
Magister's make a move is really extraordinary, no need for cumbersome incantation, just a simple swing of the stick, the surrounding explosive elements immediately go crazy Surging and gathering, the raging flames burned out of thin air, instantly forming a large group of red and black lava Fireballs. .

Of course, Magister is also a mage, and their professional status is destined that their make a move will never be as fast as a Martial Artist!

It was Savian who made a move. Since she had already made her stand and let Sasori make the move first, it was natural for her to make a move. As for Tang En, he was looking up at the group of people in the sky, bored like a passerby. Immediately, he looked back and looked at Savian, who was ready to attack, nodded, his expression was very relieved, he almost didn't applaud and cheer, he looked like a rogue who was holding his thighs...

At this time, Savian naturally had no time. Take care of these, roar, step forward, like an overlord holding a cauldron, slowly and solemnly launch the fiery long spear, swoosh...a spear glow Rapid Speed pierces the air, dazzling, instantly piercing the dark night sky, straight Stab Sasori behind the lava Fireball!

Seeing this, Brocko in the distance didn't make any movement. He knew that this was just a tentative attack to warm up and hostage, and it couldn't hurt each other at all. Of course, even for a warm-up, the strength of Magister-level probing is not comparable to Earth Rank Martial Artist...

Doumang long spear roared first, but was ten feet away from Sasori. Outside, hovering and floating suddenly. A pale-colored barrier intercepted across the sky, like a moat, no matter how the Rapid Speed of the flame gun body rotated and charged, it still couldn't make an inch!

At this moment, there was a long whistle, "Boom!" With a bang, the spear glow exploded in response, and a large group of dazzling white light suddenly shone in the air. Light up every corner of the Academy below. The sight is magnificent!

Wow...the waves are rolling down. The white robe was automatic without the wind, and Sasori, who was caught off guard, floated back a foot like a rootless duckweed. Although he was not injured, the mountains and rivers between his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and there was a hint of displeasure. lightly snorted, indifferently waving the staff, the suspended burning lava Fireball dragged out a flame afterimage, and it slammed down like a meteorite falling to the ground.

What the hell is Magister. What he wielded in the blink of an eye was a high-level range magic, which directly enveloped the area where Tang En and Savian were located.

Savian's position is a little further out, and he's already dodged, so it's not a big problem to get out of coverage. Tang En, on the other hand, was like a country boy who had never seen magic before, staring intently at the lava Fireball who was getting closer and closer...

The next moment, there was a loud bang, and the lava Fireball smashed straight. Down, the earth trembled, and flames and broken stone slabs splashed out. It is unbearable to watch and tremble. And this is only the effect of an instant collision, after a scorched earth pit is smashed. The lava Fireball exploded immediately, and it seemed that there was a deadly lava flowing out of it, and it continued to spread in all directions. Deterrent people!

At this moment, "Huh?" Except for Savian who escaped unharmed, Tang En's silhouette has been disappeared - not only disappeared from sight, but even in perception!

How is this possible...

You must know that as a genuine Sky Rank Martial Artist, after seeing the enemy, it basically means that you have successfully locked the opponent's breath. But after the lava Fireball exploded in an instant, the locked aura disappeared from Blok's perception...

On the ground, "Go! Protect me..." Although the half-dead Rhodes didn't know Tang En Where, but he can be sure that the other party is impossible to be killed by a magic so easily. So after being stunned for a while, his expression suddenly changed, he raised his head and shouted, "His target is me!"

tone barely fell , Tang En Ghost Umbra usually appeared behind Rhodes, astonished raised his eyebrows, Slash the dagger!

Perhaps, as Rhodes said before, he does resemble Tang En in some ways. Such as the ruthless mind, such as the wretched style... All the doubts among the crowd, only he has revealed the true purpose of Tang En's!

"You dare!" Brocko, who was hovering over Rhodes, was furious when he saw this. He originally thought it was a smooth and unsuspenseful battle, but he didn't want the opponent to think about it at this time. To kill people under his nose, what kind of provocation and insult is this?

I didn't even think about it, I opened my mouth and screamed, and threw my hands under a spear thrust!

This gun does not contain much fighting light, the formidable power seems to be ordinary, but it seems to have pierced the space directly. In just a short breath, it comes to the top of Tang En's head, straight down, strong wind is biting cold!

This is also known as relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers - if Tang En is determined to kill Rhodes, he will also be pinned to the ground by the long spear if he succeeds.

And Rao is like this, Rhode does not dare to be careless, he is really afraid of Tang En's perverted speed, so he immediately lay down after shouting, raised one arm high, covering his face.

This posture seems a bit wretched and clumsy, and it doesn't make any sense. How can the palm block the sharp dagger? But what he thought was not to resist, but to hold back the dagger...even if it was only for a moment!

Tang En smiled, admiringly. The right hand dagger was magically disappeared, turned into a thumbs-up hand seal, then flicked the figure, and quickly backed away... Tang En was not sure that he could escape the sharp long spear behind him after killing the defensive Rhodes. So as long as he doesn't want to perish with this half-crippled person, he will naturally retire.

As soon as he retreated, he was ten feet away, and came to the edge of the scorched earth pit. Savian, who was not far away, looked over, pursed his lips, and said with a smile: "You also have times when the assassination fails? "

"Occasionally Federation has." Tang En shrugged casually, Tang En looked towards the two great experts in the air, touched his nose, and sighed, "It's hard...you know their strength realm?"

Savian lightly nodded: "Master Blok's strength when he retired was at the beginning of the Sky Rank, and he soon entered the middle rank, but has not been able to improve his breakthrough since then. Now... um, really show it. Your strength is at the beginning level, maybe it will be higher..."

Tang En heard the words lightly nodding, this is a normal situation, how to say it is a long-term sparse battle, and it is already high, and if you want it again It is somewhat unrealistic to exert all the strength in the theory. Of course, the realm is there after all, so it can't be underestimated...

"As for Sasori-sama, Magician is only divided into realm, not rank, so I only know that he is Magister. Of course, no matter how high or low, Pack us up... Pack me up is enough!" said here. The corners of Savian's mouth curled into a smirk. Turned his head and looked towards Tang En . "At your speed... I thought you would run away without the slightest hesitation."

Savian is naturally clear about Tang En's ability. It might not be possible to stop him. As for herself, she couldn't get out no matter what. It can be said that when she stated her position just now, she actually blocked her own way of retreat...

"Hehe, I'm thinking about it, it's not that I can't bear you..." Squinting, she was used to the mouthful of the surname. . Tang En was pondering something, with a rare hesitation.

Savian's lovable body froze when he heard the words, and then eased up in an instant. She looked cold and embarrassed, and unconsciously pushed a few strands of naughty long hair on her forehead behind her ears, "Then you should die first!" This female surname's signature move is accompanied by an extremely strong posture, contradictory and harmonious, faintly Constitute a different kind of charm, wild and soft beauty.

It's a pity that Tang En didn't see or hear it. Looking at the two of Brocko, who wanted to make a move again with a bad expression in the sky, they muttered to themselves, "How can I completely anger them..."

"Provoked?" Looking at Tang En, who was obviously absent-minded, Savian couldn't help showing a bit of involuntary annoyance. Rarely said meanly, "Isn't it very difficult to deal with when you scold someone, scold someone...or cut off one of the other's hands, well, if you can get close!"

Tang En astonished Reply God, although I vaguely felt that Savian's emotions were a bit wrong, he didn't think much about it, and touched the chin shook the head: "No, swearing is about exposing one's shortcomings, but I'm not familiar with them, so I can't play it at all... Chopping hands, why is this? Maybe... eh? Cut your hands..." As if thinking of something, he murmured repeatedly with a look of thoughtful expression.

However, Savian was already nervous at this time. Blok slowly descended the height above, and the long spear was flickering. He would make a move at any time: "It's coming..."

"Wei Wei."

"Uh... uh? Don't call me by my nickname!"

"Don't care about these details... how about a present for me? "

"I don't need... eh?" Rao's atmosphere was chilling, Savian couldn't help but startled when he heard the words, and turned his head stunned, "Salute, gift... What are you kidding..."

"Take it, although it's a bit bloody, but I don't often give gifts to others... Hide!" Savian was at a loss, a flower suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, Tang En raised Rapid Speed on his shoulder and ran wildly, counting his breaths. Shizhang, in one ear and out the other hu hu sound. In the distance, an extremely pure and atmospheric holy spear glow, like a falling comet, slammed directly on the place where they stood just now, and the soil and rocks splashed...

Amid the violent explosion, a clear voice continued to speak in my ears. , "Since this is your idea, then I'll give you a palm... Well, if you have good luck, I'll try to get you another gem back. Haha, women don't all like this..."

"...what is everything in disorder..."

"Well, I'll do what I say. But for this gift, you have to cooperate with me a little..." After whispering a few words, the two had already rushed to the periphery zone of the square. Tang En let go of his palm, patted Savian's shoulder with a stunned expression, and said solemnly, "It's all up to you!"

It's all up to me? What are you talking about...

Before Savian was fully awake, Tang En dodged away again, stepped into the square ten times or so, stomped his feet, raised his head and pointed, roaring: "Old fart! Dare to come down and fight with me alone?"

Fight with me, fight with me... The roar rang out from afar, constantly echoing on the square for a long time, imposing manner majestic.

Byron and the others, who were watching a good show, suddenly stiffened when they heard the words. They stared at Tang En below, and then looked towards Brocko, who was pointed at. They were stunned for a while. Feeling like a quick jump from the heart, almost without laughing... a solo battle with Sky Rank Martial Artist? Haha, this guy's head wasn't squeezed by the door. Seeking death is so emotional...

The corner of Brocko's mouth twitched, and his expression was a little dazed for a while. After so many years, didn't expect someone to challenge him directly, and he is still an Earth Rank Martial Artist... Shaking his head slightly, looking down, looking at the clamoring Tang En with a clown look, curl one's lip: "ignorant!"

The words fell, and he waved his gun. Dozens of atmospheres appeared out of thin air, falling one after another according to a certain pattern, instantly covering a large area. "Haha, you still don't dare..." With a long laugh, the Tang En silhouette flashed on the ground Ghost Umbra, suddenly stopped and changed direction, and after drawing a few strange arcs, it instantly broke away from the coverage of the spear glow.

Suddenly, with a wave of his hand, a blood glow Broadsword flew up against the sky with a screeching whistle. Go straight to Sasori. This is the Broadsword that Rhodes was cut off with his arms before. I don't know when it arrived in Tang En's hands. Tossed out as a hidden weapon...

"Would you like to bring him back? hehe, I don't mind."

Broadsword was once again a foot in front of Sasori The distance stopped, but this time it was firm, forcibly advancing a foot in the pale-colored barrier, until the blood glow on the sword disappeared, and then it was powerless to fall.

Blood Qi's formidable power after being superimposed by many Special Effects is no joke, let's not talk about other things, just in terms of penetration surname. After blasting Other World with the same level of Battle Qi, there is no pressure!

Of course, that's not the point right now, and everyone, including Sassoli, isn't paying attention to it. They just looked at Tang En who was shouting again below, and was silent for a while...

Silence not only means acquiescence, but also means speechlessness!

For example, right now, this guy who wants to challenge Magister and Sky Rank Martial Artist at the same time is really speechless from his heart! What about him... Well, no doubt, this guy's head was really squeezed by the door!

For a moment, "hehe. Interesting! Interesting!" Although he was smiling, the smile hanging on the corner of Sasori's mouth had no warmth. Looking down indifferently, his eyes are pitiful and cruel.

"You want to fight with us on the ground...close combat?" Perhaps because he had already been pissed off once, Brocko seemed calmer this time, and had time to analyze Tang En's move 's intention.

"Yeah!" With no intention of concealing, Tang En admitted generously with a smile on his face, raised his head, and looked in a serious mess, "I close combat Zhanzhen very difficult to deal with, hit you. Ten like this is totally fine. How about you, would you like to try it?"

The words ended, "haha..." The sky laughed, Byron and the others were hearing the phrase 'beating you like this' of ten! 'I can't help but feel absurd in my heart, laughing and laughing, I can't stop...

Rod is the only person here who is not smiling. On the contrary, his brows are gradually wrinkling, and his expression is getting more and more serious. dignified.

Although I only met Tang En once, I didn't have any close contacts. But Rhodes is now extremely jealous of Tang En, unreasonably jealous... He knows how ruthless Tang En is, and such a person will not do meaningless things. There must be some reason, including the random talk now... No, Brocko is not a group of pigs like Byron, experienced like him, how could he give up his own advantages and take a foolish risk because of the other party's few words... Tang En should also be very clear about this, so what is the reason for this... …

Rubbing his brows, Rhodes, who was puzzled, raised his head unintentionally, and his eyes crossed the scorched pothole, Tang En, and all the way to the edge of the square, his eyes suddenly started.

Under the gloomy night, there, a vague silhouette is posing in a very awkward and weird pose. The body is leaning forward, one-knee kneels, the hands are placed on the shoulders, and the end of the long spear is firmly grasped. The entire figure curve is extremely exaggerated and full of tension. Like a steed pulling a cart, and like an old ox ploughing the land, draining every ounce of strength in the body with spare no effort, in order to burst into the ferocity of brute force in an instant!

Savian? What is she doing...

Rhodes was stunned for a moment, and the joking conversation on the side continued. Brocko stopped the smile at the corner of his mouth, looking helpless to the head: "To be honest, I appreciate your confidence, although I don't know where it comes from..."

Sa Sully interjected: "After killing you later, I will order someone to cut open your heart and carefully search for the source of this arrogant and conceited confidence!" Paused, Brocko shook his head and laughed, slowly raised the long spear, fighting Mang loomed, "That's it, the farce should end here."

As Rhodes expected, Blok simply didn't eat Tang En's plot against, and didn't even explain... He doesn't need to explain at all, not to mention that he has no such qualifications in the eyes Tang En, even if he is an opponent he admires very much, he has no reason to give up his natural advantages and stand on the same starting line with his opponent for the so-called fairness. ——This is not fair, but lack of heart!

Tang En didn't have a disappointed look on his face when he heard this, jumped on the spot a few times, raised his dark dagger to Brocko, grinned and said with a smile: "Do you believe it? Next moment, it will flash. Blind your dog's eyes!"

hehe... The corners of his mouth were slightly sunburned, and he chuckled silently, Blok had lost his interest in speaking again, and he was about to wave his long spear down. But at this moment, his expression suddenly started, and his eyes swept downwards.

That Tang En disappeared under his nose again?

What the hell is going on...

"Understood, I got it... Be careful!" Just when Blok doubted Tang En disappeared again, a shrill sound The warning suddenly resounded through the night sky, and Rhode leaned forward, his eyes fixed on the edge of the square, his expression horrified...

It was still there, and Savian released the awkward and strange posture that he had maintained for a long time! A large piece of the floor beside him suddenly shattered, he stomped on the ground, shrugged his shoulders, dragged the long spear behind him, and threw it forward suddenly, pulling out a piercing scream at a short distance. At this moment, Tang En Ghost Umbra, who had just disappeared, stood on the tip of the spear...

"Go—" the pinnacle roared so sharply that it was deformed. It's all a little twisted, and a little bit of sweat is densely packed like raindrops and scattered around... There is no Battle Qi, no skills, this is an absolute explosion of pure power! In all the world, only Savian can strike this completely unreasonable blow!

In the next moment, Tang En was directly sent to the sky by the unparalleled power above the long spear... At the back, the long spear, who was completely unable to hold back his momentum, smashed to the ground in front of Savian according to his usual name, bang... Savian The figure was thrown out immediately by the anti-shock force, and the power accumulated in the pinnacle was beyond her control. The ground under him was ruthlessly ravaged again, and it collapsed in a large area like an earthquake...

Feeling the tremor of the ground beneath him, Rhode's body was shaking, he really understood——Tang En The reason why he uttered wild words just now was to attract the attention of everyone present. In fact, he did it, so Savian kept his energy on the side, and no one noticed until after the explosion... He tricked everyone!

Looking up and looking at Tang En who was in front of Brocko, Rhodes couldn't help but look dazed. close combat! This is the close combat battle you are asking for! But can close combat in the sky and the ground be the same?

Tang En didn't think about Rhode's question, at least not now, he was feeling the speed and passion brought by the pinnacle wind speed, and he was so excited that he could not help himself, until Brocko's mouth stared at him. His dull face...

He stretched out his hand and waved his dagger, and the blood glow exploded instantly. I don't know if it was because I couldn't believe my eyes, or because of the blood-colored blade light, Blok subconsciously looked away.

Laughing wildly, "haha...I said, it will blind your dog!"

…………. )

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