
"Sure enough... one fan is worth ten blacks!"

"Uh, Boss, what fan? , what's dark?" In the morning, on the side of the lively street, David looked at Tang En who was full of emotion, scratched his head, and asked in doubt. .

"Oh, nothing." With a wave of his hand, Tang En came back to his senses, looked at the unremarkable fruit shop across the street, and changed the subject at will, "It's almost time, you go and prepare for Harry Come on, don't screw it up."

"Don't worry Boss, it's all right!" Patted his chest, David confidently replied. Immediately turned and flashed into the rear lane, disappeared in an instant.

Tang En once again glanced at the fruit shop opposite, which is the hidden address of the Bounty Hunter Guild in Cold Water City, grinned: "The east is not bright and the west is bright, so I have to give some good news to soothe my wounded. The little heart..." After saying that, he hooked the head, and went straight to the side of the carriage to leave.

Tang En is not in a good mood right now. To be honest, if the information about the Eye of Calamity is not true, Tang En is really doubtful about this insufferable thing, which one is it? A prank made by a boring guy, just to make fun of the world.

Because he spent a few days fighting with him, but he didn't expect the Eye of Calamity to be completely incomprehensible. After a lot of painstaking research, it was a waste of time, and there was no gain at all.

In such desperation, Tang En had to temporarily give up the Calamity Eye and focus on the Assassins' Guild...

There are thirty original Bounty The branch locations of the Hunter Guild are in hand, plus ready-made channels and means of operation. It can be said that the framework of Tang En, the Assassins' Guild, has been roughly established.

If you want to operate normally, then this team is undoubtedly enough. But the effect that Tang En wants is of course more than that. Leaving aside the rest, it is said that there is no Quest about Light God Temple in the guild, which cannot meet the basic requirements of Tang En's.

Of course, in the Titus Empire, no guild dares to publish a Quest about Light God Temple on the surface, it is completely dead. However, Tang En is different. He and the temple have already been on the same page. It is completely the rhythm of life and death. Naturally, he doesn't care about hitting harder.

But it's not easy to do this. Tang En is alone. Of course, he can roll up his sleeves and have a big fight with the temple as a bachelor. But others can't do it. With the great influence of Light God Temple, there are really not many people who dare to offend.

However, things are never absolute. If there are big benefits here, then it's hard to say...


The carriage has just left, and a small chaos is breaking out in the dark room behind the fruit store .

"Damn it! Fat cat, don't bully intolerably, I have something important to do now, or you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"Haha, silly bear, I remember Two weeks ago, you said you would get out of the way when you saw me, didn't expect you to come back with a face... why, do you want to get out again?"

"Get out of your mother's egg. , I warn you, fat cat, don't force me to do it!"

"Yo, it's gotten bigger after a few days of no breath. Come on, I don't mind giving you a long surname..."



Here, the Bounty Hunter guild is similar to the layout of the tavern hall, with rows of wooden tables, wine cans, counters, waiters, etc., there is no shortage of everything. If it weren't for the dim lighting here, the guests who gathered or stayed alone all looked bad, deadly aura overflowing, and this scene didn't look much different from an ordinary pub.

The source of the constant noise and confusion came from the center of the hall, one tall, one short and stout, two middle-aged men a few steps away from the tense atmosphere, their palms on the weapons around their waists, A fierce fight is inevitable.

Of course, this is normal. This is the ruthlessly competitive Bounty Hunter Guild, and all the people here are masters who recognize money but not people.

They didn't have the kindness to come out to fight. On the contrary, Bounty Hunter, who was a little closer, took the initiative to pull the table away to make room, and then ordered a good glass of wine and confronted the acquaintance beside him. The two of them pointed fingers, bored guessing which one would win, and if they disagreed, they simply took a small gamble. In short, just watch the fun and not be afraid of big things!

"Here's a glass of silver ale... Hey, these two people look a little weird?" A red-faced old man who just came in found a place and sat down, waving and calling for a glass of wine. Squinting, looking towards the two of them in the arena, he couldn't help asking in doubt.

"They all came to Hanshui City recently. They should have had old grudges before... Oh, it's An Lao. You've been out of Quest this month, so I don't know that." Seeing the appearance of the red-faced old man beside him, the smart-looking young man who answered the conversation pointed with a smile, "Hey, the fat one is called the Iron Claw Tiger, the one now called the Fat Cat. As for the silly bear, it seems What is the name of Violent Bear, I can't remember...hey, now I come out and hang out, the nicknames are so fancy, it's hard to remember... Anyway, it's not a person!"

" hehe, so that's how it is...well, who do you think will win?"

"I think...well, An Lao, why don't we take a small bet? How about a hundred gold coins?"

"You brat, hehe, you're really a rotten gambler." After pondering for a while, the red-faced old man raised his glass, "Okay, then take a gamble, I'll beat that silly bear."


"Ha...that's the case. An old man, you must know that you can't judge a person by appearance, ah, I'm beating that fat cat."

"Oh? Listen to you. Sigh..." Before he finished speaking, someone on the side shook his head and continued, "An old man, you were fooled by this kid. In fact, these two people fought here two weeks ago. The seemingly strong silly bear, Battle Qi's strength is actually lower than that fat cat's First Rank, so he'll lose."

Higher rank challenge, or even skipping grades to challenge, are only possible for talented Martial Artists Completed initiative. For ordinary Martial Artists, the strength of the Battle Qi on both sides roughly confirmed the outcome of the battle.

This silly bear's Battle Qi's strength is already lower than the fat cat's first rank, and he just lost to the opponent two weeks ago. So no matter how you look at it now, it should be a defeat this time...

Understanding the details, the red-faced old man glanced at the young man helplessly, and sighed softly: "I'm careless. , you know that you brat is uneasy and kind."

"Haha, you can't say that, An old man, everyone knows that you have completed the big quest this time, the bounty is quite rich, and the trifling is only a hundred gold coins, you just As a reward to the juniors, I'll drink."

This red-faced old man is also a person who can afford to put it down. Hearing the words, he nodded lightly and focused his attention on the field: "Okay, I'm nothing. Opinion, but you have to ask this silly bear about this. If he loses, you will have the money to drink."

"Hehe..." He smiled without saying a word, young people are only red-faced old people yet. Don't give up, don't argue, and also put your eyes into the field. Just wait for the result to claim your bet.

The atmosphere in the field became more and more tense. Although there was no direct action, the words became more and more intense.

As the young man guessed, these two people have some old grudge, and the content of insulting each other sounds very complicated and long-term. But gradually, I began to focus on the newly launched rewards from the guild, a few pieces of paper that didn't work...

The fat cat laughed at the silly bear for not getting the guild Bounty after completing the quest, but got this ignoreant instead. The paper is really stupid to the extreme. Silly Bear, on the other hand, satirized Fat Cat's superficial knowledge. He chose sesame seeds and lost watermelon. He had poor eyesight.

The two of them are so grumbling, which naturally makes Bounty Hunter, who is watching a good show, very dissatisfied. Only the red-faced old man who had just returned, listened to the guild reward paper, and was completely confused. He was about to ask the young man next to him, but the two of them suddenly moved their hands.

The silly bear used a heavy sword with two hands, and the fat cat used a pair of iron claws. In an instant, a small-scale fight erupted violently!

"Hey, that's not right!" Seeing the fierce collision between the red and the blue, the red-faced old man was stunned and turned his head in surprise, "They are all Intermediate Martial Artists... evenly matched ah, how do you say it's worse First Rank?"

"Uh...no, I don't know..." The young man was dumbfounded when he saw this. He saw the previous battle with his own eyes. This silly bear's Battle Qi strength is obviously Intermediate.

Could it be that he has been promoted to the First Rank in just two weeks? What a joke! At his age or Intermediate Martial Artist, it must be impossible to be a talented talent. So, how can it be so easy to upgrade successfully?

This doubt is not only for this young man, but also for the fat cat as a client, and because he was caught unprepared, his face was even more frightened, and he yelled wildly: "How is it possible! You are not a month old. Did you just rise to the middle level before? Damn, this is impossible!"

Approaching step by step, swinging his sword and smashing, "hmph, short-sighted! I told you about that piece of paper earlier..." Silly bear coldly snorted , opened his mouth to say something, but then closed his mouth again.

However, the Bounty Hunter present, who is not a quick-witted person, couldn't help but be moved when he heard the words.

They don't know about the change of ownership of the Bounty Hunter guild, but they know that the guild has recently introduced a new policy, that is, hunters with a certain level of authority will have two choices when completing a big Quest. One is to get the original Bounty, and the other is to get a piece of paper that does not work.

Regarding the latter, Bounty Hunters are naturally curious, but they are only in the curious stage. After all, compared to the rich Bounty, a piece of paper that does not know what to write on is really unattractive.

But now, looking at the silly bear's hesitant appearance, the hunters' minds began to liven up. They have been watching what happened just now. The stupid bear's short-sightedness undoubtedly means that the fat cat does not know the special function of paper. Combined with the fact that Dumb Xiong had just been promoted to the Intermediate level a month ago, a guess gradually emerged in the hearts of hunters...

Could it be that this paper can quickly improve Battle Qi's strength?

There is no doubt that this speculation is absurd, and it subverts all Martial Artists' perception of the power of Battle Qi. If they heard this statement elsewhere, they would just think it was nonsense and laughed it off! But now, a living example is in front of them, and they can't help but believe...

Just as the atmosphere in the hall became more eccentric, the battle in the field was already decided.

Equal strength, one intentional, one careless, the outcome is undoubtedly already doomed!

Boom... With a loud noise, the fat cat was smashed into the air by the Doumang heavy sword, smashed the wooden door of the hall, and flew out in a panic. "Where to run!" The silly bear seemed to have the intention of killing to the last one, but upon seeing this, he still waved his sword and rushed out, instantly disappearing outside the door.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this, and the hall was silent. Immediately, whiz whiz whiz ... more than a dozen silhouettes suddenly burst out in the same direction, and Rapid Speed rushed towards the gate.

Obviously, these people have all thought of one piece - if that paper can really quickly improve Battle Qi's strength, then this silly bear who drank the soup will undoubtedly know best. So as long as you catch him, As the water recedes, the rocks appear!

But it's a pity, before the hunters who reacted later got up and chased out, the people who had already charged ahead for the first time returned, looking at the expectant glances from everyone, they all shook their heads, full of breath. Disappointed look on his face.

Obviously, they took a step slower, and the silly bear and fat cat had already run away while they were dazed.

"Ai, what a pity... uh, An, An old?"

"Hehe, don't forget my one hundred gold coins." The old man smiled and got up, then took a deep breath, as if he had decided something, and walked to the back of the counter firmly.

Don't forget, he just came back from a big quest, and at his hunter level, he is enough to get that mysterious paper... The opportunity is right in front of you, when you don't fight at this time!


And shortly after the red-faced old man received the mysterious paper, in the system space,

"Ding, long-term Quest - set up Assassins' Guild, the stage name reward."

"Ding, Experience Gained value is 100 points."

"Ding, Experience Gained value is 100 points."


hehe, as expected... Listening to the expected system synthesized sound, the corners of Tang En's mouth rose, and the depression brought by the Calamity Eye immediately dissipated a lot.

The so-called mysterious paper is naturally the long-standing Battle Qi circulation channel of Tang En Arrangement.

The reason why no one dares to provoke Light God Temple is because the power is indeed huge, and the second is because there is really nothing worth taking risks.

But it's different now. People are greedy. The only difference is that the objects of greed are different.

Some people do it for fame, some do it for power, and some do it for beauty. And for Martial Artist, what could be more tempting than improving his Battle Qi strength?

Other World believes that powerhouse is respected, this concept may not have much feeling for the ordinary person. But this is different for the Martial Artist surrounded by this. No Martial Artist is willing to be the ants of the powerhouse in the eyes, and be pinched to death at will. If you want to change this situation, you can only become a powerhouse yourself, so that you can be Proficient in your own destiny and control the destiny of others!

It is precisely because of this irresistible temptation that when the silly bear and the fat cat, that is, David and Harry together, put this opportunity on the table, the hunter on the scene was moved. ! And it is also conceivable that when this acting platform is bigger, there will also be more and more Martial Artists excited...

At that time, Tang En will be a Proficient force that will make all the forces Have to look at the terror force!

Of course, that's a story later, Tang En doesn't think so far now. Even the reason why he threw out the Battle Qi circulation channel at this time was not the terror power first, but the question of his long-term quest of 'forming the Assassins' Guild', why didn't he give Experience Points all the time?

Before Tang En went to the temple, Eisoan had already started to receive the Hunter Guild, which is also the prototype of his Assassins' Guild. So it stands to reason that Tang En should have been rewarded at the stage of this long-term Quest at that time.

But that's not the case. After Tang En returned to Cold Water City a week ago, what he got was only the Experience Point of the long-line Quest of Bright Dusk.

After a little thought, Tang En thinks that the problem lies with himself, which is that the system doesn't admit that he really controls these new Assassins' Guilds.

This is also the case. Although Tang En now has 30 organizational bases in name, they are only borrowed shells, and they will not be able to do any real surname transformation in the future... There is still a lack of A Catalyst, a Catalyst that gives him complete control over the branch organization!

So Tang En released the Battle Qi loop channel. So a lot of experience swarmed in!

This is what Tang En was talking about before.

It's a pity that the Eye of Calamity can't be fixed for the time being. However, the Experience Point of this long-term Quest is equally important, even for Tang En, it is more important than the Calamity Eye, because it bound Tang En's hands and feet to a certain extent. Otherwise, in the Northern Temple, how could Tang En give up the devil's skull to Savian...


Happy watching the Experience Point jump all the way to 8,500, It was only 150,000 from the level up, and Tang En's mood became much brighter.

When he exited the system, Tang En was still thinking about whether he should vigorously promote the Battle Qi channel and bring more Martial Artists into the water. Suo Xing raised the system level in one breath...

"Mr. Arthur, you're here...Mr. Arthur, Arthur?"

"Well? Oh..." Looking up, Lina's robe was standing At the door of the Alchemy Laboratory, Tang En came back to his senses immediately, hurriedly pulled the reins to stop the carriage, and spread his hands apologetically, "Sorry, I was thinking about something just now and lost my mind."

The reason why Tang En is here today When they came out, in addition to releasing the Battle Qi channel, Lina asked someone to send a message, saying that the dagger he had asked for had been successfully built. (Chapter 655 mentioned, hehe, the nickname of the civet cat filling the hole is not for nothing, hoho...)

I have to say that the previous pothole dagger made of pure Black meteorite mother material , Although I have been with Tang En for a long time and have made great achievements many times, it is indeed time to change it.

Tang En originally wanted to make some improvements, but after Lina learned about the material of his dagger, he dug a hole in the dagger and took some Black meteorite mothers. Then he said to help him rebuild one.

Tang En is naturally happy about this proposal. It is far from being said that the domineering sickle that Lena helped little Carol build is enough to make Tang En look forward to this unmasked dagger endlessly.

And in fact, Lena's surprise to Tang En's is far more than just a dagger...

......(To be continued.)

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