
"Ha... I won!"

The words are over, the ruins are in ruins, and the world is silent!


What is a miracle? It's the kind of thing that seems like even if you try a hundred or ten thousand times, you will die a hundred or ten thousand times. .but when it's actually done, accidentally step on shit and then the unfathomable mystery succeeds...

Yes, it's totally unscientific! But unfortunately, this is the truth!

And, let's not talk about whether there is really so much shit in this world. What is certain is that once a miracle happens, it must be followed by broken eyeballs...

Philip's eyeballs are not broken, but they are slightly bulging, but he feels that his ears must be There is a problem, otherwise why do those two sentences 'you win' and 'I win' sound so unreal, like listening to a story, or a fairy tale...

, scratching his hair with both hands, his expression collapsed, "This is so unreasonable!"

This is of course not a curse, to say that Philip has a good relationship with Tang En's, otherwise he would not be so old. Came from afar to tip off. But relationships are relationships, and prayers are prayers. As long as reason is not completely lost, the facts must always be respected for a while. But now the fact gave him a fiercely slap... When looking at Tang En, who was lying on the ruins, with a proud face and even a little arrogant expression on his face, Philip ravaged his hair and scalp, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

He is like this, and the sea tower on the side is naturally even worse. When I saw that the master accepted the sword enters sheathe and personally accepted the opponent's victory, his mind exploded. In the whole mind, only the master lost, the master actually lost, and so on, the thoughts kept circling, and even with his Sky Rank cultivation base, it was actually They didn't even notice that David and the others rushed into the arena laughing wildly...

In the distance, beep beep, shrill police whistles sounded one after another, followed by the faint sound of hurried horse hooves.

Actually, Tang En's battle with Woodin was not that big, and it didn't match their strength status at all. If it wasn't for the last time, Tang En took the initiative to detonate the blood-colored hurricane, instantly collapsing a large number of buildings around it, and the guard cavalry would not be able to receive the news and come immediately...

The battle is over, the bet has been made, both sides There is not much to say. Woodin saw that Tang En was covered in blood and nodded, just left a sentence of 'come to me when you're hurt', and immediately left with Haita. As for Philip, he gave a strange cry after came back to his senses, and jumped up with David and the others...

"Where's the injury? Boss, where are you?" "Get out of the way! I Go and contact the doctor..." "The doctor's healing is too slow, Boss, wait, I'll tie the church priest to you..."

Everyone talking at once, surrounded by Tang in the middle En tried to interject several times but failed, and he couldn't help but look stunned. In fact, it's not that David and the others are so restless. Of course, they know about Tang En's perversion. But this time the opponent was Sword God Woodin, and if they touched it, it would be a proper way to meet Light God, let alone fight Woodin for a while.

"Shut up...cough cough..." With a wave of his hand, Tang En shouted out loudly and was about to shake the place. Not so embarrassed.

And this miserable appearance undoubtedly made David and the others even more worried. Luke's surname leaned over in a hurry, and immediately took off Tang En's clothes to check, but Tang En glared at him and waved his hand away, "I said it's too late, and I'm still trying to be brave... uh, No way... ..." After a pause, Philip, who separated from the crowd and squeezed in, seemed to have thought of something, with a strange expression, "Could it be ... that it was hurt there?" David and the others reacted, opened their mouths, and secretly glanced at Tang En's lower abdomen, the atmosphere was extremely strange for a while.

"I'm so... get out!" Tang En, who finally recovered his strength, almost took a breath after hearing this, and the carp turned upright in an instant, rampaging like thunder, "You special. How did you get hurt, your whole family got hurt!"

It's about a happy major event, and even a man can't bear it. And listening to the angry yelling, Philip didn't care about scolding back, looked up and down at Tang En, paused: "Tang En, are you... all right?"

Rolling his eyes, "Why? , you seem very disappointed?"

"Uh, of course not." Philip avoided Tang En's eyes with a little guilty conscience, you must know that just now, he thought of Joah, otherwise he would not have been in an instant. Think of the strange injury position.

With a bang, the Eisoan members were excited, "Boss, are you really okay?" "I mean, Boss, you are too fierce, that's Sword God..."

Look With Tang En jumping around, everyone's mood was like a roller coaster, from extreme worry to extreme ecstasy, and they cheered like thunder in an instant.

Tang En is really fine, except for the blood loss, the two bones are a bit scary. That's due to a space crack that controls the expansion. But from start to finish, Woodin's overbearing sword simply didn't touch him. In this way, naturally there is no need to talk about injuries.

It has to be said that this result has a large part of luck in it. Woodin really didn't keep his hands. If it were another person, even if he had the same strength as Tang En, he would definitely die. Because he is impossible to have the support of the system...

"Since it's all right, what are you waiting for?" Philip raised his arms and suggested with a laugh, "Celebrate, the tavern in the city, I invite you!"

"Okay!" David immediately agreed upon hearing this, and then suddenly bowed to Philip and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, brother...I'll give you three cups of apology later!"

"Sorry? Why?" Philip looked unfathomable mystery.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I'll leave after drinking anyway." Patted Philip's shoulder, Luke on the side gave David a wink and changed the subject.

The so-called guilt is naturally because of David and the others' plans when they were full of revenge. You must know that the Purple Artillery, which is placed in the abandoned house next door, is still aimed at here. If something happened to Tang En just now, David and the others would definitely choose to shoot strikes. Among them, Sword God is hard to say, but Haita and Philip are afraid that it will be difficult for them to end well...

This is not to say that David and the others have to kill Philip, but they have completely lost their lives at that time. sanity. All I can think about is that Haita is the elder disciple of Sword God, and Philip is the descendant of Sword God. No matter how these two people think, they can't get rid of it. One shot is dead. Of course, it's over now, and these things come naturally. It should not be mentioned again.

"Wait." At this moment, Tang En suddenly waved his hand to stop the elated crowd, staring at Philip with a bad expression, "We'll talk about the drinking later, let's talk about Joah first... um, How did you say that before."

"Uh, this, that, hehe..." Philip was stunned when he heard the words, blinked, raised his head and hit haha, and suddenly sighed. He patted his thigh, "Aiya! I suddenly remembered that my grandfather has something to do with me, so what, let's meet again next time! See you again, see you again..." As he waved his hands in a hurry, he turned around and ran away in a hurry.

But before he could rush out of the crowd, Tang En gnashing teeth shouted: "Give me a block, I'll buy this drink, and he won't be able to live without taking care of himself today!"

"Okay." Harry responded with a smile, and he blocked Philip with Luke one after the other.

"Hey, what are you doing, I really have something to do... Hey, the guard cavalry has come, don't mess around... Help, kidnap..."

In the shrill screams, Tang En withdrew his gaze expressionlessly, glanced at the silhouette of the cavalry galloping in the distance, waved his hand, and led everyone away from the rear.

When you get out of this secret agency that has been reduced to ruins, "By the way, you go to do something for me now." Leaning to David, Tang En said, "The organization hides in place, stop Regarding the Quest of the temple, don't spread the Battle Qi circulation channel. Then, in my name, send a letter to the northern temple, saying that I will visit in a week and let them get ready."

David was taken aback for a moment when he heard the words: "Uh, Boss, you are..."

"It's okay, you just do it, this time we're going to play big..." Squinted With long and narrow eyes, the corners of Tang En's mouth rose, and said meaningfully with a smile, "hehe, I just hope their preparations don't disappoint me."

"Okay." Don't ask too much, David Nod to leave.

"wait a minute"


Putting his arms around David's shoulders, Tang En lowered his voice: "Take some time, use snacks, Get me the ugliest woman in the city. Later, when Philip is drunk, throw it directly on his bed."

"...Will this, this be too cruel?"


Touched his chin, "Very cruel?"

"Very cruel!"

"That's right, let's do it."



At the intersection of the street in the distance, Woodin, who left first, passed the guard cavalry who came, with a rare dazed expression. Of course not because of knowing what kind of tragic end his grandson will have in the future, but thinking about other things...

"Master, master...master!"

"Well ?"

Haita, who was also out of his mind, took a deep breath, paused, and said hesitantly: "The previous bet..."

Woodin astonished turned his head: "Of course it is if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, is there any problem?"

"No, just, well, as the master, if you really make a move with the temple, the result may be... ..." Having said this, Haita looked very worried. "And the attitude of the Titus court should also be taken into account. If something goes wrong, not only the north, but the entire Titus will be in chaos. How can this not come with me? It goes against the purpose of the time?"

"This, you can think about it." Woodin shook the head, "Then Tang En is not a fool, he knows where our bottom line is, and the excessive demands are I won't mention it, I guess it's just trying to make an idea on the Temple Federation in the north."

After a pause, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Alright, they've been unpleasant for a long time... don't forget. Now, no one knows the news of us going down the mountain quietly, as long as we dress up a little, we can take this opportunity to give the temple a bit of a look, and let out a nasty tone!"

Haita couldn't help but be stunned when she heard the words, and then she was a little surprised Suspiciously looked at Woodin: "Master has such a plan for a long time?" No wonder he would have such an idea, it is really Woodin's reaction is too abnormal, as if he had been waiting for this moment to come.

"Haha, it can only be said that time is also fate." Waving his hand, Woodin did not admit it, but the answer undoubtedly explained something.

Having said this, Haita pursed her lips, and naturally she couldn't say anything more. And as the elder disciple of Sword God's faction, Haita's perception of the temple is naturally not much better. If there is a chance to cause trouble to the other party, of course, he will not refuse.

But thinking of this, Haita naturally remembered the battle just now: "Master, you didn't mean to lose...master?"

"Eh? What? "Woodin rubbed his brows and seemed to be distracted again.

Haita couldn't help but feel sour when he saw this. He just thought that the master was the first defeat in his old age, and his mind was fluctuating, so he was a little dazed along the way... He lowered his head, and asked the previous doubts and guesses again. Do not export.

However, Woodin remembered the problem of Haita after returning to his senses, without any special expression, calmly replied: "No, I really did my best to make a move just now, but I used the wrong battle method...

Well, when Tang En played against Winslyn before, although he showed amazing close combat skills. But I don't think that is his limit, and Winslyn can't force his full strength. So in that one When I was fighting with the sword, I compressed Battle Qi just to see how much surprise he could bring...hehe, the result didn't disappoint me, this child is really not simple!"

Putting gold on one's own face is the truth. What Sword God cultivates is Battle Qi. Although it borrows the circulation channels in the body in some aspects, his battle method is still the same fighting philosophy inherited from the Other World lineage. In short, it is open and close!

And with Sword God's strength, if the formidable power of Battle Qi is completely spread out, and the sword goes down, the mountains will be reclaimed, and it will not be nothing serious. And what Tang En is afraid of now is this kind of crushing attack that doesn't talk about the road, because it has nothing to do with skills, plot against and other factors at all, it is simply fighting strength and fighting scenes!

Just like the battle outside the imperial city in the Northern Wilderness, the dozen or so mad eagle tribes experts joined forces to bomb the mountain. Tang En had no choice but to flee in embarrassment. But when the experts chased after them, Tang En approached them one by one, and ended up killing most of them successfully...

But Sword God didn't do that, and chose to kill Battle Qi instead. Unlimited compression, this is equivalent to self-binding, using one's own shortcomings to meet Tang En's advantages, and the result is a miracle of this scene!

Nodding, Haita couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief in the heart when she heard the words, calming down her previous agitation. It's not that he couldn't afford to lose and was jealous of Tang En, so he was relieved when he learned that there was something hidden.

It's just because he finally solved the dark knot in his heart. After all, what Tang En has done is really scary. Even with such a huge disparity in strength, he can still successfully catch Sword God's sword. This makes them hard to cultivate for a hundred years, how can they finally become experts? Fortunately, fortunately, this world is still normal, and it can still be understood with common sense...

Unraveling this knot, Haita couldn't help but wonder: "If this is the case, then why do you master? All the way, you seem to be very worried?"

"Ah..." sighed, Woodin nodded, looking a little distressed, "It's not because of that space crack!"

"I didn't expect that Tang En actually stepped into the Space Domain, and it went so deep. At that time, because of the gambling relationship, my compressed sword intent was completely stuck. After that, although I forcibly closed the space crack, press Logically speaking, the sword intent should slowly dissipate in the space. But the space power of Tang En cultivation is a little weird. Like the concept of close combat, it can only control the surrounding narrow area, and completely ignore it at a distance. ...I'm worried that the sword intent will break out of the space barrier because of this and come back to the world..."

"Ah!" Haita was shocked when he heard this, of course he knew the formidable ability of the master's full-strength sword What exactly is power? If it reappears in the world and appears in the sky above a certain town, the consequences can't be imagined...

"Well, it's only possible." Having entered the parallel space, Woodin can't feel it. Where is my sword intent now, I can only comfortably say, "The space is as vast as the sea, and the mystery is endless. Not to mention whether the sword intent can still come out, even if it comes out, it may not come to this world, so... uh ?"

Before he finished speaking, Woodin raised his eyebrows abruptly, turned around and looked towards the west, his expression changed greatly, "It's really coming out...Damn!" , the figure flickered, and instantly disappeared in place.

"Out, out? No... No way..."


Cold Water Western District, several hundred li away, continuous mountain in the range.

It was originally a deserted place, but now there are dozens of silhouettes running in it, one after the other, like a hunt.

"Damn, stop for me, and then run and kill your whole family!"

"Haha, the rest will be killed, but the wind-scratching girl has to keep it, sir, I've stopped eating meat for three months..."

"Not bad, not bad... …haha, don’t run away, little girls, it’s better to keep your strength and have a good time with the uncle…”


All kinds of foul language echoed in the mountain range, It was vulgar. This came from the dozens of fierce men in the rear. If you guessed correctly, it should be the gangsters and bandits in the north.

In front of several hundred meters, seven or eight people fled in embarrassment. In addition to the people dressed in armor like guards, there were also three silhouettes in commoner clothes, one man, one woman and one child. From the above, it should be undoubtedly a wealthy family.

In this way, the scene in front of me is easy to explain. It is nothing more than a wealthy family who passed by a caravan, or came to the north to travel, visit relatives, etc., but unfortunately ran into a bandit in this mountain range, and the situation was in danger.

The middle-aged man with the saber looked back, clenched the teeth, and shouted loudly at the young woman holding the child beside him, "Run! Run with the child, find someone Hide in a hidden place...you and I are here to meet the enemy and block these damn robbers for a while."

"I, huh...I can't run anymore, you should run with your child..." gasping for breath, the young woman shouted with a flushed face.

"Don't talk nonsense, run..."

In this case, if there is no accident, the outcome of these people can be imagined. But will there be an accident...

…………(To be continued.)

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