
A little interlude, sending Victor, who realized he didn’t ask questions, Tang En and Joah along This main commercial road continues to chat and stroll forward.

"Tang, your temper seems to be getting better now."

"Oh? hehe, you are expert now, of course, you must be expert, and then compete with some ordinary minor characters, I can't afford to lose that person." After stroking his hair, Tang En put on an expert's most lonesome and slender look.

"Really..." Joah blinked, "Are you sure you don't have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex?"

"Uh... I'll go!" After a while, Tang En opened his mouth and stared blankly, and the image of expert instantly collapsed without a trace. Immediately stroked his forehead, didn't know whether to cry or laugh and said, "Comrade Xiao Qiao, you can ignore my character, but you can't insult my taste! Although that Assassin did some Camouflage just now, in fact Age status is a big aunt. Don't you know my taste? It's too heavy..."

This is of course just a joke, and after going on, Tang En explained slightly, "human beings will die for riches, birds die in pursuit of food. Such an Assassin is like a crossing river carp, and the killing is endless. The best situation is to kill a few ruthless characters, scare away most of the small characters, and finally carry out a unified cleaning ...Well, if everything goes well, the situation will be much better."

killing the chicken to warn the monkey , which is Tang En's plan. There is nothing new, but the advantage is that the effect is quick and the cycle is short.

Gently nodding, Joah suddenly looked a little wistful, as if he didn't care about these things, and seemed to have absolute confidence in Tang En. His eyes drooped slightly, and he said abruptly, "However, my temper seems to be getting worse and worse..."


"Perhaps it's not that simple temper, but It's my nature that is constantly changing. Or. Ugly things are constantly being exposed..." He stretched his make a move palm. White jade in the light. The corners of Joah's mouth were slightly raised, and he laughed at himself with a smile, "Do you believe it, these hands and this mouth, just a little movement will cause countless deaths, no matter how good or bad, whether they are willing or not..."

Tang En tilted his head and thought. Seriously: "This is a war."

"Somewhat not." Shaking his head slightly, Joah pointed to the city in front of him, and said calmly, "For example, a few days ago, in order to stabilize the situation as soon as possible, I entered the city and left The order is not to take prisoners, there are those who are Concealment Titus soldiers, the same crime! Hehe, killing prisoners is war, but what about the ordinary people who provide the Titus soldiers with a place of Concealment? You must know that most of the guard soldiers' homes are in this city, so a Come on. Of course parents have to hide their sons, and of course wives have to hide their husbands... But there is no way. What should I do, the order has been given, and taking it back will chill the hearts of our soldiers, so we can only kill, keep killing... ..."

took a deep breath and held the palm handed by Tang En, Joah raised his head and asked with a wink, "Tang, you said, is this also a war?"

Tang En did not answer, in fact, did not need to answer. Tang En believes that Joah can figure out the relationship between them, and he can selectively forget and ignore it no matter how bad it is. This is not cold-blooded, but the necessary rationality of a leader. The reason why I mention it now is just because of my own existence. Seven Emotions and Six Desires, such is human nature. The stronger you are in front of outsiders, the more defenseless and even weaker you are in front of acquaintances. It is a self-regulation and balance. So, Tang En just tightened Joah's palm and listened quietly.

Sure enough, after a while, "Ha, look at me, obviously I was out shopping, but now I mention such a boring thing..." Inhaling and shrugging, Joah said apologetically with a smile, as if it was just casually nothing. serious.

"It's alright, um..." Tang En naturally wouldn't break it down, he glanced around, pointed to a tall statue in the distance, and changed the subject, "I'm a little curious, how did you deal with it? Those gangsters? Kill them all?"

"What? Oh, the church, of course not all." Joah looked up at the towering Light God statue in the distance, sly laughed, "You must know that those magic sticks are the best trauma healers, of course, they are all conscripted."

"Understood, use waste."

"Ha, it is That's it. And the statue, I wanted to push it down immediately after entering the city, but I kept it for the sake of taking care of the psychological feelings of the citizens in the city... Let me tell you secretly, we plan to destroy it in the name of Titus deserters in a few days. It saves the eyes from looking at it all day, ha..."

The Liangzi of Grey Cloth Armed Force and Light God Temple has grown up, and now that there is a chance for revenge, he will naturally try his best to return it. This is why Tang En never looked for trouble with the Light God Temple after he killed the holy light city. He knew that when the Grey Cloth Armed Force came out, the foundation of the Light God Temple would be completely wiped out, which was comparable to killing some people. Much more to use.

After chatting like this, Joah quickly adjusted his mood. When he raised his head, he just came to the door of a large clothing store with three facades. The colors are colorful and dazzling, and it seems to be very tempting to go in and consume, especially for women.

Looking up at the shop sign, Joah knew nodded: "No wonder, it turned out to be a Feng-Karen women's clothing shop."

Tang En did not do much research on women's clothing, but as a Assassin, who needs to know a little about everything, also knows that Von Kailun is one of the Peak brands of Other World women's clothing, and he said, "Go in and have a look?" Wallet, vent your emotions. Tang En decided to copy it and put it on Joah to see how it works.

"Yes." Joah didn't refuse, nodded walked in with Tang En. The guards in the rear were followed by Victor with a few people after the division of labor was done.

The interior of the store is very large, and the decoration is also very delicate and elegant. There is even a piano player in one corner. The tune is soothing and pleasant, and the atmosphere is quite good. But relatively speaking, there are not many guests here. A few idle young waiters gathered by the door and chatted about something, which seemed a little quiet and deserted.

Seeing Tang En and Joah come in, a waitress greeted him with a professional smile, but after seeing the rear hurried up, the fully armed Victor and the others quickly scattered around. , there was a meal immediately at the foot, and a few hints of hesitation and fear flashed on his face.

The one who can still wear armor in today's Shanhai City can only be the Grey Cloth Armed Force. Although the performance of Grey Cloth Armed Force after entering the city is not bad, but for ordinary citizens. It is best to stay away if you can not deal with each other.

Tang En didn't mind waving his hands when he saw this. "I'll call you again if I need to." The waitress immediately relaxed when she heard the words. After a courtesy, he quickly stepped back to the side.

The topic of chat between the waiters just now seemed to be the Grey Cloth Armed Force. Now that the main lord came to the door, it was naturally wise to shut up. For a time, only the extremely soothing music could be heard in the store, which added a bit of an elegant and quiet atmosphere.

Although the environment is quiet, the dazzling Victor and the others are like sharks breaking into the shallow stream, and some guests' faces suddenly changed when they saw it. A few people left in a hurry.

The people who can spend here are naturally wealthy and wealthy people. And in the city right now, it is this type of group that is most afraid of the Grey Cloth Armed Force. Let’s not talk about it for a while, let’s just say that the signboard inviting the people to vote for the trial of the aristocratic nobles is still standing in every street...

Fortunately, the front of this shop is indeed big enough, Joah and Tang En are now Only on one side, it didn't alert all the guests, otherwise the owner and waiter would be very depressed.

Tang En and Joah have seen this a lot along the way, so naturally they don't care, but Joah buys something every time he enters the store. It is a kind of secret compensation, and this time is no exception.

“How about this one?” Joah picked up a sleek black cotton top. turned and asked.

Tang En did not rush to answer, but raised his eyebrows and asked: "You seem to only like pure colors? I think most of your clothes are like this."

He tilted his head and thought. Thinking, "Is there? Well, maybe it's because of wearing too many magic robes, hehe...why, this one doesn't look good?"

"How could it be, it's beautiful!" Thumbs up, someone is born to be a clothes rack, like Joah. It's just that she used to wear a robe before, covering up her slender figure. Now the concept seems to have changed a bit, from robes and long skirts to simple clothes and trousers, a little less simple, and a little more mature and capable.

"Really?" Women have always been resistant to compliments, especially if they come from someone they like. Joah is no exception. Although her tone is questioning, her slightly narrowed smile still reveals her joy.

"Of course!" Tang En touched the chin and looked up and down again, "But the size of this dress seems to be a little smaller, and it lacks a pair of trousers to match... eh, waiter?" With a snap of his fingers, he invited the waiter who had been waiting for a long time.

After knowing the problem, the young waitress replied respectfully: "Dear guest, please rest assured. Our store has a complete range of sizes for all types of clothing. Even if it is out of stock, it can be urgently transferred from other places to satisfy All your needs. As for the matching pants, if you don't mind, I can ask the resident designer to give you advice."

Tang En satisfied nodded: "Thank you, that's it, change to a bigger size first. Try on a size sized top, and then ask the designer. By the way, the changing room here..."

"Please come with me."

It's high-end after all. In a shop, the place to change clothes is naturally not a curtain and it is finished, but a long row of compartments at the back of the shop, which seems very stylish.

At this time, several men were already waiting here, apparently a female companion was changing clothes inside. But women, of course, the speed of changing clothes is not fast, so these men can only get together and chat casually. However, after seeing Tang En and the others, especially Victor and the others who followed, the voices suddenly stopped, the complexity greatly changed, and they stepped back again and again, thinking that if there were no female companions here, they would immediately Choose to leave.

Looking around like a falcon, Victor couldn't help but frowned. After all, this is a women's dressing room, so it's not appropriate to check one by one. And if there are people inside, it is not easy for him to enter. But if you don't check, then of course it won't work. Anyway, it's all to blame for that damn guy...

Glancing at Tang En again, Victor's face was sullen, and he was about to put his face to check one by one. But then Joah shook his head in this direction, obviously signaling them not to approach.

After hesitating for a while, Victor was about to keep insisting. The waitress had already changed into a shirt that was one size larger. Seeing this, Tang En pushed open a compartment and glanced at it. Not a small space, with a long mirror and a seat. obvious at a glance , that's all.

Bending and waving her hand in an inviting gesture, "Please, beautiful lady." "Hehe..." Joah walked into the cubicle with his clothes, turned to Tang En and smiled, closing the wooden door.

"Your Excellency, if you have no other requirements, I'll ask the designer to come over now..."

"No hurry." Waving his hand, Tang En said calmly, "You just now Saying that this place can meet all the needs of the guests?"

"Yes, as long as there are requirements for clothing..."

Shaking his head, "It has nothing to do with clothing, but you should be able to do it. Here. Well, this luthier is good, can I order a tune?" Tang En asked, putting his index finger around his ear, indicating the soothing piano tune.

"Huh?" The waitress was stunned when she heard the words, apparently not expecting such a demand. After reacting to it, her expression was a little weird, nodded, "Of course, which song is it?"

"Thank you, just order the Death God Sonata. Now, here's your tip."

"Okay, thank you... eh?" , the waitress raised her head blankly, looked at Tang En's indifferent expression, and blinked in disbelief, "Yes, I'm sorry, I may... Maybe I heard it wrong, which song did you just say?"

“Death God Sonata, thank you!”

…………(To be continued..)

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