
Under the dim light of the fire, Luke carried Raymond and kept running, shouting the sound of containment behind him Getting closer. .

The footsteps are getting heavier and the gasping sounds are getting louder. It's not just because of the nonstop running away, but also the little blood on the road behind. It is these that attract more and more people to chase, no matter where they run, they can't get rid of them.

But Luke couldn't care less to clean up these marks, because he was injured, and the injury was not serious.

After all, it is a long-range archer, and even if it is a knife, it is not weak, but after all, it is not comparable to the melee experts such as Miksu and David. It is not easy to make a bloody way to get here in the crowd.

However, Luke was obviously dissatisfied with the result, "Damn it! Why are there more and more people... There must be something wrong! Although we did take a detour, I There is nothing wrong with the choice of route, fleeing while the chaos is the kingly way... By the way, there was such a lively fight in the vicinity just now, it was soaring to the sky, and it was a magic lightsaber... I am stupid! There must be something big about the Boss there. , and ended up hurting us... Alas, how did Boss say hello, keep a low profile, keep a low profile, isn't this what you often talk about..."

The rambled complaints are in contrast to The truth is not far off. The reason why Luke took Raymond into the most chaotic rear of the Academy was to take advantage of the chaotic situation here to escape. I don't want to think that although it is really chaotic here, it also makes Luke, who is known to be crazy, dizzy and run a lot of wrong roads. After waiting for Raymond to see it, he stretched his fingers, but unfortunately they ran into the guards who had just evacuated from the office building and were chased all the way here.

From this perspective. It was indeed Tang En who harmed them unintentionally. Of course. Their own luck is really bad...

"Uh... or Luke, you put me down and run by yourself. I'm useless anyway..."

"I Bah! What are you talking about? Hit me in the face? Young Master, I spit a nail, saying that if I take you out, I will definitely be able to take you out... hū chī... Do you think those trashy fish in the back can stop me? Young Master is teasing them, wait for Young Master, let me take a breath, hū chī... I changed my hands and cleaned them up..."

While running wildly, he said harsh words, although because of the bursts of breath, he really didn't How persuasive. But Luke did find a place to ease his breath, which was a narrow path between two conjoined buildings. It is extremely dark, and it is difficult to find it if you are not observant.

Fortunately, archer's eyesight has always been good, not to mention Luke's talent's eyesight, so he still found this place in a frantic rush, hurriedly cleaned up the traces, and dodged in.

A moment later, the sound of footsteps came, "Huh, where are the people?" "The bloodstains are disappearing here. They must be around here. Go, go in and search these two buildings..." After shouting hurriedly . The footsteps gradually disappeared, followed by the sound of one after another slamming on the door in the building on the side.

Looking his head down a little, pressing the bow and arrow to look around, Luke suddenly looked happy: "Aha, a group of small fish still want to catch Young Master me, really naive enough. Lao Lei Don't you think so?"

Raymond, who was behind him, did not agree, and looked at the back of the trail with a dazed expression. Luke turned his head dissatisfied, and looked back subconsciously along his line of sight, and was immediately stunned.

"Who are you!" The two ends of the trail are connected, Luke and Raymond are standing on this end, and the slamming is coming from the opposite side. In the blurry vision, several silhouettes arrived quickly from the dark, with long spears in their hands...

"It's over!" Raymond's expression suddenly became bitter when he saw this, and now in this Academy, As long as you carry a long spear, there is no doubt that the **** is the Temple Knight.

At this moment, whoosh... screaming through the air, and calling the person first as if was struck by lightning, the figure flies up and then flies, instantly crushing the silhouettes behind it to the ground. But it was too late. With the loud shout just now, the movement in the buildings on both sides suddenly fell silent. Obviously the pursuers noticed this...

Put down the longbow, Luke shook the head, sighed softly, turned his head and said sincerely: "What you said just now let me run first, does it count now?"


… ………

At the edge of the square, "Hey, your gift."

Savian stared at the bloody palm, speechless for a moment. Not long ago, Tang En had promised her a gift of the palm. She didn't care at the time, and didn't have time to think about it. She never thought that Tang En actually fulfilled his promise now and sent her palm to her...

Although from a rational point of view, she vaguely guessed that Tang En's move must have some deep meaning, sending her to her. The palm of the hand is just a passing move. But what she sees now is that he promised to give a gift, she did not refuse, and then he beat people to death, and finally sent the gift to her with scars all over his body...

I can give you everything I have. Do my best, do my best!

Savian is also a woman, although she can do things that overwhelming majority men can't. But in terms of physical structure, she is still a woman after all. And this is like a scene in a drama fairy tale, which is enough to make all women feel soothed and imagined...

Tang En didn't think too much. It is an ancient Tyrant Dragon beast, which is far beyond the scope of a woman, so he doesn't think about that at all...

Looking at Savian's unresponsiveness with his palm up, Tang En scratched his head. , thinking about whether the meaning of this thank you gift is not good. After all, the other party tried to send him to the sky with great force, which made him achieve the goal in his heart, but in the end he sent him a bloody severed palm... Uh, it seems a little unreliable...

"Okay, this thing is really bloody, and it doesn't look good... But how can I say this is also a Magister's palm, it's not common, and it still has a certain collection value... By the way, it's not worth it. There's a gem."

Tang En's eyes lit up suddenly, waving the dagger efficiently, he pulled out the huge magic crystal on the top of the staff, and stuffed it into Savian's hand like a treasure. He breathed a sigh of relief, "That's it... This thing looks like a valuable thing. How about it, I'm interesting enough?"

This is absolutely interesting enough...in the sky that Sasori just held back. Pain, he cast a spell to stop the bleeding, and saw that the Legendary staff that had accompanied him for hundreds of years was demolished in an instant.

Came back to his senses, Savian subconsciously avoided Tang En's sight, stretched out his hand to take the huge Great Demon crystal into his arms, stabilized his mind, and said calmly: "It's normal."

"Yo, as expected of the flower of the Knight, it's really atmospheric!" Tang En gave a thumbs up when he heard the words, his expression full of admiration. Taking advantage of this short rest period, Rapid Speed gasped a few times, and there was a sudden crackle around the body, and the previously dislocated skeleton instantly returned to its normal position. As for the broken ones, then I have to put them aside for now...

After wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, Tang En got up and straightened his figure again, estimating his injury, which is roughly a worry-free life, Condition Not so good.

“What now?” Savian never cared what others thought, as long as he set a goal. But now her mood is a little chaotic, but she just borrowed this to change the subject.

Tang En squinted at the two Brocko who were gradually approaching the sky, spread out his hands, and said confidently: "What else? ."

Savian was stunned when he heard the words, and then he just assumed that Tang En had retreated, nodded: "Then you go first." After that, he swung his gun and rushed to Rhode, who was lying on the ground in the distance. go with.

"Uh...wait." Tang En hurriedly grabbed Savian, didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "What are you doing, even if you die, it's not like you are? Let's go... let's go, run with me first. As for that Rhode, um, come back and take care of him."

Saviian hesitated and looked at Tang En: "Do you have a plan?"

After throwing his hands and breaking his palms, Tang En did not deny or admit it, but only said with a smile, "It's all up to you." Then he turned around and faced Sa, who was slowly approaching in the air. Suoli and the others raised their severed palms, "haha, look here... do you want to go back?"

Seeing this, the figure stopped abruptly, and the eye socket looked at Tang En with a splitting eye socket. , his eyes seemed to breathe fire. However, he also knew that as long as he did not want to become disabled, the initiative now rests with the other party. Lifting his head to take a deep breath, he said solemnly for a moment: "What do you want?"

Tang En smiled lightly and released his palm: "I want you to be sad." Like a splendid bloom, after a fleeting moment, the severed palm that was still intact just now has been turned into shreds of meat and bones that can no longer be broken, and it is scattered and scattered.

This scene was beyond the expectations of everyone present. After all, I just pretended to be negotiating. Who ever wanted to change hands and actually played this one...paused, suddenly, screaming hysterically ,

"Ah - I want you to die! I want you to shred your corpse into pieces! Corpse, bone, nothing, survive!"

…………. )

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