
The setting sun has long since set in the west, and the vast expanses of fire seemed to have lost its luster to the clouds. .Only the last ray of light is still clinging to the edge of the sky, and the rogue, tenacious and tragic announces its existence to all things in the world.

With this last ray of light, Rhodes rushed to the origin of the beam of light just now, and got a glimpse of the whole scene of the battle.

The place where the battle was taking place was an indoor teaching building. The beam of light was already disappeared more than ten seconds ago. At this time, both sides of the battle had entered the teaching building. Of course, if you guessed correctly, one of the parties, the shrine expert who issued a warning shout, should have been forced into it...

Suddenly, peng~ peng~ peng~  …one after another burst. The crisp sound came constantly from the top of the head, and the sound was clear and clean.

Lord raised his head and squinted, and saw the crystal glass exterior windows on the third floor of the building, every few meters, from west to east, bursting in sequence as agreed. In an instant, the brilliance of the sky is sprinkled, and the dream is bright. There may be some scraps such as drawing boards, tables and chairs mixed in, flying in the air, and the scene is spectacular.

"expert..." Before the glazed scum fell, Rhode had already rushed into the teaching building, stepped up the Rapid Speed, and felt the trembling of the next moment. Trembling, he licked his lips excitedly, "Enough! It's really expert..."

In just a few breaths, Rhodes rushed up to the third floor, looking around, the entire floor seemed to be suddenly destroyed Two Great Desolate Giant Beast broke in, and the walls were full of large and small potholes, and the whole place was littered and devastated. A building that was just built a few months ago has now completely turned into a dilapidated building in a slum.

At this moment, boom...the building trembled and swayed again. Without any hesitation, as soon as Rhode stepped on the ground, Rapid Speed turned and rushed towards the innermost closed classroom in the east, where the violent explosion just now came from.

Ten zhang or so close to breathing, Rhode swung the Broadsword in the rush, and with a bang, the sawdust flew, and the man with the sword crashed into the classroom, "Haha, where is the man?"

Not receiving the expected strong attack, Rhode put away the Broadsword in front of the horizontal seal, only to find that the classroom was empty, only the wreckage of the desks, chairs and utensils seemed to be blown by the strong wind. Line up on both sides. As soon as he looked up, there was a huge hole in the eastern wall, and a little cool evening breeze was pouring in from there.

"Fuck, come a step late." With a curse, Rhodes slammed away the debris in front of him, grabbed the hole, and helped the broken wall. Before looking around, he heard a sound like a dying wild Beast's unwilling roar came from the east.

Looking up and squinting, outside the side wall of another indoor teaching building dozens of feet away, the familiar holy rays of light came into view, and then I saw a black silhouette facing away, lunging Before, just slammed the gun with a simple smash, and it was refreshing and neat, and the fighting light that had not fully erupted was completely scattered, and even the Martial Artist inside was simply smashed into the wall, and then rushed...

"Wow...how can you be so domineering!" Thinking back to the powerful and domineering shot just now, Rhode opened his mouth and couldn't help but be surprised, and then his eyebrows and the corners of his mouth flew together, as if he finally got it The child who loves to play with the toy looks excited.

But then he showed some doubts and touched his earlobe, "Strange, don't you mean that Tang En's fighting style is extremely weird and wretched? It's too bad..." He tilted his head and thought. After thinking about it, I couldn't figure it out, Suo took a step in the air and fell directly from the third floor, intending to go directly to see it clearly.

Just after landing, another silhouette floated up from the side, the gray-clothed Bishop. After knowing that they were just incidental items of the entire Quest, he naturally cared about Tang En very much, and wished he could see Tang En's body in front of him immediately, so that he would go back and make up for it for a small life.

Rhodes ignored him and rushed towards the broken hole in the building, but only halfway through, he couldn't help but pause, because the clamor of battle before was disappeared at this moment.

Squinting, Rhodes' face rarely showed a few solemn expressions. From the beginning of the battle to the present, it has only been about 3 minutes, but now the battle has stopped... Of course, it is impossible for both sides to suddenly realize that they will meet each other with a smile, and they will shake hands and become friends. It is only possible that one of the parties has been completely defeated, or even killed, that such a peaceful situation can appear. And looking at the previous battle situation, it's self-evident who the loser is...

Suddenly smiled, "Oh, it's getting more and more interesting." Rhode's expression returned to his previous indifference. The pace of the foot slowed down, and the palm of the Broadsword was squeezed tight and loose, one step at a time, and strode forward steadily.

This is not fear, not even prudence! Rhodes is gaining momentum, step by step heavenly ascension, the long shirt is rolled, the fighting intent soars with the pace of the front step, until the daunting crazy Condition.

However, this madness could not be vented after all, because when he was more than ten steps away from the hole, a silhouette with a gun appeared at the exit of the hole, and he seemed to feel his crazy fighting. intent , frowning and looking up.

What used to be a ray of light on the horizon has now become a ray of light. But coupled with Rhodes' keen eyesight as a Martial Artist, he could see this person's appearance instantly.

Yingwu's face, with a few strands of long hair hanging down in front of his forehead, it should be because of the fierce battle before, so there are some fluorescent sweats on his face... Well, this is not the point, the point is that this person although The lines on her face are a bit rigid, but she is indeed a woman, and she is also a charming woman with both a wild surname and a holy temperament.

"Uh..." Rhode was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then overlapped with an impression that suddenly popped up in his heart, and suddenly showed a hellish expression, his eyes were round, "Xia Xia Xia... "

"Savian!" lay bare the truth with one remark, the same extremely shocked tone, came from Bishop in gray, who was a little scared and didn't dare to get too close.

This is indeed Savian, in fact, she sneaked into the Academy almost at the same time as Tang En. The difference is that Tang En used a stupid method, while she temporarily broke the magic trap and entered calmly.

But having a good beginning doesn't necessarily mean a good ending. After entering the Academy, Tang En relied on Concealment stealth, and now he is carrying a shovel and entered the Academy in a grand manner. Savian, who is not good at this way, collided with the expert in the temple just now while going around, and his whereabouts were instantly revealed.

After being exposed, it is natural to start a fight, but to Savian's surprise, she was immediately targeted again after finishing the battle here.

After pursing her lips, Savian first glanced at the gray-robed Bishop, then focused her eyes on Rhodes, frowning: "Rod?"

"Ha..." Helping his forehead, Rhode put away his shock, shook his head and laughed, "I said how can Spear Art be so domineering before... I really didn't expect it, I would have a chance to meet the famous Flower of Knight here!"

Although they are both Temple Knights, they are also Martial Dao geniuses. But Rhodes and Savian did not have much contact with each other. Although they both heard about each other, it was only an impression. That's exactly what happened, and that's what caused the situation.

At this moment, the gray-clothed Bishop finally came back to his senses from the shock, subconsciously shouted: "Kill... go and capture her, she has fallen into a ** heresy!"

It can be said that apart from Tang En, Savian also has a lot of credit for the aloof and remote Bishops who have fallen into this embarrassing situation. It’s fine if you couldn’t find it before, but now it’s rare to find it, so it’s natural to shout and kill. However, this gray-clothed Bishop also kept an eye on it. Because he didn't know the relationship between Rhodes and Savian, he temporarily changed his tune and changed his mind from killing to capture.

Unexpectedly, Rhodes completely don't give face, glanced sideways, his eyes were full of sarcasm: "First of all, you have no right to order me. Second, hehe, killing someone is also covered. Hidden, good-for-nothing!"


Before Bishop in the grey coat was furious, Savian stared at Rhodes face, and suddenly spoke : "I saw what you did this morning... I think what you did is wrong! It's very wrong!"

Rhodes was stunned when he heard the words, and then he realized that he was killing the prisoner in front of the students. carefreely smiled, without defending, just spread her hands and said, "Then what?"

"I'm here to kill you this time." Stepping forward to leave the hole in the building, the last ray of light in the sky was annihilated at this moment, Saviian looked very calm, and gave a long spear, "Please!"

 … (To be continued.)

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