heat during the descent. ....”

"No, I'm not asking you how it rains."

Master Lei Ting was silent for a moment after listening to Yuan Subaru's words. After he finished speaking, he spoke:

"Just the phenomenon of 'raining', don't use scientific theories to explain, what do you think it is?"

"...A weather phenomenon."

Yuan Subaru realized what Master Lei Ting meant at this time, thought about it and said the answer he felt should be correct.

"Yes, a weather phenomenon is one of the rules of the operation of this planet."

Master Lei Ting turned around, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"All the phenomena on this planet are internally connected. They are all natural laws evolved from the planet itself. All scientific principles are also bound by this framework."

To be honest, Master Lei Ting said this, Yuan Subaru wanted to debate with the master, but after changing his mind, he stopped quietly.

"This planet builds everything... Subaru, have you figured out anything?"

"Master Lei Ting, this... you should just tell me what to do."

Yuan Subaru's little brain crashed for a few seconds. According to Master Lei Ting's description, the first thing he thought of was to blast the planet from the inside and burn the surface with glass, but it was obvious that this was not the truth that the master wanted him to understand.

"You and I are also like this planet."

Master Lei Ting still said slowly and calmly. He didn't expect Yuan Subaru to understand all of this in one breath. After all, his age was here. Master Lei Ting now seriously suspected that Yuan Subaru ran away from home. Otherwise, how could his family let him do such a dangerous act of time travel when he looked less than a hundred years old.

But this is all later. Now let's teach him everything we should teach.

"Subaru, the power in our bodies is like everything on this planet. No matter what form they appear in, in the end, they will reach a consensus under the rules of the planet and cooperate with us."


Subaru felt that if he pulled Priest Kobayashi over now, he might be able to talk to Master Lei Ting, but after hearing these things, Subaru really didn't know what Master Lei Ting was going to do.

"Use your 'heart' to control them."

Master Lei Ting broke the window paper for Subaru, gently touched Subaru's head and said:

"What you have to do is to make your heart stronger than things. With such a strong mind power, you must also have a strong 'heart'. You can imagine yourself as a planet, or even a universe, and use your 'heart' to encompass all the power of the 'universe' and let them achieve unity."

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