
"Excuse me, what's wrong with him? Is it a cleanliness? Could it be... um, the place of legend A woman?"

At this moment, Feige, whose body was pinnacle taut, even stiffened his mind. The only thought left in his mind was to be shocked when the other party came to him? How could it be so fast!

And this is simply not a matter of speed. You must know that he leaned forward and the other party was still floating in the air. How could it be possible to cross the distance of several dozen meters and come here in an instant?

In fact, not only Fitch, but even Luke, who had been watching on the city wall and was vaguely worried, didn't know what just happened. He just saw that Tang En used the force of a kick, and rushed towards the empty sky Rapid Speed, and then after about ten Zhang or so distance, when he was about to fall, the figure suddenly swayed, disappeared into the sky, and instantly came to Bray Beside the tower... the whole process is so simple, as for the distance of several dozen meters between the two, it seems like it has never been normal...

Could it be that the Boss also practices space magic? The stunned Luke was stunned and thought so.

However, no matter what method he used, Feige didn't have the time to think about it. He only knew that the mysterious expert was by his side, but he was unprepared, and even sold his back to him. There is absolutely no reason to be spared.

Of course, it's impossible to hold back. At this time, it was too late to dodge, and Breta was rolling back and forth under his feet, and Feige was also impossible to dodge. Instantly regained consciousness, without even thinking about it, he twisted his waist and turned around forcibly, and in a hurry, the doumang burst out with all his strength wrapped his palm, and punched out on his back.

Unfortunately, before the arm can be fully stretched, the punched fist is hurriedly retracted, and the arm is bent again. Will hold the palm of the hand grabbed from the top down. Wrists intersect. Bang light sound. I didn't imagine how powerful it was.

Oops! Fake attack... Feiqi's heart sank in an instant, and sure enough, an open palm easily bypassed his arms, pressed against his face, pressed down, boom... clods splashed, and the ground trembled slightly. Feiqi's entire head, including his small upper body, sank into the ground in an instant. There seemed to be drums, golden gongs, bugles, etc. beside his ears, and his brain was buzzing.

The erratic gaze. It was the first time I could see the appearance of this mysterious expert. Nian's face, slightly frosted temples, and a look of tiredness that can't be concealed. The clothes are ruffled and slightly embarrassed. In some places, the cracks and breaks made by the sharp blade can still be seen, but the large and small blood spots stained on it should not be My own... Obviously, it's not so easy to encircle and suppress them while carrying more than a thousand elite cavalry. But that's all, the fact that the other party can arrive in time under such circumstances is enough to make people horrified!

Tang En didn't hesitate when he lifted his palm. The left fist that is ready to stand is bent and raised high, which is very powerful and beautiful. Immediately, the sound of wind and thunder slammed down towards Fitch's temple...

From a certain point of view, the human body is fragile, which has nothing to do with the level of external strength. A little minion and a Battle Qi powerhouse were simultaneously pierced by a sharp blade in the heart, the latter may not be able to last longer than the former, and they will die both vertically and horizontally.

It is for this reason that most martial skill Sects have a fatal attack method aimed at vital points, and many seemingly incredible examples of using the weak to defeat the strong come from this. For example, the so-called death fist of a ninja in a certain island country in this world is actually to put it bluntly, it is to mobilize the power of the whole body to explode violently in an instant, to achieve a fatal blow to the vital point.

At the moment, Tang En's strength is already much higher than Feige, and now, according to the fatal position, he smashes with one punch without interference, which is to determine his life and death.

The foot trembled again, and a high-blooded water mixed with gray and white things instantly spewed out on the level ground, like a small fountain. As an Earth Rank powerhouse, Feige was only punched before and after, and then went to the end of a small life, and was dying.

Stepping back, Tang En bowed his head indifferently, and saw Fitch's blood-stained face filled with despair and shock that could not be concealed, as well as more confusion. He seemed to understand the meaning of this look, paused, and said calmly: "Okay, it's okay to tell you, it's the other side Shunxing."

That's right, the reason why Tang En came so quickly , it is precisely because of this other shore instant skill!

The system level up not long ago brought a total of two skills to Tang En - Feast of Frenzy and Momentum on the Other Side. Compared with the illusion-like former, Tang En, who already has some understanding of space, is the first to be Proficient, that is, the movement method skill, the other side is instantaneous!

The other side of the moment: between the other side, the realm of life and death!

This time, Old Butler didn't ignore Tang En, this skill is just as literal, concise and easy to understand. This case, the other side, as long as the case can come to the other side unexpectedly, it is equivalent to crossing the gap between life and death. Right now, Feige, who has only outgoing air and no incoming air, is the most obvious example...

To put it bluntly, according to the characteristics of Other World, Martial Artist can do space magic, so no one can stop it. not live.

Of course, Feige doesn't understand the meaning of the system skill, and he doesn't need to understand. All he needs is an explanation, and then he swallowed his last breath with a look of surprise, not being a fool.

Easy to deal with Fitch, Tang En glanced at the escort cavalry who turned the horse's head Rapid Speed charge, shook his head slightly, stepped to the side of Bletta who was rolling around, lowered his head and frowned. .

Britta didn't seem to be clear about her current situation, and she didn't see Fitch, who was standing still not far away, rolling back and forth, tearing at her armor and coat, her upper and lower lips trembling nervously. ,self-mumbling.

"Dirty...this, dusty, filthy world...go away! Get out of my sight! I want water, water—Aaahhhh..."

"Um, sorry...what do you want to say?" After listening for a while, Tang En touched his nose, becoming more unfathomable mystery, thought about it, and said directly, "By the way, although there is no precise count just now, But it also killed hundreds of your subordinates, um, and some Assassins. According to what you said before, I should be a qualified villain, am I qualified to kill you?"

"Dirty Things...take off, take off, take off all..." Curled up like a prawn, Bretta obviously didn't hear Tang En's killing declaration, still trembling at a high frequency.

Startled for a while, Tang En stroked his forehead and sighed helplessly: "Please, can you not do this. This is far from what I imagined... It's not easy to catch up with you. No. I hope you Danger Land will fight back. But it’s a little bit too embarrassing, let’s resist a little...”

This is the truth, not to mention that the manpower is exhausted, and it is dangerous and difficult to travel around under the siege of Shilixiang . Let's just say that Breta's decisive retreat almost made Tang En's life and death go to waste. It can be said that if it wasn't for the fact that Luke slapped him, forcing Bletta to fall off his horse, Tang En really couldn't kill Bletta this time...

So hard working. It's hard to catch up with the master, but the result is this situation, what makes Tang En feel bad? It's like playing a dungeon. It took a lot of effort to find the strategy, clear the mobs, and after suffering untold hardships and traveling through mountains and rivers, I finally came to the **oss. It turned out that this wave of ss was a scumbag, not even as good as a mobs. This is not a fool, there is no sense of achievement at all!

"Forget it, forget it, who are you working hard for..." Helplessly shaking his head, Tang En leaned down. Reach out to the left hand and hold the figure that Bletta keeps rolling over, and then stick out the right hand. He bent his fingers into claws and clasped Britta's neck.

Seemingly feeling this undisguised killing intent, the crazy Britta finally woke up a little, looked at Tang En blankly, his eyes gradually became clear, and he opened his mouth: "You are... heh, This time I planted it, but you guys won't live long."

Tang En scratched his head: "Actually, you can say something good, this kind of street gangster-style cruel words, I have already I heard too much."

"Ha...ha...you don't know, you'll never know, what kind of terrifying existence is offended, haha..."

Hearing this, Tang En frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head regretfully: "Ai, I still can't communicate normally. Then, goodbye, General Britta." The words fell, the palm tightened, and the cracking sound of the throat bone was always the same. Britta, who was crisp and melodious, with a panic-stricken look on her face, finally didn't have to worry about the filth all over her body, she closed her eyes briskly, and there seemed to be a faint taste of pleasure.

twitched his lips , Tang En was even more upset when he saw this, he only felt like he had fulfilled the other party, what a mess...

"Stop-ah ——Kill this bastard to avenge the general!" Breta himself had no resentment, but the battalion cavalry bodyguards who rushed over went berserk, brandishing the sword frantically, and Rapid Speed, whose eye socket was splitting, urged the horse to kill.

After killing the main lord, Tang En naturally lost his interest in killing again. Turning around, squinting at the city wall of Pia City, feeling something silently. "Death!" Just before the cavalry in front of him swung his sword, the figure suddenly disappeared in place, then flashed around twenty Zhang or so, and when it really appeared, it was already on the city wall. beside K.

"Huh...Old, Boss?" Luke was also taken aback by the Tang En flashed by Ghost Umbra, and only recognized it when he flipped his hand to reveal the dagger. Waving his hand, Tang En simply said, "Gather everyone, let's go."


Tang En rolled the eyes: "Nonsense, what do you say? Taking such a big advantage of others, of course, is running away!" Bretta was the main general of the army. And now the rescue troop coming from Grey Cloth Armed Force is nothing more than a thousand cavalry that has been temporarily assembled, and naturally it is not an opponent. So the priority now is to run away. Of course, if these thousands of cavalry really don't care about chasing after them, Tang En is confident that they will leave each other completely, after all, the rescue team of the Grey Cloth Armed Force is about to arrive...

"Oh, understand. "Seeing that Tang En was in a bad mood, Luke simply rolled over and went down the city wall. Tang En's footsteps were paused, and he turned to look at the place where Bretta died, slightly frowned.

Offended the terrifying existence...Titus royal court? Light God Temple? It's still just ruthless words... Forget it, everyone who can offend has already been offended, and I don't care about adding this...



With the failure of the Bletta plan and the death of himself outside the city of Pia, the turmoil within a hundred miles has finally subsided.

Tang En's plan to completely leave the thousands of cavalry was unsuccessful. After all, it was a regular army with strict military discipline. Unlike the Grey Cloth Armed Force, even if Bretta died in battle, there would still be lieutenants waiting for the Advanced officer to preside over. In this situation, Reason led thousands of cavalry to break out of the encirclement before the Grey Cloth Armed Force encircled...

At this point, this Arrangement, the capture of the king against Joah, ended with the defeat of the Titus army. . Followed by failure, and Titus court for Joah's assassination Quest.

In the battle of Shili Alley, Tang En, who was on the verge of killing, was like a god and demon, and he almost spread blood and corpses all over every alleyway. Not just cavalry, but those Assassins who intend to fish in troubled waters. Although the former said that hundreds of people died, it was not completely wiped out. The latter is more miserable. Because there are people everywhere. There is no way to hide. In the later stage of Tang En, he chased Assassin and slaughtered, and almost left all Assassin who entered Shili Lane there. This move undoubtedly completely deterred Assassin who began to stir in the dark!

Actually, these Assassins have two options. One is to accept the quest to assassinate Joah from the official guild and obtain various martial skill Mantra. The second is to take the quest to assassinate the Titus officer from the Assassins' Guild, and obtain the secret technique to improve the Battle Qi cultivation speed.

In terms of benefits, the latter is undoubtedly more attractive. But don't forget. The degree of danger of the two targets is not at the same level, and not all Assassins have the courage to "seek wealth and wealth at risk". Compared with offending the Titus royal court on the soil of the Titus Kingdom, there is no doubt that the Grey Cloth Armed Force looks better to bully, which is also the main reason for the endless emergence of Assassins around Joah.

However, after the battle of Shili Lane, the situation was different. Those Assassins, who were thinking of picking up cheap ones, found that they were not pinching soft persimmons, but kicked the iron plate, or the kind with barbed spikes, and suddenly panicked, feeling that the Quest was not worth the loss. It's safer to pack up and pack up...

And the departure of the Assassins has undoubtedly ensured Joah's safety. Therefore, Tang En was able to make a move and set the schedule for going to the southern capital.

Of course, before that, Tang En, who claims to be a hard worker by nature, still needs to do something...


In the evening, a large town in the hinterland of Titus The city, that is, the Converging Ground of Bretta and Barlow and Gehry before.

The streets in the city are still deserted, and you can hardly see a silhouette from a distance. And as the winter gets stronger, the cold night wind comes out early to roam around and wreak havoc on all things, adding a bit of desolation and loneliness to this deserted city.

"Not yet?" In a remote street, a group of cavalry marched slowly, the burly Barlow raised his head, looked towards the young soldier leading the way, and asked with a frown.

Judging from the style of armor, this young soldier is obviously not the same Legion as Barlow and the others. Looking at the flame pattern on the young soldier's shoulder armor, he knew that he was a soldier of the Cang Yan Legion.

"General, please don't be impatient, my lord's appointment is at the end of this street." The young soldier turned his head and saluted, respectfully replied.

"hmph, dressed up as God, playing the Devil, you can guess with your butt that the wolf cub doesn't think anything good!" coldly snorted, Barlow muttered.

The so-called wolf cub is naturally the general of the Cang Yan Legion, known as the blue wolf of the North, Gary. As for his own general, of course the young soldier couldn't say anything, he could only lead the way, pretending not to hear.

Barlow didn't expect the young soldier to answer. Of course, Barlow would also have some guesses about why Gehry suddenly sent someone to invite him and found such a remote place.

Well, it should be discussing where the two reinforcements who came from the front line will go all the way after Bretta's death... I really can't think of it, that arrogant cock died like this, Grey When did the Cloth Armed Force have such an excellent expert...

I have to say that although Barlow has no good feelings for that Bletta, after hearing the news of the other party's death, he can't help but be shaken. , and some regret.

Barrow, who has been in the army for half of his generation, naturally knows that Bletta is not a nameless junior. In fact, the other party is very famous. Putting aside those quirks, it is not too much to be called a famous general. Tiger Roar Legion took the make a move as the general, and he was the first to bear the brunt. When they learned that the Tiger Roaring Legion was dispatched to encircle and suppress the Grey Cloth Armed Force this time, Barlow and Gary were still puzzled for a while, only that the Armament Department was determined to solve the scourge of the Grey Cloth Armed Force this time.

Who would have thought that as soon as I took over this Quest and made the first deployment, not to mention the loss of troops, Bretta's body was brought back...

General is inevitable Die before battle! Barlow, who was also the general of Titus, couldn't help feeling a bit of sympathy. He looked at the head, shook off his thoughts about Bretta, and guessed the purpose of Gehry's invitation.

Honestly, it's not hard to guess, at least that's what Barlow thinks. The Tiger Roar Legion, which was the leader of this combat operation, lost a member of General, and it should not be relieved in a short time. And as a result, the two outsiders were more embarrassed. Acting alone, you can't beat Grey Cloth Armed Force. If we join forces...

That's all. If that Gehry still wants to make a difference, he can help him if he can, and he will be able to prevaricate after he goes back... Alas, at this stage of the field, perhaps I should really consider disarming and retiring, so as not to be embarrassed again...

Thinking about his own situation, Barlow can't help but lose his temper. In fact, as an Advanced general, his age is the time to show his strengths and make a difference. But Naihe has more than his heart and is not enough. The interference of external forces is so severe that the North Desolate Tribe on the front line moves frequently. He, the Thunder Legion General, has to be ordered to come back to encircle the Grey Cloth Armed Force, and the army with him is only a pitiful 2,000. Guards Cavalry.

Of course, depression is depression, but Barlow has absolutely no regrets. He knew that the reason he was being suppressed was simply because he was too close to the Grey Cloth Armed Force, or more precisely, because of his close relationship with Frey, the Grey Cloth Armed Force traitor...

hehe , Captain is Captain. After so many years, he can still become a general. It's a pity that we can't fight side by side, we can only fight for each other, and we meet each other on the battlefield...

Thinking of this, Barlow grinned, and his mood suddenly improved. At this time, the young soldier who led the way tightened the reins, turned over and dismounted, and made an invitation to hand seal to the tavern by the roadside.

“General, we are here.”

…………(To be continued..)

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