Yuan Subaru took the words with a smile and said softly:

"I have to go back. I still have things to deal with over there, and you guys seem to be very busy here. If we have a chance to meet next time, please stay here a little longer."

"That's it...Okay, let's agree to see you next time."

Tartarus thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. The kingdom did have too many things to deal with at this time. It was not a suitable time to reminisce about the past. It just made Tartarus a little regretful that this time The reunion was really too hasty and I didn’t have time to say a lot of things.

"I'll give it to you."

At this time, Taitan, who was silent on the side, took a step forward, looked at Yuan Subaru, and said in the softest tone possible:

"I'm not good at government affairs. It's the same with or without me here."

Hearing this, Tartarus resisted the urge to turn around and look at Titan. What does "it's the same here with you or without you" mean? Now I'm so busy that I wish I could split up and go to work overtime. You, an old boy, still want to give me... I'm running away, you're afraid I won't give you some shoes, right?

But Tartarus still suppressed these words, because Titan's trip was not entirely about skipping work and fishing. He followed the child back to see if there was anyone in need of help on his home planet. , if possible, after solving the problem, dig this child back to the kingdom, it will be considered a great achievement of the Titans!

"No, I don't need to send it away. I can go back as soon as I say."

Yuan Subaru smiled and declined the Titan, then looked at Tartarus and said:

"By the way, Mr. Tartarus, I don't seem to have explained it clearly to you last time. My real name is Yuan Pleiades, and Huck is my code name when I walk outside. Also, this space anchor is where I am on the planet, Tartarus. Mr. Talos can come and sit at my place when he is free."

"Ah, okay."

Regarding the name issue, Tartarus had already heard from Titan, so he did not show any surprise. He wrote down the location of the earth's time and space anchor, then took out a badge engraved with the kingdom's mark and handed it to him. To Yuan Subaru, he said:

"Just accept this. I believe you felt everyone's respect and love for you on the way here. Everyone sees your contribution. You deserve this badge that represents friendship. It's a pity. The king is still asleep, otherwise, the king would be happy to confer honors on you personally. "

"Huh? Ah...Okay, thank you, I'm not welcome."

Yuan Subaru didn't expect this to happen. He glanced at the badge. It was very delicate and beautiful. It also looked like the props used to transform the protagonist in the cartoons he had watched when he was a child. Some of it evoked Yuan Subaru's long-dormant feelings. I was very happy to accept it.

Seeing Yuan Subaru being so straightforward, Tartarus also breathed a sigh of relief, saving himself the effort of coaxing the child to accept it. Then he took out a small box, which stored various knowledge, as well as Tartarus. , Titans, and some insights from Diavolo, Tartarus believed that Subaru would never refuse this gift.

This is indeed the case. Compared to the badge in front of him, Yuan Subaru was obviously much happier when he saw this. Looking at the child's smiling face, Tartarus couldn't help but laugh too, and then took out another gift. .

"This is...."

Looking at the energy light ball flashing in Tartarus's hand, Yuan Subaru noticed the fluctuations in the space-time force coming from it, which made him look at it carefully with some curiosity.

"This is an anchor point that can lead to the past time node. This was originally prepared for Diavolo, but when I communicated with him while you were sleeping, he said that although he was possessed this time, he was very disturbed. It was tragic, but he gained new inspiration. After thinking about it, he decided to practice in isolation for a period of time after recovering his body. The opportunities in this time anchor will be left to you to deal with. "

After speaking, Tartarus smiled, placed the time and space anchor in Yuan Subaru's hand, and said softly:

"This can be considered a small test. If you can successfully activate this anchor point, you will have almost mastered the basic system of space-time theory that I taught you before."

"I understand, I will use it reasonably."

Yuan Subaru nodded, took the space-time anchor with both hands, and then took the characteristic box handed over by Titan, put it in it and saved it, and then because he was busy with work, he wanted to go home quickly. Look, after a few pleasantries, Yuan Subaru was about to leave.

At this time, Tartarus still said unwillingly:

"Subaru, after the matter on Earth is over, would you be interested in coming to live with us for a while? You see everyone here likes you quite a bit."

"No, I accept this kindness, but I don't intend to leave the earth. Okay, let's stop here. Mr. Tartarus, Mr. Titan, we will see you later."

Yuan Subaru smiled and waved his hands towards the two people, then turned into light particles and dissipated, canceling the summons. Looking at Yuan Subaru leaving in this way, Tartarus and Titan both raised their eyebrows in surprise. Then, Titan was silent for a moment, looked at Tartarus, and said softly:

"Tartarus, I remember that there seem to be ruins related to Ultraman Noah on the planet Barbier, right?"

"What? You want to go?"

Tartarus glanced at Titan and said:

"Okay, you can go and have a look. If I remember correctly, the Light of Nexus belongs to Ultraman Noah's power. You can go and see what Ultraman Noah wants to do with this child."


Titan responded. When they heard Tartarus mention Yuan Subaru's age, both he and Diavolo thought they had heard wrong. It was too much and too inhumane for a young child to go to war. Not even Diavolo, who had little conscience, could do such a thing.


Tartarus put his arm around Titan's shoulders and said quietly:

"Before that, please help me deal with all these things first. Don't even think about skipping work for me..."


Titan was silent for a moment, looking at Tartarus's raised fist, he quietly changed his steps and began to assist in handling various events in the kingdom.

At the same time, on the other side of the earth, Yuan Subaru had woken up from the deep blue space. He subconsciously wanted to get up, but the pain coming from his back made him take a breath. Only then did he think in hindsight. Get up, in order to deal with the 'hand of fear', this body has various burns. Speaking of which, my body should be fainted on the earth, and my consciousness is fainted in the kingdom? Interesting experience.

But having said that, although the burns on my back and hands are very serious, compared to the previous injuries, this should not be a problem. I am sleeping...sleeping... .

Yuan Subaru looked at the time.

My body has been dizzy for nearly six hours. As far as my self-healing ability is concerned, I should have recovered.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru frowned and used his telekinesis to pick up a few mirrors. Through mutual refraction, he could see the situation behind him clearly. It was okay. It should be fine if he lay down for a while. Well... because Has cell activity decreased? There are really pros and cons.

"Subaru, how are you feeling now?"

At this time, Kira Zeyu, who was chatting with the doctor outside, noticed the movement inside, opened the door and came in, asking with concern.

Yuan Subaru sat up, looked at the conductor with a smile and said:

"Very good, give me another ten minutes and I can kill a few more alien beasts."

"The situation of the alien beasts is now under good control. And, Subaru, do you still remember the materials you brought back from Dr. Xio last time?"

Yu Kirazawa peeled the fruit and said softly:

"Thanks to those data, it will not be difficult to start the alien animal antibody project from scratch. By the way, it is also because of those data that Vice Captain Saijo's medical plan has made new progress. I believe it won't be long before she You’ll wake up.”

"This is really good news."

Yuan Subaru smiled, opened his mouth, ate the apple chunks, opened the bracelet with telekinesis, and said softly:

"By the way, this is the new information I just got. Take it and see what you can use."

What Gen Subaru handed over was naturally the small box given by Tartarus. Kira Zeyu looked at this gorgeous alien creation and nodded. Then, he also took out the terminal and gave it to Gen Subaru. Look, he said:

"By the way, Subaru, regarding this, the director asked me to take a look at it. If you think there's nothing wrong with it, file this announcement."

143 Can you take it?

"Declaration of peace?"

Gen Subaru looked at Kira Zeyu's terminal and began to slowly read the text on it. The content was not complicated. The main idea was that the earth advocates peaceful coexistence with the civilizations of the universe and strives for common progress... blah blah blah.

"The director said that you are now well-informed. Let me show you that there is nothing inappropriate in these sentences."

Listening to Yu Kirazawa's words, several questions popped up in Subaru's head. In addition to killing and killing in the universe, he was a patron of bombing. How could he know about the diplomatic relations of the universe? However, according to the process, this declaration should have been made by The visitors had reviewed it and basically there would be no problems, so Yuan Subaru answered naturally:

"I don't know that I understand this very well, but after reading the whole article, I feel that there is nothing to revise. But it is a little early to start this, because the universe is still very chaotic."

"Although the universe is currently full of malicious intentions toward us, we must also believe that there are still peace-loving civilizations in the universe."

Kira Zeyu said gently while submitting the declaration document:

"Of course, the main purpose of this is to change the work content a little and relax the brain, but if you can use this right away, that is also a good thing."


Yuan Subaru also nodded with some emotion. If there were not the Gua Legion or those cosmonauts and monsters who like to cause destruction, he would not be bored in the research room or the deep blue space every day, thinking about those annihilating stars and genocide. With new skills, you will have headaches because your own strength is not enough.

War, invasion, I hate it so much.

"By the way, where is Mr. Matsunaga?"

At this time, Gen Subaru remembered something, looked at Kira Zeyu and said:

"Usually by this time, he would have sent a message asking about my situation."

"The administrator is on a business trip."

Yu Kirazawa casually unpacked several data files from the terminal, opened the contents to Yuan Subaru, and explained in a leisurely manner:

"The latest space shuttle and electron beam gun prototypes are about to be produced. The uninhabited area created by the frozen monsters last time has been selected as the test base. Now all the major branches have sent their second-in-command to carry out relevant preparations and docking work there. After all, if there is no problem with the prototype, then the global resource production chain will be mobilized to manufacture related extension modules."

At this point, Kirarasawa Yu sighed deeply and said as if talking to himself:

"It is somewhat incredible to push the progress of civilization to this point in just one and a half months, but...even if humans have worked so hard, the earth is still an insignificant existence compared to the various dangers in the universe. Thinking about it this way, I still feel a little shocked."

"The progress of science and technology, civilization The progress of the world often requires the joint efforts of several generations. "

Minamoto Subaru was also silent after hearing this, and then he looked at Kirarasawa Yu and said:

"In our limited life, we should do everything we can. If one day the earth cannot avoid the future of destruction... Forget it, why say such depressing words. "

Minamoto Subaru jumped off the bed, looked up at Kirarasawa Yu who also stood up, waved his hands wrapped tightly in bandages, and said with a smile:

"It is still unknown who will win at the moment, Kirara brother, after the data in this small box is copied, remember to send me a copy, I will go to do other things first."

"Okay, you take care of your rest."

After a brief exchange, Minamoto Subaru and Kirarasawa Yu went to do their own things, preparing various matters for the battle that was about to begin.

At this time, Yuan Subaru looked at the time-space beacon that Tartarus said could travel back to the past, and his mind was full of thoughts. What he had learned so far was that his father Belia was exiled because he came into contact with plasma sparks, and then was possessed by the soul of the Rebrando star.

If this is the case, can he modify it based on this time-space beacon to allow himself to return to the past time when his father went astray and try to change his fate?

Yuan Subaru thought about it, and combined with his current situation, he decided to forget it for now. He didn't have the time to toss this now. Besides, the technical content of this time-space beacon was obviously not something he could fully understand at the moment. After finishing the work of the Gu'a Legion, he would have time to slowly think about it.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru put the matter of the space-time beacon aside for the time being. Although Mr. Tartarus said that there was an opportunity at that time node, after consideration, Yuan Subaru still preferred to digest the gains from this battle first, and...

How to use this space-time beacon, Yuan Subaru felt that he had to look through the small box to see if there was any relevant knowledge, otherwise, if he activated it rashly, Yuan Subaru always felt that he might blow it up.

And if we talk about the gains from this trip, in addition to what Mr. Tartarus gave him, there are also some accumulated combat experience, such as...

Yuan Subaru looked at the experimental consumables next to him and punched them. Then, when the consumables were exploded, a shock wave was transmitted from them to the ground, and then spread from the ground to another consumable, and then shattered it.

This is what Subaru learned from offsetting attacks again and again in the battle with the green energy Diablo. After all, the impact of pure white light and green energy will be transmitted to his body, shaking Subaru so much that he feels that his body is about to be shattered. In order to continue the battle, Subaru can only find a temporary way to buffer and remove the impact and vibration in his body.


The planet where he and Diablo fought was blown up by the continuous release of shock waves and the uninterrupted impact force on the surface.

It was based on this foundation that Subaru just launched such an attack and destroyed the two consumables.

However, looking at the ground between the consumables, there are also traces of damage left by the shock waves, which does not match the effect Subaru wants.

But this is also a small problem. I am very familiar with the development of new skills. Everything is difficult at the beginning. Now that the beginning has been opened, as for what to do next, I will not be so blind.

Then, there is another gain....

After trying various vibration wave transmissions, Yuan Subaru, swinging his sore and numb arms, sat on a chair to rest, calmed his breathing, then closed his eyes, began to sense and search for himself, and opened his right hand upwards.

Soon, golden energy particles condensed in the palm of his hand. Those energy particles were like stars in the sky, floating in the air, flashing from time to time, and extending outward like thorns.

And these are Cascade energy. To be honest, Yuan Subaru didn't expect that there was still this in his body. No... To be more precise, he didn't expect that there was this in his body. He didn't feel uncomfortable because of it. After all, the energy reading of this Cascade energy is very high, and it is not very stable...

Could it be that something has changed in this Cascade energy that has led to its successful hosting in my body?

Yuan Subaru curiously moved his hand closer to the consumables next to him, and then he saw that the consumables turned into ashes in the blink of an eye. No, there was no ashes left.

This thing... can it be taken to TLT for research...

Yuan Subaru pondered for a moment, and finally clicked on the director's communication channel. The speed on the other side was very fast, and it was connected after a beep. The director with a night cap popped up and was about to speak, but he noticed something was wrong, took off the night cap quickly, and then asked softly:

"Subaru, is there anything going on over there?"

"It's like this, Director, I have an unexpected gain..."

Yuan Subaru sent all the readings and reactions related to Cascade energy to the director. Looking at these things, the director immediately became alert, but he was scared. He knew that Yuan Subaru had the high-tech armor obtained from the Barossa people and improved it, so he detected these data. If it were replaced with instruments on Earth, I'm afraid it would be directly off the charts.

Listening to Yuan Subaru asking TLT whether it was capable of receiving this Cascade energy particle and studying it, the director silently raised his head. He was really envious of this Cascade energy. It was just a small particle, but it could have such a high energy reading. If it could be imitated and manufactured... the earth would not have to worry about energy problems for a long time.

Therefore, when hearing Yuan Subaru's words, the director really felt that his brain was heating up, and his rationality was almost burned out. He almost nodded instinctively. No matter whether it could be studied or not, he would eat this Cascade energy first.

But the director still controlled himself. He knew very well that this uncontrollable and unstable Cascade energy particle was a treasure that could only be seen from afar but not approached for the earth at this time. At least for now, he did not dare to let the existing earth scientists conduct research.

It's not that he didn't believe in the exploration ability of those energy scientists, but that he believed in their exploration ability too much. Those scholars who spent their lives on research were happy to use their lives to witness the unknown truth, but if they really lost their lives because of this, it would be too heartbreaking for him.

Moreover, for research on Cascade energy, a complete team must be assembled. If it explodes, it will be a loss of talent... Just thinking about it, the director felt that he needed to take some quick-acting heart-saving pills.

And the visitors, they have basically written most of their technologies into the database, and they should not have similar means to deal with this Cascade energy...

After thinking carefully again and again, the director looked at Yuan Subaru and said softly:

"Subaru, this..."

"Wait, Director, wait for me!"

Suddenly, there was a panic sound from Yuan Subaru, and Director TLT's heart was immediately lifted, fearing that the child would be hurt by the Cascade energy.

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