Ultra cubs started killing randomly

Author: Changge Qixing


Son of Belial and Silo.

Nexus brings hope.

The four-year-old cub that keeps the top brass of the Kingdom of Light awake at night.

it's him--

Gen Subaru: I want to be a hero like Beria!

Volume 1

001 What are you!

‘Ultraman Nexus, please lend me your power! ’

"...I'm probably sick."

Yuan Subaru opened his eyes suddenly, sat up from the bed with his messy hair, looked at his sluggish self in the mirror, and murmured feebly.

He had not slept for seven days. Whenever he felt sleepy or closed his eyes, he would be instantly in the ruins of an ancient temple, spinning around endlessly.

Or listening to someone screaming in the darkness for help, the voice was so urgent that it sounded like he was being beaten, and Yuan Subaru couldn't help but clasp his hands.

In response, Yuan Subaru borrowed someone else's mobile phone and searched for the corresponding symptoms on Yahoo. The words "recommend medical treatment" were written on the crooked webpage. Yuan Subaru looked at his wallet and suddenly couldn't sleep. , I thought about it for half the night, and then I realized that it turned out that there were two words written on the web page: "Waiting to die."

But even if you have money, the medical technology on this planet may not be able to cure you well.

Yuan Subaru rubbed his face, picked up the water glass, looked at the street outside the window, inserted a straw, and drank slowly. He knew very well that he was an alien. After all, who can grow from a baby to a human being at sunset and sunrise? Nowadays, the boy who is 1.86 meters tall is still the kind of person who doesn’t look at his face and doesn’t think he is still a boy at all. But as for where he comes from, Yuan Subaru doesn’t know. His memory as a baby is too vague, but there are One exception -

My father is a hero!

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru puffed up his chest quite proudly. After all, there was a guy at that time who was like a prenatal teacher, surrounding him and repeating, 'Hero, resurrect from your blood! Hahaha! ! ! Shasshasshassha...' and the like, although they are very perverted, they can at least prove that there is extraordinary blood flowing in his young body.

"Good morning Subaru-nii~~~"

"Brother Subaru, you have to work hard today too!"

"Brother Subaru, come and play after school."

At this time, a group of children ran past the window. The children were carrying schoolbags and greeted enthusiastically. Yuan Subaru also smiled and waved in response one by one. Then he looked at the blue sky and couldn't help but sigh that time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, Four years have passed.

The town where Minamoto Subaru lives now is called Sangami Town. It is surrounded by mountains to the south, forest sea to the west, and a large lake to the east. The ancestors hoped that the mountain gods, tree gods, and lake gods could protect the town from disasters. The name was given to Minamoto at the time. When Subaru fell from the sky and was spinning in the forest, the town's doctor, Granny Sakura Kiyomi, picked him up and made a room in his house for him to settle down.

"Subaru, come here and give me a hand."


Yuan Subaru responded and came to the next room. There, an old woman with white hair, but who could give people a sense of warmth and comfort, was tying the limbs of a strong man with a rope with a smile, and then He picked up the bright scalpel, tapped the spot next to it, and said:

"Come on, kid, stand here, you can see more clearly, and the blood won't splash on you, Jie Jie Jie..."

"Mother-in-law, at your age, you should read less Chinese fantasy novels."

Yuan Subaru held the tray with a black line on his head, looked at the embarrassed strong man on the bed, and then said:

"Mother-in-law, why don't you use anesthetic?"

"It's not like the fleshy lump is inside. It's so obvious. Just two cuts, and you can save some medical expenses. Speaking of which, from Lugami's family, did you...have you had it performed once in Kyoto three years ago?" I was in the hospital for three and a half days.”

"Awesome, mother-in-law!"

The hundreds of herons on the bed replied in shock: "What you said is not bad at all, you are worthy of being an anorectal immortal!"

"Oh, it's nothing."

Granny Sakura Qinghai said calmly while adjusting the lights:

"I was the one who performed the surgery on you. I didn't recognize him by looking at his face, but I recognized him by looking at his anus."


"Okay, boy, grit your teeth, Subaru, watch how I strike, let's begin!"


The operation was completed quickly. While Yuan Subaru was applying medicine to hundreds of herons, his thoughts drifted to the side: Levitation of the anus. In order to avoid this kind of suffering, the anus must be lifted sooner or later... No, I want to By the way, the arrival of hundreds of herons reminded Yuan Subaru of Lin Hai's side again——

During the time when he fell, many people in the town lost their memory after returning from Linhai. Hundreds of Herons were one of them. The mayor said that the tree god was angry and banned everyone from going to Linhai to cut wood. , hunting, but Yuan Subaru often sneaked into the forest. He was a little worried that something fell with him, causing those people to lose their memory, but in the end he found nothing.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

Another earthquake?

Yuan Subaru, who had just applied medicine and washed his hands, felt the tremors coming from the ground. He couldn't help but rub his hands vigorously to relieve the pressure. Although earthquakes were normal in the island country, he still felt insecure about it...

etc! This earthquake is wrong! !

Yuan Subaru's eyes widened as he saw cracks appearing on the ground. Behind him, hundreds of herons shouted, 'It's an earthquake, let me go!' ’, he broke the rope easily, without even wearing any pants, he reached out to grab Yuan Subaru by his collar and ran out.

But after running outside the house, hundreds of herons and Yuan Subaru all stayed in place, because this time it was not an earthquake, but...a monster was attacking! The terrifying and ferocious figure emerged from the mountain, and the entire mountaintop flew high into the sky. The shadow of death suddenly enveloped the entire Sanjin Town. Screams, wailing, and hissing filled every corner, and the aura of despair suddenly filled the air.

In this regard, the hundreds of herons had obviously given up. Looking at the falling mountaintop and the approaching monster, they were as dumb as a doll and allowed Yuan Subaru, who was carrying his mother-in-law on his back, to pull him and run away. However, the scope of the shadow was really too big. Even if you drive, it's too late to escape.

"What the hell."

Granny Sakura patted Gen Subaru on the shoulder unwillingly and murmured:

"I should have known I didn't bring you back, and you would have been crushed to death at such a young age."

"Don't say that to me, mother-in-law. If you hadn't picked me up, I might have been eaten by a wild beast."

Gen Subaru replied with a smile, and then, the mountain fell, and the entire Sangami Town disappeared in the splashing dust, and the monster roared and headed towards the next town.

Is this... the world after death?

In the darkness, Yuan Subaru slowly opened his eyes. The pain of being crushed by a boulder made him shake uncontrollably. The boy shouted loudly, but did not get any response. Yuan Subaru was quiet here. You can hear your own heartbeat, as if time has stopped here.

Ha~~The world after death turns out to be so boring.

Yuan Subaru lay down on the spot and was silent for a while. He couldn't help but start thinking wildly. Naturally, what he was thinking about was his father whom he had never met. If he were here, he should be able to think of ways to help everyone. After all, my father is Where is the hero.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru's eyes shone slightly. The child's initial admiration for his father seemed to have molded him into an omnipotent hero. The child also wanted to be such a hero, but his journey to heroism had not yet begun. it's over.

If...if I could die after helping everyone, then I could barely be considered a hero...

Yuan Subaru thought as he subconsciously stretched out his hand forward, as if he could touch his father... huh? !

The hard touch coming from his fingertips made Yuan Subaru slightly stunned. He had no time to think. The soft light broke the silence of Hei. A stone statue resembling a spaceship appeared in front of him. Before Yuan Subaru could take a closer look, the light suddenly Faded away, revealing the mysterious and vast dark blue space.

There, a spotless, solid and mighty silver giant with wings on his back stood between heaven and earth. His noble temperament and flawless light were like the arrival of a god. Yuan Subaru was so shocked that he didn't know how to react for a moment and stared blankly at the giant. The giant raised his hand and tapped himself.

In an instant, an indescribable pulling feeling came from all directions, and the vortex of light engulfed the space. When Yuan Subaru opened his eyes again, the familiar courtyard, familiar mother-in-law, and familiar monsters came into view, and something similar appeared in his hand. The sheath short blade tool reminds the young man that everything just happened is not an illusion. Although he doesn’t know how, time has indeed flowed back. In this case...


Yuan Subaru raised his head with firm eyes, looked at the kind old man in front of him, and said in a solemn voice:

"I'm going out."

Sakura Qinghai looked at the strange shining prop in Gen Subaru's hand, was silent for a moment, and replied with a smile:

"Well, come back soon."

Yuan Subaru nodded, turned around, and pulled out the item from the sheath. A large amount of light energy was released instantly. Surrounded by the light, the silver and black giant appeared in the air, and steadily caught the falling mountain. Then he instinctively emitted a faint light, and then burst out with terrifying speed, impacting the monster like a cannonball, flying away from the area of ​​Mikami Town with it, and slamming the mountain in his hand onto the monster's head. superior.

However, the monster didn't seem to be hurt at all. He pushed Yuan Subaru out with a slap. At the same time, orange light lit up from the monster's mouth, and a hot beam of light shot out.

In response, Yuan Subaru subconsciously rolled forward to dodge, but his movements were still a little slow. At the same time, the nature of the beam itself was beyond Yuan Subaru's expectation. When the beam passed by, there was energy sticking to the top of his head. It burst into flames.

Yuan Subaru hurriedly stretched out his hand to knock off the energy and wanted to attack the enemy, but saw the monster dive into the ground almost instantly. Along with the weird blue light, the rumbling earthquake was caused again. Yuan Subaru, whose five senses were strengthened, could clearly understand Everyone in the town screamed again.

This bastard! ! !

Yuan Subaru squatted down and put his hands on the ground. Through the vibration of the ground, he locked the position of the monster underground. He made fists with both hands, condensed the light energy, and hit the ground hard. The powerful explosion impact lifted the monster out of the ground. , Yuan Subaru followed up with a kick, kicking the monster away to prevent it from diving into the ground again, and then quickly pursued it by flying at a low altitude. The crazy gathering light made his fist shine like the sun. Yuan Subaru was determined to solve it in the air.

At the same time, Yuan Subaru noticed that the monster's body tissue was slowly squirming, as if an unknown force was evolving. He gritted his teeth and recalled the feeling just now. The giant was once again covered with light, and its speed instantly surged——

No matter what changes he makes, just press him to death and that’s it!

‘Boom! ! ! ’

With a loud noise, Yuan Subaru's fist landed hard on the monster's head. In an instant, the monster flew into the sky spinning, and then, the light energy that entered its body suddenly exploded, turning the enemy into a A cluster of fireworks and an astonishing shock wave spread out around like a storm.

At this moment, Yuan Subaru heard a slight exclamation, and suddenly looked back, and saw two fighter planes emerging from the invisible state, trying their best to maintain balance in the storm, but the flying sand and rocks mixed in the impact obviously caused them to crash. danger.

Naturally, Yuan Subaru would not ignore this. The accelerating giant easily rescued them. After the impact dissipated, he gently placed them on the ground and waited for a while to confirm that they did not need any other help. , the silver-black giant just turned into light particles and disappeared.

"Captain, is that giant...an alien beast?"

In the plane, after seeing the giant disappear, the pilots finally let out a breath. A girl named Shiori Hiraki communicated in a low voice on the communicator. Just as the captain and Eisuke Kura were about to speak, the deputy captain Nagi Saijo said coldly. :

"Whether it is an alien beast or not, it is definitely not a human being. In this case, it is the enemy of human beings!"

"....Don't jump to conclusions so easily, Saijo."

Wakura Eisuke pinched his eyebrows tiredly and said softly:

"Let's go to the scene where the monster appeared. There are also shock waves of alien beasts there. Our battle is not over yet."

"Yes!" X3

On the other side, Gen Subaru ran back to Sangami Town with all his strength. Although he had pushed away the monster immediately, the earthquake and flowing stones still caused a lot of damage to the town. Almost all the residents living on the side of the mountain could not After escaping, looking at the blood flowing under the rocks, the young man shed tears of grief, but now is not the time to be immersed in sorrow, he wants to help other people who are still alive.

However, what Yuan Subaru didn't expect was that the government's support came so quickly. They had already completed the organization of the survivors and began to prepare to leave this ruined town in an orderly manner. This efficiency was almost as fast as It's like knowing in advance that there will be a disaster here.

Because of his special background, Yuan Subaru has never had much sense of security. This relatively abnormal situation made him want to turn around and hide. However, after seeing Granny Sakura in the crowd, Yuan Subaru stopped and turned around. Movement, trying to sneak into the team quietly——

Granny Sakura originally had a very happy family, until one day, her son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren suffered a sudden car accident. Her husband could not accept this reality and died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage in just one day. , her life has undergone earth-shaking changes. When she picked up Yuan Subaru from the forest, she was trying to find her own spiritual support. Therefore, at this time, even if the knife was placed on her neck, Yuan Subaru would Return to your mother-in-law and let the old man know that she is not always losing.

"Mother-in-law, are you okay?"

Yuan Subaru's movements were very flexible, and Granny Sakura stood at the back of the team, so the boy successfully completed the infiltration. But what he didn't expect was that Granny Sakura showed a strange expression, and he couldn't help but The old people around him looked at each other, and everyone's reactions immediately made Yuan Subaru aware of something strange. He pointed at himself and said softly:

"Mother-in-law, it's me, Yuan Subaru."

"I'm sorry, are you... my previous patient?"

Hearing this, Yuan Subaru glanced at Granny Sakura's unjoking eyes, and was silent for a moment. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly noticed that the prop used for transformation was flashing. Although there was no explanation, Yuan Subaru Or instinctively realized that this was a reminder to himself that there were enemies around him.

"I'm sorry, I have something to do and I have to leave first."

Although he wanted to find out what happened to everyone, Yuan Subaru turned around to deal with the enemy without hesitation. He didn't want anyone to be hurt anymore. When Yuan Subaru left, the government personnel who were maintaining order around him looked at each other. After a few glances, two people followed him quickly.

However, as soon as they followed the turn, Yuan Subaru, who had been waiting for a long time, grabbed their heads and bumped them together. His eyes immediately softened. Yuan Subaru looked over them and found no useful information. This made He couldn't help but frown, but there were more important things at the moment and he couldn't stay here for too long.

Yuan Subaru took out the flashing prop from his arms, and its name suddenly appeared in his mind. The boy looked at it carefully and whispered:

"Evolution Truster? It's a really good name. Next, don't point me in the wrong direction."

"Captain, it's so quiet here."

On the other side, Wakura Eisuke and others have arrived at Sanjin Mountain. At first, their detectors could still receive the shock waves of the alien beasts, but now, even the gentle wind has stopped, and the surroundings are silent. It was a bit seeping, and Shiori Hiragi couldn't help but speak out to relieve the pressure a little. After getting no response from Wakura Eisuke, Shiori Hiragi's eyes fell on the vice-captain again, looking at Nagisa Saijo. After some strange steps, he subconsciously said:

"Vice Captain, are your legs injured? How do you feel when you walk..."

"Shut up!"

Saijo Nagi suddenly interrupted with a low voice, and his voice was so stern that even Eisuke and Kura couldn't help but glance at her.

"Be careful and don't get distracted."

Seemingly because of the attention of everyone or other reasons, Saijo Nagi's face turned slightly red, his confidence quietly lost a lot, and he whispered:

"The mission is not over yet."

As soon as the words fell, Kura Eisuke and others suddenly heard a strange noise, and subconsciously turned their guns around, only to see a young man slowly walking out of the woods.


Nishijo Nagi stepped forward with her gun, pointed at Minamoto Subaru, and shouted coldly:

"Who are you!"

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