
The matter before and after is complicated, but in fact all the movement is only a moment!

Woodin stepped and swung the knife, and then the defensive barriers were torn apart, more than a hundred Magicians vomited blood, and a genuine Sky Rank Martial Artist died in his own hands... Finally, Woodin and Tang En calmly stepped into the scope of the temple. .

And this is just the beginning...

From the point of making a move twice before and after, Tang En knows Woodin's fighting style.

Woodin martial arts Heaven and man, very good at compressing and condensing Battle Qi. Therefore, the seemingly ordinary blow without the smell of fireworks is actually the great terror that hides destroying heaven extinguishing earth. To put it simply, it is listening to thunder in a silent place! It is really the best choice for home travel, playing the pig to eat the tiger and delighting your body and mind!

Of course, the magic defense barrier that gathers the power of more than 100 people up and down the Mage Group in the temple to hold up is not a silver-like wax gun head that is too fancy. At least, it successfully lifted the ordinary appearance of the golden ring knife...

In an instant, a long wind raged!

The originally simple and unpretentious golden ring knife suddenly rose into a dazzling golden glow.

In the sky, just after Veron and the others screaming came back to his senses, subconsciously bowing his head, he saw the dazzling golden glow rolling and surging, covering his eyes unconsciously, completely disappearing Tang En and The quaint-faced middle-aged man silhouette. In just a short moment, the golden glow rolled back into shape, and a giant golden blade glow with a length of ten Zhang or so raised high between Heaven and Earth, vivid and realistic.

Immediately, the terrifying pressure hiding the sky and covering the earth erupted, as if a Level 10 strong wind passed through, the clouds were evacuated, and the sky lost some color. Bellon and other high-level officials and more than a hundred temple mages rolled their robes, only to feel that they were standing beside the evil dragon's mouth.

Tang En didn't see the scene of the wolf and beast scattered, raised his head, his sight was completely filled with the giant golden blade glow, probably because the center of the tornado was a safe area, Tang En I didn't feel the terrifying power of heaven falls and earth rends like Veron and the others did. But this is the case. Looking at this big golden ring knife that covered the sky, he couldn't help licking his dry lips, thinking straight in his heart, fluke, fluke...

Obviously, Tang En I already understand that the one-trick agreement with Woodin before, the other party did not come up with the most powerful means of attack, and he was really lucky to win.

At this moment, the golden giant blade glow moved, no tricks were seen, and no tricks were needed. Just a simple smash, pushing down the golden mountain and falling down like a jade pillar, strong wind scattering the last clouds.

The blade glow moved away, Tang En's line of sight was slightly empty, and he narrowed his eyes, finally seeing the clear sky behind him. At the same time, I also saw two holy fighting lights, hurriedly blocking it like a comet falling to the ground.

These are the two genuine Sky Rank Martial Artists who narrowly escaped death just now!

Among all the people present, it is estimated that only they can truly feel the terrifying power of this blade glow. Seeing the blade glow pressing down, he didn't think about it, and immediately rushed over with a gun dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety.

What a joke, if this is allowed to be pressed down smoothly, won't the temple be cut in half? !

The blade glow doesn't press down fast, just as the building will pour Federation a little bit of buffer time. So when the blade glow is tilted at an angle of about forty-five degrees, the two Sky Rank Martial Artists who are flying down wildly will finally arrive.

But being able to catch up doesn't mean that you can stop. Although the two Sky Rank Martial Artists were under heavy pressure, the holy fighting mang erupted violently without leaving the slightest leeway, and the extremely tacit sympathy swung the guns together, clanging, forming a cross shape in the air, blocking the blade glow must pass On the route, want to lock the blade edge! But...

There was a bang, and the bursts of space ripples even revealed the true appearance of ripples and water, and Rapid Speed swayed all around. After a while, the golden giant blade glow continued to press down, like a galloping war chariot was put down by a small stone, crushed, and passed.

However, "Ah-ah-" was unwilling to roar, and the two figures under the knife were blasted out by Rapid Speed like a cannonball, with a faint blood mist all the way, and crashed into the kite with its string cut. In the temple building below, there was a bang, gravel splashed, and dust spread.

"Fuck!" Seeing this, Tang En couldn't help but widen his eyes, couldn't help but squeeze his fists and exclaimed. This is a genuine Sky Rank Martial Artist, still trying to make a move with all his strength, but the result is like two insignificant flies, and he was swept aside at will, it's just... it's just domineering all over the floor!

Sure enough, the realm gap is the natural gap. The higher the strength, the more so. Trying to use the number of people to make up for it is basically a fool's dream...

In shock, the golden blade glow, which is unstoppable, falls smoothly, with a length of more than ten meters, which will definitely cover the temple during this time. Some buildings, sculptures, stone walls... there is no suspense, it will shatter when you rub it, and it will collapse when you touch it.

Finally, the blade glow is about to touch the ground. There was no earth-shattering explosion, because the huge blade glow suddenly stagnates in the air a few inches before it touches the ground! Woodin slowly raised his left hand, held the handle of the knife with both hands at the same time, and stepped, "Go!" The syllable has not fallen, and the figure has disappeared in place. At the same time, the golden blade glow is like a giant python that broke into the town, roaring forward, and it is invincible!

Tang En didn't follow immediately, well, he was a little scared. There is no need to repeat the energy of this golden giant blade glow. The key point is that such a huge amount of destructive energy is in hand, and Woodin can still control it perfectly. Lifting the heavy as if it were light, some of the things behind it are really unimaginable...

Taking a deep breath, Tang En's expression gradually became solemn, and he retracted some of his previous views on Other World Battle Qi. To be honest, Tang En, who has a unique approach, used to look down on Other World Battle Qi, and always felt that Battle Qi pursued the gorgeousness of the scene too much. Although domineering is domineering and gorgeous enough, it is actually a waste, and many Battle Qi have not been able to. It is a pity that it was used to strike the enemy with precision, but it was scattered back to Heaven and Earth in vain!

But now, Tang En knows that his experience is too shallow, and he has not been able to see the real mountain before. How could such a powerhouse standing on Martial Dao Peak such as Woodin not notice this situation? At present, the huge blade glow that has converged to the pinnacle and is now perfectly controlled is undoubtedly a good lesson for Tang En! But...

It's okay, it's okay, fortunately there are not many old monsters like this, otherwise youngsters like us would have nothing to say...Xiaoxiao comforted himself, Tang En relaxed, With a flick of the figure, it also disappeared in place and chased after it.

The advancing speed of blade glow is not very fast, just like a war chariot that is as heavy as a mountain, it is a bit strenuous to run rumblingly. However, at the same time, the imposing manner of the ten thousand army is unstoppable, looking down on the world!

From a distance, the golden blade glow has been completely covered by dust and ash in the sky, like a soil dragon, or a giant python, walking straight through the temple, regardless of whether the towering Divine Idol, Holy Palace, or thick walls, etc., ruthless, pass through. Only the ruins are left everywhere, devastated. It's like a disaster scene after Tempest, in a mess!

And to witness this shocking and brutal scene with my own eyes, "Fuck Aaahhhh ah..." The vibrato was slightly, Owens' mouth opened into a ridiculous O-shaped shape, his expression had completely collapsed, his mind was blank, the only one still in The thought that kept circling in the heart was, "Lord Veron...Thank you! I thank you and your family..."

He really wanted to thank Veron, because if it wasn't for the fact that the other party didn't trust them, like Owen So, Savian, with such considerable battle strength, will definitely participate in the encirclement and suppression of Tang En's now. And looking at the scene in front of me, isn't this a proper seeking death?

Savian didn't think too much about it. Looking at the earth dragon and giant python that was ravaging one side, although the expression on his face was equally shocking, his heart was strangely calm.

That's it! How could that wretched guy dare to come here to look for the bad luck of the temple without bringing enough backhands... Sure enough!

It was this strange idea that made Savian one of the few people in the temple who could still keep his composure, pursing his lips and squinting, his eyes fixed on the quaint face in the dusty sky. middle-aged man.

This kind of strength...is Heaven Rank! Who is this man? Why never heard of it before?

I don't blame Savian for being suspicious, because even an expert hermit who likes to stay in the deep mountains and forests, as long as he has such a shocking strength as Heaven Rank, there should be some rumors about him in the world. But Savian rummaged through all the expert's impressions in his mind, and couldn't match the simple face in front of him... Wait! With that guy's Camouflage ability, it's easy to give a person a complete makeover, right?

It has to be said that with his familiarity with Tang En's, Savian's guess is getting closer and closer to the truth. But that's all, who would have thought that Titus Sword God would help Tang En, this ** heresy, to attack and retaliate against Titus' temple of faith? even more how, he also mentioned such a gangster-like golden ring knife...

In my thoughts, the rolling dust in an imposing manner like a dragon has driven straight into the depths of the temple, dragging out a trail like a dragon The huge dark ravine that was ploughed by more than ten old cows side by side, the stone slabs shattered, the new soil was dug up, and spread forward, as if it would cut the temple in two!

Fortunately, this disaster scenario did not happen. When frantically advancing to the center of the temple, that is, the center of the main hall square, the earth dragon python slowly stagnated.

Immediately, dīng líng líng ... the golden ring squeaked and the dust exploded. Woodin pulled back the trembling golden ring knife, calmly retracted the knife on his back, and stepped back to let out Tang who was behind him.

En , once again returned to the ordinary appearance that had no sense of existence before. This is not in the limelight, but it shows the identity of the gold medal bodyguard in a real way.

Any hustle and bustle will eventually return to silence, this is the unbreakable rule of truth. But the consequences of this are not so calming.

Above the main hall, Bellon and the others stared blankly at the huge ravine that spanned half of the temple. They moved their eyes stiffly, and looked back and forth until they saw the same pattern on the periphery of the mask. The experts in the temple who were speechless, "gudong!" their throats moved, and they swallowed hard...

There was a dead silence on the square!

For a moment, Tang En touched his nose, stepped up, looked at Veron and the others spread their hands: "I said it before, I will talk to you face-to-face... Alas, I really can't do it. I understand what you great characters think. In this way, the brave man went all the way, and the Great Demon King sent people to chase and block it. As a result, because of the scattered troops, he was finally killed by the brave all the way to the scene... Well, don't you think it's too old Is it covered? Look, now it's like this, it's really...why bother!"


The light is warm, soft and gentle.

But Veron felt that the sunlight seemed to be a lot more poisonous, and he was a little dazed by the sun. Gradually returning to my senses, I first looked at Tang En, then at Woodin standing behind Tang En, paused for a while, as if to confirm the relationship between the two, and finally put my eyes back on Tang En, and said dryly: "What do you...want to talk about?"

"Exit the North." Tang En laughed**replied.

"Impossible!" Veron refused, not to say that he had no right to make such a decision, even if he had, he would not dare. Because everyone knows that once they withdraw from the north, the foundation that the temple has spent thousands of years laying here will be disappeared in an instant. This is a responsibility that even the Pope cannot afford.

"That's not to talk about." Shrugged, Tang En simply gave up, then turned his head and looked towards Woodin, said in deadly earnest, "Lu Lao, I promised to accompany you to visit here, see Why don't we start now?"

Woodin smiled and nodded: "Okay."

"Come here, look here. I'm not familiar with it, I've only been there once. But since I've come to the temple, some classic attractions are definitely not to be missed. For example..."

Pressing on the wide-brimmed hat, if there is another small flag In hand, Tang En is the image of a professional tour guide, pointing to the huge Divine Idol on the roof of the main hall, "such as this Divine Idol! Now, although Divine Idols are everywhere, they are completely ruined. But this one is different, it is a The largest Divine Idol within a hundred miles, and it is said to have been opened by Light God, staring at who is pregnant...haha, just kidding. Maybe you always wonder why this Divine Idol is brand new, then here There's a doorway...haha, yes, that's what I did when I came here last time..."

In such a large and silent square, only Tang En was pointing to the east and west, saying The one is called a mouth falling into the river, and it is very smooth. And if the malicious jokes are removed, listen... how interesting?

When Veron and other high-level officials heard the words, they looked at each other in dismay, their faces were full of unfathomable mystery, and they were at a loss for a while.

What is this for?

This doubt did not last long, because Tang En spoke again and waved his hand: "Okay, this attraction is finished, there is no need to exist anymore."

Woodin laughed, nodded slightly, dīng líng líng, moved the golden ring knife again, just a simple wave, a half-moon blade glow burst out of the air, "don't..." a loud explosion sound, in Bellon and the others were shocked In the sight of Qi's anger, the Divine Idol, who had just stood up not long ago, was hit by the half-moon blade glow direct, cut in two, and cut in half!

The upper body of Divine Idol, who was still wearing a kind smile, tilted his head and fell, smashing a huge hole in the roof of the main hall, and then there was a loud bang inside, the whole main hall was trembling slightly, and the holy outer walls were made of lime shua shua. Fall, a gloomy and dull Dalmatian.

After finishing all this, Tang En and Woodin didn't pay attention to the half of the Divine Idol, but put their eyes on an unremarkable side hall not far away, "Hey, see Isn't that? This is amazing. It's called a forbidden place for worship. It's a place where the temple is dedicated to put some old and unused things. It's called mourning. Oh, of course, there will be some good things in it. Most of it was destroyed because I stole...cough cough and borrowed a demon skull."

"Devil skull? Here?"

"Yeah, Didn't you see the scene where the devil's skull exploded at the end, that guy, it's really spectacular, just think about it and miss it..."

"Damn! Kill them!" At this point, Bellon and The others didn't understand what Tang En meant. Why are you here for a tour? It’s clearly here to demolish it!

The words fell, and the Mage Group, the temple suspended in the air, chanted in unison, and the various elements of the law competed to shine, strong or weak, like brilliant fireworks.

But before they could attack, Woodin, who had listened to the introduction, swung his sword again, the same half-moon blade glow, dragged out a sabre light afterimage in the air, and rammed straight into the forbidden place for worship.

Boom... The dust rose, and suddenly five-color rays of light continued to bloom, but under the strong crush of the half-moon blade glow, the forbidden area of worship was still a pile of ruins without any suspense.

Woodin looked at the ruins carefully and shook his head: "There is nothing good."

Tang En opened his mouth when he saw this, and then smiled: "Oh, it's you, Mr. Lu. His eyes are too high.”

Although most of the things displayed in the forbidden area are old and incomplete, it is undeniable that there are indeed some good things in it. For example, when Tang En entered the last time, he saw those armored weapons with strong power. Most of these things were the relics left by the famous Cleric in the past. The five-color rays of light just now were automatically activated when they felt threatened. out.

I think if these things spread out, it will definitely cause a bloody storm due to treasure hunting! However, they encountered Woodin this time. Under the strong blade glow, they couldn't allow them to struggle any more, and they were destroyed directly!

It is precisely because of this that when Woodin saw that nothing could take his blade glow, he naturally shook his head in disappointment, saying that there is no good thing here. At least there are no good things like the demon skulls that Tang En saw last time he came here.

"The temple is so big, there must be some good things. We will find it later. But Mr. Lu..." After a while, Tang En grinned and pointed to the Mage Group, the temple above. "In order not to disturb our travel, do you want to get rid of these annoying flies first?"

Woodin raised his eyes and narrowed his eyes, instead of making a move immediately, he looked at Tang En with a faint smile: " That's why you've been trying to provoke each other before."

"Ha, Lu Laoyingming!" Tang En didn't deny it, laughed heartily, and admitted it very generously.

Tang En came here this time, and the one who really wanted to kill was Rezel, and the others were done on the premise of causing trouble for the temple, and they could hit as hard as they could. .

And his biggest reliance on this plan is naturally Sword God Woodin. But Woodin once said that he would not help him take the initiative to kill, which undoubtedly greatly reduced the effect of the blow. But Tang En is not given for nothing, he is so cunning...

What, don't you help me take the initiative to kill? Can! But now others are trying to kill me. As a gold medal bodyguard, you can't help but die...

…………(To be continued.)

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