
The night was dark. .

Above the shrine, a dull lightning-like violent explosion continued to roar, and the dazzling lights also flashed in the sky from time to time. With such momentum, it is naturally impossible to cover up.

So this seems to be a fierce battle between experts at the first place, and here outside the temple, believers who came one after another continued to gather.

But when the believers arrived, there was already a Light God Knight of battalion battallion waiting here. While discouraging the crowd of believers from dispersing, they kept explaining the reasons and speaking in a unified way.

"Sorry for disturbing your rest..."

"Don't worry, it's nothing..."

"This is just a whim of the two adults in the temple to discuss Just for a moment..."


When a Light God Knight just repeated the above reasons, suddenly, a domineering spear glow rose into the sky, piercing the sky diagonally, and finally It landed on a side hall and exploded, and half of the side hall was instantly disappeared...

"Uh...this is also a discussion?"

"...Yes, as you I see. Well, this should just be a momentary miss, a momentary miss..."


Not to mention whether the believers in the periphery believe this reason, the temple is a small square in the temple. Above, the blurred silhouettes of the two Dao Idols intertwined, have pushed the fight to a heated Condition.

"You haven't made significant progress, Weiwei, what's holding you back? Huh..." He gasped a little, his face flushed, and Rust's entire body was wafting with light white smoke, which was sweat A symbol of gasification.

However, this seemingly old body does not appear to be sloppy when attacking. On the contrary, Rust's footwork is rigorous, and his advance and retreat are well-founded. Spear Art Zhongzheng, make a move like the wind! In today's scene, is occupying a clear upper hand.

Perhaps, from his attack, it can be seen where Savian's straight Spear Art came from.

Of course, there are some differences between the two. Rust's Spear Art is in the middle with the old spicy, it is the wealth honed by the years. And Savian's Spear Art pushes the positive to the extreme. Let your gun skills be like flowers and prosperous scenes, I will shoot them with one shot, and I will see the results!

However, it seems that because of the familiarity, Savian's powerful Spear Art is now rarely seen with formidable power. The style of the past...

Another domineering spear glow was easily avoided, smashing the roof of the side hall not far away. She pursed her lips, and the expressionless Savian stepped sideways to dodge, fine-tuning the direction of the attack: "teacher...you know the temple is mean, why didn't you tell me?"

frowned, "This is a battle, but you I'm still thinking about such a problem..." With a shot, Rust also adjusted the direction of the attack tacitly. With their strength, if they really let go of the fight, it would naturally be more than the current momentum. But this is the Northern Temple after all, so both of them are controlling the attack intentionally or unintentionally, trying not to damage the temple building.

Swinged the gun to chase the dodging Savian, paused, Rust was still replied, "Because it's useless to tell you, it can't change anything, on the contrary, it will affect your martial arts environment."

"But what I know from Federation..." He raised his gun and blocked Rust's half-jump in the air. His long hair was swayed by the attack, Savian's figure shook, and he took a few steps back, "No one is there. I'll be a fool for a lifetime."

"So you know it now, but what can you do..." Stepping forward, Rust shook his head slightly, "Weiwei, this is the general trend! For most of my life, I have seen the rise and fall of countless things. Prosperity and underestimation are all inevitable processes, so the rise and fall cannot be considered at all. The same is true for the temple, you give it time, it can adjust itself!"

A spear thrust came out, "And if the time doesn't come, force the reversal. Not only will it not help, but it will also be crushed by the general trend! Weiwei, teacher said this, do you understand? ?"

"I understand, but the teacher..." Swinging the gun and attacking, Savian raised his head slightly, within both eyes full of stubbornness, the same expression, "Rather than waiting for the opportunity of illusory If it comes suddenly, I should take the initiative to seek change and survive. Maybe God created me, and this is the moment. Maybe I will be defeated, but I will not regret it!" With this mountain-like tenacious will, I couldn't help but be stunned. Taking the opportunity to take three steps back, Savian bowed, his expression regained his usual determination, even more than that, swept away the previous decadence and frustration.

Immediately, the figure is straightened, the long spear is raised obliquely, oh, the fiery flame suddenly burst out, wanton and enchanting, "teacher, Weiwei is going to make a move, please pay attention!"

Rust can't help but startled again, make a move? Haven't you been fighting before? Could it be...

Stepping forward, in an instant, Savian's figure is like a full moon bow, with violent tension, the long spear carrying the power of ten thousand slams down heavily, chi... Rapid Speed burns with fiery flames The surrounding space still insisted on making strange noises in the whistling sound, which was really sharp and ear-piercing!

The gun has not yet arrived, but the terrifying vigor of the earth-shattering has already been suppressed. Rust subconsciously dodged sideways, dodging the edge for a while, and his heart was suddenly mixed with horror, but also a little relieved.

Obviously, Savian didn't make a move with all his strength before, perhaps because he was still at a loss, or because he respected Rust's teacher status. But now, Savian, who seemed to have figured out what to do, didn't hold back any more and broke out brazenly.

Boom boom boom... As soon as Rust avoided, the spear glow touched the ground, and the explosion sounded in an instant, the gravel and diamond blocks flew around, and the air waves rolled layer by layer. The deep ravines appear out of thin air, and it is staggering to see.

"Haha...Very well, this is the genius of Martial Dao who has never been seen in the temple for a hundred years! This is my student!" Feeling the terrifying power, Rust couldn't help raising his head. Laugh, as if happy.

But obviously, he still underestimated Savian's explosive strength.

Stepping, stabbing...blocking, smashing...again stepping, sweeping...

It's still a bland Spear Art, but now it's completely the same as before. different . Rust can still predict the number of Savian's attacks, but gradually, he finds that he can't block, avoid, let alone fight back, only retreat, keep retreating...

And Savian's imposing manner has come full circle as he continues to step back. He pursed his lips tightly, looked solemn, chased after him like a demon, and swung his gun calmly.

Too bad, to lose... If anyone in this world knows Savian best, it should be Rust, who has taught her for more than ten years. He knew very well in his heart that Savian's super talent was not only in cultivation, but more importantly, in on-the-spot battles.

In other words, Savian is the kind of Martial Artist who gets more excited and can play for a long time. This is also the fundamental reason why she was able to win in the past in countless large and small battles, even when faced with opponents much stronger than her.

And now, Savian's battle condition is undoubtedly up. At this time, she is almost unmatched among Martial Artists of the same level, or even a level above!

However... Rusty who retreated in embarrassment differentiated his mind, secretly sighed, Weiwei, no matter how mysterious your battle condition is today, it is doomed to be defeated. Because, the opponent you have to face is not just me...

At this moment, "teacher..." The figure flickered, Savian broke Rust's gun with a strong force, and took three steps in a row, The heavy spear was swung down, "You can't be distracted by the battle."

Boom...the two holy groups collided violently, dazzling. The waves of space ripples appeared together, and the shock overflowed. The surrounding square stone slabs that were irradiated jumped up one after another, and instantly shattered in the air, annihilating into ashes.

The silhouette was split, "pu..." sprayed a large blood mist from the mouth, Rust flew out with a gray face, the long spear let go, and the armor of divine grace disintegrated naturally in the air, Broken into pieces.

In the field, deng deng deng... bang!

Taking a few steps back, and leaning back after a long spear, Savian quickly stabilized the figure, then took a deep breath and straightened his back again. In the line of sight, the square is all around, and a few faint silhouettes come out of the shadows and slowly approach.

Squinting, Savian sees Owens' silhouette on the left. Obviously, these people are temple experts with similar strength to her.

"cough cough, stop, Vivi...cough cough...you can't go out today." Not far away, Rust struggled to get up, persuaded intermittently.

Blinding slightly, Savian shook her head gently: "Sorry, teacher. You taught me a lot, but you didn't teach me how to give up!" Swinging long spear, stepping forward...

…………(To be continued.)

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