Ultimate Pawn

Chapter 173: Beautiful girl Akishimo

At nine o'clock in the morning, Qiu Yiren hurried to the company.

Today's situation, the situation of the entire company, requires her real-time supervision.

The group building is downstairs and has three floors underground. The decoration team is rushing to work overnight, and the secret construction of the base is underway.

The external claim is that the internal fire-fighting equipment has been improved and decorated.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

And next door, in the security director's office.

However, Chen Zongheng was still lying on the chair, faintly puffing out smoke rings, holding a copy of "Hundred Scholars" in his hand, and was reading quietly.

For him, there is nothing else in life except tobacco, alcohol and books.

Of course, except when he took out the square scarf. Because when he took out the square scarf, it was when he was killing.

In the entire office, except for the choking smoke ring, there was only silence.

"Tingling bell." At this moment, the Huawei mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang an incoming call ringtone.

The rapid ringtone broke the quiet of the office.

Chen Zongheng was taken aback for a moment. His phone number was never revealed to others.

Few people know his phone number, and very few people...will call him.

Except for Qiu Yi, almost no one knows his number.

Is there an emergency in the north?

Chen Zonggong's eyes condensed, and he took out his phone and took a look.

Caller ID, is an unfamiliar caller number?

Looking at the number, is it a local cell phone in Shanghai?

Chen Zengheng looked puzzled, and answered the phone suspiciously.

"Yeah, it's Chen Zongheng." A sweet and pleasant female voice floated over the phone.

When he heard this voice, Chen Zongheng's gaze condensed, and his expression became a little strange and complicated.

"Yeah, what are you talking about. What are you doing?" the sweet and gentle female voice asked delicately.

Chen Zongheng's expression was strange, he broke off immediately, and hung up the phone directly.

This voice, besides the little witch of the Qiu family, Qiu Shuangxia, who else would it be?

Chen Zongheng's eyes were complicated, and he continued to pick up the book and read.

But at the same time, a trace of doubt flashed in his heart: How could that ghost girl under Qiushuang know his number?

Could it be... it was given by Qiuyi?

Chen Zongheng's eyes condensed. He warned Qiu Yiren...not to disclose his phone number to anyone.

But, that woman...obviously doesn't take her words to heart?

Chen Zongheng was a little upset and continued to browse the books.

"Tingling bell." As soon as he calmed down, the rapid cell phone ringing rang again.

Chen Zonggong's eyes condensed, and he directly picked up the phone and blocked her caller number.

No need to be annoying again.

The world is finally quiet.

Chen Zong picked up the book and lay on the chair, enjoying the world of books and cigarettes with peace of mind.


But at this moment, the phone's SMS ringtone rang again.

Chen Zongheng looked irritated, picked up his phone, and clicked on the text message to take a look:

[Chen Zongheng, why did you hang up on my phone? This lady has never been hung up! you are the first! Give you a chance to make up for it, answer my call quickly! 】

Looking at this text message, Chen Zong's brows deepened.

That girl, she didn't go to school in the last few days and stayed in the manor every day...Did she suffer from depression?

Otherwise, how could you suddenly harass yourself somehow?

"Naive." Chen Zongheng was a little worried, and directly blocked her text messages.

He is the most annoying, being disturbed when he is reading.

I lit a cigarette, opened the book, and continued to read it patiently.

The world is finally quiet.

But just right, when he finally calmed down and read the book wholeheartedly.

The WeChat prompt sounded suddenly!

Chen Zengheng picked up the phone abruptly, his eyes looked angrily.

I saw that in the WeChat address book, a new friend added message appeared.

[Pretty Girl Autumn Shuangxia] Request to add you as a friend.

This name is extremely naive.

More naive, it is the profile picture of this WeChat account, a selfie of Qiu Shuang with a double ball head sticking under him.

How naive is it to do such boring things?

Three black lines have emerged on Chen Zong's brows.

He clicked directly and refused to be added as a friend.

A few seconds later, the WeChat prompt sounded again.

The other party applied for addition for the second time.

[Pretty Girl Autumn Shuangxia] Request to add you as a friend: Why not add me? ! !

Chen Zongheng was almost on the verge of anger, and he directly pulled this [beautiful girl Qiu Shuangxia] to the WeChat blacklist.

The phone is blocked, the text message is blocked, and the WeChat is blocked.

Simple and rude.


At this time, inside the Qiu's Manor.

Qiu Shuang was curled up and slender white legs, lying on the sofa, holding the phone in both hands, blinking beautiful eyes, waiting for the success of adding WeChat friends.

Can result:

‘The other party rejected your friend request. ’

‘The other party has rejected any of your application messages. ’

The pretty face under Qiu Shuang changed from euphoric expectation to dullness and consternation... and then annoyed and angered!

"Damn it! Xiaobailian Chen Zongheng! Do you dare to refuse me, dare you to black me out!!"

Qiu Shuang was angry and frantic, clutching the pillow, and smashing the sofa angrily!

The long pale blonde hair was messy and scattered, as if it represented her mood at the moment.

From her birth till now, there has never been a man who dares to reject herself like this!

This is simply the biggest stain in her beautiful girl's life.

No, it's a shame.

"Chen Zongheng, this hatred will not be reported to a non-beautiful girl!" Qiu Shuang's teeth rustled, and her watery eyes were full of anger!

"Second Miss, are you... okay?" In the hall, the nanny auntie was the first time she saw her crazy appearance, and hurriedly asked with concern.

"It's okay! I'm fine!" Qiu Shuang threw the pillow off angrily, and then stepped on slippers and ran up the stairs...


Sunlight spreads all the way from the east to the west.

As the sun sets, it is already dusk.

In the office of the Qiu's Building, Chen Zongheng stretched his waist and slowly closed the book.

Unconsciously, the day passed again.

Coming to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, he faintly looked at the scenery outside.

The sky was tainted at dusk, but a dark cloud came.

It seems that a shower is coming.

Chen Zonggong lit a cigarette and walked out of the office slowly.

In the office next door, Qiu Yiren has finished the work at hand.

Carrying a satchel, he also walked out.

Today's off-duty time is very punctual.

The two took the elevator downstairs.

Downstairs of the group building, five Mercedes-Benz cars have been waiting respectfully outside the door.

"Mr. Chen, I have a private dinner tonight. You don't need to accompany me. You can go back first." Qiu Yiren said with a magnetic voice, carrying his bag.

Tonight, she meets Fei Fanjin on a date. Because it was a private meeting between women, and... in her opinion, Fei Fanjin was not threatening at present. Therefore, she did not intend to bring Mr. Chen.

Hearing this, Chen Zong's gaze was taken aback.

"Dating with boyfriend? Inconvenient?" He asked faintly with a cigarette in his mouth.

This time, it was Qiu Yiren's turn that was stunned.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend." She quickly explained, "It's a private dinner, just having dinner with a shareholder of the company."

Even she herself is a little strange, why should she explain so much to an unrelated man?

"Your life belongs not only to yourself. So, don't try to get lucky. Don't try to get rid of me, you have no chance to regret." Chen Zongheng's voice was calm, and then, despite Qiuyi's opposition, he got into the Mercedes Benz. in.

His attitude is very simple. He will, and follow to go to the banquet.


Qiu Yiren stood there in a daze, for some reason... When she heard... Mr. Chen's words, an inexplicable emotion flashed in her heart.

Faintly, a trace of warmth flashed.

This man spared no effort to protect himself.

At that moment, Qiu Yiren, the daughter-in-chief president, was slightly confused.

However, she quickly adjusted her mood.

"Then, trouble Mr. Chen." She pressed her red lips lightly, nodded, and then got into the Mercedes Benz.

The Mercedes-Benz fleet started and slowly drove away from the Qiu's Building...

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