Later, Taylor disappeared after returning to the Kingdom of Light. When faced with Zai, the Strim Bracelet also reappeared thanks to Taro's renewed power over the Galaxy.

Therefore, taking the Strim bracelet as a token of entering the Kingdom of Light can save a lot of time in explanation.

But if Taylor was here, it would save even more effort.

Ultraman Galaxy thought this as he continued to move towards the Kingdom of Light. He was right. The Strim Bracelet did save a lot of time. After sending the auditorium light into the Silver Crusaders, Ultraman Galaxy Then he saw Ultraman Mebius who came to meet him.

"Ultraman Galaxy, nice to meet you."

"Ah, me too, um... I still have something to ask when I come here this time."

Ultraman Ginga held Membius's hand, shook it up and down, and then started talking about business. Seeing Ginga's gesture, Mumbius also became serious, nodded and said:

"Okay, please speak and I will assist you."

"This is it."

Ultraman Galaxy took out the notice that looked like a wanted poster and said in confusion:

"What's going on? What's going on with Yuan Subaru? Why do you Kingdom of Light want to come to him like this?"

"Cough cough cough!! Then what... The Kingdom of Light has been attacked recently, and the follow-up supplementary explanation should not be sent out in time. As for why..."

Unexpectedly, this was the problem. Membius couldn't help but cough twice. Then he looked around and waved furtively towards Yinhe. Yinhe leaned over in confusion, and then listened. Dreaming of Bius, he whispered:

"It's like this and that, and finally like this... Galaxy, you understand."

Mebius told the whole story in brief language, and then looked at Ultraman Ginga, who was stiff, and nodded in understanding. He had the same expression when he heard the truth. Woolen cloth.

"Hey!!! Woohoo~!!~!"

Just when Ultraman Galaxy came to his senses and screamed, Membius skillfully covered his mouth to avoid attracting too much attention. Ultraman Galaxy calmed down his shocked mood and looked at Said to Membius:

"You said Gen Subaru is Zero's child!?"

"Gen Subaru's bloodline is Zero's!?"

Similar questions sounded across time and space at the same time, but in the Kingdom of Light, a parallel world area. Dakong Daidi looked at Hong Kai who came over, and asked the same question as Aix. Hong Kai nodded and said softly:

"Well, this has been confirmed. It was admitted under the witness of Ultra's father. If you meet Subaru in the future, remember to tell him about this."

"It turns out that Senior Zero is a scumbag..."

"Yeah, I didn't expect Dadi..."

"You two wait for me."

Obviously, at this time, Da Kong Daichi and Aix were too shocked to hear anything else. In order to prevent Zero's reputation from plummeting, Hongkai quickly explained, "Sero didn't know about this before. Don't forget." Subaru was a creature of biochemical experiments, etc. This made Daichi and Ax stop thinking about giving Zero a punch the next time they saw him.

"Then who does Subaru's child's other half of blood come from?"

Dr. Hermann, who was on the side, looked over curiously and asked in a low voice. Regarding Yuan Subaru's unusually capable child, he said he was not worried about it, but that was really a lie.

But everyone also clearly saw that after Dr. Hermann asked this question, Hong Kai's expression suddenly became complicated and subtle. This caused many speculations to flash through the minds of Da Kong Daichi and Aix. Those speculations were not a good thing, so Da Kong Dadi's face became increasingly ugly.

"Ouch, this... Ouch..."

Hongkai sighed unbearably, then took out Beria's Ultra Fusion card, closed his eyes, turned his head, and shook the card towards everyone.

One thing to say is that at the beginning, no one present realized what Hong Kai meant, but after a moment of silence, Dr. Herman realized something and couldn't help but subconsciously say 'Ouch! ! ' There was a sound, and then the rest of the people woke up. Da Kong Dadi and Aix looked at each other dumbfounded. Their heads were buzzing, and they didn't know what to say at all.

Beria, Sero, how did the blood of these two come together? What kind of evil CP leader conducted this kind of experiment!

To be honest, Daikong Daichi and Aix don't want to think about it at all at this time. This thing is really outrageous. They just want to find a place to relax for a while...

Ultraman Ginga can understand their feelings, because he is sitting in the corner, looking at the sky and wanting to be quiet. Next to him, Mumbius is also sitting there stupidly.

"Is it possible that Sero is a woman..."

"Galaxy, this is impossible..."

"Then Beria..."

"Even more impossible."


After the brief conversation ended, Galaxy and Mebius fell into silence again.

"Then what's your seniority?"

"Zero asked us to call him Nephew Subaru."

"very good."

Hearing this, Yinghe stood up, moved his shoulders, looked at Membius and said:

"When Xiaoguang gets better, I will try to find Subaru's whereabouts and bring him back to the Kingdom of Light as soon as possible."

"In fact, we have already received the time and space anchor point of Subaru's world."

Seeing that Ultraman Ginga had recovered from the explosive news, Mebius also stood up and said with a smile:

"I will ask Hikari to send you a copy later to see if it can help you."

"Okay, wait..."

Although the time and space anchor point is very happy, since you have the anchor point, why haven't you taken action in the Kingdom of Light?

Then Ultraman Ginga saw the ruins of the Kingdom of Light's technology zone, and he understood everything without words....

151 Old Man Jia: My Back!

"I will recover here soon!"

After understanding the purpose of Ultraman Ginga, Hikari handed the space-time anchor to Ginga, and said seriously:

"Although this place seems to be badly damaged by the meat monster, as long as we wait a little longer, I will be able to operate again soon. At that time, we can start trying to connect to the world where Subaru is."

"Then let's work together."

Just when Ultraman Ginga and Ultraman Hikari reached a consensus, an abnormal fluctuation suddenly came from the Land of Light, and the people who had just experienced the monster invasion war immediately became alert.

But this time, there was no monster invasion.


"What did you say is gone?"

Ultraman Father looked at the first generation Ultraman in front of him, couldn't help but hold his forehead, and whispered:

"The monster cemetery is gone?!"

"That's right, you see."

The first generation Ultraman, who quickly completed the investigation, turned on the projection and projected the picture he had just found for Ultraman Father to check.

In the projection, it was obvious that the building composed of three interlocking rings was covered with a layer of green energy. Then, the first generation Ultraman and other members of the Space Guard could not touch or enter the Monster Cemetery no matter what means they used.

And after testing, in the instrument, the Monster Cemetery in this state did not have any energy and numerical feedback, as if it was just a projection. After discussion, everyone agreed that the Monster Cemetery they saw was probably just an illusion, and its real existence had been taken to an unknown area by this green energy.

"This is really..."

Father Ultra whispered with an ugly face. The Monster Cemetery, as the name suggests, is where the bodies of monsters and cosmic people defeated by the Ultra Warriors are placed. The number of them is still quite astonishing. If the bodies of those monsters and cosmic people are affected by this green energy and something changes, it will undoubtedly be a huge disaster.

"Man, please help me for a while. Go and investigate the Monster Cemetery with Hikari."

"Okay, I'll go find Hikari now."

Just when the first Ultraman found Hikari and talked about the Monster Cemetery, a twisted space suddenly opened in the universe. Zero was like a monkey that had just emerged from a cage. He jumped up and down excitedly, using plants to fight zombies in that twisted space to protect his brain. After a long time, he felt that his brain was starting to develop again.

Very good, now let's go on and find the King! !

Finally, he didn't have to use his brain. Zero felt that he was so happy now. He was full of motivation to find the King's whereabouts. But just as Zero happily opened the [Ultimate Holy Shield] and prepared to continue to go to other dimensions to find the whereabouts of the King of Ultra.

However, he had just activated the ability to travel through time and space. In the blink of an eye, Zero saw the familiar green energy. Then, he came to a unique space. In front of him, there was a huge card with a strong man in armor printed on it.

At this time, the strong man noticed Zero's arrival, snorted coldly, and shouted in a concentrated voice:

"If you dare to attack, you will be defeated!"

What the hell is this!!!

Just as Zero was wailing, on the other side of the starry sky, the King of Ultra stopped. He looked at the green energy in the sky without saying a word. Leo and Astra beside him entered the battle state nervously. From this green energy, they noticed the weirdness beyond imagination and the rationality that violated the convention. This incredible contradiction actually appeared here at the same time, which was really unimaginable.

"My king, is this the darkness you have been looking for?"

Leo asked in a nervous voice, and the King of Ultra slowly shook his head and said:

"No, this is not the crisis I am looking for, but... this kind of energy... is really crazy enough."

The King of Ultra waved his hand, and the magnificent power immediately wiped out the green energy, turning around and saying:

"These things are more troublesome than I perceive, Leo, Astra, you go back to the Kingdom of Light first and tell Ultra Father and others not to easily carry out time and space-related actions during this period, which may cause difficult troubles."


Hearing this, Leo and Astra immediately responded, and then Leo said with some concern:

"What about you, my king?"

"I'm going to find Noah. This kind of battle... is inseparable from him."

The Ultra King moved his hand towards Leo's cloak, causing it to light up fluorescently, and said calmly:

"I have exerted power on this. If there is trouble in the Kingdom of Light, you can call me. Okay, Leo, Astra, let's go!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" X2

After saying that, Leo and Astra turned into streams of light and disappeared among the planets. The Ultra King looked at the green energy that surged out again after being wiped out by himself, frowned, and rushed straight away. Got into it....

At the same time, inside TLT, Yuan Subaru put down the personal terminal in his hand and pinched his eyebrows with a headache. How should I put it, the core of the mothership he encountered this time seemed to be unusual. There was actually a "super" stored in it. Data like "Space-time Bomb" is really surprising.

The so-called 'time and space bomb' explodes the dimensional space through a powerful explosion, and transmits the power of the explosion to the entire universe along the dimensional fault, thereby causing the destruction of the universe.

I have to say that this is a very bold idea, and Yuan Subaru has never thought of such a method.

Moreover, Yuan Subaru was surprised by the fantastic ideas in this plan. He originally thought that his father Beria was just a fool like himself, but he did not expect that he would have such achievements and insights in scientific research. It was really Surprising.

Regarding this 'time bomb', Yuan Subaru is currently researching it urgently. Although the relevant data in this plan is just a sketch-like design, it may be because his old father was defeated by Zero before he could make it. , but Yuan Subaru also gained a lot of inspiration from it, and felt that new branch moves could be developed based on [Ultra Bomb].


The Kingdom of Light still has no support after all...

Looking at the calendar countdown to the start of the battle against the Gu'a Legion, Yuan Subaru reached out and tore off a page with some regret. Three days later, he decided to go to the GH-94 galaxy, while the Gu'a Legion was conducting group activities. At that time, a beheading operation was carried out. If things went well, other members of the Gu'a Army could be killed in groups.

To be honest, looking at the time getting closer and closer, Yuan Subaru not only didn't feel much nervous, but also felt a little relaxed. He quickly finished the matter and witnessed whether his hard work these days was in vain.

I don’t know what Da Gu is doing now?

At this moment, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but think of Yuan Dagu. In comparison, his situation was not very optimistic. Apart from the three dark giants sealed by his stone statue, there were still quite a lot of Luluye ruins hidden there. The darkness is incredible. If that thing appears, the earth where Dagu is located will be immediately shrouded in darkness.


Senior Diga should know about that darkness, so why didn't he eliminate that darkness? Having said that, what is Senior Diga busy with now? I wonder if he has encountered the so-called green energy there. ...

'Um? Who calls me? ’

ah? !

While thinking wildly in the dark blue space, Yuan Subaru, who was freeing his mind, suddenly heard the voice of Diga himself, and stood up in surprise. He was sure that he had heard correctly just now, so, just like he usually responded to the call, Yuan Subaru closed his eyes. He opened his eyes and began to look for the voice of Senior Diga.

Then the light turned, and in Diga's stunned eyes, Yuan Subaru appeared in front of him.

"You kid...that's not right..."

Diga had never seen Yuan Subaru's current posture, so he failed to recognize it at first. However, after noticing the light in the child's body in front of him, he immediately realized something and said unexpectedly:


"Senior Diga, it's me!"

Yuan Subaru happily waved towards Tiga, then took out the Evolved Truster, turned into Nexus, and said with a "hehe" smile:

"Senior, long time no see."

"Ah, long time no see...No, did you get in here?"

Diga hadn't come around yet. He had tried many times before and was unable to send out the message that he was trapped here. Yuan Subaru's sudden appearance gave him an unreal feeling. , Diga reached out and pinched Yuan Subaru's cheek. After realizing that it was a real person, he sat down and said softly:

"Did you call me just now, Subaru?"

"Well...I'm not sure, but I was really thinking about what you are doing now, Senior Diga, and then I heard your voice, Senior, and I came over."

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