
Byron has been having a tough time recently. Of course, not just him, but several Bishops at the top of the former Northern Temple The same is true. .

The situation of the temple in the north is so embarrassing that their supreme leaders are naturally to blame. In other words, it is precisely because the current situation is getting worse and worse, that this huge responsibility can only be shouldered by them, and it is impossible to find a dead ghost to prevaricate the past...

However, when did this situation start? Oh, it was that damn Vitgar who forged Divine Vestige, and then all kinds of rumors about Cleric were continuously exposed, followed by the Bounty Hunter guild, then Savian's mutiny, Temple Federation chaos, believers rioting, destroying churches everywhere, and now again What is the campaign to drive the temple out of the North...

"...Absurd! Absurd! These believers are crazy, totally crazy...Holy War? Holy War is what they can call out?**, I have to **... let Titus make a move, I don't believe that these idiots can't be suppressed..."

In the side hall, in the high-level Conference Hall, Byron walked around waving his fists, looking angry and anxious.

The so-called great character, when faced with serious challenges to reason, is actually no different from the shrew who scolds the street. Most of them hang mirrors behind their heads and only look at others, not themselves.

"Okay, what's the use of talking about this now? Titus ... hmph, when the Titus Empire fully intervenes, where will the temple's face be placed? We can still sit here with peace of mind?" Bishop brows tightly knit with a white beard, said with a depressed expression.

Probably because they wanted to keep them in charge of the overall situation, Temple Federation didn't immediately ask the Bishops here to ask the guilt after learning about the situation. It was a blessing in disguise.

But as long as the brain isn't broken, anyone can see that this luck won't last forever. If Byron and the others can control the current situation in time, there is still a possibility of remedy. But judging from the current situation... well, there is probably no hope!

"Then what do you say... Yes, you are right." Although he was rushed, but with Byron's current mood, he naturally didn't have time to care about it, as if he thought of something , turned his head and shouted outside the hall, "No news yet? Idiot! Go out to the city to explore, immediately, immediately, immediately!"

"Yes yes yes..." The middle-aged man outside the door Cleric was about to step into the side hall to take orders, but when he heard the words, he kept saying yes, and turned around and ran away.

To Byron's move, the white-bearded Bishop did not refute, but raised his head and sighed: "Alas... I hope there is good news, that Tang En must die!"

As Tang En expected before, Byron and the others have indeed guessed that the current predicament of the temple was caused by Tang En. Therefore, as early as a few days ago, the temple sent a large number of people to hunt down and suppress it, trying to completely obliterate this source of constant **. And if we look at the time span, today is the time when the news is sent back, and it is also the reason why Byron and the others are waiting here for the meeting.

"Tang En! Tang, En! This bastard..." gnashing teeth repeated, Byron gloomy sat back in the seat with an old face, his body trembled nervously, and he muttered and cursed.

A few Bishops on the side glanced at each other after hearing the words, and looked at each other for a while with dissatisfied expressions, all of whom seemed to have great opinions on Byron.

Of course, this is normal. It can be said that Byron was killed by Tang En! Judging from the dire state of the temple, several Bishops in the audience would definitely not be able to escape. But if one were to choose the one with the greatest responsibility, it would be Byron.

The elite team of the temple was destroyed, Tang En disguised as Zachary came to the temple to be dealt with. Because Byron took bribes, Tang En escaped sanctions!

Saviian came back to run wild, and he had to kill Tang En on the spot when he accidentally hit him. Because Byron blocked, the true face of Tang En's could not be exposed!

On the night of chaos in the temple, the Light Judgment was the best time to clear it. Because of Byron's previous connivance, Tang En sneaked into the forbidden area and stole the devil's skull, which eventually led to the collapse of nearly half of the temple building!

There is also the Eye of Calamity concerning the Arrangement of the Temple, and the recorded evidence of the subsequent riots of believers...

It's all because of Byron!

If it is said that this matter is finally held accountable, other Bishops still have some thoughts. With the merits of the people behind them, they may be able to save a small life. But Byron definitely doesn't have to think about it, he wants to enter the rhythm of the court properly!

Of course, this situation is not suitable for unnecessary quarrels, so the Bishops can barely suppress their dissatisfaction. But if the situation doesn't improve, then it's no wonder that they don't show their sympathy and take the initiative to expose and report something...

Just as all the Bishops were thinking silently in the heart, there was a sudden hurry. The sound of running broke the short silence, it was the middle-aged Cleric who had gone and returned.

So fast? The eyelids of all the Bishops in the audience trembled, and Byron jumped up from the seat and hurriedly greeted him: "Is there any news? How is it? Is that damn Tang En dead?"

A series of questions were asked, but Cleric didn't seem to hear it, and shouted with a sad face: "Great... sire, someone from Federation, someone from Federation, has already arrived at the gate of the temple..."

tone barely fell , deng deng deng , Byron took a few steps back, his old face was instantly pale, his legs were weak, he slapped on the ground, and he murmured unconsciously: "It's over, it's over..."

Temple Federation is here, and naturally the impossible is here to present the award. Just by looking at the gesture of coming directly to the door without saying hello, you can tell that the visitor is not good. Judging from the current situation, there is no doubt that he is guilty...

The expressions of other Bishops in the hall also changed greatly when they heard the words.

At this moment, the white-bearded old man raised his eyebrows and asked anxiously, "How many people are here? Who will lead them?"

The middle-aged Cleric was stunned, subconsciously replied: "There are nearly a thousand people here, who led... er, well, it seems to be the Bishop of Veron."

He screamed suddenly, "Vellon teacher? Are you sure it is Veron? Bishop?" Byron, who turned from pale to red, and who had been ashen-faced just a moment ago, jumped up suddenly as if coming back from the dead, took a few steps in a hurry, grabbed the collar of the middle-aged Cleric's robe, and roared with excitement, "You didn't admit it? Tell me, you didn't admit it!"

"Uh...I, I, I...I'm not sure, it seems so..." Although the middle-aged Cleric's status is not low, but How can it be possible to be exposed to the Federation great character for a long time. In addition, he was a little flustered when he saw such a large group of people coming from the other party just now, and immediately ran back to report before he could see clearly.

"Trash!" Pushing away, Byron hurried out of the hall. The other Bishops also came back to his senses at this time, and got up to greet them one after another, with a look of worrying about gains and losses.

The reason for this is quite simple. For Byron and the others to be able to get to where they are today, in addition to ability, background connections are naturally indispensable. And if the comer is really the great Bishop of Veron, then the repeated expression of Byron is easy to understand, because this Veron is the magic teacher of Byron and the Federation great character standing behind him.

As a result, the meaning of what it represents naturally becomes interesting. According to Byron's mistakes, no matter who comes, it should be no doubt. But now it's Byron's magic teacher, does that mean there's still a chance...

With motivation, the old arms and legs of Byron and the others are also Running quite fast, soon came to the temple up ahead square, bumped into a large crowd of grandiose.

Turning his head and looking around, "Ha!" With an uncontrollable low laugh, Byron stared straight at the center of the crowd, a white-haired old man dressed in a red robe and holding a crystal scepter. , his expression could not help but be ecstatic - that is not his magic teacher, the great Bishop of Veron who really stands at the top of the temple pyramid!

But then, when he saw the Light God Knight who was communicating with Bellon, Byron's body was shocked, and his joy faded, because that was the report that they had been waiting for for a long time. Man, but he didn't expect him to just bump into someone from Federation... Byron was once again caught in a predicament of gain and loss, and hurried over.

After approaching, the Light God Knight's slightly nervous voice came over, "...a late, one step late, when we went to encircle the occupied guild, the other party had already evacuated in advance. Before we came down and searched on the spot, we were attacked by all kinds of unfathomable mystery, and the loss, the loss..."

Shouted, "What!" , Mix garlic under your feet, head straight down, smash the ground hard, bang! Peach blossoms in one place...(To be continued.)

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