So, under the siege of the "Gold Burner", Yuan Subaru turned around and rushed into the big mouth of King Gesla. In an instant, dense explosions came out of this guy's body. The violent energy made his belly round, and even the skin of the most protruding part was as thin as gauze, and the figure of Yuan Subaru who was bombarding inside could be seen.

However, what Yuan Subaru did not expect was that Giga Chimera's means of dealing with the current situation was so rough. The four tentacles that grew out of the body of the Super Hippolytus and protruded in all directions were directly stuffed into King Gesla's belly, locked its position, and continuously fired destructive light bullets "Waste? Hell Laser". In the stomach of King Gesla, various intensified abilities impacted, and finally caused a shocking explosion.

In an instant, a colorful column of fire sprayed from King Gesla's mouth to the sky, and the four tentacles were evaporated, but under the influence of the green energy, they immediately grew out again.

As for Subaru, in the distance, after the gushing pillar of fire disappeared, a golden polyhedron reappeared from it. Subaru removed the ultimate cross barrier that protected him. He understood why Asuka and the others could not even hold on during the time he was teleported here. If this Giga Chimera wanted to deal with it, it could only crush it with brute force. Otherwise, it would be like King Gusla's stomach. No matter how full it was, as long as the impact was not strong enough, it would be completely fine.

Huh? !

At this moment, Subaru was inexplicably shocked. Although he didn't know what happened, he immediately used [Sega Super Acceleration] to dodge. Then, Subaru saw a strange glass jar appear at his previous position, and unknown gray-copper smoke was spewing out from inside. This made Subaru immediately realize that Asuka and the others should have been turned into stone statues because they failed to avoid this.

This... is indeed not easy to dodge, and has a certain spatial locking characteristic...

No, Dyna is not...

Oh, half-baked, then it's okay.

After the sneak attack failed, Super Hippolytus' eyes immediately lit up red, and more gray copper smoke spewed out from its drooping nose. It seemed that it might have used this method to bronze the entire planet.

But at this time, Subaru had no intention of continuing to fight with it. The characteristics of this Giga Chimera almost determined that if he wanted to defeat it, he could only enter the decisive battle directly. Ordinary consumption had no meaning for it.


Subaru calculated the energy reading in King Gesla's stomach just now, and found that the only thing he could use for the decisive battle was [Cascading Storm], which was the most suitable and convenient, but...

Forget it, don't think too much, just fight first!

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru immediately began to mobilize energy, and light energy and dark energy began to entangle with each other crazily, and in this energy, there was also a little silver light. This time, he wanted to add some light understanding of the space-time destroyer Saigang to [Cascading Storm], intending to use the power of space-time to break the enemy's defense, and then give [decomposition].

But in this way, the [Cascading Storm], which already consumed a lot of energy, made Yuan Subaru feel the discomfort of being hollowed out, and this was also within his expectations, because this move, like adding water to the noodles, and adding noodles to the water, wanted to achieve a new balance on the original basis of [Cascading Storm]. The only solution Yuan Subaru could think of was this, through repeated practice, to master that degree.

This is the only way to develop new skills. After all, Yuan Subaru is not a little genius from a professional school, and he came out of it purely in a wild way.

After sensing the energy reaction condensed by Subaru, Giga Chimera also began to react. The mouths and tentacles of the monsters that made up its parts emitted light, and the Super Hippolyte-like body gathered all the energy in its body.

At that moment, Subaru and Giga Chimera both felt the feeling of being locked in time and space. There was no doubt that this attack was a sure hit for both of them, and one of them had to fall.

So, in the next second...

[Cascading Storm]

[Disaster Explosion]

The black and white decomposition light and the red and orange high-explosive light bomb collided in the air. At that moment, the space where the energy collided began to collapse, and the dimensional cracks expanded to the surroundings, as if to swallow everything in it.

But at the same time, this new version of [Cascading Storm] has greatly improved in terms of breakthrough, and has forcibly decomposed a channel on the [Disaster Explosion], allowing the main attack to be transmitted from the light bullet, accurately hitting the face of the Super Hippolytus as the torso.

In an instant, a twisted space-time vortex emerged on Giga Chimera's body, breaking the defense blessing of the green energy on it and decomposing his huge body.

On the other side, Gen Subaru was also somewhat embarrassed by the explosion of the [Disaster Explosion] and was pressed from the sky into the ground. After simply spitting out a mouthful of blood, he pulled himself out of the ground. Although his legs were twisted like dough, for a flying Ultraman warrior, the lower part of the hips is not a necessary combat item.

And when he saw that Giga Chimera directly and forcefully offset the energy of [Cascading Storm] and began to be reborn relying on the existence of the Seed of Illusion, Subaru knew that it was a wise choice not to lie down and wait for the light particle aggregate to heal itself.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru curbed the flow of energy, transferred all the energy to repair the injury to his hands, and fired an ordinary [Cascading Storm]. There was nothing he could do about it, because the energy consumption of the shot just now was too great.

But what Yuan Subaru didn't expect was that his attack actually went directly through the fantasy seed, as if the fantasy seed didn't exist at all.

Gen Subaru doesn't know what's going on. When he first watched the anime, he didn't remember that Fantasy Seed had such a setting. But if you think about it, does it mean that Fantasy Seed must be used to contain Fantasy Seed? Although there is no such setting in the play, there are indeed related scenes in terms of expression.

I’m convinced, does this unbelievable setting count? !

Yuan Subaru couldn't help complaining, and at the same time, the light particle aggregate ignited a raging flame. If even expressiveness is included, the second female lead of the protagonist group once had a record of smashing the fantasy seed with God-given brute force. , which means that as long as the strength is enough, this fantasy seed can also be defeated.

And right now, the thing that is more powerful than the [Cascading Storm] just now is the self-developed [Ultra Bomb·High Explosive]. I have to say that at the critical moment, you still have to look at Senior Taylor's unique move!

But just when Yuan Subaru was about to rush forward, suddenly, his eyes flashed, and a very strange sound floated into his ears. This novel feeling made Yuan Subaru stop in surprise [Ott Bomb] operation, if he heard correctly, what that voice said should be...

'Industry specializing in surgery. ’

No, what does this mean?

Yuan Subaru didn't want to understand, but at this time, because Jiga Chimera was severely injured, the seal of the bronze statue was also slightly loosened, and then, from the sky, from the earth, from the ocean, something as light as a dandelion floated out. The light spots converged on Nexus, and at that moment, Yuan Subaru suddenly realized that the sound just now...could it come from this earth?

Before Yuan Subaru had time to think about it, Nexus' body was automatically transformed into [Pure White·Natural] under the influence of this power. Yuan Subaru looked at his body that was glowing slightly, and under the guidance of the voice of the planet, he spoke to Looking at the running fantasy seed, he stretched out his hand and wiped it casually, like an eraser, erasing the green 'stain'.

At that moment, Jiga Chimera, which had lost the seed of fantasy, collapsed instantly and turned into a wisp of smoke and dissipated. However, at this moment, Yuan Subaru, who was blessed by the power of the planet, captured some strange messages, as if It's like conveying the situation of the fantasy seed to somewhere.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru didn't hesitate at all and immediately chased him out. At this time, he was extremely curious and wary of the existence of the green energy. He couldn't wait to find out what it was and why his previous experience was so different. Such a posture appeared in the universe and was destroying it. With all these doubts, Yuan Subaru turned into a white meteor, biting the direction of the message, and disappeared into the vast universe.

Not long after Yuan Subaru left, due to the disappearance of Jiga Chimera, the seal of the bronze statue began to be lifted. Gaia, Aguru and Dana also returned to normal. Looking at the situation in front of them, they did not understand why this was the case. Someone has defeated the enemy. Asukaxin breathed out, looked at Gaia and Aguru and said with a smile:

"It seems that my emergency call has worked. I think it was Zero who arrived."

Gamu Takayama and Hiroshi Fujimiya were just about to nod in agreement. At this moment, they felt the breath from the earth and the breath from the ocean. Then, Asuka Shin felt that something was wrong in the eyes of these two people looking at him. .

146 The reckless man breaks through the desperate situation and reveals the truth under the sword

"What's your expression?"

After noticing the looks between Gamu Takayama and Hiroya Fujimiya, Asukashin looked back with some confusion. Just as Hiroya Fujimiya was about to say something, Gamu Takayama interrupted his "fire" and said softly:

"Everyone, please go back first. It's not appropriate to stand and talk here."

Hiroshi Fujimiya immediately understood the meaning of Takayama Gamu. Indeed, everyone is still in the form of Ultraman. It is somewhat inappropriate to start chatting in this posture, so he took the lead in canceling the transformation.

Then, Asuka Shin also felt that something was not right, and followed him with some self-doubt. He looked at Takayama Kamuo and Fujinomiya Hiroya and said directly:

"Could it be that I called the wrong person again?"

"Hmm...wait a minute, what does 'again' mean?"

Unexpectedly, Asuka Shin was so self-aware. Fujimiya Hiroshi nodded subconsciously. Then, he caught the key words, looked at Asuka Shin with sharp eyes, and said in a solemn voice:

"Who did you call the wrong person last time?"


Asuka covered his face with his hands and answered in a low voice without confidence, but at this moment, he was keenly aware that Gamu Takayama and Hiroshi Fujimiya looked at him strangely, and his expression changed as he thought of something. Zheng, raised his head and said expressionlessly:

"Did I call Subaru here again this time?"

"The earth just sent some messages to me and my dream."

Hiroshi Fujimiya crossed his arms, looked at Asuka Shin without mercy and said:

"He said that the child just now was very good. Although he was a little reckless, he was also suitable to be the successor of me and my dream. When the child grows up, let me and my dream try to bring people here to accept Him. blessing of."

Having said this, Hiroshi Fujimiya was silent for a moment, turned his head silently, and continued:

"He asked me and I, Meng, to go to that child to exchange experiences and learn how to control light energy..."

When Gao Shanwo Meng heard this, he lowered his head and looked at the ground with a very subtle expression. How should I put it, this is the first time I have encountered such a situation of being rejected. This is the so-called "comparison of goods." Gotta throw 'em? But then he thought about it, Earth was comparing itself to Yuan Subaru, and his mood became more complicated. He was relieved, ashamed, and other kinds of feelings suddenly filled his heart.


Asukaxin licked his hair, turned his head in confusion, bumped against the wall next to him, and then uttered doubts from his soul:

"Why?! What I called was Zero, why is Subaru coming here? I remembered correctly that Zero's light energy fluctuates... Damn it, that bastard is not using Subaru's light. Can you pretend to be so? I’ll go to the Kingdom of Light and ask in person!”

Asuka Shin couldn't stand it any longer. Tell me, if you call someone by mistake and call the children over to play together, then forget it. But, it's a space dinosaur Hyperjetton, an ultimate fusion. Monster Giga Chimera, two of them can hold down a super monster that they can beat. They shake Subaru's four-year-old kid over and let him fight alone, making him feel numb. What kind of bastard behavior is this?

And this time, I was still worried that such a problem would occur. I did it deliberately, well, and seriously. Even if I was so motivated during the battle, I checked it again and again to make sure that it was following Zero's light energy reaction. , before sending it out, so Asukaxin felt that the problem was not with him, but with that guy Zero.

But Hiroshi Fujimiya didn't think so. He and Takayama Gamu held down the Asuka letter that wanted to take off, and said in a questioning tone:

"I don't think it's possible for Zero to joke about this kind of thing. Asuka, you should think of a way to solve your space-time problem."

"Also, Asuka..."

Gao Shan Wo Meng said helplessly:

"The Kingdom of Light is not the same plane and universe as the one we are in now. If you travel so randomly, how long will it take to reach the Kingdom of Light..."

"...Then I'll stop here for a while."

Asuka clenched his fist with his strength. The last time Gauss helped him train the space-time force, there was a problem with the training direction. He and Gauss immediately separated from the universe. This time, he had to control the space-time force no matter what, and then... .Go find out what is going on!

Just when Asuka Shin was trying hard to control the power of space and time, everyone in the Kingdom of Light was busy. After the green flesh ball was eliminated, they also began to receive letters from other planets one after another.

For example, there is a strange machine box on the planet U40. Every time it is attacked, the row of icons on it will change, and then different coin monsters will pop up according to the different icons. Those coin monsters cannot be killed, and they can only After a certain period of time, they will disappear automatically, and then continue to attack the machine box to draw prizes.

Only when the icons are the same, the box will explode once "touched", open the lid, spit out the tongue inside, and then no matter what kind of powerful attack is used to damage the tongue, it will be useless. After five attacks, The tongue will be retracted, the lid is closed, and the lottery process is repeated. After repeating this for more than ten times, the green box was defeated.

Although Jonias's words in the letter were quite controlled, Ultra's father could also feel that this mechanical monster was going to make Jonias sick.

And on the 0-50 side, it's very... interesting...

There was a green monster with the ability to copy. It immediately copied the holder of the highest energy reaction on the 0-50 planet. Then everyone saw two rings of light hanging on the top of the warrior, and then...

The copy was too similar, and the ring of light transformed by the green monster also fell into silence, and there was no follow-up reaction. Now Hongkai and Jagula are dealing with the counterfeit, and...

Because there were two rings of light, Orb's power was also greatly enhanced, making it easier to deal with the impostor. Regarding this, Ultra's father looked at the destroyed Kingdom of Light and couldn't help but sigh. Wonderful luck.

In addition, there are earth dinosaurs that walk in the universe and can spit out blue and white high-energy beams; there are also sewer repairmen who replace planets with pipe outlets wherever they go; and there are also dinosaurs that grow longer as they devour planets. Pixel snake blah blah blah.

All kinds of weird green monsters have appeared in the universe. Most of them are not scary in appearance, and some are quite cute. Some of their attack patterns look a bit funny, but they are really When facing each other, those enemies that simply violate the rules of the universe are really difficult to deal with, especially those with unique mechanisms. Before figuring out the rules for defeating them, ordinary Ultra Warriors may have fallen.


This was not the biggest headache for Ultra's father. After arranging the urgent matters, he quietly went to the headquarters of the Silver Crusaders and found the Mother of Ultra who was researching. This gentle woman was watching After seeing her husband's expression, she knew in her heart what he was asking, and nodded silently.

"That's it..."

Ultrafather sighed deeply, not knowing how to deal with it for a while. The energy of the green monster is very similar to that in the genes of Subaru. Although they cannot resonate with each other, it also makes people think of...

Subaru's child... Is he... also... If not, what is the relationship between him and these monsters? Noah, what did you find that left such a time and space blockade on that child?

Ultrafather couldn't figure it out. This incident was completely beyond his cognition. He didn't even know how to deal with it for a while.

"Tiga and the others are recovering well now. Although they are still awake and asleep for a while, they should be able to return to normal after a while."

Seeing that her husband was so troubled, Mother of Ultra couldn't help but talk about other things to divert his attention. Taiga and the little guys were the first Ultra Warriors to encounter the green meat ball.

They were also bitten by the meat ball, and unfortunately, some of their "life" concepts were swallowed up, and they immediately fell into a strange state of suspended death. If the monster had not been defeated in time, I am afraid that the "suspended death" would have turned into real death.

"I know, I'll trouble you to take care of the injured during this period. I still have to deal with some things, so I'll leave first."

Ultra Father said the truth. Although the Kingdom of Light has defeated the enemy, it will have to wait a little longer to resume its usual operation.

And people like Taiga who had their "life" eaten, Zoffy who had his "intelligence" eaten, Jack who had his "language" eaten, Seven who had his "memory" eaten, etc., all need some time to recover.

Before this, Ultra Father could only take on their duties on their behalf, but fortunately, he could still withstand these.

I just don't know what's going on with Zero now.

After Ultra Father walked out of the Silver Crusaders headquarters, he looked up at the universe and silently prayed for Zero, praying that he could find the King of Ultra safely.

But in reality, Zero is trapped in a space where he cannot escape. He is racking his brains to mobilize plants such as peas and sunflowers to fight against the endless zombies. He has now fought from the modern courtyard at the beginning to the space carrier.

And how long it will take to fight to pass the level, Zero doesn't know. The light energy and physical strength are sealed by this green space. He can only sit on a chair and use plants to prevent zombies from eating his brain.

At the same time, in the earth TLT-J, Yuan Subaru's body shook violently, then turned sideways and spit out blood into the trash can beside the bed, and then struggled to absorb light energy from the power-supplying stone statue in the warehouse next to him to recover his state-

After he noticed the strange message transmission, he desperately chased after it, shuttling through the universe at a high speed like a stream of light, until the power of [Pure White·Original] was completely dissipated. After Yuan Subaru could no longer perceive the trajectory of the message transmission, he had no choice but to give up.

After sensing that a nearby planet was being attacked by a monster, he was exhausted and decided to use Ultra Bomb to kill the enemy and return to the city. However, the exhausted child forgot that Pure White·Original could not use such a violent skill as Ultra Bomb. After being whipped several times by the monster's tail at the energy lamp, he recovered and switched to the correct form, and then took away the monster with a burst. He also returned to his original world due to exhaustion of energy.

What is going on?

Subaru wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, leaned against the wall helplessly, and began to think about this series of questions. In these battles, he had memorized the reaction and fluctuation of the green energy, and he had screened himself inside and out with light energy several times, but he did not notice a similar reaction on himself. He used telekinesis to activate his brain and carefully went through the memories of the past four years, but he did not remember that he had contact with this green energy again.

Is it really a coincidence?

Yuan Subaru grabbed his hair with both hands, almost making it into question marks. Then, the child threw all these puzzles and confusions aside. There was nothing to say. A reckless man broke through the desperate situation, and the truth was revealed under the knife. As long as the power was enough, no matter what gods and ghosts, they had to die!

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru's mood improved. He moved his body and went outside to see if the adults had any new discoveries, whether he could learn them and use them to develop new skills, and take back the black box given by Mr. Tartarus.

In any case, this was a gift from someone else. After the data was copied, he still had to take it back and keep it well.

As for the knowledge inside... TLT's relevant personnel are classifying it, but the copied original database has been listed separately, because the relevant personnel found that the original database seemed to consider Yuan Subaru's current situation, so the knowledge points were arranged in that way, so TLT urgently opened a new data channel to facilitate Yuan Subaru's access and learning at any time.

After seeing these data, the visitors immediately gathered together for a small meeting, and then they concluded that even if they were all used as relays for the brain-computer interface terminal, they would not be able to transfer these learning materials to Yuan Subaru's little brain.

Now the "pigeons" are still in a state of shutdown, and it is unknown how long it will take for them to recover. If they all shut down now, within two days, the sudden death rate of human scholars will be full.

So....see what Subaru needs. If the knowledge gap is within the acceptable range, we will arrange to assist Subaru in the transformation of the brain-computer interface terminal according to the replaceability of their respective jobs.

Of course, the relevant costs are kept secret from Subaru. This child has endured too much. He has taken on the responsibility of protecting the continuation of civilization alone. If he chooses other more cruel brain-computer experiments because of this small cost, it would be too heartbreaking.

Looking at the unswerving little back, the visitors can only pray sincerely, praying that the world will be as Subaru wishes, and the human flame will not be extinguished...

147 Subaru: You need to rest

However, the visitors this time thought too much. Subaru is no longer the child who was confused about the theoretical system. For the new knowledge given by Tartarus, he can easily select the relevant theories that can complement himself and learn them.

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