
"Yo, there are quite a few people. No wonder God always says that onlookers and watching the fun are the bad roots of people. One of the surnames! But I think so, ah..."

paused, stretched out and yawned, Rhodes turned out from behind the main building, looked at the silhouettes gathered at the door, and continued with interest , "...is lively enough, I like it!"

But obviously, not everyone has talents who are complacent and villains!

At least not Byron and the others on the side, looking up at the surrounding guard cavalry, infuriating the people, feeling the resentful eyes like sharp arrows... This makes the people who have always been praised and admired look around. They are not used to it, they subconsciously stagger their eyes, their bodies unconsciously feel a little stiff, and the feelings in their hearts are even more mixed feelings, indescribable.

Looking up at Xu Yue, who had the figure fully protruding from the east, Rhode snapped his fingers and snapped: "Okay, it's almost time, it's time to invite our audience." After finishing his words, he waved his hand at will. . Seeing this, the indifferent big man nodded slightly, turned and disappeared behind the wall.

For a moment, wow... There was a burst of noise from the doorway, and the crowd was surging like waves, and there was chaos for a while. It is believed that if the guard cavalry hadn't blocked it, the exploding crystals at the door would have been trampled by the anxious people one by one.

Because, under the care of dozens of big men, nearly a thousand young boys and girls appeared in the line of sight, and they stepped onto the horse field 100 meters away from the main gate, and lined up neatly.

"Do you have to do this?" The corners of his eyes twitched and twitched, and he endured and endured, and Byron finally asked in a trance, "We...will be punished by Heavenly Retribution."


"Obviously, you think too much." Rhode tilted his head and touched his earlobe, and said as he should, "They are students, their job is to study, and now I am helping them to broaden their knowledge. ”

Opening his mouth, Byron finally fell silent, just like the Bishops beside him, his expression was extremely bleak.

But Rhodes didn't have time to take care of their minds. He walked up to the wide racecourse with a smile, and when he saw the Old Dean, he seemed a little sluggish: "Hi, Dean, good morning."


Old Dean shivered when he heard the words, looked up at the young man who greeted him with a bright smile, and shuddered a little. He couldn't forget that just after leading the students to sing the hymn last night, this young man named Rhodes also had the same expression and tone, and then said, 'I'm honored to inform you that this Academy has been kidnapped by me. Next, no one is allowed to step out of the theology hall without my permission, otherwise I will send him to see God...'

After swallowing, he mustered up his courage and scolded angrily: "What do you want to do? What to do?"

replied simply, "I want to be a teacher!"


Under Old Dean's blank stare, Rhodey With a warm smile, he came to the more than a thousand students, patted his palms: "Look up at me... Look up at me!" Most of the students are children in their teens. Even if there are family members who belong to gangs, their courage is naturally impossible. They all raised their heads obediently and focused their eyes upon hearing this.

Satisfied with nodded, "haha, yes, yes... Well, now I solemnly announce a news. I am Rhodes, and I will be your temporary teacher. Although it is not the first time to meet, please take care of me." , simply bowed, as if.

The tone of these words was not high, and Rhode did not shout loudly, but every word was clearly transmitted to the ears of the students and the main entrance 100 meters away.

"Old, teacher?" "What's the situation..." "Is it a prank by the Academy?"

Outside, there are people watching, or people with children inside, smelling Yanjun is a little confused, discuss spiritedly. However, this did not include the two gang bosses, who looked at each other with extremely ugly expressions.

Pranks are impossible, and the stumps at the door are not fake! In this case, it can only mean that there is something wrong with this person's brain...

The two gang bosses have worked so hard, and their knowledge is naturally far beyond that of ordinary people. They are also the most aware of this kind of madness, and often the most difficult to deal with. The laws of the world, fame and fortune, and even life and death, are all like floating clouds to them. What's even more terrifying is that no one can ever guess what they are thinking and what will happen in the next second...

The madman's speech continues, "Of course, it is a temporary teacher , of course it won't teach you too much, so you must cherish this hard-won opportunity." Turning his head, Rhode looked towards standing in the corner of the main building not far away, and the big man who just disappeared waved his hand.

dīng dāng ……dīng dāng ……

The big man walked in front with a long axe in his left hand and a chain in his right hand, pulling out more than ten staggering silhouettes in the back, and some people bowed their heads , some are high, all are men. Except for a few people, almost everyone has minor or serious injuries on their bodies, and their coats are stained with blood. Horrible to see!

Thousands of students were a little flustered when they saw this.

Rhodes didn't stop, the corners of his mouth rose, and he said slowly: "The first lesson I teach everyone is a practical lesson. Everyone has learned theology, regardless of whether the grades are good or not, but I believe they should have heard of it." The deed of "Judgment at the End of the World". Well, I will come again to give you a better impression... According to God's suggestion, when the end of the world comes, God will send down the light of judgment to judge all people, ancient and modern. The good will enter the paradise, forever Enjoy the joy. The wicked fall into the abyss of hell and are burned by the poisonous fire in the night!"

As he spoke, the big man had already pulled more than ten people to the racecourse, and Rhode glanced at him and continued. He said, "But there are too many wicked people in the world, and evil things happen all the time. Waiting for the end of the day to be judged is undoubtedly too procrastinating. So I personally prefer timely judgment, and today, I will give you a practical demonstration. The trial process! Applause..."

pā pā pā... Rhodes clapped his palms excitedly, there was no one who responded, and he didn't care much, shrugged, turned around, walked to In front of the first young man with his head held high and a faintly provocative look.

They looked at each other and said, "Say your name, sinner!"

"Bah... grandson, I'm your grandfather!" It was expected that he turned his head and avoided it, but he was not angry. On the contrary, he admired nodded, "Courage is commendable, but it is forbidden to lie. So - you are a sinner!"

It is like a certification , solemnly said the last four words, and then left sideways. Hearing this, the young man was greatly disdainful, opened his mouth, and seemed to want to continue insulting something. But at this time, a bright blade of light on his side had already slashed down.


It was the big man with the long axe, he simply waved his arm, the axe fell, and a big head with a large spurt of blood was thrown into the air , really scary.

paused, "Ah... ah... ah!!!"

In an instant, more than a thousand students in the field were in a mess, closing their eyes and holding their heads, all making an unconscious shrill sound scream. Some boys and girls rolled their eyes and fainted on the spot, unconscious. Some of them have stronger psychological endurance, but some of them will inevitably have a bleak face, open their mouths and vomit...

"Mad... Attract that Tang En to come, but after really seeing this scene, Byron and the others still couldn't help their old faces turning pale, their bodies trembling, and their mouths kept mumbling.

It's okay to kill people, it doesn't matter how bloody and cruel they are. But in front of more than a thousand innocent children, the act of beheading is far beyond everyone's understanding and tolerance!

Not only the thousand or so children couldn't stand it, but the adults a hundred meters away couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamations, and then came back to his senses, the eye sockets were about to split, and they were all about to rush through. The blockade of the guard cavalry rushed into the Academy, covering their children's eyes...

But the incident happened suddenly, and there are not many people gathered now. And the fat police chief, who knows the danger near the courtyard gate, dares to let these ordinary people come to the thunder, and hoarsely orders his cavalry to stand up, stand up...

"I will kill your whole family...kill you. The whole family..." The two gang bosses knew the inside story, and they didn't direct their subordinates to participate in the rush to the blockade. They just stared at Narod with red eyes, clenching their teeth forcibly to squeeze out a monstrous killing intent.

It's a pity that eyes can't kill people, so Rhodes still remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs and came to the second young man with a calm expression: "Say your name, sinner!"


…………(To be continued.)

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