
The orders from the Bishops were delivered quickly. .

After a short while, under the dusky twilight, the dazzling light continued to gather under the dazzling column. Among them were Martial Artists who held up Battle Qi armors, Mages who emitted lighting magic, and of course, more of them were holding torches. Ordinary Knight.

After all, it is the Northern Federation of Light God Temple. Even if it loses its vigilance because of the year-round comfort, the terrifying power here should never be underestimated. Now, because of a thief who broke into the forbidden area, this huge power is gradually awakening...

At this time, in the corner of a side hall, one silhouette sneakily sticks its head out, looking far ahead The place was like a long dragon with Heavenly Fire light, without saying a word, he turned his head and left.

"Fake... It's unfavorable for fleeting years, it's unfavorable for fleeting years..." murmured in a low voice, the movement method was fast, next moment, the footsteps paused again, and stepped on the wall beside him, and rose into the air, figure Like a gecko, it is tightly sucked under the eaves of the side hall.

After a few breaths, the Squad Light God Knight suddenly turned up at the corner of the up ahead. The footsteps were hurried, and Rapid Speed passed through below, looking like a headless fly.

"You, take people there. You, go there. The rest of the people come with me... Remember, if you encounter him, kill me on the spot!"


Being able to find it so quickly, this Squad is naturally the Knight who originally guarded the forbidden area. They have an unshirkable responsibility for the loss of the forbidden area treasure. Now they are naturally in a panic. They can't wait to dig three feet into the ground to find the other party, and then torture them to death!

"Fuck, just take a few things, what about..." whispering sarcastic words, the silhouette jumped down the eaves silently, thought about it, and followed up with one of the Squad Knights.

I didn't go far, I should know that the target is in the vicinity, so the Knights searched very seriously. One tree and one grass, one drill and one tile, you have to use a long spear to get rid of it before giving up.

However, this seemingly serious attitude did not prevent the silhouette from easily approaching a young Knight who was looking up at the tree trunk. He leaned closer and stretched out his hand to patted Knight's shoulder: "Hey, brother, don't look for it, it's not there."

"How do you know... um?" The same team of Knights naturally knows each other very well, listen to Hearing the completely unfamiliar voice behind him, the young Knight's body was obviously shaken, and when he turned around suddenly, he was hit hard on the neck.

Bang, "It's said that it's not there anymore..." Looking around, the shadow grabbed Knight's armor and jumped onto the tree trunk.

About a minute later, the young Knight jumped down from the tree again, grabbed the dust on the ground and wiped it on his face, ruffled his hair, then hunched over his long spear and searched carefully. shape.

"Are you there?" At this moment, a voice came from a distance. The young Knight straightened up when he heard the sound, did not reply, just waved his hand.

"Mummy, where are you hiding... let's go and search elsewhere."

The young Knight didn't object, but suddenly swept away the grass with his spear, feeling rather anxious Looking annoyed, he followed up with the Squad one step behind.

Looking in a hurry, the falcon-like gazes of the Knights kept sweeping towards the dark surroundings, but naturally they would not look towards the back. However, after walking for a few minutes, suddenly, my eyes brightened, and I subconsciously raised my head, I saw several groups of holy rays of light, separated by ten Zhang or so distances, all exploded in the air, emitting dazzling rays of light, which illuminates the surroundings.

"This is...light pulling magic."

The so-called light pulling magic is naturally not as awesome as the light pulling in the literal sense. In reality, it's just a Low Rank recognition magic that causes the same elements to resonate with each other. Generally, Magician is used to confirm the surrounding spell casting environment, or to sense whether a person has a magic talent and so on.

Of course, the magic is being used here today, not for the above two purposes.

The people in the temple, whether they are mages or knights, will have some light elements in their bodies more or less. So under the rays of light, Squad Knight's face seems to be covered with a faint halo, which is the response of the light element in the body.

The little Captain immediately understood when he saw this, and turned his head and shouted, "This is a move made by Lord Magician, brothers, open your eyes and find that evil... eh?"

Light God Knight can naturally resonate with this magic, but there is one person in the square, not only did not have the slightest reaction, but bursts of black gas continued to overflow from the armor in his arms, and instantly Half of his body was covered tightly.

That silhouette was obviously stunned when it saw this, scratched its head, first took out an eyeball the size of a fist from his arms, looked at it and stuffed it into his arms, then took out a skull, and instantly, The surrounding black air became more intense.

"Fuck! Hands are cheap..." Cursed, hoo, his hands were wide open, Rapid Speed retreated, with wisps of black air, rushing towards the shadow of the side hall not far away.

At the same time, the little Captain also came back to his senses, thinking about the target he was searching hard for, he was swaggering among them all the time, his face suddenly darkened, and he shouted: " Damn it, it's him, chase after me!"

"Cha, chak, chah... So, magic or something is the most hateful!" Just turning a corner, the young Knight who was wearing a gang With the speed of Ghost Umbra, he got rid of the squid directly. But this didn't bring him any joy, instead, he was foul-mouthed all the way, and his face was ugly.

Needless to say, this young Knight is naturally Tang En. After being discovered in a forbidden area in a speechless way, Tang En immediately turned around and went upstairs. He simply forcibly broke the two white gauze masks and took away the skull and the huge eyeballs.

This move doesn't mean anything else, it's pure suffocation, so I took two important things to extinguish the fire. But I never thought that these two things are really not ordinary things. As soon as Pu was born, he sold him first...

The light pulling magic can resonate with the same elements, naturally Can also repel relative elements. And this skull is constantly venting black gas, and it is not a good thing at first glance. It was not obvious that it was hidden in the arms before, but under the light of the light magic, it seemed to be stubborn, and the black gas was even more fierce, and it was extremely dazzling...

Depressed During the rush, Tang En took out the dead skull again and waved his arms to lose it, but after thinking about it, he was still a little hesitant.

The unintentional exposure just now is not entirely the reason for this skull. There is no bright element in Tang En's body, only bloody Slaughter Qi. Under this light-pulling magic, Camouflage couldn't go on anyway.

And more importantly, since this skull is sensitive to light magic, it is undoubtedly a pity to throw it like this. You can throw it out to attract firepower when you can't escape.

With this in mind, Tang En took the skull back again and put it in his arms. Immediately looking around, looking at the layered lights in the distance, I couldn't help grinning like a toothache: "Fuck, this time I played a big game..."

Temple Federation's strength is still very impressive, In the case of not being able to fish in troubled waters, even Tang En, who has been hunted down all the year round, can't help but feel a little hairy when he sees the big battle in front of him.

However, Tang En never gave up. It is said that the tracking game has only begun, and Tang En is impossible to wait. After taking a little look, he followed the shadow of the wall and ran towards the less surrounded Rapid Speed in the north.

The skills of Tang En Concealment stealth are needless to say, and he is also good at small-scale precise control. Although there are more and more searching people around, the layers are surrounded by more and more dense, but he can always accurately find Come out, or create an escape route, and escape smoothly.

So, after a while, the search situation in the temple became more and more chaotic, and various shouts could be heard from time to time,

"Here, here... we blocked him. Ah..."

"Be careful!"

The warning sound and the screams sounded almost at the same time, and then, before the surrounding Cleric Rapid Speed rushed over, another angry roar spread Out, "Damn, he escaped... North, he escaped to the north, very fast..."

Knight, who came to be surrounded by the north, was shocked when he heard the sound, and hurriedly opened the formation, ready to fight . But after waiting for a while, someone in the east shouted,

"Here... ran away again, south, this time south!" The blocking personnel had to temporarily change direction and hurried to the south where the voice was located.

This time, there was no accident. The crowds from all directions pressed together and blocked all the surrounding spaces. But then, a bunch of Cleric banged their heads in the middle, looking at each other in dismay, all of them seemed extremely innocent.

"Where's the people?"

"How do I know, we didn't call it just now!"

"Uh, it's not us..." "We I didn't shout..."

"Fuck, could it be that we still called? Or the damn guy called... eh?"

There was a moment of silence, with pinnacle angry Roaring, "All teams stick to their positions, no more shouting, and no more reinforcements at will... The other side is very cunning!"

......(To be continued.)

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