
Half a sound, a deserted pub on a remote street in the West City District.

With a creak, the wooden door opened. There was only one table of guests in the hall, and the two people who were sitting opposite each other and drinking suffocating wine turned their heads and looked towards the door at the same time.


"haha, good person doesn't live long, villains live for thousands of years, I know that Winslyn can't help you!"

hug, hammer each other in the back. "Really? How did I hear that someone is here to pry at the corner this time, and wish I died?"

Indignant, "Is there such a thing? Fuck, I can't bear it! Who is so bold? Don't worry. , I don't need you to make a move this time, I'll send someone to settle him immediately."

"Hehe, how embarrassing, let me do it myself."

"Uh ...hehe...you are so humorous..."


Needless to say, these two guys who don't know the lower limit at all are naturally Tang En and Philip. After greeting in an unethical way, Tang En turned his head and looked towards Alan, who couldn't hide his excitement, apologizing: "Sorry, this time I didn't think carefully and involved you."

Shaking his head, Alan solemnly and stubbornly replied: "No, Alan can achieve what he is today, all thanks to Mr. support. So doing things for Mr. is as it should be."

Tang En heard the words I couldn't help being paused, and I wanted to say something when I was moved, but in the end, I didn't say anything. I just patted Allen's shoulders: "Sit first... After this incident, come back to the north with me."

Sitting down according to the words, Allen looked hesitant for a while, but still shook his head: "Sir, I'm engaged." After engagement, it would naturally be marriage. This is a matter involving two families. Allen can go to the north with Tang En immediately to ensure personal safety. But Annika can't. Her family's roots are in the South, and rebellion is also involved. impossible to rush along.

"Uh, congratulations, I'll make a congratulatory gift another day." Tang En was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded. Turning his head and looking towards Philip, who sat down by himself, he looked thoughtful and said, "It seems that we need to have a good talk."

The person who knows that Yatang Business Group is secretly working for the Grey Cloth Armed Force is not very many. Here again, Philip is the leader, which can be seen from the fact that he can take full charge of Allen this time. So as long as Philip chooses to hide. That Allen's matter has room for relaxation.

And Alan obviously thought about this issue carefully, without looking towards Philip, he said softly: "It's okay, sir, you don't have to be embarrassed. I believe that after this incident, as long as you don't have an accident. They will Don't dare to do anything to me."

"Heh... your mother..." With a wry smile, Philip pondered a swear word, then rubbed his forehead quite miserably, looking towards Ellen in dissatisfaction. , "You said that, didn't you put me on the fire to bake?"

Now, only Philip is the only one who clearly knows Alan's identity. Oh. And Winslyn. But the latter is now powerless to defend himself, so naturally it doesn't count. In this way, if Allen's words are reversed, that is, if there is a problem with Allen, then the first person Tang En will look for must be Philip.

"Sorry." Allen also knew that this was a bit inauthentic. After all, although Philip came to arrest him in name, he didn't do anything in the past few days. So after hearing that. He stood up and bowed in apology.

"Okay, sit down and talk. He's pretending, he doesn't need to apologize politely to this guy..." Pulling Alan to sit down again, Tang En faint smile looked towards Philip, "said Well, what conditions." With Tang En's friendship with Philip. There's really no need to be pretentious. It's enough to know each other, but it would be uncomfortable to make it clear like Alan. Of course, this is not an excuse to push the nose on the face. Friends, of course you can't make it difficult for the other party.

The atmosphere is relaxed. Philip indifferently shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands: "I think about it too much, with the relationship between the two of us, what other conditions are needed... Well, how about giving me a chance to pry the corner? Don't be angry yet, let's play fair... Uh, calm down , you asked me to make conditions at will... let go, let go, I can't breathe... I'm joking, really, joking, cough cough..."

I finally broke Tang En Grabbing his palm on the collar, Philip blushed and gasped for a few breaths, and muttered in dissatisfaction: "Really... I came all the way to help you, okay? This is the attitude towards benefactors. Is it?"

Tang En remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, holding up his glass: "If you don't say conditions, I will treat you as never mentioned."

"Okay. , Well, no sense of humor at all." Adjusting his collar, Philip asked nervously: "By the way, what happened to Winslyn? You didn't kill him, did you? Uh, although he really deserves to die, but you understand Yes, it will be very troublesome if he hangs up."

He waved his hands at will, "Don't worry, he should now enjoy the temptation of the white clothed angel's uniform in Ellen Manor, and live well. Well, Very good."

"What angel, temptation?" Philip glanced at Tang En suspiciously, but couldn't see anything from the latter's expression, nodded: "Forget it, it's good not to die... I really don't have any conditions, I'm just a messenger. Well, my old man wants to see you."

"No!" Tang En not even think shook his head and rejected it, what a joke, go now See Sword God Woodin isn't he coming to seek death? Of course, this does not mean that Woodin must be feasting at hongmen, but the two sides have different positions. Woodin is loyal to Titus, even if he may not want to kill him, but for the interests of the empire, if there is a chance, he should not let go of killing Wei Yin. Tang En, who became the umbrella of the Grey Cloth Armed Force...

Philip was not surprised, and continued: "If you don't see it, the Grey Cloth Armed Force's range of activities should be restricted, and it should not touch the official roads, military The bottom line is the bottom line. Maybe you haven't received the news yet, the border has not been peaceful recently, and the North Desolate Tribe begins to stir, it seems that a war is about to start!"

After a while, he spread his hands and said, "Everyone They are from Titus, they can solve their own struggles at home, and there is something to discuss. But in the face of external threats, even if they can’t resist together, at least they can’t hold back each other... This is the opinion of my old man. Wang Ting's opinion."

I'm not from Titus... curl one's lip, Tang En said with a smile: "Don't hold back each other? Hehe, don't hold back Titus Well! Thank goodness they were too embarrassed to say it, if I remember correctly, this time last year, the Grey Cloth Armed Force and Titus fought together against the North Desolate Tribe. What happened? Was stabbed in the back! Hehe, Still playing this game now. Do you think we are too stupid, or are you too naive?"

"cough cough..." After a few coughs, Philip was obviously a little embarrassed. Helplessly said, "You should aim your arrows at the target, I didn't come up with this idea..."

"You guys are not good people either." Tang En said contemptuously, "The peace talks were facilitated at that time, but You new aristocrats. As a result, before the Titus army marched into Dawn City, it's just that you didn't help, and you didn't even remind us in advance. Is this the attitude of collaborators?"

"You don't Understand. The situation was very complicated at the time... Fuck! Say me? Are you innocent?" Philip seemed to be annoyed by the repeated questioning in the face, waved loudly and said, "If you hadn't provoked Light God Temple, how passive would we be? Afterwards, the old noble forces took the opportunity to attack, and we suffered heavy losses, and we haven't recovered yet."

"Bullshit!" Tang En pouted disdainfully. "You dare say that without me, Titus wouldn't want to attack the Grey Cloth Armed Force?"

"Uh...you're not innocent anyway, at least a fuse."

"Guide your sister to my fuse..." Bang, put down the wine glass heavily.

The same clapped table and stood up, flustered and exasperated: "Fuck!"

"Sir, sir... two, calm down, calm down. Drink first, drink..." Alan saw that the situation was far from good. He quickly got up to do peace and old things, and put the wine glasses into each of their hands.

It's just a whim, I just took the opportunity to scold me. Or even anger, after all, at the major event, the two of them were still too insignificant, this was not something they could decide, and naturally it was not a matter of turning over their faces.

Sit down and take a sip of wine. Philip was deeply exhaled, leaning on the back of the chair: "Anyway, I have been notified, you can decide what you want to do. Well, let me remind you again, the old man in my family has guarded the majority of the empire, and he is very stubborn. This will not come as a surprise. So you better think about it."

"Is this a threat?"

"You—mum!" Philip heard Yan suddenly rampaged up and roared, "This is caring! Do you understand? hmph! Forget it, do whatever you want. If it's not for Joah's safety. I'm too lazy to remind you of this wretched guy. "

"Hehe, just relax. Joah's safety is my responsibility, who cares about you?" Tang En glanced sideways and deliberately provoked.

Philip was outraged: "You are in charge? You are in charge of the dick! If my old man insists on going north, you can protect it... uh!" The words suddenly stopped, as if he realized something . Philip quickly regained his composure and looked towards Tang En suspiciously.

"You really have the idea of going north!" Touching his chin, Tang En waved, "Don't worry about me, you continue to talk. Well, why did your old man suddenly change his mind, Didn't you insist on going north?"

"I said you are a ghost!" Philip also knew that he was being rhetorical at this time, sat down dissatisfied, picked up the wine can and took a sip.

This time it was Tang En's turn to brush the lower limit: "Hey, don't do this. With our relationship, there's nothing else we can't say... It's because Beihuang expert is coming, so we can't leave the capital. Or is there a change in the palace, and he needs to be in charge? Oh, by the way, your old man is not too young, is it because of his health..."

"Don't guess, you know, this It is impossible for me to say it." When it comes to Titus Guardian God, there is no trivial matter. Therefore, even Philip, who has always been in the heart of everything, interrupted with a wry smile and waved his hands, showing a firm attitude with a helpless expression. However, he was secretly frightened, a person knows his interests, Sword God Woodin's health is indeed getting worse day by day...

Philip said so, Tang En is naturally not good to ask more questions, sorry Pressed in doubt. Immediately, he reached into his arms, took out a scroll, and threw it at Philip: "Hehe, don't think we can only be beaten passively. Bring this to your old man, and then let him think about it carefully. Is it worth going north?"

"What..." Looking at Tang En's confident look, although Philip didn't think there was anything in this world that could threaten his old man, he still picked up the scroll full of doubts and opened it. , glanced roughly, was stunned for a moment, then thought of something, and his eyes suddenly rounded, "Fuck!" .

Tang En came here for two purposes. One was to persuade Allen to return to the north, but this purpose died as soon as he opened his mouth. Allen has already made his own decision, and he just got engaged. So, had to give up.

The second is to give the scroll to Philip, which is not a problem. It's just that after reading the contents of the scroll, Philip was obviously absent-minded and lost his interest in chatting. So this short meeting. That's why it ended hastily.

At the entrance of the pub, "So that's it, Philip... Philip?"

"Ah? Oh, what's wrong?" Philip looked up blankly.

Ignoring his distractions, Tang En took Alan's palm and put it in Philip's hand: "The safety of my Little Brother is up to you. I don't care about the rest, but if something happens to him. I will definitely find you. Then..."

Philip rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and interrupted angrily: "Okay, I've said it several times, you're not bothered."

"Then..." Tang En said to himself, "Just stay together."



Exclaimed and cursed, like holding a hot soldering iron. The two palms were pulled apart in an instant, and at the same time, they made a disgusting gesture of rubbing their hands. Immediately, Philip's anti-tsukkomi attribute was higher, and he was the first to react, but he looked towards Tang En helplessly: "It takes a long time to meet once, it's not easy, do you have to be so disgusting?"

"Sir. I have fiancee, if this word reaches her ears..." Allen smiled wryly, "I'm afraid I won't be able to live in peace for a week."

"Haha, just kidding. You guys are too serious." The troubles in this trip were resolved smoothly, and by the way, he also ravaged Winslyn, and Tang En is in a good mood now.

Philip and Allen exchanged a wry smile and shook their heads. Say goodbye. Watching the two carriages drifting apart, Tang En hummed a tune across the street and walked directly into the small hotel opposite the pub.

Yes, this is their temporary habitat. "Mr. Arthur is back. I heard that the city is not very peaceful, and I was worried about you just now." Maybe it was because of the bad business, and they finally met Tang En and his party who looked like a small caravan. The owner of the hotel was very polite.

"hehe, yes, you are worried." Tang En greeted with a smile and walked across the hall. Walk into the backyard guest loft. A young man with a slightly gloomy temperament was standing by the wooden ladder, and when he saw Tang En approaching, he stepped forward and handed over the parcel: "Boss, what you want. In addition, the wooden barrel and hot water have been delivered to the upstairs room. I'm here."

"Well, where's Miksu?"

"Captain is arranging accommodation for the chief clansman."

"Okay, let me know. Miksu, don't be neglected. Send them out of the city as soon as possible, and then take them to the northern station by water."


After a short conversation, the gloomy youth left quietly, Tang En took the package and walked up to the second layer attic. He didn't make a move to book the entire hotel, although it was safe enough, it would be too flamboyant. However, the business of this hotel is really bad, and there is almost no one on the second floor.

Going all the way to the door of the room on the left at the end of the corridor, Tang En stopped, raised his hand and knocked on the wooden door.

"The door is not locked." A slightly tired voice came from the door.

Pushing open the wooden door, the curtains in the house were not drawn, which made it look a little dark. But after all, it was daytime, so I could still see the silhouette sitting on the seat facing the wooden door. A mottled gray coat, or a mottled gray, conceals the original color of the clothes. If you get close, you can still smell some faint odors...

Of course, this is not the point, the point is the style of the clothes, which is a serious prison uniform! And if there are people participating in the trial in the square, they can recognize at a glance that this silhouette in prison clothes is the flower of the Knight who seemed to be buried in the fire sea not long ago, Savian!

"You should have a rest." Tang En closed the wooden door and walked to the window to open the curtain. Outside the window is still the gloomy sky and the pattering rain. However, compared to the dark room, the light poured in was still bright, illuminating the slightly outdated furnishings in the room, and also showing Savian's bleak and tired look.

"Can't sleep." The mood was depressed, and Savian's words became extremely concise.

"Oh, it's my fault. You should wash it first and then rest." Seemingly not seeing Savian's sadness, Tang En raised his hand to wrap his hands, "Clean clothes, wash them and put them on. . According to the saying of our hometown, this is called getting rid of bad luck, and if necessary, you will have to cross a brazier or something..."

paused, sighing and adding, "No need to think about it, turn over this One page, there will be a fresh start. "

"I haven't given it much thought, at least not yet." Savian raised her head calmly, moved her fingers, and tried to point to the tall wooden basin on the side, but failed, "I just couldn't move, thinking about how to clean it. "

"Uh..." Touching his nose, Tang En thought of the mountain of prohibition that still existed in Savian, and spread his hands awkwardly, "Sorry, I was negligent." Wait a minute, I'll go outside and find a waitress to clean up for you. "

Walking to the door, "No need. "

"What? "Tang En astonished turned his head.

Savian pursed his lips, lowered his head unconsciously and staggered Tang En's line of sight. The room fell into silence, and the sound of raindrops outside the window gradually became clear, hitting the eaves and falling on the roof. Water puddles, rushing towards flowers... or simply ethereal or slightly dull subtle sounds intertwined, like a symphony of nature, not very pleasant, better than pure and natural.

Scratched his head, Tang En broke the silence with some unfathomable mystery: "If there's nothing else, I'll go out and call you..."

"No need. interrupted, repeated again. Savian lifts the head, his eyes dazed, his expression calm and casual, "You help me wash." "

"Okay, didn't ask... eh?" ”


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