Diga quickly passed by all the guys who had problems with him, intending to go back and 'greet' each one, but at this time, Yuan Subaru continued:

"I met Camila and the others."

"Oh, them."

After hearing this answer, Diga immediately understood something and said calmly:

"I didn't expect you to meet them. It seems they talked a lot to you. No, why is their seal lifted now?"

"I untied it."

Yuan Subaru touched his head in embarrassment and explained in a low voice:

"Because I want to study something, but don't worry, Senior Diga, I have already sealed them again before I left."

"It doesn't matter. If you untie it, it will be untied. There is my stone statue on the earth. If they want to cause chaos again, my light will stop them."

Diga said casually, and then he noticed Yuan Subaru's confusion, and further explained:

"I know what you are thinking. How should I put it? When I chose to stand on the side of the light, I was still too young and energetic and insisted on having my own way. I felt that Camilla and the others had been immersed in the darkness for too long, and their brain circuits may have changed for a while. I couldn’t reverse it, but I didn’t want to kill them, so I decided to seal them up and let them wake up. But now it seems that what I did was really wrong, and it was me who insisted on going my own way.”

"Since you have already thought of it, senior, why don't you solve this problem?"

Yuan Subaru continued to ask in confusion. Although the option of 'lazy' immediately popped up in the child's mind, he felt that Senior Diga was not that lazy when it came to this kind of issue.

"Ah...how should I say..."

Diga said helplessly:

"When I first left the earth, I was quite curious about other things in the universe, so I ran around, saw a lot of things, and provoked a lot of enemies. I just fought and traveled without noticing the time at all. Time has passed, but it’s not a big problem. It’s only 30 million years. It’s not a long time. Once I solve this outrageous green energy problem, I will unblock them and see what they are thinking now.”


Thirty million years...

That's all...

Listening to Diga's words, a black line appeared on Yuan Subaru's head. I really can't participate in the topic of you Immortals...

But now that this topic is solved, Yuan Subaru leads the matter to another topic, about the terrifying darkness hidden under the ruins of Luluye, what is it!

"That was 30 million years ago when "Qijela" confused the human mind, the giant of light disappeared, invaded and destroyed the super-ancient human civilization, and led "Zojia" to rule the world. "The ruler of darkness" Jia Tanjie. "

Regarding Yuan Subaru's doubts, Diga was silent for a while, recalling the memories. Then he remembered something, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"That time was quite delicate. I remember that it was not long after I left the earth. The giants of light who survived the war respected mankind's choice and gave up the crusade against Qijera. Then they also left the earth and brought The fate of mankind and the earth is in the hands of mankind."

Having said this, Diga glanced at Yuan Subaru who seemed to be thinking about something, without saying anything, he continued:

"However, there was still a giant of light who was worried. He took a look back to the earth and saw the end of Gatanje's destruction of super-ancient human civilization. Later, the giant of light met me, and during the conversation, I learned These, what you noticed, should be the sleeping Gatanje."

"That's it..."

Yuan Subaru suddenly realized that he had to tell Yuan Dagu about this matter. Diga gently touched Yuan Subaru's head and said with a smile:

"Okay, you little guy, don't think so much. Even if you dote on humans, don't worry so much. Didn't you say that you still have to deal with the Gu'a Army? Let's go. You teleport back first, and I'll do it right away. Follow the stone statue and the 'light' left on you."

"Okay! Senior, I'll go back first!"

Unexpectedly, he would be able to get such strong support from Senior Tiga this time. Yuan Subaru was so happy that he grinned from ear to ear. He immediately dismissed the response and ran to Warehouse No. 4, standing at the stone statue of Tiga. Over there, waiting for the arrival of Senior Diga.

On the other side, seeing Yuan Subaru turn into light particles and dissipate, Diga also moved his body, closed his eyes, and began to concentrate on sensing. As the light on Diga became brighter and brighter, he soon succeeded. Through the stone statue and the remaining Tiga light on the child, the coordinates of the plane where the earth is located are locked.

But just when Diga stretched out his hand and tore open the space, trying to open the passage, a light arrow struck, scattering all Diga's energy. Then, a sacred light and shadow appeared, it was Noah, exactly In other words, it is Noah's space-time phantom. This phantom follows the established order and comes to intercept anything that wants to go to the plane of the universe where Yuan Subaru is, whether it is a person, an object, or something else.

That's right... When I traveled to the past last time, I felt like I was being scrutinized. Were they the clones like you?

Diga raised his eyebrows and looked at Noah's phantom carefully. He noticed that the phantom still had green energy on its body, and realized that the interception protection program should have been activated by green energy, thus starting the indiscriminate process. of obstruction.

But this shouldn't be a problem.

Although Tiga and Noah don't know each other, he knows a lot about this mysterious Ultraman. At the moment, according to Tiga's perception, these so-called phantoms can be said to be clones or his original body. If Tiga guessed correctly, these should all be the "self" summoned by Ultraman Noah from the "past" and "future". Talking to them is basically equivalent to communicating with Noah himself.

So, Tiga put down his fighting posture, took the lead in expressing a friendly attitude, looked at the Noah phantom in front of him and said:

"Don't be nervous, I'm going to help, to help Subaru, that kid. Subaru, you should know, is the kid you chose to be Nexus. He is in trouble now. I'm going to help him. I have no ill intentions. Please let me go. I'll go over and leave after the fight."


However, facing Tiga's words, the Noah phantom had no intention of communicating at all. He just stood there quietly until the torn space healed again, and he disappeared with it.


Tiga smacked his lips in dissatisfaction, then swung his arm fiercely, tearing the space again, and then the phantom of Noah appeared again and quietly blocked the way.

"Get out of my way."

Tiga pointed at the phantom of Noah, and said with a bit of anger in his tone:

"If you delay my appointment, I don't care who you are."


The phantom of Noah still didn't react, but quietly promoted the repair of the cracks in time and space. In response, Tiga's anger surged up in his heart. I haven't settled the matter with you about choosing Subaru as a fit person. Now I go over to help, and you still want to stop me. What do you mean? Do you really want to force that kid to death!

Thinking of this, Tiga's face was gloomy, and he tore the space-time for the third time. After this time, it seemed that some mechanism was triggered. The reappearing Noah Phantom immediately attacked Tiga, using the rapidly launched wedge-shaped cutting light as a starting point to contain him, and teleported to launch a fierce attack on Tiga.

In response, Tiga also roared, and his whole body was covered with golden light, entering the "shining" state, exerting all his strength to the extreme, trying to break through the obstruction of Noah Phantom in one breath and enter the plane where Yuan Subaru was.

However, what Tiga didn't expect was that when he relied on the explosion to knock away the Noah Phantom, the strong flash of space-time energy forced Tiga out of the space-time crack. Looking at the more than 20 Noah Phantoms that suddenly emerged, Tiga stared at them with an ugly face and whispered coldly:

"Noah, you TM..."

Before he finished speaking, Tiga fell into the siege of Noah Phantoms....

153 Demon Emperor Gua

"Subaru, what are you waiting for?"

Three hours later, looking at Subaru standing in front of the statue of Tiga, Shiori Hiraki, who was waiting here, asked curiously. Subaru was silent for a while, shook his head and said:

"Nothing, just come here to sit and see if there will be any support. It seems that the support should be tripped up by something. Sister Shiori, please tell Mr. Matsunaga for me to ask the administrator to keep this statue. If there is any situation, don't rush to raise the alarm. I still have a few skills to train here, so I will leave first."

"Okay, Subaru, you are busy..."

Before Shiori Hiraki finished speaking, Subaru disappeared in the warehouse, leaving only the stunned female teammate waving her hand, leaving only the word "bar".

Regarding the skill improved from the "Shining" skill, Subaru named it "Limit". After all, the power of this move depends on the upper limit that he can bear.

Just like that, after Gen Subaru felt that he had practiced his ‘extreme’ skills to the point where time was almost up, Gen Subaru, who had returned from the Deep Blue Space, got up from the bed, folded the quilt, put on the sheets, and changed into new clothes.

Then, Gen Subaru opened the refrigerator and took out the only remaining piece of cake from it. This was the last gift left by Ichiro Mizuta. Gen Subaru ate it carefully, and poured all the cake crumbs in the box into his mouth. He put the box on the table, looked up at the mirror in front of him, and said seriously:

"I'm leaving."

Then, a ray of light flew out of TLT-J, and Gen Subaru went to the GH-94 galaxy without disturbing anyone.

At this time, the GH-94 galaxy was bustling. This galaxy, which originally had only a few barren planets, never thought that it would become so lively one day. Frigates, battleships, battleships... The Gu'a fleet, which counted in ten thousand units, was stationary in this galaxy, and this was not all of the Gu'a fleet. At this moment, countless affiliated combat forces were approaching here.

"Fly a little higher, fly a little higher! Oh, my dear brother, are you deaf? Go up!"

At this time, above this fleet, a space shuttle was constantly raising the coordinates. There was a vicious cosmic man Zarab and a three-faced weirdo Dada in it. Zarab was adjusting the angle of the cosmic camera, looking at the military power of the Gu'a fleet in the picture, and kept expressing intoxicated praise.

"I say, you've had enough..."

Dada looked at the crazy Zarab and said unbearably:

"You appreciate it, just appreciate it, can you please don't yell?"

"What do you know!"

The Zarrab star continued to admire the picture without paying any attention to it, and said in a strange accent:

"This is a symbol of power, the authority dumped under the three army commanders, ah~~!!! The powerful power and unparalleled posture are so intoxicating!!!"


Looking at the dancing Zarrab star, Dada was too lazy to say anything. This Zarrab star is quite a freak. Its only hobby is to take a camera and take all kinds of cool and handsome photos or... Videos, for those with powerful power, will approach them like a dog, such as the three commanders of the Gua Legion.

But it has to be said that even if you are a dog licker, you have to be capable. This dog licker's skills are quite good. At least the commander of the Gina Army gave him approval and allowed him to conduct related filming.

Forget it, that’s it.

Dada raised his face and helplessly endured the strange screams of the Zarrab alien and continued to drive the spacecraft. After all, he had the approval of the legion commander, so there was no way to say that.

At the same time, on the planet in the middle of the GH-94 galaxy, this originally desolate planet has been transformed into a mechanical battle fortress. On it, a man wearing a twisted spiked battle helmet and a heavy suit decorated with golden patterns The tall figure of A looked at the younger brother and sister next to him and said:

"How is it? Is the space data still chaotic at that time?"

"Brother Molde, don't worry, look."

The woman on the left side of Molde wearing a cobra-like helmet waved her hand, opened a projection, looked at the data on it and said:

"Although I don't know what is going on, there is no doubt that the power of time and space that seals this cosmic plane is being weakened. This is the best time for us to get out of here!"

"Hmph, I can finally leave this hellish place."

At this time, Model, a strong man with a pair of huge horns on his right head and a golden faceplate, waved the big sword in his hand and said with a sinister smile:

"As long as we leave this boring cosmic plane, we can launch an attack on the Kingdom of Light. Damn Ultra Warriors, this time... you must use your death to wash away the shame of the defeat of the Gu'a Empire!"

"Zuda, calm down first."

Molde looked at his younger brother and said softly:

"I know you can't wait to get revenge, and I am too, but now we are still trapped here. The guy who can impose such a time and space barrier is by no means an ordinary person. We still have to be more cautious, Gina, How are the follow-up plans arranged? ”

"Brother Model, don't be too nervous."

Gina played with her bat magic whip and said helplessly:

"Don't worry, as long as we can successfully get out, this cosmic plane will become a recruiting ground for our Gua Empire, providing us with a steady stream of soldiers. Hum, I don't know what those bastards from the Kingdom of Light are facing when facing those being How will the cannon fodder feel when they are forced to go to the battlefield, hahaha!"

Listening to his sister's laughter, Zeuda couldn't help but imagine such a scene, and he also laughed happily. Molde also wanted to laugh, but, among the three brothers and sisters, one of them had to stay calm. and....

Molde looked at the fluctuating space-time data and couldn't help but feel a little worried. Although this GH-94 galaxy was detected by the Gua Legion and was the weakest space-time node in this time-space fluctuation, it also meant that the setting The mastermind behind the time and space barrier can easily detect their actions and block them.

Yes, not only Molde, but also Gina and Zeuda believed that this time and space barrier was set up for them, and its purpose was to prevent the ancient A empire from destroying other universes after its recovery.

As for sacrificing a universe in order to stop them, although Molde and Gina felt that this should not be the work of those guys from the Kingdom of Light, after so many years of fighting in the Gua Army, they discovered that this There is indeed no advanced civilization in the cosmic plane. It is a backward plane that the ancient A empire did not pay much attention to when it expanded.

The Molde brothers and sisters accepted this. After all, in this cosmic plane, apart from the three of them, there seemed to be no dangerous factors worthy of being sealed.

"The number of fleets is almost the same."

Molde looked at the data passed by his subordinates, did some mental calculations and said:

"Let's start preparing. Next, we will build a strike fire network based on the three of our vehicles, so that the space-time stability maintenance team is ready. As soon as the barrier is blasted, we will immediately act according to the established procedures, build a space-time channel, and let most of the fleet Complete the crossing."

"Yes! Lord Molde!"

After receiving the news, the core members of the Gua Legion immediately began to take action, mobilizing various resources and energy that had been prepared, and began to activate various modules.

Of course, they also started all kinds of defense work at the same time. In any case, there are always some guys who overestimate their capabilities. In the years when the Gua Legion conquered the universe, various resistance armies emerged in endlessly. Although among the Gua Legion, Nothing can be done under the battle array, but at this critical moment, we can't let those little mice ruin the plans of the three regiment commanders.

Therefore, various internal audit operations of the Gua Legion began. Anyone who behaved abnormally would be killed on the spot. There was nothing to say.

I have to say that this set of internal audits was quite powerful. Before long, more than a hundred hidden members of the resistance were killed, but...

Neither those who created this review system nor those who implemented it expected that they would face Ultraman, a giant of light that had never been seen before in this cosmic plane, and this Ultraman Man also possesses the [Nullification] ability that can evade most detection methods.

So, with the joint efforts of everyone in the Gua Legion and a certain faceless Ultraman, the long-awaited breakout plan of the three Gua brothers and sisters is finally about to begin.

"Lord Molde, you are ready!"

Listening to the report from the Babar star, Molde nodded, and boarded the core processing platform with his younger brothers and sisters. Seeing these three figures, the Zarab star who loved photography immediately turned the camera. Coming over, looking at the zoomed-in picture, I was so excited that I almost lost my mind.

Of course, Molde would not know about this episode. He looked at the light spots that were scanned on the star map, representing the fleet, and laughed and said:

"Next is the most glorious time in your lives! Because you will follow the great Emperor of the Universe to conquer other universes, trample all civilizations under your feet, and everything will surrender to us. All The universe will become the territory of the universe emperor Gua, and you will witness it all!"


However, after Molde finished speaking, he did not hear the cheers of his subordinates. Instead, the sound of violent explosions and the shrill screams of his subordinates came from the microphone.

Perhaps during the previous preparations, some members of the Gua Legion saw small stone statues of different styles, but they could not have imagined that those little things that they even thought were pretty would erupt into such a terrifying force at this time. Energy response.

But this was just the beginning. Zhou Da keenly felt the changes in the periphery and suddenly switched the projection mode. As a result, the three brothers and sisters saw that multiple planetary implosion events occurred in the GH-84 galaxy, and The node of the explosion is quite particular. The short-term black hole phenomenon produced after the explosion caused further losses to the fleet and a state of chaos.

What exactly is going on? Could it be that someone behind the scenes is behind this? !

Morld grabbed Zeuda who was about to rush out to see what was going on, summoned his bat axe, and looked around solemnly, wary of whether anything bad would pop up around him.

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