Ultimate Pawn

Chapter 642: Fighter formation, destroyed

"Zheng......!!!" There was a terrifying sound of metal cutting!

In the blink of an eye, the F-22 Raptor was in the air, and was forcibly disintegrated...! !

The scene above, an unprecedented killing!

One person, unarmed...Fight against 20 F-22 Raptor fighters. In an instant, nearly half of the destruction was shot down? !

It's **** it!

In the blink of an eye, there were only a dozen fighter jets remaining at an altitude of several kilometers.

Almost half were cut and destroyed.

"Climb...! Climb the altitude...!!! Pull me up to 10,000 meters high...!!! Let her die from hypoxia...&!!!" Among the fighter jets, a pilot looked solemn and shouted in the radio headset! !

At this time, even their captain commander was killed.

The entire queue was disrupted like never before.

Hearing the pilot's reminder, all the queues tilted their noses up at a 90-degree angle in the sky.

Then, slam the engine...!

"Swish swish...!!!"

Dozens of F-22 Raptor fighter jets slammed through the sky and climbed towards the sky of 10,000 meters...! !

Trying to suffocate the woman outside the plane from the oxygen-deficient environment of the high-altitude ozone layer.

In almost an instant, dozens of fighter jets pierced through an altitude of 10,000 meters, and pierced directly toward the sky above 20,000 meters.

You can even see the deep blue universe outside the ozone layer of the atmosphere.

The fighter jet has almost reached the limit of height rise.

But, what makes all fighter pilots tremble... Outside the fighter, that terrifying demon woman... After all, is still intact? !


His mother! !

At an altitude of 20,000 meters, endless icy clouds and ozone layer, the temperature drops to tens of degrees below zero.

As a result, the glass of the fighter cabin began to freeze.

However, the woman outside the cabin was still intact.

Nirvana with her right hand suddenly rose...!

Hongmang wears through!

"Puff...!" A fighter jet in front was directly chopped into two pieces! !

At an altitude of 20,000 meters, above the ozone layer...

Horrible murderous intent, frantic surging!

One person, duel, more than a dozen F-22 Raptor fighters!

"Boom...!" A fighter plane was swept across the sky by the Divine Phoenix's dagger before it had time to escape.

The whole body of the fighter jet was cut and split and exploded in an instant...! !

The figure of the Divine Phoenix, like a ghost, is constantly sweeping at an altitude of 20,000 meters...!



"Boom...!!!" A fighter exploded frantically! !

"Dove...!" Huang Ming whistled where Nirvana passed.

Almost, in a blink of an eye.

Dozens of F-22 Raptor fighters...all were bombed! !

With dozens of fighter jets, there is no chance of... counterattack or escape!

Only the last fighter was left. The pilot was trembling with horror. He drove the fighter hurriedly, trying to escape from the fire and explosion...

But how could he... escape Divine Phoenix's killing range?

The combat radius of the Divine Phoenix is ​​measured in kilometers.

As long as within five kilometers of her body.

No one can escape, her killing.

"Swish...!" The Divine Phoenix body rushed to the fighter like lightning.

Nirvana with his right hand stabs the engine turbine on the fighter wing fiercely!

"Clang clang clang......!" A terrifying sound of metal swept across and shattered! !

The entire fighter trembles violently in an instant! !

The engine's turbine was directly shattered by this blow! !

The entire engine expanded violently! !

At that moment, the pilot's expression suddenly changed...! !

"NO...!!!" He tried to parachute to escape, but it was too late...!

"Boom...!!!" A shocking explosion swept across! !

The whole fighter jet, in an instant, turned into a sky of flames...! !

Smoke billowing...!

Divine Phoenix's delicate body was also lifted away by a wave of air.

Towards the sea below, he loses weight rapidly and falls down...

At an altitude of 20,000 meters.

All fighters were blown up.

All the pilots who tried to eject and escape were also killed.

None survived...!

one person.


Twenty F-20 fighter jets.

One group destroys each other, the entire Raptor fighter formation!

Ten thousand meters below, the combat sea area.

The sea area center of the joint military exercise.

On the dozens of battleships, all the soldiers, all raised their heads together, their eyes were complex and solemn, looking at the pictures in the clouds above...

Over the sky, there are constantly exploding wreckage of fighter jets, falling from the clouds.

The scene is unprecedentedly solemn.

But, but still missing, the figure of the female agent.


At this time, everyone's hearts were faintly worried.

That hot summer female agent was taken into the sky so high 10,000 meters...

How can she get down from high in the sky?

This is a terrible question.

However, at this moment!

Suddenly, on the tens of thousands of meters above the clouds... a beautiful shadow cut through the void...

Falling quickly towards the sea below...!

Almost in an instant, that shadow fell straight towards the bottom of the sea...falling down!

At this moment, the complexions of all the soldiers on the fleet suddenly changed!

She does not have a protective device? ?

That's it, bare hands...falling down? !


I'm afraid something will happen!

Falling from a height of 10,000 meters into the sea, under such a high distance, the body will withstand the pressure of gravity thousands of times.

Under such terrible pressure, no one can survive!

When, the moment the body collided with the surface of the sea.

The huge water surface pressure will shatter the internal organs of the human body, and even the entire body!



But, at the same time... the beautiful shadow above has quickly fallen towards the sea...!

"Puffing...!" Jiaochu fell into the water fiercely...!

A huge wave of water splashed.

Then, the entire azure sea area instantly returned to calm.

The shadow of that woman completely...disappeared in the sea.


On dozens of battleships, all the soldiers looked shocked and complicated, looking at the sea level!

But, never saw again, the figure of that woman...

"Search and rescue...! Quick, search and rescue...!!!"

On the battleship, several captains looked solemn and immediately ordered...! !

However, the search and rescue team has not yet been dispatched.

On the blue sea, a beautiful shadow suddenly... surfaced!

Wu Hai's long hair flicked back gently.

Just like, the beautiful mermaid goes to sea.

Code name, Divine Phoenix.

This moment.

The hearts of everyone present jumped instantly.

Everyone, their complexion... has become shocked like never before, shocked, and can't believe it! !

Hot summer agents, one person... slaughtered... an entire F-22 Raptor fighter jet, a formation of fighter jets! !

Afterwards, she was still intact?


simply! !

If this incident spreads... the entire world, the Atlantic Ocean, will tremble...! !


However, at the same time.

Hundreds of kilometers away.

Strait of the Gulf of Oman.

A J-20 fighter jet was passing by a silver light, hurriedly toward the sea ahead, whizzing away.

Chen Zongheng sat in the cabin with a cigarette in his mouth. His eyes were deep and indifferent, and he was slowly scanning the blue waters thousands of meters down.

He is looking for the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier combat group.

Since the Atlantic can send an entire F22 Raptor combat formation.

Then, they will be equipped with a powerful nuclear-powered aircraft carrier formation in the nearby waters.

At this time, he...trying to find the whereabouts of the Atlantic aircraft carrier in the vast sea.

Add more to...! !

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