
The size of the team of 30,000 people is certainly not small. Walking on the winding mountain road, from a distance, it looks like a long peak. chain.

Probably not out of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains yet, the soldiers are now chatting in low voices, mostly about the front lines, glory, barbarians, etc... Gathering together, it's a low hum. Such an act naturally undermines the military's prestige, but the officers of the army seem to have received orders, and no one came out to scold and stop them.

Like what Frey is saying now, of course he won't be the only one here to go to the front line, so it didn't take long for the news about the brutality of the barbarians to spread in the team.

And this is exactly what the Army Advanced Officer intended. Although Grey Cloth Armed Force has fought for many years, some veterans have even been in the army for more than ten years, but they are all Titus soldiers and have no experience in fighting the northern barbarians. The northern barbarians are naturally different from the Titus second-rate soldiers, so it is necessary for the soldiers to know the true face of the barbarians.

Of course, word of mouth is unavoidably biased, and the military's high-level officials naturally respond to this. It is still a long way from the front line, and they have time to slowly pass the sorted barbarian information to the soldiers. As for now, let's take it as a foreshadowing...

"This...Ever Big Brother Lei, according to what you said, is it not that absolutely does not have a chance of winning when we go to the front line this time?" David He scratched his hair, looking depressed.

After Frey told the horrors of the northern barbarians and the elite troops, Tang En and the others were shocked. To be honest, although they have never despised the northern barbarians and know that Titus' neighbor is not a good stubble, it is also a fact that Beihuang has not been able to break through the Titus front line after so many years, which inevitably makes people feel that Beihuang Barbarians are actually not much different from Titus soldiers. But now Frey told them with facts that barbarians are not so simple...

"Of course not!" Shook the head, Frey waved his hand seal and explained, "Barbarians have the advantage of barbarians. We, Naturally, we also have our strengths. The barbarians are strong and have developed limbs, which have an absolute advantage in melee combat. But we have dexterous hands and smart brains, so we have Alchemy, as well as Thor's Hammer, a large-scale continuous defense crossbow. Wait."

After a pause, "An ordinary barbarian can crush three Titus regular soldiers, and a Thor's Hammer may crush nearly a hundred barbarians with one attack when defending the city. As long as they are good at using military equipment, barbarians are actually not that terrifying."

"Oh..." David was relieved, although he didn't think he could beat barbarians, but there were easy ways to deal with it. That is undoubtedly better.

Tang En didn't relax so quickly, eyebrow raised: "Fu Big Brother Lei, what you just said was defending the city, what if you bumped into it in the wild?"

"In the wild...Unless you carry Thor's Hammer with you, it will only be a hard fight." Frey hooked the head, "I was still in the army, in fact, the Titus army is really opening up in the wild to beat the barbarians. The number of times is very small. One or two barbarians may be nothing, but when thousands of barbarians form a phalanx and form a collective charge on the plain, the momentum... well, it really feels like Heaven and Earth are about to collapse Just like that, people who haven't experienced it themselves will never understand the horror!"

"Actually, Titus and Beihuang have fought for so many years, and most of the final results are that the barbarians can no longer grab anything, and they can't fish. When it's cheap, you retreat by yourself. It's simply not that Titus drove the other party out. It's a nonsense to fool the people... What's even more embarrassing is that you can't chase after the barbarians, or dare not chase them. Frontier The terrain outside the line is mostly flat grasslands, and there is no doubt that you will suffer a great loss when you fight with barbarians. Well, there is another saying here, Marshal Ziyi is known as a military god among the people, but in the army, he is rarely seen. Some people call it that because they think that Ziyi has not really attacked Beihuang, so they are not worthy of this Title...tsk tsk, even Marshal Ziyi is afraid of this, and no one dares to go out and seek death."

Tang En was grinned like a toothache when he heard the words, because he thought of a possibility, and then asked Frey: "Uh, we people can be regarded as new recruits, and we have no experience in fighting barbarians. This should be sent to Frey. Are you going to defend the city?"

"Ai, I'm sorry, it's unlikely..." Frey glanced at Tang En with a bit of bitterness on his mouth: "To be honest, this is me too. I am worried. I also got some information on the front line, and it is extremely chaotic there. Except for the defense area of Zichen Legion, the frontier lines of thunder and Cangyan Legion are already in name only, and now they have probably retreated to the second and third line defense depth, in other words , now the front line is about a few hundred kilometers in an irregular zone."

Having said this, Frey turned his head and glanced at the surrounding soldiers, "We have 30,000 people going to the front line this time, among them The food and grass are provided by Titus, and the equipment is also provided by Titus, hehe, with so many things, they will easily let us go? We are likely to be thrown into these hundreds of kilometers of irregular places to face the in the wild. Those savages. Well, change In other words, we are likely to be used as cannon fodder. "

"Wipe! ”

The conflict between the Grey Cloth Armed Force and the Titus army has a long history, and many people have died on both sides over the years. This is not a problem that can be solved by a paper agreement. Now the name of Grey Cloth Armed Force is It is almost certain to be under the jurisdiction of the Titus military, and to be wearing small shoes.

"But Tang En brother, don't worry too much. "Frey comforted, "We are now a friendly army to support after all, and they should not dare to do too much. And we also have a special liaison officer here, who is responsible for mediating matters between the two sides. Well, should be able to curb some problems. "The truth is good, and so are the words, but the two 'shoulds' who are quite unconfident in it still express that Frey is not optimistic about this prospect.

"They dare! If you dare to provoke me, see if I don't beat him to death! He waved his fist, and a slight cracking sound came out. David is not like Frey. He has been with the Grey Cloth Armed Force for several years, and naturally has no good feelings for the Titus military.

"Count me in." One! It's fine if you don't provoke him, if he dares to play ass, Master Young doesn't mind touching his dog's head in the middle of the night..."


Seeing that the crowd suddenly became excited David and the others, Frey and Teton looked at each other and couldn't help but smile bitterly. This is quite a tricky thing. I just hope it doesn't happen when the time comes.

The next few days itinerary , is still on his way. However, officers at the officer level have been recruited to the meeting, and Tang En has also gone. It is not the old Marshal Aumont who presides over the meeting. He is now sitting in the rear. The commander-in-chief of the Army.

The military meeting is also quite military-style, the answer is simple and straightforward, and there are two main things. Let the soldiers talk about it. As for the second thing, it is a mandatory surname rule. All soldiers of the Grey Cloth Armed Force must not conflict with the Titus soldiers.>

Judging from this special list of regulations, Daniel and the others also know the hidden dangers and difficulties of this matter. Everyone knows that no matter where the soldier is, there will never be a lack of hot temper, so although there is also a penalty. It's really hard to say what the result will be...



Just after the 30,000 troops left Dawn City, the fifth In the middle of the night, on the outer wall of East City Gate, a small figure with a huge burden grabbed a long rope and quickly slid down. I have to say that she chose a good timing, just when she was on the ground, the city wall The patrolmen who just changed the guard walked slowly from above.

"hehe, Tang En big brother, I'm going to find you... oh, not for the time being, Pherry big brother said, only Joah elder brother Sister only knew the whereabouts of Tang En big brother, um, go to Joah elder sister first...Shanxi City...east..."

While muttering in a low voice, the short figure left the city wall range, About half an hour later, she touched a leeward hill, and then a horse neighed and ran off to the east alone.

"Captain, Harry Captain...the target ran away. At the top of the hill, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Ah... ran away, who ran away?" A slightly fat figure stood up first, opened his mouth and yawned, looking rather lazy, but after seeing the blurry little cavalry in the distance, his body suddenly shook: "Aha, finally absconded!" As expected of the younger sister of the Boss, this patience is strong! Well, it's just a little bit of common sense, hiding the horses here, and asking me to feed them for a few days... tsk tsk, it really is this way, I really want to thank Fei Rui! "

"Uh, Harry Boss, you know her goal?" "

"As long as you don't go to the front line... well, it's okay to go out to relax, let's go, our Quest this time is to play with the princess!" "

"Yes. ”

…(To be continued.)

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