
Because of preconceived notions, this black-faced general from Cangyan Legion made a Low Rank judgment A mistake, allowing the attacker to break the goal in the first time. .

So, it's quick and thorough to set the tone for this victory! Because, outside the fortifications, it is not the sporadic food-grabbing teams that come to fight the autumn wind, but the revenge iron army of almost 100,000 people...

"It's done!" The raised mound outside the fortification several li At the top, there were men and women, old and young, and dozens of people watched the battle scene from a distance. In the distance, the gun-wielding man slammed into the fortification with a thunderbolt, a young man in dark armor with freckles on his face was suddenly refreshed, he couldn't help but waved his fist, shouted in a low voice .

At the same time, the surrounding atmosphere is also relaxed. "Hehe, didn't expect to open a gap in this Titus regular army so soon, it seems that our comeback First Stage battle will be won very beautifully... Well, is that General Frey?"

"Yeah. I have to say, it's somewhat unwise to go to the front as a general. But General Frey is indeed an expert in breaking the formation. Although because of his current status, he has no long spear breaking team. Zhanbi's good habit of attacking the enemy's camp first, hehe, is still very good..."

"Who says it's not... But don't forget the Purple Artillery, if it weren't for it If there is a breach in this neat fortification, I am afraid that this battle will not be so smooth. Therefore, this weapon should be the first in this battle!"


said Here, there is no need to guess, this group of attackers can only be the Grey Cloth Armed Force who officially killed the vengeance. Although the black-faced general made a wrong decision, it was not too wrong to lose. The Grey Cloth Armed Force has endured until now, just to break out at this moment, and naturally cannot tolerate any factors to ruin their first battle.

Gradually, with the unstoppable and slow tilt of the war scale, these dozens of people who were at the top of the Grey Cloth Armed Force couldn't help but feel good. Among them, the woman standing at the front of the center of the crowd secretly squeezed her fist, also slightly exhaled, relieved.

Judging from her position, although this woman is a bit too young, her status should not be low. It's just that the dress looks a little weird, holding a staff in his hand, but wearing a full set of armor, and the helmet also covers half of his face, it looks like an agile fox wearing a turtle shell, nondescript visual sense.

Reload Mage? Magic warrior? Or is it simply fear of death?

Well, no matter which one it is, it sounds unreliable. However, this young woman obviously did not have such self-consciousness.

Dozens of people behind him cast glances from time to time, and there was no teasing or contempt in their eyes, and some were full of respect and admiration.

Because this is their leader - Joah!

Of course, these respects and admirations are not only due to their high status, but also due to their personal charm and ability!

Some words sound a bit hypocritical, but this does not mean that everyone has no idea. What kind of surname group Grey Cloth Armed Force belongs to, naturally needless to say, but it is such a noble lady and noble Magician with a superior background and boundless prospects, but chooses to put aside the blessed by heaven that makes the overwhelming majority jealous Advantages, but mixed with them, the rebellious poor, even willing to risk mortal danger...

Sometimes, everyone will involuntarily think like this, what is she trying to do?

The leader of the Grey Cloth Armed Force?

Well, everyone feels ashamed to think so. Everyone likes to be a leader, but not necessarily a rebel leader.

even more how The Grey Cloth Armed Force has been in extreme embarrassment during the year he retreated into the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. We get along day and night, and we all know that the limited food is simply not enough for everyone. Therefore, soldiers are considered first when allocating, which is a must to ensure battle strength. Followed by special groups such as the elderly, weak, sick and pregnant, and then the general public of the Grey Cloth Armed Force, and finally the Grey Cloth Armed Force civilian administrators who are relatively insignificant.

Of course, the actual situation is that the food has already run out before the round is completed. It can be said that except for the soldiers, everyone else is basically a Condition with a full meal and a hungry meal. As the leader, Joah feels that he is an administrator, so the treatment is also the same... In fact, this rule is also set by her.

This is what she prescribed and she abides by. When I saw her face doesn't change swallowing all kinds of grotesquely shaped bitter wild vegetables countless times, it was not that no one stood up to stop it, and it was not that no one was willing to come up with better food... But the result was met with Either she persuaded her with good words, or she directly took her status and gave a tough order, and refused without exception!

At the end, some people even secretly prayed that she would get sick, because as long as she was sick, according to the set rules, she would have no excuse to refuse. It's just a pity, although I can occasionally see her tired and sleepy appearance, but I can't see her sick, really anxious and helpless...

Some people will think that Grey Cloth, whose morale was low and precarious in the past The reason why Armed Force didn't completely collapse during the year was because of her existence. Everyone is looking at her, worried for her, moved by her, encouraged by her, and cheered for her even more!

She also seems to know her role, so she is never passive, never sick, even if she hasn't closed her eyes for days and nights in a row, she never shows a sluggish appearance. In the eyes of the common people of Grey Cloth Armed Force, she will always be so optimistic and gentle, high-spirited and full of confidence.

Before the battle, she casually said that she would wear a full set of armor to supervise the battle, and everyone was silent. She is known to be unafraid of death, no doubt from the moment she volunteered to join the Grey Cloth Armed Force. Everyone also knows that she is afraid of death, because once she makes a mistake, the Grey Cloth Armed Force, which finally climbed out of the abyss of hell, is really hopeless...

Thinking about it, if What she is drawing is the leadership of the Grey Cloth Armed Force, which is the great blessing of the soldiers and civilians of the Grey Cloth Armed Force!


On the mound, under the shadow of the war in the distance, Joah's half-covered jade face is a little red. She didn't know that the people behind her were thinking so much when they looked at her back. She was concentrating on watching the battle situation in the distance where the victory and defeat became more and more obvious, and the big stone in her heart fell completely and safely.

Logically speaking, the Grey Cloth Armed Force, which has a mentality of failure and success, will use all its strength to kill this time. The number of soldiers alone is more than 100,000. The more than 10,000 Cang Yan regular army is too much stronger, even more how and the Purple Artillery battlefield ultimate weapon.

But the reality is that this ultimate weapon never roared and roared, except for a volley of Purple Artillery that opened the fortifications.

This thing is now Grey Cloth Armed Force's biggest trump card, and the trump card will naturally be used at a critical time to open up the situation, such as a real siege... As for the current Cang Yan regular army, and In the eyes of Joah and the others, the blockades in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains are just appetizers. There is no need to use the ultimate weapon, Purple Artillery, so as not to leak the wind and affect the explosive effect behind.

Of course, it's not that I don't take it seriously, it's just a matter of priorities. In fact, Joah was still very nervous before the war-they had to win the first battle of their comeback, and they had to win beautifully!

But the Grey Cloth Armed Force hasn't really fought a battle for a year after all. Although the confrontation training has never been pulled down, it lacks the real edification of war and blood baptism. So sure.

Fortunately, the result did not make Joah really worried. She found that she still underestimated the strong revenge in the hearts of the soldiers. Looking around, even if it was not very real in the twilight, she could still see it. Silhouettes of Grey Cloth Armed Force soldiers were identified in the heat of battle. Because at this time, they all seemed to have turned into wild beasts who had never eaten meat in March, and any attack must be a frantic fighting style of fierce and unafraid of death. As long as there is still a breath left, you must first stab the battle knife into the opponent's body, and then close your eyes with a smile, hugging the opponent and crashing down together...

Seeing this, Joah's eyes drooped slightly, tight. Holding the staff tightly, he added a little confidence to the Grey Cloth Armed Force's comeback plan. She had a good conscience to believe that as long as this intimidating manner persisted, they would be unstoppable!

Looking up, there are few stars. Whispered, "Titus, here we are...you guys, are you ready?"

...(To be continued.)

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