
Bronze oil platform, Dou Da Xinghuo, Bishop Hall of the church which is uncertain.

Next to York's body is an old man wearing a white robe with gold rims. If someone with experience and knowledge is present, he will tell you that this white robe with gold rims can only be worn by Light Church Archbishop-level bosses. .

Sethman just stared at the corpse on the ground quietly, oh no, his wandering eyes showed that he wasn't paying attention to the dead guy.

He was thinking about how many years he had not been scolded.

Sethman was born in a noble family and was sent to the monastery for training when he was a child. At that time, the school's teaching and discipline were strict, and he was often beaten and scolded. Later, he succeeded in his studies, and under the promotion and means of the forces at home, his status in the Light Church rose day by day. Finally, after struggling for so many years, he rose from ordinary Cleric to Archbishop.

It can be said that since he became Cleric, he has not been scolded in person.

But today, he was scolded by a group of farmers who pointed at the nose and spit Xingzi.

And this was originally just a normal Cleric supervision inspection. After he got off the car at the entrance of the village, the situation was still normal. Those ignorant and backward villagers saw him with a look of admiration and awe. This kind of look and this kind of scene are all too familiar to him. At this time, as long as you walk up and talk to them kindly, these farmers will be deeply grateful and in awe of you.

Then he saw a large group of people arrived here quickly and excitedly, some people didn't even wear shoes. Oh, what a devout group of believers. He remembered that he stepped forward and said solemnly: "Hello, devout believers, on behalf of the Light God Federation, I extend my cordial greetings to you."

"Greetings to your mother!"

He was sprayed with spit stars, and then a dozen fingers pointed at his cheeks and cursed. All kinds of slang words with a local flavor, and there are some shoes flying towards him in the middle... At this time, he understood where the shoes of the barefoot people just now went.

"My lord, this is the weapon that killed York," Bernie said to the stupefied Sethman, holding a crossbow.

Sethman stared blankly at the crossbow arrow. The material was ordinary, and it seemed to be just ordinary wood; the workmanship was even rougher, and the most important point of the arrow was unevenly cut. The whole crossbow is more like a toy made by a child playing war games.

"What did you find?"

Bernie said: "Judging from the temperature of York's body, the time of death is within ten minutes. The place of death is in the confession booth, and the other party should be Pretend to be a believer and shoot at close range."

"That's all?" That wasn't what Sethman wanted to hear, he didn't care how the idiot on the ground died, he just wanted to identify Assassin . Pretending to be a believer, holding a crossbow and shooting at close range. This doesn't explain anything.

Bernie said hesitantly: "Some brothers found slight marks on the backyard fence, and a secret door was left on the York window. If it was left by Assassin, then the method is a bit professional"

Naturally, the profession is those Assassins who take people's lives and charge Bounty.

Sethman screeched sarcastically: "Professional? You mean Assassin made the long trip here to kill a normal Cleric with this toy? Is he crazy poor, or is he just passing by and killing people for fun? ?."

Bernie also knew that this result was a bit untenable, so he had to say: "Then we can only start with the crossbow and check the surrounding hunters."

Sethman's voice was sharper: "Oh? A hunter in a small village killed people, and a team of Light God Knights couldn't find any useful clues. Are you trying to say that our Light God Knights are too useless?"

Saying what the hunter did is even more untenable. Little Stone Village is located in the interior, and most of the villagers live on the land. That is to say, there is a small forest in the south of the village. Even if there are some hunters, they are just catching pheasants and the like, and the brilliant will not go anywhere.

Bernie simply closed her mouth.

Sethman fell into deep thought after a few sarcastic sentences. Naturally, Light God Knight is not a waste material. In fact, their overall combat quality is higher than that of the average imperial knight regiment. None of them could find any useful clues, which showed that the opponent was really a professional. Bernie's judgement should be fine, but what professional would be so careless? To know that killing a Low Rank Cleric like York, Bounty will not exceed one gold coin. Is it really passing by?

Unbeknownst to the tangled Sethman, their guessed professional was throwing up in the woods not far from them.

I have to say that killing and killing chickens and ducks are really two different things.

Although before making a move, Tang En kept telling himself that the other party was a wicked person who should be killed, and that he was enforcing Justice on behalf of the Heaven. But after seeing York really die in front of him, his stomach was still tumbling.

After reluctantly handling the scene, waiting for the arrival of those villagers. He hurriedly dug out from the backyard, went straight to the woods, and vomited faintly.

In the church, a pensive Sethman suddenly opened the mouth and said: "York died just before we heard the bell sound?"


"Do you think this is a bit too coincidental..."

Bernie thought, "You mean..."

Sethman seemed to have figured out something. said with a slight smile: "Our itinerary is fixed, as long as you are interested, you can inquire. Our walking speed is slow, but as soon as we arrived at the periphery of the village, the bell sound rang."

"You mean someone deliberately let York die in front of us like this?"

"More than that", Sethman icily said: "This idiot York died, but he exposed The behavior has tarnished the honor of Light Church, and the people of this village will not go to believe in Light God again. And if there are people who are willing to encourage these villagers to spread this matter..."

"That's too terrifying, it's too terrifying. It's a disaster."

Sethman coldly said: "Yeah, and even more disastrous it's going to stain us too. After all I'm the Patrolling Envoy overseeing the Cleric around here, and damn it , we are at the scene of the incident!"

"Is this someone trying to throw dirty water on adults? Damn, who is this?" Bernie understood what Sethman was thinking at this time, and couldn't help secretly sighed Sure enough, people in high positions are not simple. And in this way, the professional means are also explained. After all, if someone really did it deliberately, then naturally a slightly professional person would be invited to do it, so as not to leave a weak spot.

"It doesn't matter who is now, the key is what should we do now?"

Bernie's mind was indeed clever, and immediately said: "Or say York is already dead, Is it the Savage Cult man Camouflage who made him?"

Savage Cult, the religion of the North Desolate Tribe. With the Light God Temple is a natural rival, the two believers meet, often irreconcilable.

Sethman said non-committal: "It's a good idea. But it's difficult to operate. Farmers are stupid, but not all fools."

"Then use Soul God for farmers. Magic, seal their memory."

"There will be trouble later, with Sealing Magic Art, there will naturally be a way to relieve it, and it will be even more difficult to end."

Bernie spread her hands. Said: "This subordinate is ignorant and can't think of a good way."

Sethman said with a slight smile: "Think slowly, Federation has a good way. Sometimes, we need to change our thinking, just as As we infer the identity of the murderer, we have to think deeply."

Thinking deeply? Thinking deeply... Bernie looked at the smiling Sethman, and suddenly it was the chill of a shivered spirit. Could it be...

Seeing the changing expression on Bernie's face, Sethman eyebrows raised said with a slight smile. "Oh, it looks like you've come up with a good idea again. When I picked you to be the Guardian Knight Commander, I complimented you on your cleverness. Let me hear it."

Bernie murmured: "Will, or will... all the farmers... all, all..."


Looking at Sethman's bottomless eyes, Bernie Clenched the teeth and said, "Kill them all!"

Huh... After saying that, Bernie suddenly felt a strange sense of relaxation. This feeling is like when he was a child, in order to prove to his companions that he was a man, he pretended not to care about killing a dog that he had raised for many years.

Sethman didn't speak, just patted Bernie's shoulder with a smile.

Bernie bowed her head in humble thanks.

"My lord, the villagers gathered at the door of the church and asked you to come forward to explain." A Light God Knight came in to report the situation.

The sound of swearing at the door grew louder and deafening.

Bernie took a deep breath and said: "Keep the door and don't let them in. Soothe their emotions first, say we have checked the situation, and announce the situation to them ten minutes later."

Bernie took a deep breath.>


“Also, after all this is done, gather in the church backyard.”

“Yes.” Knight led the way.

"Look, my lord..."

"You are doing very well." Sethman said with a slight smile: "Holy Light God Knight Hall wants to recruit new blood, I am There is a place, you can try it after this inspection."

Bernie said happily: "Thank you for the cultivation."

Holy Knight, that is Light Church's Top Grade Knight, whether it is status or martial power, is the backbone of the church. And these Knights are produced by Holy Light God Knight Hall. As long as you pass the training in it, you can become a Holy Knight.

"You deserve it." Immediately, Sethman took out a crystal emitting a rich white light and handed it to Bernie, "Find a place to put it."

"Divine Punishment Crystal!" Bernie was startled.

Sethman looked at the crystal reluctantly and said, "Yeah, this is the Divine Punishment Crystal. It's the only one piece I've gotten over the years, it's a pity..."

"You, are you going to use this to destroy, destroy the village?."

"The only way to leave no trace. Also, keep your Knight shut up. Better to forget Otherwise, it's you who's in trouble."

"Yes, Bernie will always be loyal to the Lord."


Five Minutes later, the dark night sky.

A white light suddenly fell from the sky and hit the chapel directly.

It's like a fire star thrown into a pile of gunpowder. The chapel suddenly issued a dazzling white radiance, and the air waves rolled all around, directly swallowing the entire village.

South of the village, on the edge of the woods. Bernie felt the strong wind of asserts the senses and stared blankly at the scene in front of her.

Sethman is frowned: "My carry. Damn, don't let me know who this is for setting me up, or I'll make him a hanging post."

Sethman's The gorgeous carriage was parked at the door of the church, too conspicuous to move, so it had to be destroyed together with the Little Stone Village.

Bernie heart trembled, more than 200 lives. But in the eyes of Sethman, it's not even a carriage.

White light comes and goes quickly. In a moment, the eyes are clear. It's just that Little Stone Village no longer has even a trace of it, and it has become a sunken scorched earth.

Sethman said: "Be a Holy Spirit Monument, and send someone to explain the situation to this Knight of Fiefdom...Why don't I teach it?"

"Yes! Don't worry, adults."

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