
God said, be relevant, so this world has light. .

Woodin said, you can do it, so Tang En flew up... No one would believe it if it wasn't a magician!

"Little Tang, your speed is fast and your movement method is outstanding. With these two Invisible Sword meanings as fulcrums, no one can stop you in the air. Woodin squinted the dark gold hammer that came slowly, "Half a minute, I'll help you hold it for half a minute."

Needless to say, Tang En understands that It's the limit of what Woodin can do. If it goes further, it's not that Woodin can't support it, but it may be necessary to use some means that will reveal his true identity... There is no doubt that Woodin did it impossible. Because once his true identity was exposed, the uproar caused by it was much bigger than the current disturbances from Tang En and the temple.

After taking a breath, Tang En solemnly nodded: "Half a minute - that's all right!"

"Okay." Woodin nodded slightly, then raised right hand, a golden ring The knife hovered in front of him, stretched out a finger, flicked, buzzed... The dull and distant metal symphony mixed with the crisp impact of the golden ring spread far away. Immediately, the golden glow of the blade swirled like water, and the brilliance bloomed. An imposing manner was majestic like a huge blade glow reaching the sky, and it slowly condensed and appeared in the void again. As soon as Pu came out, he instantly split the surrounding silver light, and stopped on the route that the Dark Gold Hammer must pass.


In the faint voice of words, Tang En felt his body light up suddenly, and the ubiquitous feeling of squeeze and restriction disappeared instantly, and he was overjoyed. He raised his head with a long smile, "Ha, let's go!" With a sudden kick of the Invisible Sword, the figure rose into the air with a swoosh, and soared to ten Zhang or so heights. Under the stunned eyes of everyone in the sky, the void stepped on again, like a Heavenly Ascension Ladder, and the Rapid Speed lifted off again.

"Roar—stop him! Stop him!" On the ground, the two genuine Sky Rank Martial Artists who were covered in bruises and bruises came back to his senses first, and instantly understood Tang En's intention. Anxious growl. Immediately, he also kicked the ground and rose into the air.

However, they only jumped a few meters away. The expressions of the two suddenly changed greatly, they forcibly twisted their waists and turned around, and Rapid Speed fell to the ground. At this moment, with a hissing sound, a strong wind hits the face, and a line of blade glow will pass through the Rapid Speed in front of the two of them, breaking through the air. I believe that if the two of them didn't react fast enough, there should be no suspense now that they have become four parts...

Not far away, Woodin withdrew his straight palm and said indifferently: "You still stay. Come down." When the words fell, he waved his sleeves and waved his hands, and a gust of wind suddenly broke out on the flat ground, and instantly sent Savian and Owens on the roof of the side hall beside him out of the coverage area of the magic hammer, "You can go."

Casually After doing all this, Woodin didn't care anymore, looking up at the magic hammer slowly falling from the sky, and the huge blade glow, frowned, whose rays of light dimmed under its invisible power.

He snapped his finger on the blade again, and with a bang, this time it was a loud bang like Hong Zhong Da Lu, a golden ring shattered instantly, and waves of invisible eyes rippled out, hua hua Wow, the roof of the side hall next to him, which is where the two Savian had been just now, the azure tiles suddenly trembled collectively, reflecting the silvery luster, and then slid down the slope collectively, falling to the ground with a loud bang.

At the same time, above Woodin's head, the huge blade glow that reached the sky and the ground suddenly released its rays of light, dazzling and bright, making the dark golden magic hammer that had been falling at a constant speed above it couldn't help being paused, as if I felt a strong and invisible resistance.

Blocking in the air - that's what Woodin is doing now. Although it may seem negative, it is actually the best way. You must know that Veron's strength is average, but the diving technique that comes with the Judgment Scepter cannot be underestimated. If the magic hammer collided with the huge blade glow direct and Woodin made a move ** as a last resort, it would be more difficult to say whether he could keep his true identity.

Of course, even though Woodin's strength is astonishing, it is impossible to stop the Dark Gold Hammer by adopting such a method as if he were tying his hands and feet. In the final analysis, it is procrastination, half a minute... Everything, we have to see Tang En!


Flying, the oldest dream of human beings who walk on land.

Now Tang En is flying against the wind in the air, so he is feeling particularly cool right now, too cool to be able to control himself. In the past, due to the differences in the cultivation system, Tang En's strength was enough, but it could only gangster on land. Seeing an enemy with Sky Rank flying in the air, most of them pouted and scoffed at the birdman, and then dragged them to the ground with infinite resentment, killing and maiming them...

Of course, The current Tang En can't think of the bird man, he just thinks he is a casual immortal who walks on a sword! Isn't that right, he is also stepping on swords under his feet, and there are still two! Although this is just a fulcrum, it can't be controlled freely, let alone Controlling Sword Flight, but at least it's sending him to the sky, right?

haha...Thinking of this, Tang En couldn't help feeling happy and satisfied. Condensed in the void, looking into the distance. Well, what a glance at the many mountains that seem small, the rivers and mountains are picturesque. As soon as I looked up... I slammed!

Under the silver light in the sky, a splendid Milky Way hangs upside down in an instant. From a closer look, it is clear that there are countless lightsabers Rapid Speed coming through the air, whistling, and the power is really shocking.

It's the Mage Group, the temple that was broken up by Woodin before! Although the two Sky Rank Martial Artists on the ground failed to pursue the pursuit successfully, their warning roars still awakened everyone in the sky. Taking advantage of their distance, the surrounding mages quickly blocked Tang En's flight path and made a move to attack.

A shivered, Tang En instantly came back to his senses from a happy dream, and then he remembered the purpose of his flying. I couldn't help wiping the cold sweat on my forehead, the figure flashed, and disappeared in place in an instant before the lightsaber struck.

After a short pause, he shouted, "Over there! Attack!" The sky was clear and there was nothing to hide. As soon as Tang En flashed out of the range of the lightsaber, he was immediately discovered by the surrounding mages. Suddenly, all kinds of lightning, Fireball, Wind Blade, Icicle and other instant Low Rank magics were cast, and he lost his mind. The scene was spectacular for a while.

But unfortunately, before these magics were released, Tang En had already stepped in the void one after another, running a Z-shaped arc like walking on the ground, not only successfully avoiding most of the magic, but also getting a lot closer. distance.

And when the second round magic came over, Tang En figure completely disappeared from the sight of the mages once again.

"Where, where..."

"Don't panic, he's impossible...up, up, he's up! Attack!"

" No, this guy is too fast... Slow down! Use slow down magic!"


Tang En's speed is beyond doubt, if you don't rely on any means, you can only rely on two If he has one leg, Woodin can only bow down in front of him!

The sky is so big now, although Tang En can't be as free as he was in the holy light city just now. However, the three-dimensional and expansive boundless space of up, down, left, and right undoubtedly makes his speed fully and terrifyingly perfect, going vertically and horizontally, easily surpassing the limit that the naked eye of the human body can bear.

Just as the gathered mages were noisy, Tang En was wearing all kinds of magic, and the figure flashed in the air as a Floating Light Sweeping Shadow like Ghost Umbra. When it appeared for the last time, it had already arrived at the mages. among.

In an instant, there was a bang, Magician's instinct, that is, the iron law not to let Martial Artist get close to the surroundings, caused some mages to exclaim, subconsciously about to run away.

Of course, there are plenty of clear-headed Magicians who know the situation very well. Behind them are Bellon and other high-level temple leaders who are casting spells. If they are broken through and let Tang En rush past smoothly, the consequences are simply unimaginable!

Hissed, "Damn it!" "Don't panic everyone, support your shield, don't spread, can't spread... Ah!"

Some things don't understand It must be possible to do it. Tang En, who rushed into Mage Group, was like a tiger among a flock of sheep, and there was simply no one-trick enemy. And although time is tight now, as the so-called sharpening an axe does not delay the work of chopping firewood, Tang En doesn't mind taking these clear-headed die-hards, killing the chicken to warn the monkey!

The figure flashed instantly, with a wave of his hand, a bewitching blood blade pierced the head of an old mage who was shouting loudly, "Be low-key..." A faint voice, a bang, seemed to be an extremely strong magic shield Beneath the blood blade dagger, like a fragile eggshell, unable to withstand a single blow, all split up and in pieces.

The blood blade was cut down, pulled horizontally, chi... A large piece of blood spurted out like a river of water that didn't need money, instantly dyeing the surrounding area red. Immediately, a horrified gray head was thrown high and fell, and a Magician subconsciously reached out and hugged, paused, "Ah—"

Hysterical screams of horror, the gray head was like a ball It was like being thrown high again, but no one picked it up this time, because there was more than one head in the sky.

Under the gaze of the dark gold phantom, the blood blade is madly rolled, and the Ghost Umbra comes and goes. Tang En's eyes were already red, and he would go wherever there were many people, and wherever he went, there would be blood and rain. In an instant, he was clutching the severed limb of the staff, half of his head in daze and fear, and all kinds of things. Internal organs...Blood and stumps flying all over the sky, as if Asura's purgatory suddenly appeared in the void, making everyone present stunned!

On the ground below, blood and water mixed with various corpses and stumps poured down like rain. The two genuine Sky Rank Martial Artists who triggered this one-sided **** fuse, looked up dumbly, and their expressions were already sluggish. . Based on their experience, the blood and rain have long been tired of seeing it, and they shouldn't make a fuss about nothing like this. However, the brutal killing in front of them, which can even be described as maddening, still greatly challenged their minds, and they were speechless for a while.

Flicking another gold ring with his fingers, Woodin flicked his sleeves and swept away all kinds of pieces that fell from the sky, looking a little complicated. He also didn't expect to just give a little help, and the other party then created such a bloody scene... Shaking his head and sighing: "Killing... It's too heavy..."

Woodin still With such thoughts, not to mention Savian and Owens in the distance. They knew that Tang En had this ability, especially Savian. But when this ability really turned into practical action, and produced the terrible results in front of them, the two of them couldn't help but be in a trance.

"Earlier, I knew it earlier, before..." Opening his mouth, Owens murmured involuntarily, "It was better to wrestle your arms to decide the outcome..."


Of course, the so-called arm wrestling can only be a proposal of nothing serious. Even though both Savian and Tang En are not opposed to it, they are even extremely supportive. But Bellon and the others are impossible to agree, knowing that it is impossible to win, because this is a humiliation to the Millennium Temple!

And since you don't want to be humiliated, it's simple, just use human life to fill in!

In just a few short breaths, Tang En was like a blood-robed Death God with a sickle on his shoulders, constantly spreading the rich Death Aura, and the Mage Group, which had gathered temporarily, ran to and fro, screaming in agony. Shocking.

At this time, there are basically no mages to stop Tang En, they just want to escape, the farther the better... Of course, it's just basic. Federation has warriors of fierce and unafraid of death, especially in a religious atmosphere, there are many such people.

"Withstand, withstood... Father God is watching us, ** heresy will be purified eventually, everyone stand up..." While pointing to the dark gold phantom above, this man dressed in black Robe's mage roared hoarsely, trying to reorganize the defense line. But at this moment,

"Be careful! Hurry up!" The mage not far away suddenly gave a warning. It turned out that Tang En should have also heard the roar after rushing through a crowd and turned around halfway. Taking a faint glance here, and then stepping into the void, Rapid Speed quickly arrived.

Master black robe's expression changed greatly when he saw this, and immediately clenched the teeth, standing in place, instead of dodging, he thought about raising his staff and chanting a spell to attack. But somehow the incantation, which was very familiar, was vague in the mouth, just couldn't pronounce the full syllable. The light staff in this brief moment also seems so heavy, the trembling arm doesn't raise at all.

When I look up, the smell of blood is pungent, and the Tang whose clothes are completely stained with blood En was not far in front of him, looked at each other, his expression was indifferent, his eyes were indifferent, indifferent as if he was looking at a dead person.

The body froze, and the vague incantation came to an abrupt end. The black robe mage wanted to curse, slap a stick, and think about it, but the reality was that he just stood there in a daze, watching Tang En get closer and closer, and finally walked over. Beside...

Without slowing down, not attacking, as if he didn't see it at all, Tang En walked directly beside the black robe mage and continued to run towards Bellon and the others in the distance.

Not dead, but the black robe mage turned his head stiffly, but his face did not see the slightest ecstasy of near-death, and he was devastated.

Aren't you very happy? Aren't you very devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence? Didn't you say that God the Father is watching from above? Now that my **** heresy is walking beside you, within your reach, why don't you dare to scold? why not dare to attack? Even with my back turned to you and defenseless, you still dare not attack... Look, you are afraid, the hand holding the staff is shaking, this is the true direction of your temple believer who devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence eye!

Cowardly! hypocritical! Killing you all dirty my knife!

Facts speak louder than words. Tang En hit the black robe mage in the face with facts, and completely shattered the confidence of all the mage around him to resist.

However, not everyone chose to give up. When Tang En was entangled with the Mage Group, three silhouettes flew in the air, blocking the front of Veron and other high-rises, and the finished glyphs were ready.

Tang En glanced at him, brows slightly wrinkle. Some familiar faces are the three Battle Qi powerhouses outside the city that touched the Sky Rank threshold. Today, they have completely put away their contempt, and clenched their long spear, their expressions full of solemnity.

It's a bit of a hassle...Thinking like this, Tang En rushed over like a whirlwind, ignoring the fact that the three of them were secretly being double-teamed. Immediately, when the distance was about ten feet or so, he suddenly stepped on the Invisible Sword, and the figure rose up in an instant.


The three Battle Qi powerhouses raised their heads and their eyes lit up. What they are afraid of is Tang En's abnormal speed and Ghost Umbra movement method, but they are not worried about other aspects. Now that Tang En is taking the initiative to jump up, it means that he has temporarily abandoned his movement speed advantage, which naturally surprised the three of them.

The opportunity is fleeting, no need to say hello, experienced as they are already instinctively raising long spear, fighting mans violently. The next moment, the spear glow in the sky is fan-shaped and whistling through the air. All three of them chose the same attack methods, instantly locking all possible advance and retreat around Tang En!


"Ha!" With a chuckle, Tang En, who jumped to the top, rolled over, and then the sky filled with spear glow, and the three Battle Qi powerhouse I only felt a flower in front of my eyes, and Tang En's figure in blood changed from two to two, two to four, four to eight... In just a short moment, more than a hundred Tang En silhouettes appeared in the air, lifelike and vivid, and could not be seen for a while. any difference separately.

"Hey, it's a new movement method again! It's a bit interesting..." Below, Woodin, who has been following the battle situation, squinted his eyes and moved his eyebrows slightly, showing a bit of interest. But before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly froze again...

In the air, "such insignificant ability... Leave him alone, attack! attack! "After a bit of astonishment, the Battle Qi powerhouse in the middle showed a fierce look, shouted decisively, and took the lead in shooting a spear glow.

That's the truth, no matter how ingenious your movement method is, as long as If you are still within the attack range, then I don't need to pay attention to it, just swing the gun over there, and you can always hit your body!

I have to say, no matter how you look at it, the idea of this Battle Qi powerhouse There is no problem at all. However,

"Void Kill..." A faint voice like a wind chirped into my ears, and the Battle Qi Martial Artist's body suddenly tense, and then a coldness instantly escaped from the caudal vertebrae It went straight to my mind, and it exploded again. The whole body and mind were like an ice cellar, and the chill was piercing to the bone.

In the next moment, a flower suddenly flashed in front of my eyes, and my pupils shrank extremely. I don't know when it has passed through the shadows of the spears and reached my eyes.

Immediately, a demonic blood glow raised upwards...

It was too late to call for help, too late to resist, and too late to even blink an eye. ...fast! Too fast! Too fast!

The Battle Qi Martial Artist just subconsciously raised his arm to cover his chest, and there was a cold somewhere on his arm, blood blossomed, "En-" low With a dull snort, with a thud, one arm was thrown far away with blood and water.

Immediately afterwards, his body was forcibly knocked away by a force, staggered back, lost his position, and the character-shaped double-team formation instantly Break!

"Ha! "Tang En, who had no further obstruction, laughed and raised his head. Facing the pale faces of Veron and other high-level executives, Ghost Umbra pounced on him, "Everyone...that's what it's called...talking in person!" ”

…………(To be continued.)

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