
ps: Bow down to thank the book friends "Chaos Zero", "Shadow Sniper", "Dark White Shadow", "Laughter" Too elegant" reward~!

The arrival of Tang En, Lina and other strong aids, as well as the Tiger Roar Legion deployment token, documents, etc., like pie falling from the sky, undoubtedly brought a huge surprise to Joah. What followed, naturally, was the resulting busyness.

The fighter plane was fleeting, and after a few words of greeting, the thin monkey immediately hurried out of the city with the token document. Joah led Lena, David and the others to settle down. By the way, he arranged new identities for a few of them, probably secret agency personnel or the like, and introduced them to the senior members of the Grey Cloth Armed Force here. As for Tang En...

Behind the City Lord's mansion, Tang En, led by the middle-aged officer who had passed on before, walked through several corridors and came to a single, heavily guarded cubicle.

Soft rugs, sophisticated wall lighting, heavy red-brown wood doors that are expensive to build. Tang En glanced roughly and knew that this should be the place where the former City Lord level characters rested during their work. Or, it is a secret place to study the great cause of human creation with assistants and subordinates...

Of course, now that this place is occupied by the Grey Cloth Armed Force, naturally there is no such thing as everything in disorder. . But what hasn't changed is that the one who lives here is also a great character! A great character in Grey Cloth Armed Force!

This can be seen from the battallion, the elite guard battallion, who guards the surrounding with full of Essence, Qi, and Spirit.

The atmosphere here is inexplicably cold and depressing, getting closer, the whole corridor is like an ice cellar, gloomy. The middle-aged officer stepped forward to negotiate with a guard in a low voice, and the latter glanced at Tang En. Nominate. Reach out and gently push open the rear wooden door.

"Master Marshal just ate something. You can go in before you fall asleep... However, the doctor told you to rest more, so you'd better come out quickly." Of course the guard knew this Officer Nian, should also know that this meeting is the meaning of the leader of Joah, but the words are still cold, and it seems that he is not very reluctant to visit Tang En's.

Tang En didn't get angry when he heard this, and nodded to the guard. Taking a breath, he walked into the room.

As soon as I came in, I didn't wait to look at the luxurious interior of the house, and I was greeted by a strong medical smell. Tang En brows slightly wrinkle, looking at the wide bed against the wall on the left, looking at the thin figure half leaning against the head of the bed.

It was an old man with white hair, his eyes were slightly closed, and his face covered with age spots was gray. But Rao is so. From that seemingly powerless reclining posture, but still trying to straighten his back, he could still feel an iron Blood Qi that was not angry and arrogant.

Frey is a quasi-marshal. But now outsiders call him General Frey. In today's Grey Cloth Armed Force, there is only one person who can be called a marshal, and that is the old marshal of Aumont!

The former general of the Titus regular army, after being brought to the Grey Cloth Armed Force by Losa, has been a professional leader in the army. For several decades, he has led the weak Grey Cloth Armed to win. The Force soldiers run around and travel thousands of miles, and their status and merits are in the Grey Cloth Armed Force. Except for Luosha, there is no second person to think about it!

It's just a pity... since ancient times, famous generals are like beautiful women, and they are not allowed to see white heads in the world.

Tang En shook his head sadly, his eyes drooping slightly, and he was deeply saddened when he saw the old Marshal Au Meng, who had a burly laugh and a burly figure in his impression, and now he was lying like a dry tree in the wind.

It's just a year of trifling, the old Grey Cloth Armed Force old men in the past, and now there are a few left...

It seems to have noticed something, the reclining Aumen brows Slightly wrinkle, slowly opened the drooping eyelids, the old in the eyes were cloudy, looking at Tang En's eyes first blank, then suddenly, the corner of the mouth raised slightly, softly said with a smile: "hehe, you brat is finally here. "

Tang En also chuckled when he heard the words, not surprised. He stepped forward a few steps to the bedside, bowed and saluted: "I'm sorry, old marshal, I'm late."

Tang En's Camouflage is of course no problem, but with Ou Meng's current physical condition, there are naturally not many people who come to see him. This is not unkind, but what Ou Meng needs most now is a quiet rest. Coupled with the war now, there are fewer people from the military, and of course fewer people come here to visit. Now that an extremely unfamiliar face like Tang En appears, it is expected that Ou Meng can guess the identity.

"No, you came at the right time...cough cough..." With a slight wave of his hand, Ou Meng straightened the figure, as if he wanted to sit higher and be more comfortable. But with just one movement, the old body trembled and coughed repeatedly. Seeing this, Tang En hurriedly stepped forward to help him, and lightly patted Ou Meng's thin back to help Shunqi.

"Huh...it's okay. It's really useless when you're old. Even if you were stabbed in a hole in the past, you could drink two cans of wine to make it up as blood...Oh, forget it, let's not talk about it. It's okay." Shook the head, with white hair like withered grass, Au Meng laughed at himself, said with a smile, "It's always the past, it seems that I'm really going to see those Old Brothers."

Tang En seriously Shaking his head: "What is the old marshal saying? If your physique only needs to rest for a while, you can still be a rich man who walks dogs and birds."

This is not entirely true. Consolation words, although the disease comes like a mountain, the disease goes like a thread. But the reason why Ou Meng has become like this is because of the harsh environment in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains and the lack of effective medicine, so the injury will only get worse. Now that he has entered Titus City, there is no shortage of various treatments and medicines. As long as Essence, Qi, and Spirit do not fall, it is still possible to stabilize his condition and injury.

"Haha, I'm not used to this, after all, I've been on horseback for most of my life..." Laughing loudly, Ou Meng didn't seem to care about his injury. Say more. Instead, he grabbed Tang En's palm and said solemnly, "I also know a little about the status of the Grey Cloth Armed Force now, it's not fair to you. You can't really blame the boss of Losa, you shouldn't have it. What idea is good. Ah"

"Don't worry, the old marshal, I know what I have in mind." patted Ou Meng's cold back, Tang En said with a nod.

Tang En didn't care, but Omon obviously didn't think so, he waved his hand and continued: "Listen to me. Well, in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, Joah and I discussed this matter. It's a little tricky. But it's not impossible to turn around. With my reputation with Joah in Grey Cloth Armed Force. Add your abilities. It's not hard to let the people of Grey Cloth Armed Force know what you do and what you mean, that's all It takes time to set up... We impossible let you take the blame for no reason, or that sentence, it's not fair..."

After babbling on, Tang En nodded and listened without interrupting, Just looked a little thoughtful.

Sure enough, after a while, Ou Meng unconsciously grasped Tang En's palm tightly. He looked a little hesitant, "It's best if you don't care, you care... and please bear with me. Hehe, some words are very utilitarian, but now there is really no way, this is also me, the Old Guy struggling on whilst at The reason why death's door is now..."

paused, raised his head to meet Tang En's eyes, and said calmly, "Tang En, you must know the situation of the Grey Cloth Armed Force. The decision came from the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. It's a risky gamble, and it's hard to say whether it will succeed or not. But the biggest problem right now is Joah's safety. I hope you can... be a Zofan once!" What Ou Meng really wanted to say after going around in circles.

Although he was sick in bed, Ou Meng's mind was still very clear. He knew exactly where the fatal weakness of this Grey Cloth Armed Force was. Once Joah, the new leader, made a mistake, this Grey Cloth Armed Force that had just climbed out of the abyss of despair would collapse!

Zuo Fan has passed away with Losa, and now he can only hope in Tang En. This so-called "doing Zuofan once" actually means doing it for a lifetime! Because, the implied meaning here is to keep Joah the leader of the Grey Cloth Armed Force!

This is also the reason why Ou Meng pleaded. He is very aware of the relationship between Tang En and Joah, so it seems that Tang En should protect Joah, but in fact, Tang En and Joah are after all. It's not Zorfan, Luosha, not to mention that it is too much to tie Tang En to the war chariot that may be subverted at the moment of Grey Cloth Armed Force. Just say Tang En is willing to let his lover, Joah always be the leader of Grey Cloth Armed Force, this is a big question!

You must know that Zorfan also had the intention to let Luosha leave the Grey Cloth Armed Force and find a quiet and peaceful place to enjoy the romantic couple's world, instead of always carrying the name of rebellion and carrying thousands of dollars. The people are running around in embarrassment, living a precarious life!

Most people are selfish, especially when it comes to the safety of a loved one. Losa can do the selflessness of giving up her own emotions and joining the public, and now Joah can do the same. But in the long road of life, Ou Meng can't guarantee that Joah will always be like this, let alone Tang En will be like this...

In short, as Ou Meng said just now, this is a very utilitarian request! Very selfish too!


shook his head, "I'm not Zofan's big brother, and Joah is not the leader of Losa..." The corner of Tang En's mouth turned to face Ou Meng's suddenly dimmed eyes. Wei Yang, indifferently said, "She is my Tang En's woman. Therefore, I will protect her safety. I will satisfy her wishes... As for what will happen in the future, no one can say, I can only guarantee one thing. ——As long as she says, as long as I can!"

After a while, "And..." Looking at the corners of Ou Meng's cracked mouth, Tang En shrugged, "Return to the light. After explaining the biggest thoughts in my heart, and then passing away with a smile, this kind of plot is too old-fashioned, like acting in a drama, and I don't like it. So, you must live, you must live, and then come to drink me and Joah's wedding wine!"

Suddenly laughed, "haha...don't worry, boy, with my physique, even if I get stabbed right now, it's just two cans of wine..."


a moment.

"Old rest first, I'll come and see when I have time."

"Haha...the mouth is not in your heart! Go away, go away, as long as you have the heart, you have time. I'd better stay with Qiao... your woman."

Cha, I'm disrespectful... Waving to say hello, Tang En curled his lips to cover the wooden door and turned around, "What are we talking about? It's the first time I'm so happy to see the old marshal." Joah, still wearing heavy armor, stood quietly in front of the door and asked with raised eyebrows. The battallion guards on the side also looked at Tang En with a surprised expression.

"Oh, nothing, just chatting casually. Um..." After thinking about it, Tang En looked at Joah who was curious and touched his nose, "I really want to know? Well, Talk as you walk."

"Well, you talk." Joah followed.

"It's really nothing... After I went in, I saw the old marshal lying on the bed, listless. Ask him if he wants to drink water? Shake his head. Eat fruit? Or shake his head. In the end I had to say... Why don't you find a girl for the old man? Tsk! The old marshal immediately became happy when he heard it, and the old man burst into tears when he laughed. He grabbed my hand and said - help me get up and try!"

Smacking his lips, Tang En spread his hands innocently, "Hey, the whole process is like this." Hehe, the old man is disrespectful, don't blame the junior for stabbing me in the back, alas, when is the time for retribution...

"Uh..." The footsteps stopped abruptly, Joah opened his mouth into a cute O-shape, and looked dazed, dumbfounded on the spot.

Immediately, clang clang clang, the sound of contiguous pieces of metal hitting the ground suddenly resounded, echoing crisply in the corridor.

Tang En and Joah subconsciously turned their heads, and saw the battalion and cold-hearted elite soldier in front of the door, frozen in place like a sculpture, with a gloomy expression, disillusioned and collapsed. The palms that stretched out slightly trembled, and there were long spear swords piled up beside the feet...

 ……(To be continued..)

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