
The chaos in the streets came suddenly and went away quickly.

For ordinary passers-by, they only heard three loud bangs above their heads. At most, they were startled by the broken signboards and glass on both sides of the road. They did not suffer actual damage, let alone See the scene of arrow attack and assassination. Therefore, there was no follow-up movement after half a sound, especially after seeing the battalion Grey Cloth Armed Force soldiers who came to hear the sound, I couldn't help but calm down, and the chaotic scene quickly subsided.

At this time, Tang En's group had long since disappeared from this street, and came to another commercial street that is not lacking in Shanhai City, and continued to go shopping in high spirits.

Of course, it wasn't so peaceful after that.

The previous consecutive raids seemed to have officially kicked off the assassination, whether it was strolling in shops, stopping at roadside stalls to taste delicious snacks, or walking in crowds, etc., as long as it was Wherever Tang En and Joah went, various assassinations followed, one after another displayed, like a lively and practical encyclopedia of assassination scenes.

It's just different from the long-range raids that made big noises like before. Most of the stabbing Assassin segments happen in subtle places, and the fish release the cold killing intent without jumping in the water. This is the normal style of Assassin. . Of course, in the end, calm and tranquil were drowned in the hustle and bustle of the world, and no one heard of it...

It is like a stage play that has long set the direction of the script, and abides by certain tacit rules. You come to assassinate, and I will kill you. Come very quiet and go very quiet. Each depends on ability, and each has his destiny!

Such a strange and harmonious scene made Victor and the others who were following behind them dumbfounded, and their hearts felt mixed. Quite unpleasant. If summed up. Mostly shock and humiliation!

The shock is easy to understand. First, it is shocked by Assassin's various thorn Assassin sections, Camouflage skills with no weak spot, and the ruthless characters with amazing strength that appear from time to time. The second is to be shocked by the ability of the guy called Nilaohong to see through it at a glance, face the essence, and then solve it calmly.

On the street, I greeted with a smile on my face, thinking it was an acquaintance, but when I passed by, I broke the other person's neck...

Beside the roadside stall, handing money in one hand. He took over the flavored snacks in one hand, and he was boasting that Boss's craftsmanship was exquisite and the food had an attractive aroma. But the next moment directly shoved the tempting snack into the opponent's mouth, and smiled and watched the opponent's face turn blue, turn black, and spit foam...

Stopped to see a street grass platform team, on the stage The clown randomly invited someone to play a trick of making a big living person. As a result, the curtain was drawn, and the trick was successful. He and the leader came out, but the Joker was gone...


Honestly, that's how things turned out. Even Victor, who was full of confidence before, couldn't help his heart skip a beat. It was very clear in my heart that if it was just them to accompany Joah to go shopping today. It seems, it should be... well, definitely can't go back.

This does not mean that they are incompetent, it can only say that they are in the military to deal with this kind of situation and are naturally at a disadvantage. In fact, at first would not have allowed Joah to leave the City Lord's house if they were the only ones guarding. In other words, even if you leave, it will be the direct force of the army, the cavalry will clear the way, the scouts will patrol, and all the surrounding risk factors will simply be eliminated... Of course, it is not random shopping, but inspecting the territory...

As for humiliation, As said before, the more graceful Tang En is, the more ashamed and unable to show one's face they are. To know that they are the real guards, that guy is at best a playmate and mischief by the way.

But now what?

This Nilao bang made the way and crushed it all the way, directly strangling all kinds of dangers in the bud Condition. But they can only foolishly follow behind and be a spectator, oh, and by the way, they also carry corpses and carry things part-time...

This Fuck, there is no such thing as slap in the face...


Later, Victor and the others simply became numb. shop? Keep going. shopping? Carry a bag. Dead again? Oh, let's go to carry... what, lack of people? Fuck , is it our turn finally! Oh, it's the person who lacks the corpse... What, wait, I'll go back and call someone...

What a shame!


In the evening, the sunset will be gone. Just when Victor and the others passively got acquainted with most of Shanhai City's commercial streets, women's clothing brand stores, and the city's special attractions, and found several soldiers patrolling dead ends, that is, the places where Assassin assassinated, they began to get serious. When considering whether they are suitable for the line of guarding or not, or they still want to go back to the army, Tang En and Joah finally stretched their backs and proposed to return to the City Lord's mansion...

“ Go back, are you sure the leader and the others have gone back?" Victor, who went back for the third time and called someone to carry the corpse, asked with a serious face as he looked at the relieved soldiers in front of him.

"Yes, Commander. I'm sure of the one who called the car to leave!"

"Fu...Finally..." Rubbing his eyebrows, Victor took a long breath, only The cheeks that had been burning for a long time finally cooled down. Then, with a grin, Fiercely said, "Mom, go back and call up the staff immediately, and find me the most professional people to come to train, train, and train!"

"Uh... yes." The soldier replies with a sullen face.

He waved his hand, "Go, where are those damn...dead Assassin's corpses just now? I've dealt with them and hurry back...by the way!" Step one stopped, Victor's eyes twitched, said solemnly , "Go on, what happened today is rotten in my stomach, I can't afford to lose that person!"

"Yes." We can't afford to lose that person after being a spectator for a long time...

"Yes." p>

The follow-up epilogue was handled very quickly, mainly because after half a day of silent and frantic killings, fewer and fewer Assassins dared to make a move. In fact, later, if it wasn't for Tang En looking really harmless to humans and animals, the weak spot around Joah's guards was plentiful and easily available, which was really tempting, and Assassin, who was extremely alert to danger, wouldn't make it one after the other. a move ......

Watching the last corpse put into the bag and carried into the black curtain carriage, Victor waved to the driver: "Go, remember to say hello to the brother at city gate, Go out of the city and find a place to bury it... Well, it's almost there, click on the staff to go back."

The atmosphere of going back was a bit dull, like the sunset that gradually dimmed in the sky. To be honest, bodyguards don't know what mood they should be in right now. It stands to reason that so many Assassin have been destroyed. Greatly reduces the security risks in the city. It's not too much for them to have a celebration feast. But thinking about everything that happened in the afternoon and the roles they played in it, I couldn't be more happy...

For a moment, a self-deprecating remark broke the silence, "Although it's shameful enough, at least In the future, the guarding of our City Lord's mansion will be much easier, right? Hehe..." Under the focus of the silent gazes around him, the laughter became weaker and weaker, and finally the embarrassment stopped.

Immediately. Probably because of the good relationship with the speaker, one of the guards eased the atmosphere and said: "You said, that guy... um, how many Assassins did your Excellency kill in a long time? I don't think anyone dared to attack the leader in the last hour. Wouldn't he have already killed Assassin in the city?" After all, he was his own, and with the record here, even if everyone had a lot of resentment towards Tang En, they had to be polite at this time.

"Killing all the Impossible, isn't that Your Excellency still scared away a lot. But, um. After a long time of shock, Assassin in the city wants to do it again. If you think about it, you have to think about the consequences first... ..."

"Yeah, slaughtering all the evil in the city in half a day, it's just... terrifying! Where the hell did this guy come from? Is there such a person in the Grey Cloth Armed Force?"


"I heard that it came from a secret agency..."

"That's not right. Most of the secret agencies are old people from the original Grey Cloth Armed Force. I've never heard of it."

"Is it a new addition? That's a good thing. Your Excellency must have... well, Advanced Martial Artist skills?"

"Just kidding, what's the strength of those Assassins today? What about now? I guess Earth Rank!"

"Well, maybe it's Sky Rank..."

"Haha, that's a bit of an exaggeration. How much can the entire continent Sky Rank powerhouse be, how can it be so easy to see?"


… …

"cough cough!" Just as the atmosphere became more intense, the middle-aged Guard Captain who was walking beside Victor looked at the former's gloomy face, coughed a few times, said solemnly: "I'm very proud No matter how good your performance is, it is also someone else's honor. You should compare our own actions for half a day now, isn't it shameful enough?"

After a while, he glanced at everyone, and the atmosphere around him suddenly changed. Yisu, then continued, "Besides, no matter how strong your strength is, it is inevitable that you will be sparse. That Your Excellency is not without mistakes today."

"Uh... yes, yes?" After watching the half-hearted anti-assassination scene of Heavenly God, everyone heard the words and couldn't come back to his senses for a while, only to think that the person in the impression really didn't miss it. As long as Assassin got close to the leader, if he hadn't been scared away by his words, he would have been lying dead.

"Nonsense, just think about the Assassin who just started attacking our Assassin with arrows outside the shop."

Everyone suddenly remembered that there was such a situation, but they were somewhat dissatisfied. . After half a day, that Assassin was indeed the only lucky one who could escape his life when he made a move to the leader. However, if combined with the actual situation at the time, the opponent was a long-range surprise attack, and if he missed a hit, he would immediately escape. Here, Nilao missed the arrow and couldn't leave the leader's side, so naturally he couldn't come forward to chase and kill. This is a miss, it's really reluctant...

Step one stopped, Victor seemed to think of something, frowned and turned his head: "Wait, you just said that the archery Assassin...the one that shot on the wall Has the arrow branch been taken down?"

"Uh, probably not. At that time, the leader was in a hurry to go shopping, so we followed. Well, it's around here..." Turning to look at the surrounding environment, that The middle-aged Guard Captain asked, "Would you like to send someone to take it down?"

The current mountain and sea city is the most stable, although an arrow stick nailed to the wall can't explain anything, but the surrounding people I feel a little uneasy after watching it... Waved his hand, Victor said, "Go now, we'll wait here."



It was indeed in the vicinity, and soon, the two guards who were dispatched came back smoothly. But what they brought back was not just a broken arrow, but also a corpse strung on it...

Leaning over to look at the already cold black clothed corpse, the dried blood, Victor was stunned. Startled: "What's the matter?"

"It's that Assassin! Commander..." Licking his lips, the guard excitedly took out a longbow and the end of the broken arrow, his voice trembling. , said incoherently, "When we went over, we found that the arrow had shot through the wall. The end of the arrow was nailed to the outer wall, and the front end of the arrow was cut off by the root... We searched in the vicinity, and only then did we The body of Assassin was found in the depths of the roadway dozens of meters away... This guy is really a ruthless character. His body was shot through by an arrow, and he should still be hanging in the air. He even pulled out a short blade and cut off the arrow behind him. Zhi... That's right! If I guessed correctly, it was the process of cutting arrows that caused him to lose too much blood, so he couldn't escape smoothly..."

"wait a moment, my mind is a little confused. Take care, wait a moment..." With the patted head, the middle-aged Guard Captain pointed to the corpse on the ground, frowned and analyzed, "You mean, this person is the archery Assassin who attacked us from a long distance before... That is to say, at that time, Nilao slammed his hand and swung his arrow, constantly penetrating the wall, and also nailing the retreating Assassin inside the wall?"

The words fell, and everyone around looked at each other in dismay , Qi Qi was speechless.

"Yes, yes, that's what I said. Miracle! No, Divine Vestige, absolutely Divine Vestige! Fortunately, there is no one who lives around that alley, it is relatively remote, this Assassin chose the sneak attack location. It's not unreasonable to be there, and I didn't frighten who when I died...Uh, what's wrong with you, Captain?" After a brief pause, he supported the middle-aged Guard Captain whose figure was swaying in the distance, and asked aloud.

"No, nothing, it's a little messy, just a little messy..."

Holding his forehead, the middle-aged Guard Captain stared blankly at the swallowed saliva soldiers around him. He turned his head to look at Victor with a sullen face. After a while, he asked extremely dryly, "Commander, you said... Should we retire?"

...... (To be continued..)

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