
A moment later, after Tang En returned to his residence, Byron with a gloomy face was sitting at the table in the room, The young Knight seemed to have been reprimanded, and stood aside with his head bowed, with a sad expression on his face. .

"Zachary, where have you been before?" Seeing Tang En stepping into the room, Byron's expression was solemn, although he was not roared because of his soft hand, but his tone was not much better. .

"Huh, my lord?" Tang En seemed to have just seen Byron, so he took a few steps quickly, stepped forward to salute respectfully, and immediately spread his hands awkwardly, "I just went for convenience, I thought I could find a way back, I didn't want to but I went wrong, I just found it... uh, sorry."

frowned, Tang En's remarks are similar to what the young Knight said before, Byron has no doubts, just displeased Said: "Don't run around, if you don't want to die..." Pointing to the young Knight on the side, "You will live here for the next few days, and you are not allowed to go anywhere. Just let him go out and do anything."

"Yes, yes..." Tang En wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and replied with a panicked expression, then asked slowly, "Then Savian..."

" This is not something you should know." With a wave of his hand, Byron interrupted strongly, then coldly snorted, holding the bloody wound cloth on his forehead, with a few traces of bitter resentment in his eyes, "hmph, naturally someone will clean her up... ..." whispered, got up and walked towards the door, "That's it, remember, don't go anywhere, or I can't save you!"

Zachley of Tang En Camouflage, Now the only high-ranking member of the Bounty Hunter guild. So even if it's not for the sake of money, Byron naturally doesn't want this single seedling to die in Savian's hands.

"Yes... have you had dinner, sir? Let's have some together?" After responding respectfully, Tang En asked politely, looking at the hot food on the table.

"No!" Byron walked out of the house without turning his head. Touching his nose, Tang En looked towards Knight who was standing beside him, "Would you like to eat with me?"

"Uh...I've eaten..."


For a moment, Tang En sat alone at the table with a knife and fork and tasted a few mouthfuls of food, "Ai, it's bad enough, there's no oil or water at all, the logistics kitchen must be corrupt, tsk tsk, Light God Temple, I have seen through it long ago, there is no good thing from the inside out..."

While muttering about this light meal, Tang En took it out of his arms. He sealed the thick letter and placed it on the table, with his fingers lightly scratching, hissing... a rip as neat as a knife cut, and then he lifted the envelope and knocked it, and more than ten sheets of paper slipped out of it, some of which fell to the ground.

After a spoonful of soup, Tang En shook his head and laughed, "hehe, what a great hatred to write so much black material. Well, let me see..."

swallowed Clear soup, grabbed the paper on the table and looked at it as he ate, "Cleric doesn't cultivate his surname, betrays his beliefs, has many private bribes, and is greedy... oh, the writing is good, this stroke... ..."

grabbed the rest of the paper again, and picked up the one on the ground. After a rough scan, Tang En shook his head slightly, with a hint of mockery at the corners of his mouth.

Needless to say, these papers are naturally Savian's letter of intent to send to Temple Federation. It's about the Bounty Hunter guild, and the recent Cleric scandal on the market.

No doubt, once this real-name report letter written by Savian himself is exposed, it will definitely lead to an uproar that shocked the world.

If it was put before, Tang En would naturally clapp his palms to watch the excitement for such an attractive spectacle. But not now, he managed to become the northern president of the Bounty Hunter Guild, David's work has not been completed, and the record evidence has not been obtained... It can be said that Tang En's pre-planned plan has not been in place, so As a result, it is naturally not expected that Temple Federation will send a large number of personnel to investigate this matter.

Moreover, Tang En is not optimistic about the result of Savian's move.

There are no people like Sethman and Byron in Temple Federation? Do not make jokes!

The report letter was handed over, and the result was likely to be sunk, and then Temple Federation sent someone over to capture Savian directly... After a small-scale turmoil, nothing happened. Oh, there may be a few great characters in the Northern Temple who are going to be unlucky, but the reason for this bad luck is definitely not because of her own scandal, but because she didn't watch Savian and let her know about these things...

"Heh..." Sneered, Tang En thought for a while, folded all the papers, and stretched them out to the flame of the oil lamp.

The flames jumped up suddenly, and the green smoke curled up, reflecting Tang En's gloomy expression, indescribable weird irony, "It's rotten into the bones, there's no way to save it. Even if you cry out alone, What's the use...let me help you and sweep the garbage directly into the trash can..."


In the next two days, everything in the temple will be usual.

In the early morning, when the bell was ringing, a large number of local and non-local believers rushed to the up ahead square of the shrine to pray sincerely. After that, most of the local believers went back to start a day's life, and the non-local believers either went to Cleric to find a solution, pray for blessings, or travel around within the allowed range of the temple, etc. This process would last for a whole day, and then the evening bell rang, and the believers dispersed. Cleric began to pack up and eat...

Living like this, infinite cycle, over time, it is no wonder that most of the people Tang En saw here before were calm, it is really the pace of life here is too slow.

Savian did not leave the temple, nor did he make a fuss about it, praying, training, resting as usual, too quiet. Probably waiting for the Temple Federation to come down to investigate, or, maybe, waiting for Tang En to be ordered to kill him...

Of course, Tang En doesn't care about that. Although he knew that the current calm of the temple should be an illusion, and from Byron's vague tone earlier, he could hear what actions they seemed to have against Savian, but Tang En was naturally not interested in inquiring about it - Savian? Light God Temple? I'm not the savior of the world, I want to fight...

This is probably the attitude, and the record evidence that Tang En is most concerned about has finally come to light.

I don't know if it's because of being at ease for too long, a little careless, or because of other reasons, Tang En found that the defense here is generally lax, even in some forbidden areas, it is not difficult to sneak in.

Tang En was grounded by Byron during the day, and several Light God Knights guarded the door to prevent him from going out at will. But at night, Tang En almost walked around the forbidden area of the temple, relaxed and stress-free.

Although the recorded evidence has not yet been found, Tang En is not frustrated because the infiltration site chosen by Tang En is easy to infiltrate. Furthermore, given the importance of the recorded evidence, it will inevitably be hidden in a forbidden area, and if those places are excluded, the target scope will naturally be small...

Everything depends on tonight. !

Looking at the darkening twilight outside the skylight, Tang En, dressed in black clothed, squeezed his fist and encouraged himself. Immediately after thinking about it, he drew a hand seal on his chest and prayed to the location of the Light God statue here.

"I'm so devout when I'm so close, why don't you give me some face..."

After praying, Tang En felt relieved. Immediately after stepping on the wooden table, the figure rises into the air, passing precisely through the skylight. come on, there was a slight noise, the skylight was closed outside, and the room instantly fell into darkness, silent...


At the same time, somewhere in the temple, Savian was staring at the oil lamp on the table in a daze.

The past few days her life seemed to be normal, but after such an incident, it actually means abnormal.

Angry, betrayal, suffocation... In just a few days, when Savian looked at the familiar scene in the temple again, he couldn't get some comfort from it. Looking at those familiar faces again, I suddenly felt very unfamiliar. Or maybe, I have never really recognized these people!

The candles flickered and reflected on the walls, like the dancing of evil demons. Saviian stretched out his hands slowly, propped up his unusually heavy forehead like a slow-motion replay, pursed his lips, and looked pained.

Cleric's ugly shady story is just an isolated case. The reason why it is so big now is because there are evil heretics in it...

The relationship between Light God Temple and the Bounty Hunter guild is It has existed for a long time, including that which has been approved by several generations of popes...

The means are not important, the important thing is that the purpose is consistent, all for the faith of God...


In the past few days, and so on, all kinds of sayings have been constantly surrounding my ears.

For a while, Savian was also a little confused, wondering if he was wrong this time, otherwise why would everyone think differently from him? So she did not refuse the repeated lobbying of the Bishops, trying to listen to their opinions and understand their ideas. But...

Unfortunately, in the end, Savian still couldn't convince herself.

Isn't what Light God Temple has always advocated and represented all justice? Just because you want to deal with evil, you have to abandon justice and turn into evil... What's the reason?

Light is light because it is the exact opposite of darkness...isn't it?

Like pure white cloth, it should be pure white, so it will become Cleric's robe. And once it's black, it's gray, if not pure black. So, can it still be called holy?

There are many questions that Savian can't answer by himself, and when he asks the Lord Bishops, the result is often speechless, or he just says that he is stubborn and doesn't care about the overall situation. ...

Yes, I'm stubborn! But none of you can give me a reason to stop being stubborn, how can I not be stubborn? Don't think about the overall situation - such a bad overall situation, don't want to change, but let it continue to be eroded... Is this really good?

"Huh..." Panting out, the oil lamps and candles on the table flickered, and the light in the room was dimmed, just like Savian's complicated mood now, a little dazed! A little irritable too!

His eyes drooped slightly, "Why is it like this... Is it my fault, or is it their fault... I don't understand, let's wait for the Federation people to come..." murmured in a low voice murmur, getting weaker and weaker, and finally only a few voices remain.

Savian would not be a stupid person with her current cultivation base, she understood Owens' consideration for taking the letter before. It's nothing more than worrying that the situation on the Federation side is the same as here, and then I will be retaliated by some people...

It is undeniable that this possibility is very high. But Savian still sent the letter, not for anything else, just to give herself a little hope...

At this time, Savian no longer knows who to trust, and she is especially vulnerable now , can't stand any blow. So even if she knows that she is playing a gamble that she will lose, she must seize that glimmer of hope and take a gamble!

"Don't let me down again, even if it's just to give me a reason... Father God, please..." dong... There was a knock on the door.

Came back to his senses, Savian frowned, thinking it was the Bishops who came to lobby: "I'm tired, I'll talk to you tomorrow if I have something to do."

Knocked on the door The sound stopped, and then, creaking, the unlocked wooden door was gently pushed open.

His eyes suddenly turned cold, he took a breath, got up and turned his head: "I said... uh, Rust teacher?" The tone suddenly rose, and Savian looked overjoyed.

"Haha, long time no see, Weiwei." At the door, an old man dressed in armor with nicks and frosted white temples walked in with a big smile.

Bowing and salute, "It's been a long time no see, Rust teacher, didn't expect to see you this time..." After a pause, Savian seemed to realize something, and Savian slowly Figure straight up and pursed his lips, "You...are here to persuade me this time?" Seeing this, Saviian's expression darkened, and his joy faded, "As expected..."

"Yes, teacher doesn't hide it from you, I am indeed here for this matter." Rust's surname is also Hearty, he didn't hide his purpose when he was guessed, and said directly, "Wei Wei, we are all Martial Artists. There are no Magicians who read incantation who can play with their tongues, only like to talk with weapons. This time you did the right thing. , some bastards in the temple are indeed excessive and should be judged."

Hearing this, Savian's eyes suddenly lit up with a little radiance: "Do you think I am right?"

Rust without the slightest hesitation is just right. "Of course!

Savian looked at Ruster steadily, "teacher, I can wait as long as I can. But you can tell me exactly. , those who make mistakes will be punished, and the Bounty Hunter guild will disappear completely?"

"I'd love to tell you that, but..."shook the head, Rusty Gorgeous With a long sigh, "I'm afraid not, because the temple will still be seriously damaged. Well, in fact, there are scum everywhere, such as those administrative staff in the towns of Titus. Most of them are not good people, but it is impossible to remove them all. So Some people should be punished, and others should be given a warning, so that they will somewhat restrain themselves."

"I understand, it is still necessary to focus on the overall situation, or to let this ugliness continue... ..." Shook the head, the color in Savian's eyes gradually dimmed, and his eyes drooped, "teacher, I learned guns from you when I was seven years old. You often say that long spear is a servant of justice, only for the glory of God and the trust of believers. I waved for safety. But why can't I find justice now?"

Rust started, opened his mouth, wanted to say something but couldn't say it, and finally just sighed.

Saviian continued: "Moreover, the temple is different from Titus. Power can be checked and balanced, and even compromised. But faith, absolutely, right, no, tolerate, tarnish, stain!"

One word at a time, like a firm decision, it collided bluntly everywhere in the house, and it kept reverberating.

Immediately, the room fell into silence, and the warm atmosphere of the reunion between teachers and students gradually cooled down and finally disappeared completely.

After a while, looking at Savian refuse to yield an inch's burning gaze, Rust sighed softly: "Okay, I knew I wouldn't be a good lobbyist." spear, looking at Savian's unbelievable expression, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry Weiwei, I can't let you continue. This will destroy the temple and also yourself."

paused , "As I said before, Martial Artists rely on weapons to speak after all. Let the teacher see the progress of your Spear Art over the years."


In the gloomy twilight, the holy like the Light God Temple also has undercurrents surging. From the big War General on this side, the thieves on the other side also arrived at their destination smoothly.

It is an unremarkable side hall, but it is an out-and-out forbidden place for a temple.

According to the young Knight, this is actually an exhibition room inside the temple, which enshrines some of the relics left by the great character with outstanding reputation, and it is said that there are sacred relics. However, Cleric can only enter the First Layer here, so most of the specifics of the above two layers are just rumors.

Pop, a light sound was scattered in the night wind, and then, a silhouette gliding through the air, and bats generally landed on the roof tiles of the second layer of the side hall. But just below the eaves, the guards guarding the hall didn't notice it.

haha ... grinning silently, while holding the hook rope, Tang En shook his head and sighed, "This is the Northern Temple? The security work is not as good as that of a small country landlord's warehouse, at least there are dogs there. "..."

This is of course a good deal to get it cheap, in fact, although the Northern Temple is a little careless, the guard work will not be so bad. Mainly because the situation was a bit special tonight, a large number of people were transferred to Savian, so Tang En unconsciously picked up a big bargain.

Putting away the rope, Tang En looked up at the Third Layer Heaven window, hesitated, and finally decided to start from the second layer. He swiftly swung the knife and precisely slid through the gap in the middle of the window, instantly severing the wooden bolt inside.

Sliding windows, dodging, rolling on the ground, and scanning all around quickly. A series of movements connected by flowing clouds and flowing water, there is no craftsmanship.

Immediately, Tang En was dumbfounded...

...(To be continued.)

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