
(ps: Sorry for posting so late. The power outage in my hometown, but this chapter still guarantees 5,000 Words.)

After sending Raymond, Tang En had no more burdens. After flashing out of the seminary hall, he put on Savian's shoulder, ran at full speed, and disappeared at the back of the Academy in an instant.

In just a few breaths, Sasori and Brocko figures appeared in the sky, with eyes like falcons, scanning back and forth over a dozen dark buildings below, brows slightly wrinkle...

This location is the northwest corner of the Academy, and at first glance there are no conspicuous tall buildings. Judging from a warehouse with a huge area, this corner should have been used for piling sundries when it was planned. Few people come here, and it has not been affected by the chaos not far away for the time being.

After a few glances, the two of Sasori put their sights on the periphery of the Academy, where there is a large ditch, which is also the main channel for drainage and garbage in the city. A lighting magic is put down, and it can be seen that the river water that is not deep is extremely turbid, most of which are dry muddy beaches. I believe that if you get close, you can still smell a faint odor.

Apart from this, there is no silhouette of Tang En and no obvious signs of trampling. And according to the time, the two of Sasori didn't think that in just a few breaths, the other party would be able to jump over the ditch and run out of the Academy. So after observing for a while, when the silhouettes of Byron and the others appeared in the sky in the distance, the two still focused on the building at hand...

At this time, in the dark warehouse , two figures slumped in the shadows on both sides of the floor-to-ceiling windows, leaning against the wall, their chests undulating, breathing slowly but uninterruptedly, blowing up pieces of dust around them, floating in the dim light in front of the window, looking extremely quiet.

There are all kinds of debris piled around, including old school desks, heavy saddles, weapon wooden racks and other teaching equipment, showing a hideous outline in the dark environment, it seems that the evil is evil, and there is something unspeakable. terrifying meaning.

"This is your plan...to hide here and wait to die?" Savian surveyed the surroundings in the darkness, sniffing the dull and damp smell lingering in front of his nose, and asked softly with a frown.

"Hehe, you can't say that." He stroked his chest, Tang En was a little tired from the last sprint just now, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "What if you can really escape?"

Silence for a moment, "You're kidding! Even if they really don't think we're hiding here, it's just a few magic bombings, it's not a waste of time..."

tone barely fell, like Confirming Savian's inference, abruptly, bang bang bang... The earth trembled, and the violent explosion sounded clearly, humming and echoing in the closed warehouse, as if it was blowing right next to him.

The two of them stood up instantly upon hearing the sound, and looked up at the sky not far away through the trembling crystal glass. Byron and the others kept waving their sticks and releasing all kinds of huge might magic, which continued to affect the buildings around the warehouse. bombing. The two of Sasori stood apart, staring at the bombing situation below, and if there was a slight change, they would immediately make a move to kill them.

"Tsk, crow's mouth..." Tang En sighed helplessly after smacking his lips. Savian clenched his long spear, looked over, solemnly asked, "Tell me, what exactly is your plan?"

Savian knows Tang En very well. In her opinion, Even in the face of no matter how strong the opponent is, Tang En is impossible to wait and leave his fate to the luck of illusory. However...

After a little stunned, Tang En sighed softly: "You really look up to me... Well, when I came, I expected that the temple would send a powerhouse to deal with me, but didn't expect them to turn out to be You look down on me like that, a Sky Rank Martial Artist is not enough, and a Magister, hehe..." Looking out the window, he smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly.

Saviian looked at Tang En's seemingly fake expression, pursed his lips, breathed deeply, and turned his head to the warehouse door: "I'll go out from there later, you prepare."



"I'm not strong enough, and I don't know how long I can hold back... If you want to attract their attention for a moment, you should be able to do it. Then you will break the glass and walk away. Well, at your speed, coupled with the chaotic environment here, there is a high possibility of escaping."

paused, walking to Tang En, who looked stunned, as if he knew what he was thinking. , Savian said calmly, "There's no reason, just treat it as a favor... I don't like to owe people things." After adding a sentence, she turned around and strode towards the door.

"Uh..." Subconsciously grabbing Savian's arm, Tang En blinked, "But, you owe me two favors."

step one stopped, "Well ?" The free and easy temperament suddenly stagnates, Savian turns his head and rolls his eyes angrily, thinking about it, he didn't expect the other party to be so tired!

Tang En touched his nose when he saw this, knowing that his blurted words were a bit shameless, and he couldn't help but be embarrassed and speechless.

The sound of the explosion outside the window continued. Under the bombardment of Byron and the others at the magic power, whether it was a fragile wood house or a solid stone building, it all turned into an instant under the magic of huge might. Stalled messy ruins. That is, Sasori's extremely cautious order, asking Byron and the others to smash these buildings to pieces, otherwise it would be the turn of this large warehouse.

Of course, the difference is only a few minutes...

"cough cough..." In the warehouse, Tang En finally touched his nose and coughed twice. , to break the awkward atmosphere, "This, I didn't mean that..."

"I repay your favor!" Just when Tang En was trying to figure out what words to use to prevaricate the past, Savian sipped. He pursed his lips, stepped forward abruptly, and got his face close...Tang En's reaction was absolutely fast, and a few feet of close combat was his safety cordon, so although he didn't feel the killing intent, he still turned his head subconsciously...

"Um..." With a soft touch, Savian's lips that should have fallen on Tang En's face, because of this action, accidentally kissed the corner of Tang En's mouth... In an instant, the two bodies All stiff.

The window lattices were shimmering, faint dust, and the surrounding rumbling sound quickly receded like a tide, gradually becoming inaudible, as if time had been frozen in this moment, and there was no more elegant silence than this.

Uh...how is there such a thing as a favor? Tang En was dumbfounded, the brain thinking that used to claim to be dynamoelectric, suddenly crashed and stopped working in this brief moment.

Savian was also stunned, it was just a favor, why would he choose this retaliation impulsively...because of the previous gift? Because of the catharsis before knowing that he will die? Maybe it's because of the nightmare urges that often surface during midnight dreams...

Well, either for one of these reasons, or a combination of them all. In short, Savian made this move that even she didn't know the meaning of, and then because Tang En's didn't cooperate, it instantly created this unexpected beauty...

Oh, it's not quite right to say it's wonderful . Because this scene is also considered beautiful, but it can't stand the embarrassing look of the two now covered in dirt. When the corners of the mouth touch, apart from being contaminated with dust, there is a strong bloody smell that is tangy to the nostrils... It's really a bit unpleasant!

Of course, these two people don't care about this right now. Of course, the meaning of kissing the face and kissing the mouth is different, everyone knows this. And it is the meaning of this, which makes the passive Tang En shocked and dumbfounded, and makes the active Savian if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off, and finally the two people's minds are scattered all over the ground... they have no plans to separate. I didn't mean anything further, I just contacted like this, each of them felt the faint throbbing in their hearts, and they were completely at a loss not knowing what to do...

I don't know how long it has passed, of course, the actual time is at most. Just a few minutes, all of a sudden, huā lā... With the sound of a violent explosion that was ignored, the crystal glass of the floor-to-ceiling window on the side shattered, and all the fragments fell into the warehouse under the blowing air, shattering into pieces. ground glass.

Separated instantly, the two of them subconsciously looked towards the window, the surrounding buildings were basically smashed to pieces, I believe that in less than ten seconds, the magic attack will come to this warehouse.

Turning around again, they looked at each other, Tang En rubbed the corner of his mouth with a strange expression, Savian was very calm, as if nothing had happened just now, and even patted Tang En on the shoulder, spontaneously. Said: "Don't think too much, it's just to pay back your favor... I said, I hateful owe others things, now we both clear it." After finishing the words, he simply turned around and strode away.

Tang En grinned, raised his eyebrows and looked at Savian's calm pace, suddenly opened the mouth and said: "You're going wrong, the gate is behind."

"Oh. With a reply, Savian subconsciously turned around, took a few steps, lovable body suddenly stopped, looked up at Tang En with the corner of his mouth raised, then turned slightly stiffly at the warehouse door behind him, his face suddenly visible with naked eyes His speed was dyed a rouge, and he was ashamed and annoyed...

"haha..." Tang En finally couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

Savian didn't go wrong before, but she changed direction immediately after a false reminder, which undoubtedly showed that her heart was not as free and calm as it appeared on the surface, on the contrary, she was in a trance. Will not make a mistake that is no longer a Low Rank.

"cough cough, alright alright, just kidding..." Seeing the steel long spear rattling in Savian's palm, Tang En wisely stopped his smile and sipped it She pursed her lips and patted Savian's shoulder in turn, "I understand the rush to pay off favors, but my favors are not easy to pay back...hehe, thank you for your kindness, we'll see you later!"

"Huh?" Savian didn't understand yet, when he felt his shoulders clasped tightly, next moment, with a snort, figure Rapid Speed flew upside down.

In line of sight, Tang En stood by the window and waved, a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Immediately turned around, took a step across, and came directly under the broken window, raised his head and howled furiously, his broken hair flying...

"Roar..." The roar rumbled and shook the sky, instantly covering it up. The surrounding violent explosions also covered up Savian's movement of smashing the crystal glass on the other side of the warehouse.

Whew... the cold wind hit, Savian instantly recovered, and only then did he realize that he had left the warehouse, the muddy ditch was under his feet, and he was flying towards Rapid Speed across the bank. Looking up, the floor-to-ceiling windows when I came out were dark, and Tang En silhouette was no longer seen. Looking up, several silhouettes in the sky are quickly gathering, but their attention is on the other side of the warehouse, and they have not found themselves flying silently...

With a bang, Savian fell heavily on the other side of the ditch , rolled a few laps, forcibly kicked on the ground to stop the retreat, looked up for the first time, and his anxious expression suddenly stagnated.

In the dark night sky of the warehouse, countless dazzling spear glows are like falling stars, all falling down. Not far away, a holy beam of light as pure and magnificent as the pinnacle fell from the sky and came crashing down. Apart from this, there are several dazzling magic rays of light blooming one after another... All the mighty attacks have a single target, and that is the spired warehouse with a huge area below!

"Don't!" As soon as the hissing scream came out, it was immediately covered up by the violent explosion. .


Nothing can resist such a domineering attack, and this is also true of this huge warehouse. In the continuous terrifying rumbling sound, billowing waves rose into the sky, and the original warehouse outline disappeared in an instant. Only from the scattered debris, one can imagine what kind of cruel ruins it will be in the air wave...

Opening her mouth, Savian didn't utter a single scream, and quickly tightened her grip. He pursed his lips, his hands firmly grasped the soil on the ground, and his sharp eyes continued to scan every corner of the air wave.

She doesn't believe—she doesn't believe Tang En is going to die!

He's so fast...his surname is so cunning...he just laughed and said we'll see you later...

How could he die!

Let's put aside for a moment whether Savian's ideas are justified, or if he's just kidding himself. The bombing continued, perhaps out of fear, or out of anger, Sassoly and the others did a great job, first bombing from around the warehouse, and then shrinking inward layer by layer.

In this way, as long as people are inside, they will definitely die! And more importantly, before dying, he had to flee in despair, and then stood in the center of the warehouse, watching the explosion gradually approaching, there was nothing he could do, he could only wait to die...

"haha..." Night The strange laughter like an owl kept echoing in the air, and Sassoly's old face was savagely twisted. Well..."

The Byrons on the side were also extremely excited, Sassoly lost his palm completely, and they were because of the precarious safety of their lives. To know that since Tang En appeared in their field of vision, they haven't had a better day in peace. Sometimes I am worried that the blood glow dagger will suddenly appear in front of me, and sometimes I am worried that the noose of the Tribunal will suddenly fall on the neck...

But now, as long as this Tang En is killed, they will have no more Safety concerns! And when they think that Tang En will die on the magic at hand, their aged bodies are trembling with excitement, as if the spring comes upon a withered tree, their youthful vitality is magically restored, and the attack at hand will be more cheerful. .

Soon, after Rhodes, who was bruised and bruised, was carried over on a makeshift stretcher by several Knights, the sound of the explosion finally subsided completely. It wasn't that Sasori and the others didn't want to bomb anymore, but that they couldn't find a target.

As the dust dissipated, the original huge warehouse was almost smashed to the ground, and the messy ruins were only a thin layer, with faint smoke everywhere.

Satisfied touring around, without hesitation, Sassouri first fell into the rubble and fell into the ruins. His idea is very simple, no matter whether Tang En has been blasted to rubbish or not, he must confirm it, because he said before that he will smash the opponent into 10,000 pieces, just like his severed palm that was cut into shreds of flesh and bones. ...

But obviously, even with the magical convenience, rummaging for a job is no small feat.

Bloko shook the head when he saw this. He didn't think that under such an attack, the opponent might still leave a whole body. It would be nice to have a stump. But after pondering for a while, he still beckoned Byron and the others to drop down together to help Sasori search.

Blok knew very well in his heart that Sasori had fallen into the Heart Demon. If he didn't look for it again, I'm afraid he would not be reconciled in this life...

"wait a moment! "The only one who had a different opinion was Rhodes who came here. Seeing Sassoli and the others falling one after another, he hurriedly discouraged him, "Two adults, let me ask someone to do the rough work, you just need to wait in the sky. I'm done."

Blok started to understand when he heard the words. This Rhode is obviously still worried that Tang En is not dead, afraid that they will lose the advantage of spatial flight after landing, so they are equivalent to actively approaching Tang En, and the consequences are unpredictable.

"hmph!" Sasori obviously thought of Rhodes' concerns, but after being coldly snorted, instead of lifting off according to his words, he landed directly on the ground. With a wave of his hand, the strong wind raged, instantly raising a large piece of debris, and squinting to find the possible broken flesh and limbs inside.

"Sir... ah..." Seeing this, Rhode raised one arm and let go of his sigh.

"Don't worry, Tang En impossible is alive." Blok flew over and comforted him, then waved his long spear, "And, even if he survived miraculously, could he still be there? Wasn't the last name trapped on the ground for the two of us? And as long as any one of us can get up in the air, he can only die except to escape."

Rod brows slightly wrinkle: "I also know that This is the truth, but somehow, I always feel that he is hiding something... Well, it's okay, maybe I'm really over-hearted."

In fact, Rhode himself didn't think that he was like that just now. Under attack, someone can be spared. But the deep fear in his heart still made Rhode feel a little abnormal about Tang En's death so easily.

Of course, these unfounded speculations obviously cannot convince the already mad Sasori. So in the end, Rhode just let the knights who carried the stretcher go into the ruins with Brocko to search for it, and try to end it as soon as possible and leave here as soon as possible.

Although the warehouse area is large, there are not many ruins left after being bombarded. With Sasori, Byron and other magical means, the search process was progressing smoothly for the most part. Judging from the current situation, no traces of flesh and blood have been found yet.

Seeing this, "hehe, maybe I'm really frightened." Rhode laughed at himself twice, then turned his head and looked at the chaos of the Academy behind him, and couldn't help twitched his lips ...It's a really clumsy scene, so many people are still being played around, even if you complete the Quest, you will lose your face... Hey, luck is good, you can still see the stars break through the sky...

One after another, thinking about various things, Rhodes shook the head, looked away, and began to think about the issue of retreat. However, at the next moment, the body suddenly froze, and the sight of Rapid Speed was pulled back, staring blankly at the Fireball meteor gliding in the sky Rapid Speed, and the pupils suddenly contracted sharply.

What the hell...seems like it's coming this way...

 …(To be continued.)

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