
(ps: personal experience, cut off the appendix, in a period of time, the immunity will decline. So, civet cat It's so watery again... Fever, just a little fever, absolutely can't beat the civet cat! Aaahhhh ah!!!)

After a quarter of an hour, the rumbling, tall city gate was hit by several sturdy tree trunks one after another, It slammed down, throwing up a lot of dust.

The next moment, battallion's cavalry, ready to attack, swung their swords, roared and rushed into the city, quickly occupying a favorable strategic position near the city gate... Then, staring blankly at everything in the field of vision, The raised sword can't be swung down... Where is the enemy?

Let's not talk about overall strength, just in terms of military strength, Grey Cloth Armed Force is far from Titus. This is the reality and cannot be disputed. So now the strategy of the Grey Cloth Armed Force is to attack, to replace the defense with the attack, to attack unremittingly, to strive for as much time as possible for the upcoming stalemate stage, and to fight to support the war! Therefore, except for Shanhai City, a large rear base, all the towns occupied by the Grey Cloth Armed Force these days did not have any extra troops to garrison.

Of course, it is impossible not to have any troops at all. After all, even to maintain the stability of the city, it is necessary to put some fully armed soldiers on the surface for shock and deterrence. So right now, there are no soldiers near the city gate, which is the most important city defense. It is undoubtedly abnormal...

The horseshoe stepped on the pig iron city gate, making a crisp sound, "Fighting in the streets. ? hehe, I really haven't left, but I have several points of courage." Rubbing the hourglass in his hand, Bretta glanced at the empty city gate, chuckled nodded, and waved his hand at will, "If that's the case, then let's wait. What. Give my orders, go in. Solve the battle in three quarters of minutes."

"Yes!" This is a simple battle similar to catching a turtle in a jar. At least that's right, according to Britta and the others. The command is down. Several Advanced officers saluted, and immediately led their subordinate cavalry into the city, besieging the four urban areas along the main road.

"Let's go, it's time for us to enter the city. Although it's a battle with no challenges, it's also a battlefield after all, and what we need to do has to be done... Well, where is the tallest building in the city?" The person who sets the plan has super control**. They also have the habit of doing everything by themselves. Bretta is no exception, so although he doesn't think the other party can play any tricks, he still habitually asks about his position in the overall situation.

"In the East City District, there is a Book Collection Pavilion on the fourth layer there, General." What kind of generals lead what kind of soldiers, seems to have long expected their own generals to ask this question , the adjutant on the side replied without the slightest hesitation .

"Lead the way ahead, and I will bring Assassin, who is still the leader of the city, to meet me later. Every bit of strength has its uses, and it must be used... By the way, call the soldiers Be careful. Don't mess up the formation. No matter what method the opponent uses, but since he can kill more than 100 Assassins. It must have real ability, and there is no big mistake in being careful..."

Waiting for Bretta After the rambling explanation, "General." The expert in the army called Fitch came with a strange expression carrying a wooden cabinet with a sound transmission array, "He wants to talk to you."

"He?" Stunned for a moment, Bretta quickly reacted, leaning over to the wooden cabinet, "Is something wrong?"

"Yo, it's done... Hello, Your Excellency Breta, breakfast Have you eaten yet? If you haven't, there's some bread for you under the sculpture in the square in the city. If you go early, it should still be hot."

"Uh, thank you...do you already know my name?" Startled for a while, Bretta glanced at Fitch, who shook his head, indicating that he didn't say it himself, "Understood, it's the captured scouts. Well, but at this time, shouldn't you be hiding somewhere in the city? Are you praying that you won't be found immediately? You dare to talk to me... Or, do you want to surrender? Oh, better don't do this, it's not something that can be discussed with a few loaves of bread. Or I hope you can come up with it Come on, it will be interesting, right?"

"Hehe, you misunderstood, Your Excellency Breta." A rigid voice without any emotion came from the sound transmission. , "This call is just to inform you that we are waiting here at Shili Lane, Nancheng District. Please come over quickly, it won't be late."

Bletta raised her eyebrows when she heard the words: "Ha, I like the phrase "don't wait when it's too late...let me guess, you have limited troops and know that you can't hold a city, you just want to hold a small area and fight to the death. Of course, that's not your real purpose. It's just to attract attention. , so that your leader has time to escape, right?"

When the words fell, the sound transmission array was silent for a while, and after a while, the other party sighed, "you truly think too much...wife... , come over to say hello, he said you ran away."

A female voice interjected, "Ah, hello, Your Excellency Breta...what should I say?"

"Whatever La, oh, no. It's king to king, so it's really domineering."

"Why didn't you say it earlier, I asked you just now... Okay, let me think about it... "


Listening to the trivial discussions from the sound transmission circle, Bretta c orner of the mouth twitched, brows slightly wrinkle, some doubts. He found that he couldn't see through each other a bit, which didn't feel very good. If there is a rebel leader among these two people, it would be unreasonable to take such a relaxed attitude... Could it be that the other party really has a comeback? Or, pretending to be easy?

Being in shock, the female voice over there seemed to have thought of something, indifferently said, "General Bretta, if you take someone out of Pia City right now, I can pretend that you haven't been here."

The sound coming out of the sound transmission array is a little distorted. Coupled with the faint sincerity and compassion in these words, it is really a domineering leak!

"Nice job!" Slap, it should be a high-five, then, "Then, see you later, Sayanara."

I was stunned, wanting to say something but The other side had obviously cut off the call, and Bretta slowly straightened up, frowning not only not relieved, but heavier, as if there were some new doubts.

"General, shall we... continue to enter the city?"

"Of course, ignore him, and proceed according to our previous plan. By the way, send someone to the sculpture in the square in the city. Let's see, if those breads are clean, bring them back, after all, it's also a piece of mind..."

paused, Bretta shook his head, looked towards the expert in the army, "I still can't figure it out. Ah! Fitch, do you know what he meant by Nashashala just now? And on the first call, he also said a lot of strange things... Is it a code word? We have a traitor around us? Think It doesn't work..."

...No way, people who care about everything are so fond of digging into the horns.


Nancheng District, Shili Lane.

Shili Lane, as the name suggests, is a long alley with ten miles in length. Of course, the actual length is impossible so accurate, but listening to the name also knows what the terrain is like here.

Other World's urban planning is mostly bad. Large cities are better, and some small towns are a bit unbearable. In addition, Nancheng District is synonymous with slums, so it is not difficult to understand everything in disorder and alleys as long as ten li or so.

Outside the alley, Joah slowly opened his eyes, raised his hand and pointed to the north: "In that direction, about three miles away, there were signs of magical fluctuations just now."

Tang En heard the words looked towards David and the others beside him: "Be quick in your hands and feet, and pull out the eyeliner in the city as soon as possible." Since he decided to directly meet the enemy, the first thing to do is of course to solve the surveillance situation next to him. Among them, manual surveillance is easy to clear, and Tang En is extremely sensitive to the sight that falls on him.

apart from this , because of the characteristics of the sound transmission array—a magic array will be arranged every three or five miles for transit. In other words, there are fixed surveillance points of military scouts in many places in the city. This is what must be cleared. Otherwise, no matter what the battle is like, the entire city will always be under the opponent's field of vision. will be extremely passive.

Fortunately, Joah is a genuine Magician, and the brief call with Bretta just now was enough for her to sense the last transfer point connected to the sound transmission array beside her. Knowing this, the next step is David and the others. It is not unimaginable to extort confessions by torture and follow through, and unplug all the sound transmission circles in the city.

"Relax, Boss." nodded, David and the others quickly disappeared in the northern alley. There were only Tang En and Joah left in the field, "I hope everything goes well." Taking a breath, Joah raised his head and looked towards the Beicheng District, with a few worries flashing in his eyes, "There are too few troops in the city, Victor and the others. It won't last long."

Tang En shrugged lightly: "Well, wife, do you know what kind of people are the most stupid in this world?"

"Which kind? ?"

"It's this kind of idiot who clearly knows that the other party is an Assassin who can't be provoked, but he still takes the initiative to send it to the door." curl one's lip, Tang En squinted at the dust rising over the street in the distance , pulled Joah's arm, backed away and dodged into the incomparably complex road behind him.

Tang En and Joah will stay here until all sound transmission circles in the city are dismantled. In other words, next, this Shili Lane is destined to become a sea of blood!

…………(To be continued..)

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