
The house is dark, the hustle and bustle from far and near is gradually inaudible, the faint moonlight seeps through the crystal glass, Add a bit of loneliness and coldness. .

Two figures, one half leaning on the wooden door and sitting on the ground, one leaning against the window lattice and standing quietly, slapped off the seal of the wine can, raised his head,

"cough cough..." The man by the window seemed to be Not good at drinking, he inadvertently raised his head and took a sip, and immediately coughed repeatedly, the silhouette trembled slightly,

"Hehe, haven't you drunk?" Tang En wiped the wine stains from his mouth and squinted at the other party. Uncommonly a little embarrassed, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised. But then looking at the Yingwu face with a little rouge added, his eyes couldn't help but stagnate, subconsciously licked his lips and looked away.

"cough cough...well...Cleric is abstaining from alcohol." exhaled, suppressing the continuous coughing, that silhouette by the window, which is Savian frowned, seems to want to put the wine can aside, but in the end Still in hand. She really needs this thing now to soothe, or more accurately, numb her complicated mind...

Shook the head in disapproval, "Ha, it should be just you abide by these, the Cleric I know can all It's all five poisons, it's called a slippery play... well, let's not talk about this."

Looking at Savian with anger in his eyes, Tang En spread his hands, not to expose her self-deception, Diverted the topic: "Let's talk about our escape plan first, there must be a mess in the temple tonight, and there should be no time to pay attention to us. But in just a short time in the middle of the night, it is not easy for us to successfully get rid of the following tracking. . So I propose that we stay here for a day, at most two days... There is a saying, um, the most dangerous place is the safest place!"

paused, continued. , "From tomorrow morning, the temple side should go crazy. But with this midnight buffer, their search focus will definitely be outside the holy light city. And if they go crazy for a day and haven't found any trace of us, they will Confidence and morale will inevitably be leaked. When we evacuate Camouflage again, the chances of success will be much larger... Well, what do you think of this plan?"

This This is the so-called reverse thinking. Of course, there are possible surnames that are self-defeating. But thinking about the terrible things that Tang En took away, and Savian's threat to the high-level temple, it's strange that those great characters are not crazy, and they won't think too much about it.

Nodded silently, Savian has no opinion. As Tang En said before, Savian is indeed not as professional as him when it comes to running!

"Well, that's the general plan. The next thing I have to do is to deal with the search. And you, Lord Savian, you are the Holy Knight Captain, and you are familiar with all kinds of tracking skills in the temple. Especially I'm really not good at detecting magic and so on, so it's okay to leave it to you to solve it?"

The reason why Tang En and Savian didn't fight immediately after they left the temple or They simply separated because they both knew that if they wanted to escape successfully, they had to rely on each other's help.

Tang En needs Savian's knowledge of temple tracking magic, while Savian needs Tang En's professional running ability. What they need from each other is indispensable.

Savian lightly nodded: "No problem, but I need something. It's expensive. You have to find a way to buy it from the magic item store in the city."

"My pleasure. Don't dare to say anything else, I have more money!" Tang En waved his hand in a big way with Bounty Hunter Guild's profit for a quarter in hand, showing the upstart temperament at a glance.

After making a rough plan to run away, the house fell silent again.

Of course, the source of this silence does not come from Tang En. Having successfully achieved the goal of this trip, and now there is no mortal danger, Tang En is nothing but light, even remembering the misfortune of the temple before, he can't help but take pleasure in other people's misfortune, secretly laughing.

At the same time, I can't help but feel a little emotional. The formidable power of the devil's skull is really too powerful, beyond everyone's expectations... Fortunately, he didn't throw it out at the time, otherwise, in the case of Mage Group, the temple that was wiped out, his Blood Qi The level has to soar...

Gladly, Tang En shook his head regretfully. It's a pity, that devil skull shattered on the spot after such terrifying formidable power erupted. Oh... oh, what a pity! If it is not broken, with one bone in hand, where in the world cannot go? To see who is not pleasing to the eye, smash the skull directly, absolutely appropriate...

I have to say, Tang En's infinite yy, which is the reason for Savian's dejected, dull silence.

She threw the demon skull out, although she did it out of good intentions, and although she was very dissatisfied with the status quo of the temple, after seeing the explosion of the demon skull, many injured Knights, countless collapsed The building, the Divine Idol that finally fell... devastated and in shambles! Savian still couldn't help feeling sad, and at the same time, he was also a little shaken by his firm belief before. He paid such a big price. Is he right? Still wrong? Who can give me the answer...

There was a half silence, and finally Tang En broke the silence, raised the wine can in his hand and swallowed: "Ah...well, what are your plans after you leave here?"

As soon as the words came out, Tang En patted his forehead and found himself asking a stupid question. Not to mention whether Savian's current Condition can still consider future things. If there is any plan, it is impossible to tell him that.

However, after a moment of silence, Savian suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Wait! Keep waiting!" There were only a few words, but the unequivocal persistence in it was extremely strong.

Tang En's eyes flickered slightly when he heard the words, and he shook his head slightly. Wait? Then I'm sorry, the report letter has been destroyed by me, and the person you are waiting for is destined to not come... Also, are the Federation all good people? No way! I this can be considered to help you and save you from being deceived again...

Of course, these words cannot be said explicitly, Savian is an enemy after all, and Tang En will not do thankless things. Putting his finger on the edge of the wine jar, he seemed to say casually, "I'm taking the liberty of asking, let's not say this... Oh, yes, thinking of the devil's skull, I also remember that I saw a huge eyeball in the forbidden area, which is quite terrifying. Yes, what is that?"

This is another important reason why Tang En did not separate from Savian, he took three things from the forbidden area of the temple - a demon skull, huge eyes, Record the evidence!

Trading records excluded, that demon skull has shown terrifying power. As a result, Tang En was naturally itching for the effect of the huge eyeballs, and secretly wondered if this was also an ultimate weapon like a devil's skull!

So this seems like a casual question, but in fact Tang En's ears are pricked up...

"Big eyes?" What, his expression changed suddenly, "Is it an oval shape with bloodshot eyes?"

"Uh, that's right...you know?"

"The Eye of Calamity How could it be possible? How could it be possible..." Savian's body was suddenly tense, subconsciously clutching the wine jug in his hand, he took a few steps back and forth under the window, lost in despair, "The evil power of the devil's skull is too strong, it will not be able to destroy it immediately... But the Eye of Calamity is a harmful thing, and the material is fragile, why is the temple still kept and not directly destroyed..."

"The Eye of Calamity?" Found another treasure...Tang En licked his lips, suppressed his ecstasy, and raised his head blankly, "I haven't heard of it, what is this?"

"This is...not right! "step one stopped, Savian suddenly turned his head, and the moment before, he was as sad as a rusty knife, but at this moment, the lead was washed away, and the sharpness was like a sharp sword. When the right hand was lifted, the long spear in the corner flew into his hand in an instant. Taking a step forward, the slightly red cheeks that appeared before because of not drinking often disappeared instantly, and his eyes were fixed on Tang En, shouted in a low voice, "You stole the Eye of Calamity!"

Swish, I felt the cold killing intent of almost a real surname coming towards me, Tang En was wearing a long gown without wind, first he subconsciously made an alert posture, and then the unfathomable mystery opened his mouth: "Stealing the Eye of Calamity? Didn't I just take the devil's skull... um? What do you mean?"

As if he had just realized, Tang En's face suddenly sank, "You doubt me? Why did I save you? Come out, you actually suspect me... a woman! Hu..." He vomited one mouthful of impure air, stood up slowly with his back against the door, and laughed angrily, "hehe, okay, let's do it, come on! It was just noticed by the temple, after the worst Lao Tzu killed you, just keep running away. Come on!”

Roaring in a muffled voice, turning over his hands to show the dagger, Tang En bowed slightly, as if A black panther about to attack.

Quiet! silence! Dead quiet! The air in the room seemed to be evacuated in an instant, cold and rigid. The two were about ten steps apart, glaring at each other, neither of them gave in, and a fierce battle was about to break out!

But at this moment, Xu was taking into account the fact that he was noticed by the temple when he was fighting, or maybe he didn't find any weak spot, Savian narrowed his eyes, took a step back abruptly, waved his hand, and the long spear returned again to house corner.

The room was cold and the killing intent disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared. He raised the jug and took a sip, "Do you want to know about Calamity's Eye?"

Tang En brows slightly wrinkle, as if still a little dissatisfied, but finally took a breath, right hand turns, put away the dagger , nodded, sat down leaning against the wooden door again: "Just a little curious...well, I'm even more curious now."

No one mentioned the conflict just now, and Tang En seemed to endure it. But who knows that his heart is long and relaxed, and he secretly sighs with emotion, really, life is like a drama, and it all depends on acting...

"It's okay to tell you, anyway, you know the name now, think about it. It is also easy to find relevant information." Savian pursed his lips and said, "Since you have seen the Eye of Calamity, you must have found that it is not a real eyeball. Yes, to be precise, it is actually just a block Ore. It first appeared in the world, about 800 years ago, when it was dug out of an ordinary iron mine by a miner..."

After a while, "the specific situation at that time was unknown. Clearly, I only know that after the miner took the Eye of Calamity out of the mine, everyone in the mine went crazy. His eyes were blood red, and he would kill anyone he saw. Even his father and son brother became an absolutely irreconcilable enemy! , these mad miners rushed out of the mine, whether they were pedestrians on the road or town farms, slaughtering thousands of miles all the way, the scene was extremely tragic..."

Tang En was stunned for a while, and hesitantly said: "Uh Is it caused by this thing?"

"Not bad!" Savian's eyes flickered slightly, and he glanced over, "What did you feel when you saw that thing?"

Demo, still want to test me... Tang En's response is so fast, he frowned and thought, then his face was slightly stunned, "I was found by the guard at the time, and the time was urgent, so I just glanced at it. But now I want to come... Well, I seem to feel a little bit. , but I can't tell you the specifics, it's not very comfortable anyway."

Savian lightly nodded after hearing this and looked away: "That's because you have a good concentration as a Martial Artist, and it's more important. The only thing is that your heart is evil enough... Don't look at me like this, I'm telling the truth! The biggest feature of the Eye of Calamity is that it can provoke and infinitely expand the various **, hatred, and dark sides of people's hearts... Of course, if A person is already full of evil, and if he sees evil as normal, his resistance will naturally be much greater."

Talking with a sarcastic Tang En, Savian continued, "Let's put it this way, for example, I want to buy you things, but because the price was not negotiated, you did not sell it to me in the end. This is a very normal transaction, but if I see the eye of disaster, I will think in my heart that you are deliberately playing with me? I look down on it. Me? Did you even hold grudges against me for a long time and wanted to find an opportunity to kill me... In this case, of course I have to strike first!" With a solemn expression, "This is not far-fetched, nor is it an exaggeration! In terms of direct formidable power, the Devil's Skull is naturally much stronger than the Calamity's Eye. But in terms of harm, the Devil's Skull cannot be compared to Calamity's Eye at all. Compare imitate. So..."

breathes deeply, his eyes are cold, "If you let me know that you really stole the Eye of Calamity, the ends of the earth, I will swear to kill it to the end! "

"Uh...you think too much." The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Tang En replied calmly. However, in the heart, he couldn't help but smash his tongue... If Savian's words are true, then the formidable power of the Calamity Eye is indeed immeasurable!

The Devil's Skull is scary enough, but at best it can only destroy a domain, and the Eye of Calamity is different, although it sounds like it can't be used directly in combat, and its influence on Martial Artist is much weaker. It's tasteless. But don't forget, the most common people in this world will always be commoners, and they have little resistance to the Eye of Calamity.

As a result, neighbors quarrel, couples quarrel, adults teach children, etc. Wait, wait, these trivial things, the anger that can be dissipated in a night and a half, will be used by the Calamity Eye and expand infinitely.

You scolded me and deserved to be killed!

You look at me wrong, you want to kill!

You don’t look at me, that is, you look down on me, or kill!


Imagine the crazy commoner covering the mountains and plains with blood-red eyes, holding a butcher knife, and constantly shouting Kill Kill Kill...Tang En twisted his body slightly and changed his sitting position, if not afraid Savian sees something, I really want to swallow the saliva that has accumulated in my throat for a long time.

This Fuck is really too terrifying!

“hehe……hehe ..." Subconsciously laughed twice, Tang En's mind turned, touched his nose and said, "I think I already know why your temple didn't destroy this thing. "

"Huh? "

"Although this thing is called the Eye of Calamity, it seems that it can only bring disaster, but it is an indisputable fact that it can control people's hearts. tsk tsk..." After smacking his lips, Tang En shook his head and sighed, "If you use it well, this thing is indeed the only weapon for religion to deceive believers! ”

It was originally just a random nonsense to distract from the topic, but when Tang En cleared his mind, the more he talked, the more he felt that this matter was inseparable.

In fact, Light God Temple really thinks so. The reason why I didn't use it before is just to get rid of the evil eye of Calamity first. But who would have thought that in the end, Tang En would be cheaper...

Of course, Savian naturally did not believe this, and his face suddenly sank: "What nonsense! "

What I want is your attitude, otherwise how can I find an excuse to leave...Tang En shrugged, pretending not to be speculative, then raised his head to take the last sip of wine, patted his clothes and stood up : "Okay, let's not talk about it. Well, tonight is lively enough, but also a little tired. So, good night! "

Opening the wooden door, Tang En raised his hand at will, "By the way, let me give you a suggestion. Well, in fact, it's okay, he he wine is not bad, at least now, you are much more attractive than you used to be! When the words fell, he quickly flashed to the door and closed the door.

There was no sound of wine cans hitting the door, but a coldly snorted sound. Tang En smiled and shook his head, and walked towards the stairs with ease.


What, Savian is drunk? Uh, what do you want to do...

Please, don't talk about the legendary drunken surname, mostly just a ridiculous excuse. It's that Savian really drinks Drunk, with her cultivation base, she can get rid of alcohol in seconds and quickly recover to the battle condition.

Want to take advantage of this time? Hehe, it's more like killing!

Walking down the corner of the stairs, Tang En paused slightly, looked up at the closed door, raised his eyebrows, reached into his arms and took out an oval object, which he tossed at will, silently. murmured, "Headache...how do you want me to deal with you? It's reluctant to lose it, but it's like a bomb..."

Catching it, raised it to his forehead, squinting his long and narrow eyes , "Controlling people's hearts? Is there such a thing... eh?" The words stopped, and suddenly,

The cave, the stone platform, the laughter, the neighing, the two twisted and undulating silhouettes... The scenes were deep The picture of burying the heart, Rapid Speed crossed Tang En's mind.

Huh... Lean back and quickly remove the oval object in front of you. paused, Tang En stood still, his expression gloomy and uncertain, and finally continued down the stairs with his forehead.

"Think too much, think too much... don't tempt me anymore, although it's true that it's a male and a female together alone, but I'm a serious person..."

…………(To be continued.)

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