
City East, Book Collection Pavilion fourth layer.

"Ten minutes! This is the third long loaf I've eaten, and it tastes good... Of course, that's not the point, get me a glass of water. Well, the point is that I haven't heard anything, not even bad. Message, should you give me an explanation?" After swallowing the third long loaf and patted his hand, Breta looked at the officers around him with a calm expression and asked.

This is not a question. The officers who know Bretta's character are very clear that as long as they execute the plan and orders without compromise, even if they fail in the end, their generals will not blame them. On the other hand, if you don't follow the plan, the result will be hard to say... So Britta barely fell, relying on the nearest officer to replied immediately: "General, the rebel leader is indeed in Shili Lane, Nancheng, accompanied by her and Nani. Lao Bang, they are all surrounded by us, it's just... but there is no result now."

There is no result, it is naturally because there is no success. Bletta was stunned when he heard the words, then turned his head and looked towards the expert of the army by the window lattice: "Feiqi, are you all Battle Qi Martial Artists capable of fighting like this? Can't even a thousand cavalry battalions be taken down?"

"Wait a little longer, General..." Na Feiqi squinted at the sky of Nancheng, and said slowly, "It has not been launched, which means that the information is correct, and the other party is indeed not a Sky Rank Martial Artist. Well, It should be Earth Rank, maybe Earth Rank Peak. In such a complicated environment, such a powerhouse is rather troublesome, but a thousand cavalry battallion plus those Assassins should be enough... just wait and see.”

After hesitating for a while, Feige still gave a positive answer, but his heart was gradually turbulent. He is also a Battle Qi Martial Artist, or to be more precise, an Earth Rank powerhouse in the military. Naturally, it is very clear about the formidable power of a thousand elite heavy riders. Although the cavalry could not carry out charge operations due to the terrain. But the dismounted cavalry were at least elite soldiers, with Assassin, who was good at roadway fighting, guiding them. More than ten minutes have passed, and the siege should have died. It shouldn't have come back without any news...

Of course, Bretta didn't know what Feige was thinking, but she looked at the hourglass that was passing by. , the brows are still slightly wrinkled unconsciously. The situation seems to be out of control...


The situation is indeed changing in Shili Lane, Nancheng. The thousand cavalry battallion was also unable to send a message back.

One is because of shame. So far, they haven't surrounded each other, let alone cut a knife and stabbed a bullet... How can they spread the news back? The second is unconsciously, they found themselves lost in this complicated alleyway, a little dizzy...

"There, there is movement in that direction!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, Surround yourself!"

"Hey, why does it feel like it's getting farther and farther...where is this?"


"Damn, this fog breaking , break the alley!" A bang. A cavalry squad who walked into a dead end looked at the thick wall in front of him, and slammed his fist on the alley beside him. scolded sullenly.

Such swearing is not accidental, it happens almost all the time. Shili Lane is too complicated. The cavalrymen who have just arrived and have no time to familiarize themselves with the terrain will feel a little dizzy when they come in. Coupled with the faint mist, even if they hear the warning sound, they are not far away. Turning a few lanes in that direction, I was stunned to find that I seemed to have strayed from my destination. Waiting for came back to his senses, I don't know where I am...

But it must be said that the number of cavalrymen who came in is quite large. Lost in the direction, but often the wrong move. For example, right now...

The squid cavalry just turned around helplessly, and saw a silhouette suddenly swept past him, "Who!" The woman and the man walked side by side on the woman's shoulders, but the speed was not affected at all.

The scene was stagnant for a moment. The cavalry squad first subconsciously turned to look at the silhouette running over. It was a middle-aged man in leather armor and covered in blood. His expression couldn't hide the panic and fear. He was staring blankly at the wall of the dead end, his face full of despair... Then he turned his head, looked towards the man and woman, "Team team..."

travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily. Seeing Tang En and Joah, who had been searching so hard, but now came to the door, the cavalry were excited, "Captain, it's them, it's them!"

The thunder roared, "Here! Kill!" After more than ten minutes of nothing, the little cavalry Captain naturally knew that they couldn't keep each other, so he roared violently, called the police, and then rushed forward with a knife, intending to hold the opponent for a while, so that the nearby companions would come to form a formation. encircle.

But Tang En didn't seem to hear it, he let go of the palm on Joah's shoulder, and stared at the rear of the cavalry squad, the middle-aged man who wanted to drag his injured leg and jump over the wall, stepped on. Before: "Anyway, he's an Assassin. Even if he has a bad reputation, he doesn't need to be a dog-leg in the official army. It's too disgraceful for us, so let me..." In front of the cavalry's sword, he jumped up abruptly, stepped on the surrounding walls sideways, and easily passed over the squid cavalry. To the top of middle-aged Assassin's head, step on it with one foot!

With a bang, the middle-aged Assassin subconsciously raised his hands to seal across the top. Although he held up the stampede, his body inevitably fell under the force, looking desperately close at hand. The wall is getting farther and farther away... He is very clear that the hope of life will be cut off!

Seeing that the squid cavalry in the rear didn't cut Tang En, the momentum couldn't help but look at Joah not far away, and his expression became excited again. After all, Joah is their real target, and obviously Joah seems to be better off than Tang En.

However, before the joy could hang on the corners of his mouth, Joah raised his arm a dozen paces away, and the cavalry Squad, who was striding forward, instantly fixed his charge posture, bowed his head in shock, and saw bursts of bursts. The white fog quickly spread to the knees along the boots, and then the chill was piercing the bones, and the white fog instantly turned into a crystal and solid ice block, connecting their legs and feet to the ground with the bright icy ground around them, and they couldn't move at all.

Yes, Joah's strength is indeed low compared to Tang En. But don't forget, she's also an Intermediate Magician anyway, not to mention anything else. Just stand in the same place and let it be chopped. This group of cavalry squads may not be able to chop off her magic shield...

The situation here is temporarily deadlocked. Tang En has indeed divided life and death. The strength of this middle-aged Assassin is not low, otherwise it is impossible to insist on fleeing here under the knife of Tang En, but that's all... Compared with the cavalry, Tang En hates these stalking Assassin colleagues even more , even more how I want to achieve the purpose of shocking, so naturally I see one kill one, see two kill one pair!

Panting quickly, "hū chī. You can't escape...you absolutely can't escape...hū chī...I'll be waiting for you in hell!" The middle-aged man clutched the dagger that pierced through his heart. Assassin's eyes were vicious and fierce.

"Alright, anyway, there is no one I know in heaven." Indifferently responded, Tang En turned the dagger seriously and slowly, and just before the blood spurted, he slapped the middle-aged Assassin with his palm. The chest, slammed like beaten leather, and the broken body flew out, poof, a large blood mist spurted out. Mixed in the thin white mist, adding a bit of gorgeous color.

Immediately. Boom... The earth and stones splashed, and the thick wall of the dead end at the rear suddenly cracked open, smashing a huge hole, submerging the body of the middle-aged Assassin.

"Who?""Be careful!""Uh...is it him?"

In an instant, a series of exclamations came from behind the hole, and there were silhouettes in the mist and dust. shaking. Needless to say, only the cavalry who came in to encircle and suppress it appeared at this time. Immediately, he probably recognized Tang En, shaking the silhouette and impatiently got out of the hole.

It's a pity that when they got into a dead end to chase after them, they were blocked by a cavalry comrade whose legs were frozen, and they could only watch Tang En and Joah disappear side by side again.


The encirclement and suppression continued. At this time, more than a thousand cavalrymen had completely dispersed, covering almost every corner of Shili Lane, and a dense encirclement network was formally formed.

This situation is undoubtedly unfavorable for Tang En and the two. It has become pointless to divert and flee, because no matter where you go, you are likely to run into pursuers. But Joah felt extremely at ease at the moment, surrounded by an unprecedented sense of security...

To be honest, Joah didn't know about Tang En's realm. Just know that it's very high, and the average powerhouse can't compete with it. But how high it is, there is no concept. On the contrary, what she knew all too well was the strength of the army. The superstructure of Grey Cloth Armed Force is special. From a certain point of view, the authority of Joah as the leader is higher than that of the king of Titus Kingdom, and he has an unquestionable absolute authority. The same is true for the army. From a nominal point of view, the former Marshal of Aumont and the current Frey are the highest manager of the army. But if Joah wanted to intervene, whether it was Ormont Frey or the thousands of Grey Cloth Armed Force soldiers, they would only follow her orders. So she is really no stranger to the army.

This way, it came from the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. The Grey Cloth Armed Force has not encountered experts. Titus officers and soldiers are absolutely thousands, and it is normal to have a few experts in the army. But in the face of the majestic and overwhelming army in imposing manner, the so-called expert is actually no different from ordinary soldiers on the battlefield. But under the grand strategy, the so-called impact is actually controllable. One round of arrows raining down and ten rounds of soldiers attacking is really not enough. Using heavy battlefield weapons such as Thor's Hammer to bomb a large area, etc., can always make the so-called expert disappeared. , died tragically and solemnly...

It is the norm on the battlefield to use more to fight less, and to bully the few with the crowd!

It is precisely because of this that Joah tried his best to use the mist magic, knowing that the effect of mist magic is limited - it can help a little bit, a little bit better. The truth is that, but now, Joah vaguely realizes that he seems to think too much...

Put at first, the Titus soldiers are like the tide on the riverside, rushing forward one after another. But Tang En is like a towering dam that locks the river across the river. As long as it hits it, it will be smashed into sand and broken into pieces!

Joah didn't know where he was in Shili Lane. Because of the tight schedule, the thousands of cavalrymen were not familiar with the terrain, and they didn't have time. But her husband seems to be very clear. He took her to stop and go, turn straight, never walked into a dead end, and never made a mistake to be forced to death. He walked calmly, as if he was visiting his own backyard, and he was very familiar...

Joah doesn't know how many people Tang En killed. He only knows that the statement of Ten Steps To Kill One Person is definitely not just an exaggeration, but it's far too much... and so far, My husband was not injured or gasping for breath, but he was more or less stained with blood, and his expression became more and more rigid and indifferent. Will stop, as long as the enemy is still there...

Taking a deep breath, Joah felt a little worried, even slightly afraid.

It's not that Joah has never seen a murder. Since she was determined to leave home from a small southern town, she has been accustomed to death along the way, enemies, relatives and friends, etc. But Rao is so, she has never seen such a simple and casual killing... Or, it should not be called killing, but a job, a very ordinary job, like making bread. Gather the raw materials, mix the noodles, put the seasonings, and occasionally sprinkle some sesame seeds or something... in an orderly manner, easy and freehand. When the finished products come out, that is, when the dagger pulls out the death blade from the enemy's body, his husband will get a sense of accomplishment in his work, the corners of his mouth will be slightly raised, and he will laugh silently like a nervous laugh, as if enjoying... …

Joah doesn’t hate killing people, and of course, he doesn’t like it much either. But that's it, she also has to admit that Tang En's killing methods and scenes are really beautiful.

Awesome! Breathtakingly beautiful! Also beautiful is chilling!

Because it's too concise, so it can't be called brutality, it's basically a knife in silence, and even blood is rarely seen... Even if there is, it's mostly called by Tang En Stop it, the new clothes under her magic shield are indeed as new as before when they were joking!

But Joah knew very well that if he didn't see it, it didn't mean he didn't. She believed that the ten-mile-long alley behind her should have been reduced to a sea of blood by now...

Finally, after the dagger penetrated a certain cavalry's eyebrows again, Joah bit his lip, "Tang En..." paused, looking at Tang En who turned his head among the corpses on the floor, the little red blood beads hanging on his cheeks, suddenly couldn't speak.

"Huh?" He was startled, his indifferent expression was relieved, and he seemed to have sensed what Joah was thinking. Tang En raise hand wiped the blood from his face, the corner of his mouth rose, and a bright smile, "Oh, call me husband."

"Ha..." Joah also laughed, she knew that her worries were all unnecessary, her husband was not lost, and he would play tricks, obediently and lightly nodded, "Well, husband..."


…………(To be continued..)

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