
Because of geographical differences, although the sources of people with extraordinary status such as Haita are well-informed, they are also Just relative to the ordinary person. In fact, while they were talking, the current situation of the Northern Temple is much worse than they expected!

Of course, for the same reason, Tang En was completely unaware of the news that Sword God had quietly descended from the mountain to the North...

On the banks of the Hanshui River, all kinds of craftsmen still stand row upon row. However, the thriving atmosphere of the past is no longer seen. While walking, most of the passersby looked frightened and uneasy. Even if they were acquaintances in person, they basically ignored the lively greetings, and their feet were all in a hurry...

In fact, this atmosphere is not only here, but also in The entire Cold Water City, and even the entire northern town of Titus, is almost the same, as if it was shrouded in a large cloud of dark clouds, dull and depressing!

The reason for the Qi Condensation atmosphere, needless to say, is naturally because of the Light God Temple... Now, the problem brought by the temple is no longer as simple as a simple belief problem!

The temple has been standing for thousands of years, and it has long influenced every inch of Titus' territory, every class, and every Titus Kingdom citizen... It is precisely because of such a huge influence that once the temple appears truly , that is trouble for the entire Titus Empire!

And this kind of terrifying trouble, in the short term, the Titus court can't solve it, and the Light God Temple can't solve it either. As for Tang En, the main party... In fact, even if Tang En is the root cause of the scourge. Kill, it is also impossible to reverse the situation. This is a completely irresistible trend!

It is foreseeable that, in the end, it is destined to turn into an uncontrollable catastrophe...

On the streets of the river, the yellowed and leftover leaves are spinning and drifting, "It's really deserted... "From Purple Artillery's hidden factory, Lina and Tang En walked in the desolate autumn wind, looking at the more desolate streets, Lina couldn't help sighing.

Tang En didn't make a sound, he naturally knew the reason and root of all the sights in front of him. Although he never regretted making this decision, he naturally wouldn't be delighted to see this lifeless scene, proudly proclaiming that this was exactly what he wanted...

Looking around, Lena lowered her head and said softly, "The day before yesterday, I was chatting with Aunt Martha from the tailor shop, she said that the old priest Primo from the Western District Church died and had his head cut off, she was very sad... oh, I I don't mean to accuse you, Arthur, I know you must have your own reasons for doing this... I just, just heard that the old priest Primo is a good man..."

"It's okay." Tang En shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't mind.

Lina was one of the most important factors in the revival of the Grey Cloth Armed Force, and Tang En did not hide some things from her. Such as the use of Purple Artillery, such as the bloody storm caused by the Assassins' Guild... Of course, it is not said or necessary when it comes to specific things. But things like the mass killing of Cleric in the north, Lena still knew that it was from Tang En's. After a moment of silence, Tang En nodded. "I believe in your judgment, that old priest should be a good person. I also believe that there are many such good people in the temple... This is war."

Tang En raised his head, looked at the gray and bleak sky, paused, and continued: "On the battlefield, the enemy and I meet on a narrow road. Maybe the enemy in front of me, he is the good man in the eyes of my hometown neighbor, The good son of the parents in the eyes, the good husband of the wife in the eyes, he has two or three lively and lovely children, and has a big loyal black dog... But we are enemies, if I don't make a move, he will I'm going to stab me to death with the long spear in my hand, what can I do? I can only raise the Broadsword in my hand and chop off his head first, no matter how noble his character and how happy his family is... This is war , there are always people who die, and I want to live."

Turning to look at Lina, who looked a little stunned, Tang En's face was calm, "I don't want to argue so much, I am very selfish, I will never be able to achieve the Saint Realm world that can help the world. The starting point of doing things is only for myself and the people around me. I can't take care of others, and I don't want to take care of others... Well, are you disappointed?"

Silently shaking her head, she shook her head again, Lina took a slight breath, turned her head and said, "No! I understand, but I was just a little emotional for a while... Well, it seems that no matter what, the unlucky person is always the ordinary person in the end. ..."

"It won't last long."


Tang En looked towards the west, the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Too Your blessing, an injured tiger hastened to recover completely, and will soon come out to prey."

Lina was stunned for a moment, then followed Tang En's gaze to the west, a single thought suddenly Appearing in her mind, she suddenly showed a shocked expression: "Gray...gray..." She covered her mouth in time and looked at the passersby around her.

"hehe, yeah..." Tang En smiled nodded, and his face couldn't help but feel a little emotional. It's not easy, finally the day has come...

Needless to say, this tiger from the north is naturally the Grey Cloth Armed Force in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains!

Actually, this step was not necessary in such a hurry. In the battle of Dawn City, the main force of the Grey Cloth Armed Force did not suffer any major damage. However, the passing of Losa, Zorvan and the others, and the betrayal of Bosco and other high-level leaders, undoubtedly cast a shadow over the Grey Cloth Armed Force, and their morale plummeted. Coupled with the lack of a base to defend against danger, the Grey Cloth Armed Force's more than 100,000 troops are like rootless duckweed. Compared with the countless solid cities and tens of thousands of troops in the Titus Empire, there is no chance of victory.

Suffice to say, if not for the intense vengeful rage that burns in the chest of every Grey Cloth Armed Force man. With just this battle, the Grey Cloth Armed Force will be disbanded for the most part.

Even though Joah rose up strongly at the behest of Luosha later, he ascended to the position of leader in one fell swoop, and then dug up the worms, eradicated the rebellion, and greatly stabilized the military's morale. However, the huge disparity in strength between the enemy and us still leaves all the Grey Cloth Armed Force in a daze, and sees no hope of revenge...

In desperation, the Grey Cloth Armed Force decided to grit their teeth and remain silent for a few years, slowly Figure, waiting for the time of revenge to come. But at this moment, Tang En returned from Beihuang with Purple Artillery. Afterwards, there was a lot of good luck. Not only did I meet Lina, who has outstanding talent in Alchemy, but also with the full support of Yatang Business Group, batches of improved Purple Artillery were delivered.

With such a battlefield ultimate weapon in hand, and after seeing its terrifying power, the Grey Cloth Armed Force is naturally boosted in morale. How to be strong and get revenge.

Of course, this is just a preliminary thought. After all, this revenge is of great significance, and once he loses again, the result is unpredictable. But it is no coincidence that Tang En has made a lot of noise this year, directly stirring the North into a mess of porridge and chaos - it's a good time to attack for revenge!

In this way, in the secret letter that Tang En received a few days ago, Joah and the others finally decided to lead the Grey Cloth Armed Force to officially kill back at the beginning of this winter!

There are tigers in the Western Mountains, and when they climb up and look back and roar, their fangs are exposed. This shocking news, the two naturally lost their emotions. However, on the way back to Alchemy Laboratory, there was some silence.

Tang En is looking forward to it. He has a hunch that the pattern of Caesar Continent will probably change because of this variable.

Lina's face was equally happy, but she couldn't hide a little bit of trance. She is really satisfied with her current life, and even more satisfied with Tang En's Condition. She's not greedy at all, just watching quietly like this makes her happy... But thinking about the Grey Cloth Armed Force walking out of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains and Miss Joah by his side, this kind of life will be gone forever... …

He walked to the Alchemy Laboratory in silence. Tang En, who was about to leave, looked up and saw two carriages parked in front of the laboratory, an ordinary black carriage, A small red exquisite carriage, more than a dozen guards scattered all around with vigilant expressions... Couldn't help but turn around and looked towards Lina.

"Hey, this is Allen's carriage." Lina was also a little astonished when she saw this, but she immediately recognized that the black ordinary carriage was Allen's, and was a little overjoyed.

"Ha, it's Alan, that's really a long time no see." Tang En was also happy when he heard the words, and then his eyes fell on the red exquisite carriage, smiling and playing said with a smile : "hehe, it seems that this kid is doing well, this is the rhythm of finding a girlfriend to show off!"

......(To be continued.)

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