
ps: Bow down to thank the book friends for "going home for the New Year", "heartbroken メ moonlight", "bvbv positive" Rewards for "Shadow Sniper" and "Piaocheng on Moshang". .

ps: Dear book friends, the current average order for this book is 480. It has been stopped here for a long time. The civet cat really thinks of 500. I urge you to help the cat.

Office building, command center. The battallion silhouette hurriedly shuttled through the corridor, shouting orders mixed with the sound of fierce battles, making a commotion.

The chaos finally spread to this place...

"They have already rushed into the warning range, it is confirmed that it is Tang En and Savian, the attack is very fierce, the brother on the first floor is afraid that they can't stop it. I'm in urgent need of support..."

"Order all the people in the building to the stairs on the first floor, and they must be blocked there! At least five minutes..."

" Sir..." "Speak!" "They have already rushed to the second floor..."


With a loud bang, the dean's room on the third floor , the only desk collapsed most of the time. "Trash..." The calm voice was mixed with great anger, rubbing his bloody fists that were trembling slightly, the middle-aged commander knew that ordinary Knights could not be counted on, said solemnly, "How many adults are here now? Please them They all went down to the second floor to intercept... By the way, what about the Lord Bishops, weren't they here just now, they are Grand Magicians, even if they bombarded with magic power, they can hold out until Lord Lord comes back... Go quickly !"

For a moment, "Report, several adults in charge have already rushed over, but the Lord Bishops... er, can't be notified."

"Why?" The middle-aged conductor The officer's eyes widened instantly.

The person delivering the order pointed at the roof with a helpless expression. "They're on top. Flying very high. You can't hear the shouting."

tone barely fell, boom...the desk completely collapsed and shattered into pieces of waste wood. The middle-aged commander's face was gloomy and his lips were trembling, "pig teammate, pig teammate, a group of pigs who are greedy for life and fear of death!"

Of course there is no problem with the Grand Magician flying at high altitudes, which is their combat advantage. But if you fly to a height where you can't even hear shouts, it's still in such a dark night. Naturally, he couldn't see the enemy below, so he couldn't talk about using magic to attack... Needless to say, Byron and the others were frightened, so they simply hid.

Took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart, the middle-aged commander turned around and leaned on the window sill, looking at the chaotic Academy outside with flames, and muttered to himself: "Out of control, out of control, this time the trap The plan failed completely..."

"Sir, let's withdraw, it's not safe here." Listening to the sound of getting closer and closer outside the door. Someone hurriedly urged.

"Withdraw?" The middle-aged commander shook his head without thinking, and slowly pulled out the saber around waist. "The team suffered heavy casualties. If we can't kill Tang En here, our quest will be declared a failure this time... Go, go down, even if you die, you will have to wait until Lord Lord arrives! There should be a turning point at that time..."


In the corridor, the cooperation between Tang En and Savian is still tacit and sharp. Until the third floor, five experts with long spears came together...

These experts are of the same age, they all look like young people, and their strength level is also very average. Not long ago. In fact, from them, you can also glimpse the horror of Light God Temple. What other force in the Titus Empire can cultivate such a young Earth Rank expert? Five at a time?

Looking to know Savian, these young people look at them with complex eyes, regret, awe, admiration, and a little bit of admiration that they may not even be aware of.

Savian didn't have any special expression, but looked at a few people a little surprised, and said calmly: "You are here too."

"Yes, Savian... Your Excellency." After a pause, the five of them omitted the honorific, but still respectfully saluted.

Tang En raised his eyebrows, and Savian introduced lightly: "They are the alternate holy Knight Captain, the future pillars of the Knight Hall." Tang En suddenly heard the words, he knew that there were a total of twelve holy people in the temple. Big Knight Captain, when these people retire or die unexpectedly, etc., there will be replacements. For example, in the canyon battle, Tang En killed several Knight Captains in one shot, and Owens became one of the new Knight Captains.

Knowing this, these young people can easily understand Savian's eyes. In the Knight Hall, Savian, as a long-established senior, usually gives pointers to these people. Now that they have become enemies, their minds are naturally complicated...

But since battles are inevitable, what should come will always come, and the two sides will naturally not have any thoughts of reminiscing. As the five bowed apologetically, they took the lead in wielding their long spear, and the vertical and horizontal fighting lights erupted in the narrow aisle in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged commander personally led people to come. Although it was difficult to intervene, after blocking the way forward with the life of an ordinary Knight, the scene became a stalemate for a while.

Tang En couldn't help nodding secretly after fighting for a while. Needless to say, those ordinary Knights are indeed commendable for their will to fight, but in this level of battle, their role is really limited. On the contrary, these five young people, although they are candidates, are calm and mature in both attack and defense, and cooperate tacitly. What is even more commendable is that he is never greedy for achievements, and is steady and has an expert demeanor.

However...Tang En swung his dagger into a long spear, and shook the head: "I said, if you don't be ruthless, it will be difficult to catch Byron and the others."


Saviian was silent after hearing the words. With the terrifying power of her collaboration with Tang En, even Owens and other current Holy Knight Captains could not stop him. Even more how are these candidates in front of you? The reason why the situation is now in a stalemate is mainly because she has no spare no effort.

Of course, so does Tang En. But he doesn't care. The original attack on the command center was only to force Rhodes out, so everything depends on Savian's intentions.

A moment later, Savian was shocked with a long spear, and the fiery flames burst out, instantly forcing back the head-on attack: "make a move...try not to hurt people...I owe you a favor."


"Deal! Ha..." With a long laugh, Tang En figures flickered wildly around Savian one after another, and countless phantoms were superimposed on top of each other. Block attacks from all directions in an instant. "Don't forget. You already owe me two favors."

The figure flashed again, and instantly rushed to the direct youth, handing out a blood blade, "Wait for seven, summon Divine Dragon , can I act wilfully to you? Uh, just kidding, ch..."

Dodging in embarrassment. Step on the wall of the corridor, jump up in the air, and run around like a gecko on the roof, avoiding the crazy spear glow below. Fuck , on purpose, definitely on purpose...

a loud explosion sound, the walls on the left and right sides kept collapsing, Savian walked with the gun, like a Great Desolate Giant Beast in a lava, ramming forth . Blockers are invincible. puff puff puff...Under such a domineering attack, the three youths who were facing direct vomited blood and flew out. The previously seemingly solid line of defense was instantly shattered.

It was the lack of experience in life-threatening situations, and the other two young people couldn't help but be stunned when something unexpected happened. But in this moment, the best time for rescue was lost.

Tang En naturally couldn't grasp such a good opportunity. Before the young people landed, the figure suddenly flashed to Ghost Umbra, and the bloody blades were suddenly pressed down like hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Being in the air and having nowhere to help, the three youths were shocked when they saw this, so they had to shake out their guns, and Brace Oneself reluctantly came up to them. ding ding ding~ … Sparks appeared, and the metal collision sounded intensively. As soon as Pu touched, the spear flowers were torn to shreds, the blood-colored blade light instantly invaded, and blood shot out from the stuffy hum, as if a huge blood flower had bloomed out of thin air, magnificent and cruel...

"Don't!" "You dare!"

Seeing this, the two young men were deeply regretful, roared in anger, their eye sockets were about to split, and they all waved their guns to save them. "Don't get excited, just pay the tuition fee." Tang En dodged back with a playful expression.

Although the scene just now seemed to be extremely bloody, it was just that there were more wounds and blood loss at the critical points. There was no mortal danger for the three Knights.

Savian glanced, didn't say much, took a breath, the violent outburst just now made her a little overwhelmed. Immediately after taking a deep breath, the figure stood up straight, and walked towards the stairs leading to the top floor.

Wow...the ordinary Knight standing in front of him was in an uproar, subconsciously took a few steps back, his expression panicked. The middle-aged commander standing in the middle of the crowd had a bitter expression on his face. He couldn't understand why five Earth Rank junior Knight Captains were defeated so quickly...

And In fact, this result is inevitable. Savian's current realm is Earth Rank Peak, vaguely peeking at the threshold of Sky Rank. And Tang En's strength is not in the Other World Martial Artist system, but from the previous record, even if he has stepped into the Sky Rank realm threshold, he will not be able to please him. In this way, with the two joining forces, how can five young people who have just stepped into Earth Rank be able to compete?

Looking around, looking at the look of fear in his eyes, the middle-aged commander knew that the morale here was exhausted, and he was afraid that he could not count on it. However, as a commander, he has no choice now. He can only grit his teeth and push away the Knight beside him. He is about to step forward and create a heroic scene of his own death in order to boost the morale here.

But at this moment, the sound of rapid breathing suddenly sounded, "hū chī ... let Rang, let Rang, run away from me, mother's group of lunatics, profiting from somebody's misfortune, hū chī ... ..." A sword-carrying silhouette squeezed into the arena, wet hair stuck to his forehead, his clothes torn into strips, and bloodstains could be seen in some places, looking really embarrassed.

Turning his head to look at the five young people standing beside or lying in the ruins, he shook his head in disappointment, "Ai, although I didn't hope to be the Holy Knight Captain, but you guys are too bad. ...It's normal to fight, the difference in strength is there, and if you don't die, it's someone else's face. But what were you two doing at the time? Swing guns to save, can you save it? Why don't you continue to attack, so you can still Let the sacrifice of your companions have some value... Forget it, I don't care about you. What about the priest? Where is the death, why don't you go to stop the bleeding..."

Randomly waved and said to himself After talking to himself for a long time, he turned to look at Tang En with slightly narrowed eyes, looked at each other, looked at each other, and saluted politely, "Tang En?"


"Haha, finally meet, thank you for showing mercy just now."

Shrugs, "You're welcome...you should thank Savian, it was her idea."

"Oh, I'll talk about it later... Do business first, business matters. Well, I'm here to kill you this time."

"It's a coincidence, so am I."

"Haha...then what are you waiting for, I can't wait. Please!"

Shaking his head, Tang En said calmly: "It's vulgar, fighting is not a treat for dinner, what's the use Please don't ask me."

Rhodes was stunned when he heard the words, and then he repeatedly asked sincerely: "It makes sense, then what do you say is not bad..." Before the common words fell, Rhodes body suddenly changed. Tight, subconsciously stepped sideways to seal the sword, with a ding sound, the rags hanging on Rhodes' body slowly fell, Tang En's ordinary face appeared behind Broadsword like a phantom, indifferently said, "I think... this is not bad. "

"Uh...I like it!"

…………. )

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