
Winter is coming!

Thousands of miles of ice are cold, and thousands of miles of snow drift. . Cangshu is tired, all beasts lie down, it is the time when everything is silent. But it was also at this time that a giant beast, who had been lingering in the desolate land of the West for a long time and suppressed for a long time, was about to come out with a raging fire, burning the sky and breaking the ground, shaking the continent...

This giant beast beast is named after Grey Cloth Armed Force!

Actually, according to common sense, winter is not suitable for waging war. Because of the difficulty of logistical transportation, and also because of the low morale of soldiers and so on. But fortunately, this issue is fair to both sides of the war, plus the soldiers and civilians of the Grey Cloth Armed Force have been unable to hold back the strong revenge in their hearts! For them, logistics has always been difficult, so it doesn't matter. As for morale...they are already hungry and thirsty with the big sword in their hands!

It is also for these reasons that Joah finally decided to officially kill the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains in early winter!

Tang En naturally has no objection to this decision. Of course, there are also impossible objections, after all, his knowledge of large-scale military strategy is really limited.

But he is also very clear that under the improved Purple Artillery battlefield ultimate weapon, the unprepared Titus army impossible can stop the Grey Cloth Armed Force like a tiger going out of the gate. At least in the early days of the war, for sure!

War isn't a dinner party, it's something that kills people. And Hanshui City, which is located around the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, has naturally become a place where soldiers must fight, and it is bound to be turbulent. So as soon as he came back, Tang En started to move...


Tightening the coat over her body, Lina didn't hear what Tang En said. meaning, shook his head and continued: "I really don't need it, I just thought about it for a while... Well, where do we move to next?"

"An abandoned farm, about Hundreds of li or so, already packed." Tang En spread his hands, "You know, towns have been battlegrounds since ancient times. Relatively speaking, farms in the wilderness are much safer."

Of course, the most important reason is because the Grey Cloth Armed Force is the one who started the war. You must know that wars are often fought for thousands of miles, and the disasters are severe. At that time, towns with a certain degree of defense resistance were the safest places. Ordinary farms left behind often fall victim to war. But now that the Grey Cloth Armed Force is waging war, the situation is naturally different. The Grey Cloth Armed Force is a team composed of poor people. Coupled with the consistent purpose and discipline, they will naturally not make wanton slaughter on the abandoned farms...

Nominate, Lina understand the meaning. She came from a humble background, and of course supported the Grey Cloth Armed Force, but she also had some inevitable nervousness when things came to an end: "Can we... really succeed?"

"I really want to answer You are sure of the answer, but..." Shrugging his shoulders and spreading his hands, Tang En thought for a while, said with a smile, "There is really a lack of successful cases! Hehe, you have to try, you will know after you try."

Lina raised her eyebrows and raised her eyebrows when she heard the words: "I thought you had always been very confident."

"Haha, confidence is for outsiders to see. I am also a leader now, I can't I've been frowning all day long, talking about brothers, let's go and do it, I don't know if it can be successful... tsk, it's obviously not reliable."

"hehe..." Lina couldn't help but sighed. The funny Tang En glanced at him, covered his mouth and chuckled, and his heart was full of joy. That's for outsiders to see, so I'm not an outsider...

"Sir." Tang En wanted to say something, and the young man in the secret agency who was in charge of the transportation came over and gave a simple salute. , "The Alchemy test bench in the inner room is a little heavy, and the utensils on it are all made of crystal glass. The brothers were worried that they would accidentally break when they were transported together, so..."

"Oh, I was negligent. , I'll go in and clean it up." Alchemy Item is not something that anyone can touch, not because of its value, but because its dangerous surname has a match with unfathomable magical items, it is difficult to break a crystal test tube, and it will flow out. Could it be a deadly toxin? Nodding, Lina will step in when she hears the words.

However, Tang En reached out to stop her, looked up at the lab, which looked messy because of carrying things, and said, "Forget it, it's inconvenient for you to go in with your robe, so let me go. "

"Huh? Do you know about Alchemy?"

"Not at all." He curled up his arms, and his well-proportioned muscles swelled instantly, Tang En lightly said with a smile, "But I have the strength and I have no problem lifting the test bench smoothly. Hehe, why don't you break your wrists another day?"


"Haha, just kidding. ." Seeing Lina's stunned expression, Tang En laughed and left, "You can't win, you're not that weird girl... It's a pity to think about it, I left early..."

She said to herself and left, and when she turned to the door, Lina's eyes suddenly flickered. She looked up at this riverside cottage full of fond memories for her, pursed her lips, and sighed... In the future, I'm afraid I won't be able to find excuses to call you over to laugh and talk... So, what's the point of this hut? Let's demolish it, let's demolish it...


Of course, Tang En in the house doesn't know the real reason why Lina is attached to this ordinary house, where members of the secret agency Under the leadership, he soon saw the slightly bulky experimental bench. Without a doubt, he raised one hand and walked to the back door with ease.

"Be careful, the rope is tight, these are all deadly things..." After a few words, Tang En was about to turn around and enter the room. However, Yu Guang caught something, and he couldn't help but squinted sideways.

The Arrangement of buildings on the banks of the Hanshui River is a little cluttered, and the traffic extends in all directions. There is also a street at the back door of the laboratory, but it is a little deserted. Now, beside the ten zhang or so outer street, a very eye-catching luxury carriage slowly stopped. Immediately, the car door opened, and a well-dressed, handsome young man stepped out.

After tidying up his hair, the young man turned left and right, and took a picture of the mirror-like window on the carriage, satisfied nodded. Then he turned around and took out a large handful of flaming roses from the car, sniffed it, and raised the corner of his mouth, feeling quite good about himself.

It's him...Tang En's memory has always been good, and after professional training, he can't forget it even more. With a slight squinting, he recognized that this was the last time he approached Lena. The local ruffian severely damaged the confidence of the youth.

It must be said that the young man was indeed miserable last time, and after returning, he sank for a long time. Lina also mentioned to Tang En, saying that after the two meet again, the young man looks at her wrong... But no one is a fool, and Tang En's temporary pranks can't stand scrutiny, as long as he calms down for a while , After a little investigation after the fact, you will know that you should have been tricked.

If I were an ordinary person, I would be a little angry after this incident, but I wouldn't be entangled any more. However, this young man has several points of Ren, maybe he really likes Lena, but this is not happening again...

It's just that his luck is really bad, and he bumped into Tang En again.

Don't do it, do you still have to hit it? Wouldn't this be a bit too cruel... Touching his chin, Tang En was a little confused. Besides, Lina is indeed a big boss, and it's time to talk about marriage. Although the guy in front of him looks oily and powdery, this tough surname has several points of merit... Well, why don't you let Lena decide for herself?

Just when Tang En was thinking about giving the other party a chance, he glanced over again, but his eyes couldn't help but freeze.

Beside the luxury car, the handsome young man did not immediately walk down the side alley with flowers and went around to the main entrance of the Alchemy Laboratory to find Lena. Instead, they waited in place for a while, and waited for a few burly men with open hearts and bad faces.

These big guys are like street gangsters at first glance, and they are obviously not on the same level as this extraordinary young man. But the two sides were sneaking together behind the car. The handsome young man gestured at the Alchemy Laboratory and said something, while a few sloppy big men kept nodding, indicating that they understood...

I'm here.

Big rub! Grinned, what kind of eyesight Tang En is, he doesn't need to read his lips to know what this young man wants to do. This is a proper rhythm to create a chance for hero saving the beauty!

brows frowned, his expression suddenly sank. Tang En does not object to playing tricks to pick up girls. This is a technical job, and it is reasonable to use some scheming to create romance. However, forging hero saving the beauty to greatly enhance one's own charm by intimidating the other party is extremely inferior in Tang En's opinion, not to mention that it is still used on Lena...

"If you don't die, you won't die." He raised his head and sighed with emotion. Tang En patted walked over the shoulders of the secret agency member beside him and pointed to the dusty clothes of the other party, "Brother, lend me the clothes. Wear."



Holding flowers to the alleyway, the handsome young man was a little nervous when he thought of what was about to happen. Also a little excited.

Calm, calm, just pick up girls, nothing. Promise! Calm down... I found that peng peng heartbeat could not be appeased, and the handsome young man began to try to think of other things to divert his attention.

gangster boyfriend? hmph! Be friends. It's a pity I didn't find him later, otherwise I'll let him know what happened to dare to fight with me... But since you have gangster friends, I'll let you know what gangster really looks like... panic, fear, cry! Don't worry, I'll save you then, haha...

Thinking about the splendid appearance of driving away the gangster with three punches and two feet later, and thinking about Lena's infinitely admiring eyes, the handsome young man couldn't help Le laughed out loud, sighing how witty he was!

"cough cough..." After coughing a few times, he pressed the heart on his left chest, and the handsome young man took a deep breath and spit it out slowly. After completing this series of actions, he walked into the alley.

After walking a few steps, when I looked up, I saw a large wooden plank on my shoulders. I couldn't see the face of the head, only the dusty handyman came to this side panting.

The alley is narrow, and the handsome young man can't help but frowned slightly when he sees it.

It seems that I sensed someone in front of me, and there was a gruff voice from a handyman behind the plank, "Let me go, please let me go, be carefull, thank you...hū chī..." He breathed heavily, It seemed to cover up a faint whistle of wind, and the two sides passed by.

The handyman didn't look back and walked straight out of the alley carrying the plank. As soon as he came out, he threw the wooden board aside, revealing Tang En's smiling face, leaned against the wall, raised his fingers, "One, two, three, four..."

The palm is not fully open yet , Suddenly, "Ah—" A terrifying scream came from afar, like a woman who was brutally raped. Immediately, a burst of hurried footsteps came from the alley, it seemed to be screaming while running, and the screams were getting closer.

With a swoosh, a strong wind suddenly rolled by, Tang En blinked and looked at the silhouette jumping out of Rapid Speed from the alley like a rabbit with an arrow on its head The handsome young man smacked his lips and sighed,

"tsk tsk, what you don't want done to you, don't do to others... It really doesn't suit me!"


The words fell, suddenly, neighing—the horse neighed, and the wheels braked sharply. The handsome young man who rushed out with his head in his head was extremely fast, but he didn't look at the road at all. He rushed into the street in a daze, and was almost hit head-on by a speeding carriage.

Fortunately, the coachman reacted very quickly and pulled the reins tightly, just a little bit on the carriage, which prevented a tragedy from happening, "Damn! Your mother's eyes are blind, seeking death...


After finally stopping the carriage, the terrified coachman suddenly let out his anger, and immediately pointed at the handsome young man who was lying on the side with a stunned expression and cursed, but he didn't swear a few words, looking at the handsome young man. The gaze above his head couldn't help but be stunned, and the scolding was also a meal.

At this time, the handsome young man obviously hadn't been able to come back to his senses from the thrilling scene just now, his arms that had clasped his head subconsciously lowered to support the ground, looking terrified. But this is not the point. The point is that on the head of the handsome young man, the curly hair is elegant in the front half, but the back of the head is bare, like a ginkgo shedding its skin, which looks extremely funny.

He burst into laughter, "haha...you hairstyle...haha...too, too special, so awesome! Aiya, everyone, come and see, it can't be done anymore, haha..." Patting the cab and covering his lower abdomen with one hand, the driver seemed to be laughing out of his breath, full of joy.

The street that was still cold and cheerless just now, also continued to emerge silhouettes in the laughter of the driver, and instantly gathered around, and then there was a larger scale of laughter, which could not be stopped at all!

At this moment, the handsome young man finally came back to his senses, looking at the countless grinning hideously faces around him, pointing his fingers, his face instantly turned pale, and he screamed, holding his head in a wild beast. channeling. However, there were too many people gathered around, and he was trapped again before he could run a few steps, and waved frantically, "Don't look! Don't laugh! Whoever laughs at me kills who - I want to kill you and kill them all. You guys! Ahh—don't watch, wu wu...Please don't watch, stop laughing, wow..."


Too special What a shame... Seeing the tears in the eyes of the handsome young man through the gap in the crowd, the initiator Tang En couldn't help covering his eyes, completely unbearable to see it. Then he shook his head, turned and entered the alley.

Walking through the alley, the backstreet's thunderous laughter is still in my ears, but now there are more screams like killing pigs...

"Uh..." Tang En was stunned I was stunned, watching the few big gangsters lying down not far from Lena's feet just now, covering their eyes and rolling on the ground, screaming shrill, really pitiful... I touched my nose and looked towards Lena, "This is? "

"A few gangsters here to make trouble."

"I know, well, they're..."

"A little bit of blinding Potion." Lena jumped over the big men on tiptoe, spread out her palm with a calm expression, an open purple crystal vial, shrugged and chuckled, "You know, Alchemist is not without self-protection ability. Yes."

After a pause, he turned his head to look around, "By the way, someone ran into the alley just now, you... Hey, Arthur, your clothes..." He looked at the full body of Tang En's body. It was dusty clothes, and then looked at the alley behind Tang En, listening to the loud laughter that came clearly not far away, Lina blinked her clear eyes, understood something, and looked strange, "What did you do?"

Tang En raised his thumb and said with a big smile: "Smart! Think about it again, what else can you guess."

Lina is not a fool, of course, a fool can also be Not Alchemy Master. After pondering for a while, he turned his head to look at the big gangsters who were rolling on the ground, raised his eyebrows, and sighed a little helplessly: "This method... is too boring."

"Haha, congratulations on your correct answer, this is a reward." With a loud laugh, Tang En right hand turns, a bouquet of fiery red roses was handed to Lina.

It goes without saying that this is of course the handsome young man. And if the handsome young man knew that the idea he used to please Lena was stolen by Tang En, he would have vomited three liters of blood immediately...

In short, this is a sad story that flows against the current! (To be continued.)

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